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June 21, 2022

Title: Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Hello, Mother. Hello, Father.” Why and how is this now offensive to the Left?

Austin Ruse is the Editor/Publisher of the Friday Fax and President of the Center for Family and Human Rights. He recently stated: “I have had enough. I am done with just reporting. I am through with simply reacting. I am going to take action. I am going on the offense.”

Click here for more information on this issue from C-Fam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Biden Administration recently announced through the US Agency for International Development that the terms “mother” and “father” are offensive. Why did this announcement push Austin Ruse over the edge?

Will the threat of losing US taxpayer dollars/grants/funds from the US Agency for International Development force US charities around the world to accept the new terms for mother and father?

What is the Global Respect Act (HR3485)? Austin explains that, if passed, it will punish religious and political leaders – and even parents – who oppose the LGBTQ agenda, especially transgenderism. And it’s just not Americans who will be punished; this will be a worldwide issue.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Austin believe it’s time to reach out to media outlets around the world about this and other issues? Austin talks about the message they have been spreading and what the future hopefully holds for them at C-Fam.

Click here to join the fight with The Center for Family and Human Dignity.

Click here to sign up for the Friday Fax.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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February 9, 2022

Title: Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Hello, Mother. Hello, Father.” Why and how is this now offensive to the Left?

Austin Ruse is the Editor/Publisher of the Friday Fax and President of the Center for Family and Human Rights. He recently stated: “I have had enough. I am done with just reporting. I am through with simply reacting. I am going to take action. I am going on the offense.”

Click here for more information on this issue from C-Fam.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Biden Administration recently announced through the US Agency for International Development that the terms “mother” and “father” are offensive. Why did this announcement push Austin Ruse over the edge?

Will the threat of losing US taxpayer dollars/grants/funds from the US Agency for International Development force US charities around the world to accept the new terms for mother and father?

What is the Global Respect Act (HR3485)? Austin explains that, if passed, it will punish religious and political leaders – and even parents – who oppose the LGBTQ agenda, especially transgenderism. And it’s just not Americans who will be punished; this will be a worldwide issue.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden Admin Says Mother and Father are Offensive
Topic: Leftist Ideals Are Simply Wrong
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Austin believe it’s time to reach out to media outlets around the world about this and other issues? Austin talks about the message they have been spreading and what the future hopefully holds for them at C-Fam.

Click here to join the fight with The Center for Family and Human Dignity.

Click here to sign up for the Friday Fax.

How long has the Center for Family & Human Rights been standing up against the evil so pervasive within UN activities?

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February 12, 2021

Title: Biden Funds Program to Block Foreign Religious Leaders Who Oppose LGBT
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

President Biden signed an Executive Order that will promote homosexuality and transgenderism as a centerpiece of US foreign policy. The document directs “all US government departments and agencies engaged abroad to ensure that US diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex persons around the world.”

What does this mean for Americans – more specifically Christians?

Austin Ruse is the President of the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Due of the Biden Executive Order, will there be a blacklist of religious leaders who will be blocked from entering the United States?

Will Biden push for foreign governments to allow boys into female sports?

During her time as US Ambassador to the United Nations, did Nikki Haley help the LGBTQ community? What were her accomplishments?

Are sexual orientation and gender identity recognized categories of non-discrimination in international law?

How far will President Biden go to thank the homosexual elite for their money and votes during the last campaign?

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August 20, 2020

Title: The Catholic Case for Trump
Topic: Catholics for Trump
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Catholics should feel encouraged by President Donald Trump’s accomplishments on the issues of life, religious freedom, and appointment of judges.

Austin Ruse is the President of the Center for Family and Human Rights, a research institute based in New York and Washington, DC. They are focused exclusively on international social and legal policy.

Austin is the author of the new book, “The Catholic Case for Trump”.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This book is NOT just for Catholics. ALL followers of Jesus Christ should read it along with their teens/college kids.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Catholics be encouraged by President Trump’s accomplishments on pro-life issues? Austin Ruse lists triumph after triumph.

Has President Trump succeeded in granting more religious freedom to individuals and businesses in America?

Why are pro-life judicial appointments important for the future of America?

Austin says this: “President Trump doesn’t care what the New York Times says or thinks about him.” Boom! The proof is in the pudding, people.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Catholic Case for Trump
Topic: Catholics for Trump
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are liberal church leaders attempting to blur our moral obligation when choosing a candidate, especially the highest elected office in America?

No matter our religious affiliation, as followers of Jesus Christ, what is our moral obligation?

In the first segment, Austin Ruse discussed how President Trump has accomplished more for religious freedom than any other President. How has he achieved this?

There are many false arguments the Catholic Left use to support the Democrats’ radical social agenda. For example, the Left claims that President Trump doesn’t care about impoverished people. Have they proven this claim? Or has President Trump proven that he cares deeply and has been helping them for the past three years?

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August 24, 2018

Title: LGBTQIA’s are Recruiting YOUR Kids!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The LGBTQIA’s are recruiting your children from kindergarten through high school. What are YOU doing to stop this?

Austin Ruse, President of the Center for Family and Human Rights, has some statistics and encouragement for you today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Austin Ruse believe that our children are in danger from LGBTQIA’s in public schools? BEWARE: Austin Ruse reveals some extremely horrifying FACTS about school curriculum…

Are school districts lying to parents about what they’re teaching kids about sex?

Why would schools tell children/teens about PrEP – a gay sex drug?

According to the CDC, only 1.6% of the population identifies as Lesbian or Gay. Is this a factual statistic?

Is it dangerous for children/teens to experiment with homosexuality?

Why do many people believe that a person is born gay?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - LGBTQIA’s are Recruiting YOUR Kids!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Austin Ruse shares a personal story about a brave young girl who has gotten bullied at both school and CHURCH for her stance against homosexuality. This is an all-too-common story that can be heard all across America.

Is there an orchestrated effort from America to push other countries into embracing the homosexual agenda?

How many hours of sex education do some school districts require of students?

Should parents be allowed full access to all sex education materials?

Listen as Austin reveals how an email concerning sex education in public schools sent from a State Legislator was BLOCKED due to pornographic material! This is what is being taught in your kids’ school, people! Pay attention!

Click here  to help the Center for Family and Human Rights help fight the LGBTQIA agenda in America.

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April 5, 2018

Title: Pro-Life Victory at the UN
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

After a hard-fought two-week battle, pro-lifers won at the UN! Praise the Lord! Here with the details is Austin Ruse, the President of the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the decisions made at the UN Conference really matter to Americans and to people across the globe?

What does the recent pro-life decision by the UN council say about the pro-life movement worldwide? Austin says: “It shows that the UN can be more Conservative than the US Congress!”

Are the elitists (Liberals) trying to impose their views on the rest of the world through UN decisions?

Were representatives from the US the only pro-lifers fighting for the cause at the UN Conference? Short answer: No. Listen as Austin explains…

Are more pro-life battles being won nationwide and worldwide?

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March 20, 2018

Title: Trump Appoints Social Conservative as Secretary of State
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

President Trump recently announced the appointment of Former Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo, the current director of the CIA, to become the next US Secretary of State. Will he be confirmed, though, by Congress?

Austin Ruse, the President of the Center for Family and Human Rights, explains why this is good news for pro-life and pro-family advocates.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Mike Pompeo?

Does Mike Pompeo just talk-the-talk, or does he walk-the-walk, too?

Why is Mike Pompeo’s appointment as Secretary of State a victory for pro-life and pro-family advocates?

Many members of the State Department are proud LGBTQ supporters. How will Mike Pompeo’s appointment affect this issue?

Will Mike Pompeo be confirmed by Congress?

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January 27, 2016

Title: The Power to Tax
Topic: United Nation’s Global Tax
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The revenue stream for the UN has always been voluntary contributions from UN Member States. However, it appears that the UN is not satisfied with the amount of money they are receiving because it is once again pushing its desire for a global tax. This time, the bureaucrats want a tax on financial transactions and levies on airline tickets. But that’s not all….

Austin Ruse, with the Center for Family and Human Rights, is here today to discuss this serious situation. Austin firmly believes that a Global UN Tax is a danger to families across the world. “The power to tax means there will be very little control. It will give [the UN] more power than they’ve ever had before and less transparency.” Their claim that the tax is for humanitarian causes is nothing more than a big, fat, lie.

There are 192 Member States which belong to the UN. The majority of them do NOT want abortion on demand, nor do they wish to extend more rights to homosexuals. In fact, Austin says this of the UN’s push to advance the homosexual agenda: “That is even less popular than abortion! It is probably the most unpopular issue at the United Nations.” The expansion of both issues will be a direct result of a Global UN Tax.

Listen in as Austin explains what the UN’s agenda really is with their proposed Global Tax. Will the Member States ultimately be overruled by the bureaucratic leaders?

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June 23, 2015

Title: New Rights for the Gay Mafia
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The Obama Administration has been pushing the homosexual agenda on our trading and political partners across the globe – even going far as threatening to discontinue aid if they do not agree to his radical terms. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has even stated that “sexual orientation and gender identity” is a protected category under international law, even though no human rights treaty agrees.

Austin Ruse, with the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, says now is the time to take a stand and fight back against those who wish to demand we accept their sinful lifestyle. Austin explains how Obama recently stopped military aid to Uganda for this very reason! Uganda is not only an ally of the United States, they are fighting ISIS forces and need our help!

All human beings are already protected under the Human Rights Treaty. So why the big push? Why don’t they just go to the General Assembly to demand they pass a global law or develop a treaty amongst all nations for the LGBT crowd? Most experts agree that the General Assembly will not pass such a treaty of global law. However, Austin states that, “The UN usually ignores the wishes of the General Assembly.” They are actively recruiting in our schools at the earliest possible age. In Massachusetts and California actually mandate it be taught in their schools!

Another issue being pushed by Obama and the Gay Mafia is the banning of “gay therapy”. Austin believes that “This is an abominable intrusion between a person and his doctor. If someone wants to change their desires and behaviors, they have the right to seek help for that.” Listen in as he discusses the court case concerning this issue. If you aren’t already mad, you just might be after listening to his explanation of the facts! The “other side’s” witness even testified that homosexuality can be changed, yet they still want to ban the therapy world-wide! Outrageous.

For more on this and other issues, click [here].

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September 6, 2013


Standing With San Antonio Russia!

Topic: Russia Gets It
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Russia gets it.

In an effort to protect the family, Russia passed a new law aimed at protecting the innocence of children and the rights of parents.

The Russian Duma adopted the law almost unanimously. Its purpose: to protect children from homosexual propaganda. It imposes fines on individuals and groups that promote homosexuality among minors. Way to go Russia! I, for one, stand with you.

Listen in.

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January 3, 2011

Title: Christians are the target of discriminatory violence and oppression throughout the European Union.
Topic: Hate Crime Laws Needed to Protect Christians
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Austin Ruse, with the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, reports that seventy-five percent of the deaths linked to hate crimes of a religious nature concern actives against people of the Christian Faith. This is an alarming report on the increase in hate crimes against Christians in the European Union. Is America next? Are Hate Crime Laws needed to protect Christians.

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October 22, 2010

Title: Amnesty International Aims to Help Kill More Babies
Topic: Texas Model: Low Taxes, Low Spending, Less Regulation
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The most widely known human rights organization, Amnesty International, has built a reputation for being a forerunner in calling attention to issues of abuse and violence of the highest order around the world, while holding true to its mission to be independent of any “government, political ideology, economic interest or religion.”

How times have changed, observes Austin Ruse, President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM).

Much to the dismay of Ruse, C-FAM and other Christian and pro-life organizations, Amnesty International has bucked its abortion-neutral position it held since 1961.

Amnesty International now has taken up a position of pro-abortion advocacy. Tune in to hear the ‘rest of the story’.

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April 29, 2010

Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Austin Ruse
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Log on to to learn more about reproductive rights.

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