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July 12, 2013

Title: Should Gosnell and other Abortionists Suffer Financially?
Topic: Republicans Protecting Abortionists
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

When abortionists harm their patients, they do not fear having to pay monetary damages. Why?

One Federal Judge has stated: “…a better name for many state [med-mal] caps on civil damages and any federal cap, would be ‘The Dr. Gosnell Abortion Butchers Civil Protection Act’”.

Abortionists in Texas and other states do not fear being sued for medical malpractice if they harm a patient. Why? Our medical-malpractice protection laws shield them from civil liability. This is just plain wrong. Listen in…

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April 23, 2013

Title: Why Are Women Protecting Gosnell?
Topic: Abortion
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

It’s no secret that medical malpractice is a big problem. But does it apply to abortion doctors? And just what does medical malpractice reform (MMR) protect?

MMR really hasn’t done anything to help patients by removing the “bad apples” from the tree. What MMR does is protect the doctor and the insurance company.

The topic of today is Dr. Gosnell, his clinic, and how he treated countless women and babies. Will he be held accountable for his actions?

Log on to  for more on this and other issues involving our right to a trial by jury.

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March 4, 2013

Title: Our Constitutional Rights are Being Stripped Away
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 3

Crony Capitalists never quit trying to entice federal officials into giving them special access and favors. What they can’t achieve in the market place, they attempt to buy in DC.

Furthermore, CC’s have been moving to shut out millions of Americans from exercising their 7th Amendment Right over bad products or services. All based on one tiny, rarely read paragraph in consumer contracts.

Will the day soon come when there will be a sign on every grocery store saying that purchasing food there constitutes an agreement to not sue it for spoiled, poorly stored food that makes us sick?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

The CC’s definitely have an agenda. And that’s to get your money. But trying to get theirs is an entirely different story!

There are no due process standards, no guarantees that the applicable laws will be upheld, and no public records of the proceedings.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

To protect themselves, big businesses are forcing consumers into arbitration thru the use of tiny print buried inside contracts and purchase agreements.

Our 7th Amendment right to a jury trial is vanishing before our very eyes thanks in large part to an increased reliance upon alternate dispute resolutions and mandatory arbitration.

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February 19, 2013

Title: Jury Should Determine Virginia Tech Shooting Damages, Not Judges
Topic: Right to a Trial by Jury
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 3

I think we can all agree that there are some pretty frivolous, and silly, lawsuits. But why should people who really have a liable lawsuit be punished because of a handful of greedy people? They shouldn’t be!

So, why are states handicapping jurors in the amount of damages they can award? And just who is pushing for the limits? The answer just might surprise you.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: Right to a Trial by Jury
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

The 7th Amendment to the US constitution gives American citizens the right to a trial by a jury. People can also choose to leave their fate in the hands of just one judge or a panel of judges. But sometimes this is a baaaaaaaaad idea.

This right is slowly being stripped from the American public and most people don’t even realize it’s happening - and some are actually happy! Thanks to a few greedy, money-hungry lawyers, all lawyers have been given a bad rap.

But what if your spouse, child, or parent were seriously hurt or killed due to the negligence of a second party? Wouldn’t you want to get a fair amount for their suffering or death? Some people don’t deserve $5 million. But some people do.

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Title: part 3 of 3
Topic: Right to a Trial by Jury
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

James Madison, Founding Father, described the right to a trial by a jury in civil cases “as essential to secure the liberty of the people as any one of the pre-existent rights of nature”.

James Mason, another Founding Father, refused to even the sign Constitution until the 7th Amendment was added.

The Founding Fathers understood the importance of people’s right to a trial by a jury. Let’s defend that right!

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January 21, 2013

Title: Will the 7th Amendment be used to Protect the 2nd Amendment?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Too many politicians pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they want to obey and follow. Is the 2nd Amendment really outdated and in need of a change? What about the 7th Amendment, which is the right to a trial by jury? Too many regulations and caps have been placed upon the 7th Amendment. Is the same going to happen to the 2nd Amendment?

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October 9, 2012

Title: "No Need For States", So Says Senator Tom Coburn!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Help us understand the Constitution when it comes to police powers, and where did our founding fathers want police powers to be most effective?

Why do you in your defense for states rights go to his opinion and quote him in that federal medical tort reform laws would violate police powers?

How is it that there are some in the legal community now preparing for a battle against the Republican establishment in wanting to usurp state rights and control medical malpractice awards and the civil suits?

Why would a Doctor and US Senator Tom Coburn oppose federal medical tort reform laws? Why would a former Judge and now US Congressman Ted Poe likewise oppose federal medical tort reform laws?

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September 11, 2012

Title: Mommy, Where Do My Rights Come From?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 4

Do I receive a whole host of rights simply because I was born in the United States? Where do our rights come from?

Why did the Methodist preacher offer to amend the already-approved Democratic platform? What were the changes, and did it pass? Are we still the greatest country in the world because of our civil and criminal justice system/rule of law?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Andy, where were you on September 11th, 2001? Where were you when you when the plane hit the Pentagon?

Should Americans, should the family members of those who have perished, should victims of ALL terrorist attacks, have the right to hold those responsible accountable? How many died and how many were injured in the 1983 Beirut bombings? Have the families received justice yet?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How did Obama manage to rally the support from groups that have normally supported Republicans like the big pharmaceuticals, big insurance, American Medical Association, etc?

Did the Republicans get everything they wanted? Is this question true: "Do most Americans oppose the term "Obamacare?" Do you believe that if Republicans take control of the House and the Senate, and if Romney is elected - one of the first orders of business will be repealing Obamacare?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

There is a legal scholar that is saying "not on my watch will they do that" - Andy, what am I talking about?

If Republicans take over the House, Senate, and White House, will they attempt to reward their friends and punish their enemies? What gives the right to Republicans to say "we are not going to compensate the injured patient or the injured patients family when the doctor makes a mistake"?

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August 24, 2012

Title: Will The R&R Express Represent Conservative Values Or Will They Bow To The Lobbyists And Big Business?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Do you think the R&R Express will represent conservative values? Do you think they will bow to the lobbyists and Big Business? What is the best legislature?

Do you believe that the republican platform, the conservative movement, and the R&R express actually represent ALL states rights and conservative values from the economic to the social side?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Give us a synopsis of the first amendment! What right is protected by the second amendment? Should Obama be able to arrest anybody for anything and incarcerate them forever without a jury trial?

What is so special about the seventh amendment? What states declined to ratify the constitution without a bill of rights? What does the tenth amendment say? Is federal tort reform unconstitutional?

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August 17, 2012

Title: Who Are The Congressional Champions For American Victims of Iran's Terrorism?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 3

Did our founding fathers, according to English common law, have the right to a trial by jury?

Did the founding fathers (that didn't necessarily want to rebel/break away from England) send a list of grievances to king George?

Was Iran found guilty in the 1983 bombings?

Is Iran guilty of ordering the murder of American servicemen and women?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Will the family members and servicemen and women finally get a measure of justice from the death and carnage caused by the terrorists funded by Iran?

Why does a case taken on a "contingency basis" mean? Is it true that the courts across America are clogged with thousands upon thousands of frivolous lawsuits?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How do you hold the Iranian government responsible for nearly 2 billion dollars? How will the military families and survivors of the Beirut bombings find a measure of justice?

Has the president signed the Iran sanctions law, also known as H.R. 1905? What is the next step?

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August 3, 2012

Title: Will The Senate Hold Iran Responsible for The Murder of 241 American Servicemen?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Will Iran have less U.S dollars to export their hatred and intolerance? Is there actually good news coming out of Washington?

If Iran received these "attached" funds that are within a U.S bank, is there any doubt as to how they would use the funds?

Can you refresh the memories of our listeners (some of which weren't even born when the bombings occurred) about what happened in Beirut nearly 30 years ago?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Will Iranian leaders be held responsible for their murderous attacks on the Beirut barracks back in 1983 and other attacks on our servicemen in other parts of the world?

Was Iran found guilty? Does it take a new federal law to have these dollars released to compensate the victims and the survivors?

How many years have you been working on this issue? Please explain to our listeners what happened in conference committee, who were some heroes that helped craft the language, and then what will happen.

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July 27, 2012

Title: Evangelical College Invokes Jury Trial Rights in Obamacare Lawsuit!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

What battle is Wheaton College now fighting? Is Wheaton alone in this battle? Did Wheaton specifically request a jury trial?

In colonial times, was King George usurping the colonists’ rights by a appointing judges and paying their salaries? Were some defendants even taken and tried in England?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Has there been a growing movement amongst some conservatives to do away with our right to a trial by jury? When did this war begin?

Is this legal battle yet another reminder that the Founding Fathers designed a civil justice system rooted in the right to a jury trial for civil suits for all cases and causes?

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July 10, 2012

Title: If the U.S Constitution Were To Be Rewritten, What Would You Amend Or Add?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

What have many members of congress and our president NOT paid attention to? What is the purpose of the bill of rights?

Who are some of the leaders in the house and the senate from both sides that see that the body of congress has been overstepping its authority for decades?

What will happen in 2012 with medical tort reform? Are there enough conservatives in Washington that will keep the courthouse doors from being shut on the average American?

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June 27, 2012

Title: RomneyCare From A Birds Eye View!
Topic: RomneyCare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Do big businesses have an advantage over small businesses in that they are able to deduct health insurance premiums?

Do big and small businesses still have a problem finding coverage and finding affordable coverage?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: RomneyCare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Is a government-centric health care system the best thing for the nation? What are the two extremes compared to that we have to choose from?

When it comes to tort reform and limiting lawsuits, is the driving force behind many Republicans the model that wants to destroy the funding mechanism for many democrats, who receive a majority of their campaign funds from trial lawyers?

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June 20, 2012

Title: Should all Americans have the same rights, or if you are rich or a big business owner, should you have special rights?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Andy Cochran, with the 7th Amendment Advocate, joins us once again alerting all to the Republican plan of giving rich in America, especially rich business owners, special rights.

Questions: should a manufacture have a ‘shield from liability’ if their product harms someone? If you are hurt by a defective product, should the manufacturer get off ‘Scott-free’? Pay attention to this issue, Republicans and some Democrats want to restrict your Seventh Amendment Rights.

Special guest Andy Cochran gives more detail in today's interview.

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June 7, 2012

Title: Similarities & Differences in the "Practical Politics 101 Playbook for Democrats and Republicans".
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Have the House Republicans on the Energy & Commerce Committee unearthed evidence of closed-door negotiations between major drug makers and the Obama Administration in connection with the enactment of Obamacare?

Is it common for the administration to meet behind closed doors with industries and/or organizations? Is there evidence that the deals made behind closed doors were incorporated into portions of ObamaCare? Is this not “Crony Politics”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

For our listeners just now joining in, is this "Crony Politics" exactly what Americans are tired of?

Are House Republican leaders now getting in bed with the same drug makers in crafting their replacement bill for Obamacare?

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June 6, 2012

Title: The Dangers of Being A Girl - Gendercide in America.
Topic: Gendercide
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Why should the federal government create a new class of lawsuits by allowing the family member to sue the abortionist and to have criminal penalties placed on the abortionist?

Why a federal law, not state law? Do most Americans understand that abortions through the ninth month is allowed and legal across America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gendercide
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

After 10,000 more baby girls are killed, will congress pass a bill outlawing sex-selection abortion in America?

As a Catholic, will this abortion issue be a factor by 2-5 points in the upcoming presidential election? If so, why?

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May 30, 2012

Title: Quote of the Day: Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert Protects State Tort Law.
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Were you surprised that he would say "I cannot vote for any bill that mandates the federal takeover of the various states court systems"?

What would stop a more liberal congress, democrat or republican, from interfering with states' rights?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

The premise of the Tort Reformers is that we will have more doctors and significantly reduced health care cost if the tsunami of frivolous lawsuits is limited. Has this been proven wrong?

Does limiting medical malpractice actually reduce the number of doctors? Says who?

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May 22, 2012

Title: The GOP Game Plan Mirrors Pelosi/Reid Dictatorial Play Book - Let's Play Ball!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Remind our listeners how the dictatorial Democratic leadership crammed ObamaCare down the throats of their members!

You were there - did the rank and file Democrat Representatives and Senators wholeheartedly embrace ObamaCare - even though they never read it? How did the dictatorial democratic leadership threaten their rank and file members to keep them in line? Are Americans tired of this 'hard-ball' approach?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

In Politics, how is the game played? Is the dictatorial Republican leadership using the same Democrat, dictatorial play book to now cram the GOP version of Health Care Reform down the throats of its members?

Why are many Conservative, Tea Party, Constitution loving Republicans balking at their leadership? What can we do to encourage more Conservative, Tea party, Constitution loving Republicans to find their backbones and just say no to the dictatorial Republican leadership?

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May 17, 2012

Title: What Do Gay Marriage, Obamacare & Federal Tort Reform Have in Common?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

What do gay marriage, Obamacare and federal tort reform have in common?

Is inserting pieces of the constitution into legislation part of the legislation process today?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Why should conservatives oppose medical tort reform?

Did medical tort reform increase the number of doctors practicing medicine in Texas?

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May 15, 2012

Title: Bonnie & Clyde or Jekyll & Hyde? - Tort Reform & Physician Supply!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Does Medical Tort Reform affect Physicians Supply? Please give us that background for this statement!

Has there been a study that shows, that since medical tort reform became law in Texas the supply of doctors has mushroomed?

Does Medical Tort Reform affect Physicians Supply? Please give us that background for this statement!

Has there been a study that shows, that since medical tort reform became law in Texas the supply of doctors has mushroomed?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

By restricting Tort actions - what is the outcome of restricting lawsuits? Does this mean patients are safer?

Does this also mean that more bad doctors are allowed to continue harming patients? Did Tort Reform in Texas reduce health care spending after it was implemented?

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April 24, 2012

Title: If I Am Making Both Sides Angry, Am I Hitting The Nail On The Head? Can Conservatives and Liberals Work Together?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Tell our listeners about some of the left leaning groups that are also upset about a house bill.

Do you want those that sell gasoline to have immunity from wrongdoing? Who will benefit from this bill?

Let's talk about immunity. What is the Chavez Protection Act?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Why does Congress want to allow the oil companies to increase the amount of ethanol in the motor fuel from 10% to 15%?

Does using more corn to produce ethanol save consumers money and increase gas mileage? Are there any studies proving the percentage increase WON'T harm vehicles?

What is the name of this bill, how can this bill be burned, and how can our listeners get involved?

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April 5, 2012

Title: Virginia Tech Massacre: Two Families Push For Answers From University.
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Should an institution of higher education like Virginia Tech be held responsible for damages if warnings/notifications of the danger on campus were not sent out immediately?

Warts and all, is America still the best country in the world because of our civil and criminal justice system?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Did our Founding Fathers ever envision a time in America where elected officials, bought and paid for by certain economic interests, would put a value on a life?

Did the jury of the two families’ peers find Virginia Tech liable for 4 million dollars apiece? Can you tell us more about the cap that Virginia legislators had already placed on any such reward?

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March 28, 2012

Title: Billion Dollar Baby: A Momentous Bill That EVERYONE Should be Willing To Support!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Give us a background on the Beirut bombing and other bombings that are tied to Iran.

How many dollars are sitting in that New York account? If the dollars are given back to Iran, for what will they be used?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

What will it take to get this money released it to the surviving victims and families of the bombings?

Has this type of bill already been passed in the U.S. House? Why should our listeners call the U.S. Senate office?

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March 20, 2012

Title: Is The House GOP On Board With The Federal Government Taking Control of the State Court Systems?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Why is the Republican House leadership trying to push through an unconstitutional measure called HR5, designed for the federal government to take control of the state court systems?

Is there much bipartisan support for repealing that portion of Obamacare? Why did the house leadership put on the poison pill? Have you been meeting with any of the congressional leadership this week? Are they shocked that their leadership did this?

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March 19, 2012

Title: Is The House GOP On Board With The Federal Government Taking Control of the State Court Systems?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Why is the republican house leadership trying to push through an unconstitutional measure called HR5, designed for the federal government to take control of the state court systems?

Is there much bipartisan support for repealing that portion of Obamacare?  Why did the house leadership put on the poison pill?

Have you been meeting with any of the congressional leadership this week?  Are they shocked that THEIR leadership did this?

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March 6, 2012

Title: "Condemning" Iran? Good. Defunding it? Priceless.
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Are our congressmen going to stand up for our brave servicemen killed and wounded in the 1983 and 1996 bombings in Iran?

Is there a universal right to exercise our 7th Amendment?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Did our Founders object to the way King George was controlling OUR courts?

What were a few of the other grievances the colonists sent to the King?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How important was protecting the court system as compared to "no taxation without representation"?

Tell us about the bill currently moving in Congress that will give new rights to property owners.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Are blinded or sold out Republicans following the path started by King George?

Did the Texans for Lawsuit Reform and Californians for Lawsuit Reform just spring up because local grassroots activists saw the courts loaded with frivolous lawsuits, etc?

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March 1, 2012

Title: What are some MORE unintended consequences with Obamacare?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

What are some unintended consequences with Obamacare?

Why does Obamacare have many conservative small and medium sized business owners up in a tizzy?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Have you been in contact with the attorneys and officials with the Alliance Defense Fund in their recent case regarding the forced provision of abortifacients?

Is there a concern amongst social conservative litigators over the extent and breadth of the NATIONAL Loser Pay movement?

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February 27, 2012

Title: Misery Loves Company, Join Us! Sincerely, The 7th Amendment Haters.
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Does everybody like to make up a story to push their point of view?

Don't the courts already have a system of weighing culpability? Why should the corporation be held not liable and exempt from paying damages?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Are Tennesseans for Economic Growth or Texans for Lawsuit Reform, 7th Amendment Enemies?

What does the concept of "Loser Pay" mean, and how would it be applied?

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February 22, 2012

Title: Should An Unborn Child Be Entitled to The Full Protection of the Law.
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

"Viability" - When is someone viable?

"Personhood" - When does life begin?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Tell us more about the cause of the case in Alabama that has caused such a stir!

Drum Roll: What did the Alabama Supreme Court rule???

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February 20, 2012

Title: Have Pro-Lifer Women Used Their 7th Amendment Rights to Protect Themselves AND The Unborn?
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Have pro-life women used their 7th amendment right to a trial by jury for compensation when they are harmed in order to protect others and to protect the unborn?

Is the "unholy alliance" the Baptists, the Catholics, and the Jews together fighting Obamacare?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Is the holy alliance the Pharmaceutical Companies, the FDA, and Medical Device Manufacturers?

Have pro-lifers and pro-life organizations sought help from trial lawyers when a loved one died or was hurt? What about others?

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February 16, 2012

Title: Small Business Owners Must Now Pay For Killing Babies, WHAT'S NEXT!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

Will Obamacare require every insurance policy + small businesses across the country to cover the pill and abortifacients?

As a Catholic, are you taught in catechism about the sanctity of life, and that procreation is something sacred and reserved for the marriage bed?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Give us more information on this bill that Republican Senator Blunt and Democratic Senator Nelson are coauthoring.

Are members of Congress and the Senate finally looking in the nooks and crannies of Obamacare and finding objectionable elements?

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February 14, 2012

Title: Did you notice that when Congress has a recess or if it's a weekend, the stock market goes up?!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

What is happening with that piece of good legislation that will be VERY helpful to property owners?

Is Eminent Domain mentioned in the Constitution?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Are you currently a registered lobbyist?

What case have you been working on since 1983? Has it experienced success?

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February 6, 2012

Title: With Iran Found GUILTY, How Do You Compensate the Families of the Murdered and Critically Injured Servicemen and Women of 1983?
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Andy Cochran answers:

What happened that fateful day back in October of 1983?

Was it proven in a court of Law that the Iranian government was responsible for the death of the 241 American servicemen and wounding and scarring of hundreds of others?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How many OFFICIAL state sponsors of terrorism are there? Which are they?

What has happened recently in Congress that would finally make Iran pay?

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February 1, 2012

Title: A Foul Infringement upon the 10th Amendment - Killing Obamacare.
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Why would Randy Barnett get hot under the collar at congressman Joe Pitts for conceiving a faux-free market alternative amendment?

Is the Federal Medical Malpractice Law based on the same line of cases as Obamacare?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Why would you say that limiting Medical Malpractice awards by the Federal Government is unconstitutional?

Does the Constitution and the Bill of Rights state whether Tort Law belongs to the federal government or the individual States?

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December 29, 2011

Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

But for the 7th Amendment, would Colorado University have any other recourse to stop the mandate?

Are there those in Congress that believe in Congress approves the sale of a product that should give the manufacturer and the seller immunity from liability?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How many years ago did you put together your organization, The 7th Amendment Advocate?

Did grassroots organizations across the country just sprout spontaneously after seeing a tsunami of frivolous lawsuits and runaway juries?

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December 6, 2011

Title: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely - Defending the Seventh Amendment From The Enemies Within.
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 4

Will “Greed” rule if citizens lose the right to a trial by jury?

Our Founding Fathers had released the U.S. Constitution and were awaiting ratification by the colonies or states. Five of the 11 ratifying state conventions did so with suggested amendments attached. Two states, North Carolina and Rhode Island, determined to stay out of the union until a bill of right was proposed. Was state sovereignty the main issue? I.e. limited the power of the new federal government?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Let’s look at the Bill of Rights - The First 10 Amendments to our Constitution:
a. The Fourth Amendment regulated judicially-issued warrants
b. The Fifth barred double jeopardy
c. The Sixth assured a trial by jury in criminal cases
d. The Seventh prescribed a jury trial in civil cases
e. The Ninth, little understood today, was to impair Congress from interfering with the independence of the state judiciary systems
f. And the Tenth Amendment reinforced that whatever was not given was reserved to the states.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments were to protect the exclusive rights of each state, including the integrity of the state courts.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Were the states that were asked to ratify the U.S. Constitution reluctant to do so?  Did some refuse?

If most conservatives, especially our elected Republican Congressmen and Senators are arguing against OBAMACARE on the grounds it violates the 10th Amendment, then why push for Federal control over the individual states judicial systems?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Why are some conservative Republicans pushing for federalizing the state civil court systems?

What did the 10th Amendment really say?

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November 18, 2011

Title: American David and Goliath - States & Business vs. The Federal Government - Who will be the victor?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

The US Supreme Court announced on Monday in a paper statement that the court will hear the case against Obamacare - what is meant by a “paper statement”?

Will the Supreme Court issue a ruling on the case before the 2012 November Presidential election?

Do the 26 states that are bringing the case against Obamacare have the right to sue the federal government? Does an association (like NFIB) have the right to sue the Federal government?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Did the Supreme Court have to hear the case or could the court have declined?

Pertaining to the parties who brought the suit, will they prepare briefs? Will they have oral arguments? Who prepares briefs in the cases before the SCOTUS and who is allowed to present oral arguments?

As individual Americans follow this case, will they get bored with all the details or do you believe that Americans are engaged?

Do citizens realize that the Federal Government is reaching out and taking as much power as it can and that Obamacare is a another example of the government’s tentacles?

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October 26, 2011

Title: City Fines Couple For Holding A Bible Study in their Home
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

City Official with the city of San Juan Capistrano, California, tells Chuck and Stephanie Fromm they needed a city permit before inviting friends back to a home-bible study.

Because the Fromm’s have the Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, they asked the Pacific Justice Institute for help.

Any effort to limit access to the civil justice system compromises everyone’s right to seek justice and prevent governmental bodies from imposing their will over our lives.

For more, please visit


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Title: Did our Founding Fathers Believe that our 13 orignal states have some unique identitites and do things differently?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

From the start of our Republic - The Founding Fathers - were afraid of a centralized Federal government?

They gave enumerated powers to the Federal Govermnet and reserved everything else for the individual states. They thought the the individual states had the right to control indivividual mandates especially the Healthcare mandates, that was until - Obamnacare.

Up until OBamnacare the states have joined together against ObamnaCare it was kept separate. And furthermore, all groups that argue against Obmanacare they should also dissapprove State Medical Tort Reform. If we oppose Obamnacare, then we should not shield big businees's losses from Medical Reform.

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October 25, 2011

Title: City Fines Couple For Holding A Bible Study in their Home
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

City Official with the city of San Juan Capistrano, California, tells Chuck and Stephanie Fromm they needed a city permit before inviting friends back to a home-bible study.

Because the Fromm’s have the Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, they asked the Pacific Justice Institute for help.

Any effort to limit access to the civil justice system compromises everyone’s right to seek justice and prevent governmental bodies from imposing their will over our lives.

For more, please visit


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Title: Smoke and Mirrors, Deceptions, Exaggerations and Maybe a Few bold Face Lies
Topic: Tort Reform and Limiting Liability
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Texans were promised that if they capped noneconomic damages in medical malpractice awards, they would see a reduction in their health insurance costs and that overall healthcare costs in Texas would come down. Did these miracle reductions happen? Plan and simple: NO.

The Dallas Morning News recently reported that family and single health insurance premiums rose by 51 and 45 percent, respectively, roughly equal to the increase nationwide. But the injured patient basically lost their ability to hold the wrong doer responsible.

Side note: Karl Rove has been pushing tort reform for over thirty years. No wonder big business funds his activities and his candidates with piles and piles of money.

Great interview, listen in.

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October 20, 2011

Title: Big Medicine’s Push For a Shield From Their Own Mistakes
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Too many Americans are injured by just a few doctors who continue to make mistakes.

Why do the Medical Review Boards in various states hesitate to discipline their own?

Did the various lawsuit reform groups just spontaneously appear in various states organized by individuals or was there a planned movement by Karl Rove and his big business allies? If so, then why?

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October 12, 2011

Title: Are Republican and Democrats Alike Too Spineless To Cut Spending?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

All will agree: government spending is out of control.

Are Republicans and Democrats too spineless to cut spending? They simply formed a ‘Super-Committee’ to do their job.

But what is a “Super-Committee”? Listen in for more details.

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October 6, 2011

Title: City Fines Couple For Holding A Bible Study in their Home
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

City Official with the city of San Juan Capistrano, California, tells Chuck and Stephanie Fromm they needed a city permit before inviting friends back to a home-bible study.

Because the Fromm’s have the Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, they asked the Pacific Justice Institute for help.

Any effort to limit access to the civil justice system compromises everyone’s right to seek justice and prevent governmental bodies from imposing their will over our lives.

For more, please visit

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October 5, 2011

Title: City Fines Couple For Holding A Bible Study in their Home
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

City Official with the city of San Juan Capistrano, California, tells Chuck and Stephanie Fromm they needed a city permit before inviting friends back to a home-bible study.

Because the Fromm’s have the Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, they asked the Pacific Justice Institute for help.

Any effort to limit access to the civil justice system compromises everyone’s right to seek justice and prevent governmental bodies from imposing their will over our lives.

For more, please visit

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September 20, 2011

Title: Has The Federal Government Seized Rights Reserved for States?
Topic: Tenth Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Has Congress usurped States Rights?

Conservatives and Tea Party activists are fighting for their Tenth Amendment Rights. But are they fighting for all their Tenth Amendment Rights?

For years Americans have been standing up for the First Amendment Right of free speech and their Second Amendment Right to bear arms. As more and more Americans are becoming familiar with the Tenth Amendment, will Congress and the federal government win out over states’ rights?

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Title: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too?
Topic: Tenth Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 2 of 2

Has Congress usurped States Rights? Is Obamacare unconstitutional in regards to ‘forcing’ all Americans to purchase health insurance?

Conservatives and Tea Party activists are advocating for the repeal of Obamacare saying it is unconstitutional.

Some Republicans in Congress, on the other hand, are advocating for a national medical tort reform system. But isn’t tort law a ‘states’ rights issue’? Can you have your cake and eat it, too?

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September 1, 2011

Title: One of The Most Dangerous Places In America: Hospitals
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 2

Just one preventable death is one too many, but up to 100,000 Each Year? Why are bad doctors still practicing medicine? Andy Cochran joins us discussing two recent Wall Street Journal articles. According to a two-pronged survey of operating-room and critical-care nurses conducted by their professional associations and VitalSmarts, 84% reported working with people who take potentially dangerous shortcuts with 26% saying shortcuts had caused harm to patients. Is now the time to shield health care providers from liability for their preventable mistakes? More information can be found at

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Title: One of The Most Dangerous Places In America: Hospitals
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 2 of 2

How to increase the quality of health care in America: revoke the licenses of bad doctors. Andy Cochran continues discussing two recent Wall Street Journal Articles. Andy adds a startling statistic: 5.1% of doctors account for 54.2% of medical malpractice payouts. Of the 35,000 doctors with 2 or more payouts, only 7.6% had been disciplined; only 13% with 5 or more payouts have been disciplined. Why are patients not protected by stiffer sanctions? Why do good doctors have to subsidize the actions of bad doctors? Is the solution a “national shield of protection” against malpractice lawsuits? Send us your comments by using our contact link. More information can be found at

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August 5, 2011

Title: Smoke and Mirrors, Deceptions, Exaggerations and Maybe a Few bold Face Lies
Topic: Tort Reform and Limiting Liability
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Texans were promised that if they capped noneconomic damages in medical malpractice awards, they would see a reduction in their health insurance costs and that overall healthcare costs in Texas would come down. Did these miracle reductions happen? Plan and simple: NO.

The Dallas Morning News recently reported that family and single health insurance premiums rose by 51 and 45 percent, respectively, roughly equal to the increase nationwide. But the injured patient basically lost their ability to hold the wrong doer responsible.

Side note: Karl Rove has been pushing tort reform for over thirty years. No wonder big business funds his activities and his candidates with piles and piles of money. Great interview, listen in.

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July 12, 2011

Title: What’s Wrong With the American Jury System?
Topic: What’s Wrong With the American Jury System?
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Tea Party nation founder Judson Phillips, an attorney and expert on the constitutionally protected jury system, recently stated: “Trial by jury may be an imperfect system, but it is better than all of the alternatives.

The outrage expressed by average Americans to the decision of the jury in the Casey Anthony case begs the question: What is wrong with the American Jury System? Or, is the problem the news pundits who state their opinions in short sound bites based on less than all the facts?

When called to serve on a jury, please answer that call!

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July 11, 2011

Title: Civil Suit Forces VA to Allow National Cemetery Prayers “In the Name of Jesus”
Topic: Seventh Amendment Protects Our First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Because we still have our 7th Amendment Right to a trial by jury the VA reversed itself and allowed pastors to pray in the name of Jesus at National Cemeteries on Memorial Day. Congratulations to the Liberty Institute for using the civil litigation process to successfully defend Pastor Scott Rainey’s right to pray “in Jesus’ name” at the Houston National Cemetery. Andy reaffirms what an early guest, Harris County Republican Party Chairman Jared Woodfill, stated on The What’s UP Radio Program: to protect our First Amendment Rights we must also protect our Seventh Amendment right to a trial by jury.

Log on to for more.

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June 22, 2011

Title: Let’s Call Congressman Tim Murphy, and Tell Him, “Thanks for helping the little guy, the stay-at-home mom, the senior citizen, and all in America.”
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

When someone tells you, “Thank you!” does it make you feel good? Too often we are quick to call our elected officials demanding that they vote for or against something. But how often do we simply call them and say, “Thank You!

Let’s call Congressman Tim Murphy, using the Capitol switchboard number at 202.225.3121. He has been standing up for the little guys in America, the average “Joe” in America, those without a lot of money. He has been defending the homeowners, the small businessman and woman, the stay-at-home mom, the senior citizen. Too often the little guys and gals of America are left behind, defenseless. But Congressman Tim Murphy has not forget them. Call his office, you can use the Capitol switchboard number at 202.225.3121 and ask to be connected to Congressman Tim Murphy. Just tell who ever answers to please tell the Congressman, Thank you for fighting for the all Americans!

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June 17, 2011

Title: Is Federal Tort Reform Unconstitutional?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Should our listeners reject federal tort reform efforts as being unconstitutional? Are some elected officials attempting to tag spending bills with non-germane issues? Constitutional student and advocate for our Constitutional Rights, Andy Cochran joins us again urging all to study the history of our Bill of Rights. Do you fight for your First Amendment Rights? Do you fight for your Second Amendment Rights? What about fighting for our Tenth Amendment and Seventh Amendment Rights? Log onto  for more on this important issue.

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June 8, 2011

Title: Civil Suit Forces VA to Allow National Cemetery Prayers “In the Name of Jesus”
Topic: Seventh Amendment Protects Our First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Because we still have our 7th Amendment Right to a trial by jury the VA reversed itself and allowed pastors to pray in the name of Jesus at National Cemeteries on Memorial Day. Congratulations to the Liberty Institute for using the civil litigation process to successfully defend Pastor Scott Rainey’s right to pray “in Jesus’ name” at the Houston National Cemetery. Andy reaffirms what an early guest, Harris County Republican Party Chairman Jared Woodfill, stated on The What’s UP Radio Program: to protect our First Amendment Rights we must also protect our Seventh Amendment right to a trial by jury. Log on to for more.

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May 26, 2011

Title: Tort Reform and the GOP’s Fair-Weathered Federalism
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

The “Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011” is being justified by its creators under the category of “interstate commerce” which they claim allows the federal government to regulate Tort Reform. But is this really legal? Or is it just another attempt by the government to strip away our Constitutional rights? Log on to  for more details.

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May 11, 2011

Title: If “Pro” is the opposite of “Con” does that mean that Congress is the opposite of Progress?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 2

Did Congress overstate its power when it passed Obamacare? What gave Congress the power to force all Americans to buy anything – like health insurance? Most Conservatives along with Tea Party Activists are educating themselves about the meaning and the importance of the 10th Amendment. Andy Cochran discusses how this applies to our rights found in the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and in the 7th Amendment. For more, log onto

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

How important are all the amendments found in the Bill of Rights? Most Conservatives along with Tea Party Activists are educating themselves about the meaning and the importance of the 10th Amendment. Andy Cochran discusses how this applies to our rights found in the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and in the 7th Amendment. If Congress violated the 10th Amendment when passing Obamacare, will Congress, likewise, violate the 10th Amendment when forcing all states to adhere to Federal Medical Tort Reform Legislation? For more, log onto

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April 28, 2011

Title: Should the families of terrorist victims be compensated
Topic: State Sponsored Terrorism
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 3

Should the families of terrorist victims be compensated? Should states [countries] who support terrorists be forced to pay compensation to the families of the victims? Should the families of terrorist victims be allowed to sue in American Courts? Congress said “Yes” twenty years ago, but some activist judges are now closing their doors to the families of terrorist victims. What should we all do? Andy Cochran, with the 7th Amendment Advocate, has a call to action. For more, log onto

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Title: Should the families of terrorist victims be compensated?
Topic: State Sponsored Terrorism
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 2 of 3

Andy Cochran, with the 7th Amendment Advocate, continues discussing states that support terrorism, such as Libya. Did Libya admit to state-supported terrorism? But why would Libya admit to pay damages? Andy Cochran, with the 7th Amendment Advocate, encourages all our listeners to talk to their Congressman about this issue. For more, log onto

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Title: Should the families of terrorist victims be compensated?
Topic: State Sponsored Terrorism
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 3 of 3

Congress passed a law in the early 1990’s allowing victims of terrorism and their family members to sue states, such as Libya, that supported terrorism. Why have some courts closed their doors to these victims? Please contact your Congressman about this. Our guest, Andy Cochran, can be found at

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April 15, 2011

Title: More Protections For Property Owners Which Will Encouraging More Lawsuits
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Across America, municipalities are condemning private property for private land development under “Eminent Domain Laws”. The proposed legislation would further strengthen the property owner’s right to utilize the civil litigation process and their rights protected by our 7th Amendment to a trial by jury for civil suits. But aren’t there too many frivolous lawsuits now? Is this hypocritical to encourage more lawsuits? Andy Cochran explains “the rest of the story” today. For more information log onto

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April 6, 2011

Title: One of The Most Dangerous Places In America: Hospitals
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 2

Just one preventable death is one too many, but up to 100,000 Each Year? Why are bad doctors still practicing medicine? Andy Cochran joins us discussing two recent Wall Street Journal articles. According to a two-pronged survey of operating-room and critical-care nurses conducted by their professional associations and VitalSmarts, 84% reported working with people who take potentially dangerous shortcuts with 26% saying shortcuts had caused harm to patients. Is now the time to shield health care providers from liability for their preventable mistakes? More information can be found at

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Title: One of The Most Dangerous Places In America: Hospitals
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 2 of 2

How to increase the quality of health care in America: revoke the licenses of bad doctors. Andy Cochran continues discussing two recent Wall Street Journal Articles. Andy adds a startling statistic: 5.1% of doctors account for 54.2% of medical malpractice payouts. Of the 35,000 doctors with 2 or more payouts, only 7.6% had been disciplined; only 13% with 5 or more payouts have been disciplined. Why are patients not protected by stiffer sanctions? Why do good doctors have to subsidize the actions of bad doctors? Is the solution a “national shield of protection” against malpractice lawsuits? Send us your comments by using our contact link. More information can be found at

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March 30, 2011

Title:  Has the U.S. Chamber and other big business interests been lying to the American Public?
Topic: Frivolous Lawsuits
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Has the U.S. Chamber, and other big business interests, been spending millions of dollars for years brain-washing Americans that there is a ‘tsunami of frivolous lawsuits’ plaguing our court system and plaguing economic growth? Andy Cochran shines light on to the fact that Americans have been lied to for years in an effort to close the court house doors to average Americans and to shield big business from corporate responsibility.  For more information log onto

To listen to only the segment directly above click [here!]

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March 22, 2011

Title: What is more important - gun ownership or free speech? What about the right to a trial by jury?
Topic: The Principal Author of Our US Constitution and Bill of Rights: James Madison
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

What about the 6th and 7th Amendments: the right to a trial by Jury? James Madison was our Fourth President and America recently celebrated his 260th birthday. As the principal author of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, how important is the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and the 10th Amendment which conservatives and tea party activists cling to so stridently? What about the 3rd through 9th Amendments, are they less important? More information can be found at


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March 16, 2011

Title: Big Business and the Chamber of Commerce demand that Congress stop frivolous lawsuits. But are Judges calling for Congressional Action?
Topic: Frivolous Lawsuits
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

It’s hypocritical for House Republicans to complain about “an overreaching judiciary” that thwarts the will of the people and overturns their votes and their values, and then turns around and overturns standards for judicial decisions. You can’t have your cake and eat it, too! House Republicans pledged “to honor the Constitution as constructed by its framers and honor the original intent of those precepts”. Now, House Republicans are focused on dishonoring the Founders and the independence of the Judiciary. For more, log onto

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March 11, 2011

Title: Special Thanks to Congressman Tim Murphy
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

We often ask our elected officials to vote this way or that way. But how often do we simply call them to say, “Thank You!” Congressman Tim Murphy, representing the 18th District in Pennsylvania, has been fighting extra hard for the little guy, the senior citizen, the average American. Our elected officials often receive calls asking them to vote one way or another. But how often do they receive a “Thank You” call for just doing a great job.

Let’s all call Congressman’s Tim Murphy’s office and just tell him “Thank you for fighting for the little guy, the senior citizen and the average American.” You can use the capitol switchboard number at (202) 225.3121 and ask for Congressman Tim Murphy.

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March 10, 2011

Title: Special Thanks to Congressman Tim Murphy
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

We often ask our elected officials to vote this way or that way. But how often do we simply call them to say, “Thank You!” Congressman Tim Murphy, representing the 18th District in Pennsylvania, has been fighting extra hard for the little guy, the senior citizen, the average American. Our elected officials often receive calls asking them to vote one way or another. But how often do they receive a “Thank You” call for just doing a great job.

Let’s all call Congressman’s Tim Murphy’s office and just tell him “Thank you for fighting for the little guy, the senior citizen and the average American.” You can use the capitol switchboard number at (202) 225.3121 and ask for Congressman Tim Murphy.

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March 1, 2011

Title: Is Tort Reform Really That Important?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

What Ronald Reagan Really Said About Tort Reform.     Many people revere Ronald Reagan as the greatest president in modern history; so it may come as a surprise to you that Reagan never - not even once - proposed tort reform in any of his eight State of the Union (SOTU) addresses. Reagan wasn’t interested in limiting civil rights. In fact, Andy Cochran only found one reference to any type of tort reform mentioned by Reagan - in a 1986 speech at the Chamber of Commerce.

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February 11, 2011

Title: Selective Enforcement of The U.S. Constitution
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 2

Should Conservatives And Tea Party Activists Re-Read The Entire Constitution?  Andy Cochran sounds the clarion call: If we call ourselves strict constitutionalists and we are for defending the 1st Amendment, and the 2nd Amendment, and the 10th Amendment, what about the 6th and 7th Amendments?

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Title: What Helps Make America Great
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 2 of 2

America, Warts And All, Is Still The Best Because Of Our Civil and Criminal Justice System? Part 2 of 2 Select enforcement of the Constitution may not be in the best interest of all Americans. Andy Cochran continues with the theme of ‘Look before you Leap”. Be careful before you blindly follow the Republican Leadership in all matters.

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February 9, 2011

Title: How to Hold Abortion Doctors Accountable?
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Closing the Courthouse Doors to those harmed by abortionists will only compound the problem. Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell is charged with eight counts of murder along with several of his staff at his abortion center in Pennsylvania.  Would passing the proposed National Medical Tort legislation only compound the problem? Andy Cochran, with The 7th Amendment Advocate, joins us to explain the dangers ahead.

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February 1, 2011

Title: Why Not Defend ALL Our Rights Found In The U.S. Constitution?
Topic: Defend All Our Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 1 of 2

What does the Magna Carta [from 1215] have to do with our constitutional rights? Don’t touch my first amendment rights. And you’ll take away my gun when you prior my cold, dead fingers from the trigger. But who cares about our Seventh Amendment Rights? Andy Cochran joins us for a frank discussion about ‘defending all our rights’ found in the U.S. Constitution.

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Title: Why Not Defend ALL Our Rights Found In The U.S. Constitution?
Topic: Defend All Our Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Segment 2 of 2

Warts and All – America Is Still the Best. What Makes US Great? Our civil and criminal justice system stands heads and shoulders above most other countries. Before jumping to close the ‘courthouse doors’, it might be wise to look before you leap. Moses even discussed how to hold your neighbor responsible when his ox trampled your garden. Andy Cochran, with The 7th Amendment Advocate tells us more.

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