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January 17, 2017

Title: More Energy = More Jobs
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Both candidates for President promised more jobs for Americans. Will Donald Trump succeed?

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses a recent study of global energy consumption versus GDP found: "Energy is so intrinsically linked to GDP that energy policy more or less dictates how our economy performs."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to manufacturing jobs over the past few decades?

What are the energy costs in different countries across the world?

Shocking Fact: China’s energy costs are, on average, 50% higher than the United States.

Does Marita Noon believe that Donald Trump will bring more manufacturing jobs back to America?

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November 11, 2016

Title: More Energy = More Jobs
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Both candidates for President promised more jobs for Americans. Will Donald Trump succeed?

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses a recent study of global energy consumption versus GDP found: "Energy is so intrinsically linked to GDP that energy policy more or less dictates how our economy performs."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to manufacturing jobs over the past few decades?

What are the energy costs in different countries across the world?

Shocking Fact: China’s energy costs are, on average, 50% higher than the United States.

Does Marita Noon believe that Donald Trump will bring more manufacturing jobs back to America?

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October 25, 2016

Title: WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Emails
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

What does Hillary Clinton really believe: her public comments or her private positions? Marita Noon will be explaining what Hillary’s leaked emails reveal and why it is a game-changer in this election.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does energy make America great, and why is Marita so intent on spreading the truth about coal?

Is Hillary telling us (via the MSM) one thing while telling her donors or other foreign leaders something entirely different?

Listen in as Marita offers some outrageous examples concerning Hillary Clinton and her lies.

Should Hillary’s past shady deals make a difference?

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September 7, 2016

Title: Others Pay More, So Will We
Topic: Others Pay More, So Will We
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Do you want to pay three-to-four times what you currently pay to heat and cool your home or business? Many do not believe that Americans will ever pay extremely high energy prices like the Europeans do. If you are one of those people, I implore you to listen to the next two segments for the truth. Our resident energy expert, Marita Noon, just might convince you otherwise.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the architects of energy plants first examine the needs of the consumers in the area before a single brick is laid?

If they do not plan accordingly and cannot meet the needs of the consumers, what happens to the electric grid? What is the difference between a brown-out and a black-out?

Should policy makers and elected officials stop the mad rush to force green energy onto Americans and really study the unintended consequences?

Marita Noon has been writing and speaking about this issue for years. In this first segment, she briefly discusses how Australia is now following in the footsteps of Europe concerning renewable energy sources. NOTE: The hike in electricity prices in Australia is much higher than Germany, which is already three to four times higher than America.

Listen to the next segment as Marita goes into more detail about the increase in energy prices in Australia.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Others Pay More, So Will We
Topic: Others Pay More, So Will We
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Australia has made some bad energy policy mistakes. Listen in as Marita discusses these mistakes and what America can learn from them.

What is happening to the amount of energy available in Australia?

How can our elected officials become educated on this issue and heed the warnings?

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August 12, 2016

Title: Environmentalists Are Mad!
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Why are environmentalists so mad?

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, will be discussing the MSM and their love of Hillary and hatred for Trump and his economic plan. NOTE: This is a follow-up to Tom Pyle’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Environmentalists obviously do not want to drill for oil and gas on our own soil. But isn’t this best for American and Texans?

Why do environmentalists offer more protections for animals than human babies?

Is the United States the best country to lead the fight in preserving the world’s environment?

Will America run out of oil and natural gas in the near future?

Is the American economy improving since the price of oil has fallen?

Is it cheaper – and safer – to transport oil using a rail car or underground pipe?

Which transportation method do labor unions support?

Listen in as Marita Noon reveals more truths about Hillary and Trump and which side of the fence they are on concerning this issue. Which candidate will be better for Texans?

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to end their (oil workers) careers,” Marita concludes.

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July 18, 2016

Title: El Nino, La Nina, and Natural Gas
Topic: El Nino, La Nina, and Natural Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Centuries before the Bush Family. Centuries before the rise of the use of fossil fuels. Even centuries before the industrial revolution, fishermen off the Peruvian cost noticed a phenomenon they called El Nino. Today, the less knowledgeable say this El Nino phenomenon was caused by George W. Bush and conservative fossil burners.

Energy expert, Marita Noon, will be explaining the theory behind this today and why we must know the history in order to preserve the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the story behind El Niño?

Is this phenomenon, El Niño and La Niña, caused by George W. Bush and other fossil-burning conservatives?

Have the Greenie Weenies successfully shut down coal producers and electric generating plants that use coal?

Should we thank our God every day for fracking and for His placement of shale-bearing natural gas in parts of America?

Are energy prices, especially the price of natural gas, effected by the currents of El Niño and La Niña?

How did George W and all the conservative fossil-fuel users effect the currents in the Pacific Ocean? (Note: Sarcasm.)

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July 5, 2016

Title: Environmentalists In Charge
Topic: Environmentalists In Charge
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Who put environmental groups in charge of the California’s electricity? Not the voters! Unelected environmental groups and their bureaucratic friends in various government agencies have been dictating energy policy for most of the past decade.

Marita Noon is the author of “Energy Freedom” and serves as the executive director for Energy Makes America Great. She also hosts a weekly radio program, “America's Voice for Energy”, which expands on the content of her weekly column. Follow her on Twitter @EnergyRabbit

Today, Marita will be explaining the Brexit Energy decision, what it means for Californians, Texans, and our great nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the main lesson we in Texas should learn from those in California who placed the environmentalists in charge of negotiating the closing of their last nuclear power plant?

Does California have a goal of generating half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030?

The Diablo Canyon Power Plant in California provides twice as much electricity as all of California's solar panels combined. Why, then, are environmental groups in California calling for state officials to replace Diablo's generating capacity with other renewable power sources?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Environmentalists In Charge
Topic: Environmentalists In Charge
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Environmentalists have been running the energy game in America for decades. Listen in as Marita explains how they are able to control Congress and regulations using the Keystone Pipeline as an example.

Coal-fueled electricity has been outlawed in California. Now, environmental groups are pushing to close all the nuclear power plants. The same environmentalists routinely block any new proposed natural gas pipelines. Black-outs in California will become frequent. Do Texans understand what brown-outs and black-outs really are and how harmful they are to our pursuit of economic enjoyment (work) AND to what it means for refrigeration and air conditioning?

Do environmentalists really believe the biggest and best solution to man’s footprint on Mother Earth is to use less, conserve more, and do not propagate?

To read more on this topic from Marita, click here.

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June 15, 2016

Title: Fighting Back Against Greenpeace
Topic: Greenpeace
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Being Resolute, they finally stood up and found enough courage to counterpunch the green bullies.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, believes that every American should be paying attention to a developing issue in Canada – yes, Canada. The Resolute Forest Products Company in Canada has filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace, claiming it damaged the company's "business, goodwill, and reputation." You can find more details about the case here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “shakedown” tactic used by the “Greenie Weenies”? (Yes, that’s what Terry asked!)

What exactly did Greenpeace do to the Resolute Forest Products Company and how does Victoria’s Secret tie into the mess?

After Resolute filed their lawsuit, Greenpeace apologized and tried to make it better. However, the “better” only lasted a short time. Listen in as Marita Noon explains what they did – again!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Fighting Back Against Greenpeace
Topic: Greenpeace
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Patrick Moore is one of the original founders of Greenpeace. Moore is disappointed in how the group he helped to establish in order to help the planet is now nothing more than an extortion racket.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Marita gives another explanation of why the Resolute Forest Products Company sued Greenpeace. After all, Greenpeace is supposed to be a good organization, right? Well, maybe not so much.

So, why did Patrick Moore help Resolute sue Greenpeace, an organization he help start?

Marita encourages others who have been targeted by Greenpeace and other organizations to come forward and fight back. It’s time to stop letting the “Greenie Weenies” walk all over us.

And, finally, what is Marita’s opinion about a Donald Trump Presidency concerning this issue?

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June 8, 2016

Title: Colorado Made a Good Call for Once
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not the fear mongering of the anti-fossil-fuel movement.

Believe it or not, there are those who do not consider access to affordable energy a basic right and necessity. I know, I know, I know. It’s hard to imagine, right? But, they do exist – and they are trying to take over everything! As Marita Noon explains, however, the Colorado Supreme Court didn’t fall for the left’s trap.

Marita believes there is a definite, organized push to outlaw hydraulic fracking. She explains that the Pennsylvania Community and Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) has attempted to ban hydraulic fracking in many states, with their ultimate goal being to convince the Supreme Court of the United States to make the decision – in their favor, of course. The only state that has banned all drilling is New York, which is no surprise to anyone, given how liberal the state is. This is why it is so extremely important that we do not elect Hillary Clinton as President.

Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss and debunk some of the common myths (ahem, lies) about hydraulic fracking. Share this segment with all your contacts and on social media so the truth can be heard!

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May 18, 2016

Title: Colorado Made a Good Call for Once
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not the fear mongering of the anti-fossil-fuel movement.

Believe it or not, there are those who do not consider access to affordable energy a basic right and necessity. I know, I know, I know. It’s hard to imagine, right? But, they do exist – and they are trying to take over everything! As Marita Noon explains, however, the Colorado Supreme Court didn’t fall for the left’s trap.

Marita believes there is a definite, organized push to outlaw hydraulic fracking. She explains that the Pennsylvania Community and Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) has attempted to ban hydraulic fracking in many states, with their ultimate goal being to convince the Supreme Court of the United States to make the decision – in their favor, of course. The only state that has banned all drilling is New York, which is no surprise to anyone, given how liberal the state is. This is why it is so extremely important that we do not elect Hillary Clinton as President.

Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss and debunk some of the common myths (ahem, lies) about hydraulic fracking. Share this segment with all your contacts and on social media so the truth can be heard!

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April 5, 2016

Title: Hillary Sent Starving People Hibachi Grills
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

An estimated 3 Billion people around the world use dung to heat their homes and cook their food. For those unfamiliar with the word dung, that is manure. Biomass. Excrement. Poop! This segment with Marita Noon (Energy Makes America Great) discusses Hillary’s involvement with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) effort to help these people. Listen in!

On September 21, 2010, the Secretary of State announced the Alliance’s efforts at the Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (GCI). Hillary Clinton reportedly cooked up the project while Secretary of State, but it was shaped by her family foundation, which was one of the “Strategic Partnerships and Alliances”. By November 2014, more than $400 million had been raised for the project.

It sounds like a miracle product to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and combat climate change. However, in reality, this “cookstove” is nothing more than a $25 single burner hibachi grill. Marita Noon says that the recipients despise them, don’t know how to use them, and many simply throw them away. In addition, she reveals that Hillary’s cookstoves still require dung to operate! Some of the luckier people may be able to find sticks or small pieces of wood to use with the cookstove. However, if they couldn’t find wood or sticks before Hillary’s gift, they won’t be able to find it now, so the people still use dung!

Why not just provide electricity to these needy people? It would be so much easier – and cheaper! Marita says, “Well, that’s not politically correct!” She goes on to explain that the Alliance will not authorize the use of electricity due to “carbon credits”. Listen in as she explains what this means. It will make your blood boil!

Plan for the Future: Any person who votes for Hillary Clinton (should she be elected President) must use a “cookstove” to heat their homes and cook their food for the duration of her Presidency. They are NOT allowed to use any type of electricity.

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March 4, 2016

Title: The President Owes Us an Apology
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Some time ago, the United States Supreme Court gave politicians the “right to lie”, meaning they can say whatever they want to about another politician or candidate for office without fear of retribution. They can even lie about a proposed bill or law! It is up to the average citizen to discern what is true and what is a lie.

Four years ago, President Obama told an audience at the University of Miami: “We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices”. Well, we can and we have! Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, explains how we followed the Republican’s three-step plan: drill, drill, and drill. Now, here we are four years later, with gas prices averaging $1.50 per gallon – even without the Keystone Pipeline. And, of course, Obama is taking credit for it!

FACT: Marita Noon reveals the true numbers from the Congressional Research Service: “Under the Obama Administration, from 2010-2013, oil production on Federal land [went] down by ten percent.” How much do you think oil production has increased on state and privately owned land?

Listen in as Marita shares more facts and statistics concerning fossil fuels versus wind and solar energy.

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February 1, 2016

Title: Iowa’s Biggest Issue: Renewable Energy
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Most Conservative voters don’t have corn on their mind, but in Iowa it’s on their short list. Marita Noon is with us today to give us the skinny on corn and why Iowans consider it to be gold. Marita reminds us that back in 2005, Congress passed “The Renewable Fuel Standard” or the “Ethanol Mandate”. This law demanded that the fuel sold in America must contain increasing amounts of ethanol, which is made from corn. “This is a great boondoggle for the commercial corn grower and big famers,” Marita says.

Obviously, the big corn growers love this mandate! However, it is outdated and unworkable. But, why? Isn’t it a good thing? “Ethanol has no friends these days,” she declares. Listen in as Marita explains why even the environmentalists don’t even like it!

Marita also explains that the kind of corn used to produce ethanol is not the kind we eat at our summer barbeques; it is the kind of corn used to feed various farm animals like cows and chickens. This, in turn, raises the price of food!

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are the top two candidates in Iowa. The Donald, on the record, is in favor of using more ethanol, while Cruz is more in line with the majority of Conservatives. This shouldn’t actually be all that surprising. However, there is some polling which has indicated that the increasing use of ethanol is gaining some attention across the board. Listen in as Marita discusses this.

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January 18, 2016

Title: The Oil Crisis is Getting Real Serious
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

If you are confused when people talk about the price of oil being low and why it is a bad thing, you must listen to the next two segments with Marita Noon, our go-to energy expert from Energy Makes America Great. You may be enjoying the low price of gas at the pump, but it’s really not a good thing – for employment or for the economy.

At the time of this interview, the price of oil has fallen to under $30 per barrel, the lowest since 2003. Due to this crisis, Obama and Congress have agreed to allow America to export oil, which should have been a no-brainer all along. “This is a good thing for a variety of reasons,” Marita Noon explains. First, it allows us to help our allies (like Israel) with a secure, steady line of oil. It also balances our trade deficient, which strengthens the dollar. And finally, it provides our oil producers with more customers across the globe, boosting employment.

Only time will tell what the future holds for the price of oil. Marita chooses to be optimistic in her belief that it will rise again to at least $50 a barrel. Listen to the next segment as Marita explains more about this crisis and what America must capitalize on quickly to make a better future for everyone.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Oil Crisis is Getting Real Serious
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Lower oil prices definitely help small businesses keep their costs low. Consumers are currently saving, on average, $500 per year thanks to the lower prices. So, while the lower oil prices are benefiting some, over time it will begin to show its ugly head.

Obama and Congress made the right decision when they lifted the export ban on oil. We’ve already had two tankers with massive amounts of oil leave our country, making America a “Global Energy Superpower”. Marita also explains what LNG is, Liquid Natural Gas, and why America started utilizing this to boost the economy. This is great news!

The future of America’s place in the oil and natural gas market largely depends upon who is elected as the next President of the United States. If you work in the oil industry, or know someone who does, you MUST vote in the election. Click the “Register 2 Vote Now” link on our homepage to make sure you are registered so your vote will count!

Also, click here  to get Marita’s great book, “Energy Freedom: Take Away Energy, Take Away Freedom”. She wrote the book specifically for the everyday average person. It’s not technical or hard to understand. It’s a great book to have on hand, especially if you have kids in public high school or college. Make sure they know the facts!

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November 12, 2015

Title: Catholics Crazy over Global Warming
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Refugees are migrating all over Europe to escape death and enslavement from Islamist Terrorists. Millions of babies are being murdered by their mothers through legalized abortion. The traditional family is being ripped apart to appease intolerant minorities. Millions of poor people die every day from malnutrition or lack of clean drinking water. Yet, The Catholics are creating a firestorm over global warming. After all, solar panels will save the day!

Catholic leaders’ concern over “man-caused global warming” is just getting out of hand. They (the Catholics) are calling for “complete decarbonisation by mid-century” by 2050, believing the world will be saved from eminent doom. They (the Catholics) claim this effort is to save “the poorest and most vulnerable”. What they don’t realize, however, is this will harm the very people they are trying to save!

Marita Noon discusses the upcoming Climate Change Summit “Top 21” being held November 30-December 11 in Paris, France. Leaders from all over the world, including President Obama, will be present. “The last time they did this, President Obama came in at the end. It was kind of embarrassing, actually, because they did not pass his plan,” Marita says. This time, however, Obama plans to be there from the start. And this is not going to be a good thing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Catholics Crazy over Global Warming
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Has the Catholic Church lost sight of what is really important? Isn’t spreading the truth about the Gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ more important than stopping the use coal? Surely there are better things the leaders of the Catholic Church can be focusing on!

Marita Noon doesn’t believe “global warming” is a crisis, and it certainly is not a “man-made crisis”. The Catholic Church has been egged on by Obama and his environmental sidekicks. They have bought the lie, hook, line, and sinker, all under the guise of “social justice”. “It’s baffling where they’ve put their priorities,” Marita says. “We have numerous crisis in the world, and this is what they’ve chosen to put their emphasis on.

Here in America, the majority of Democrats, and even many Republicans, have been duped into believing the end-of-world doom story as well. “This is clearly evident with the President’s decision about the Keystone Pipeline,” Marita points out.

Get FREE updates from Marita Noon and Energy Makes America Great.

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October 1, 2015

Title: Volkswagen Made their Own Mess
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

WARNING: Marita Noon and others at Energy Makes America Great must be doing something right because their website has been HACKED! Marita warns people NOT to go to their website for a few days to avoid any potential malware infections. The problem should be resolved soon.

Volkswagen engineers allegedly “fixed” emissions tests to allow their vehicles to pass. In 2014, Bloomberg reported that “road tests of 15 new diesel cars were an average of seven times higher than European limits.” This was, of course, all discovered while the Pope was in the country so very little was said or heard about it. Marita Noon is back to discuss the situation.

What’s the big deal, anyway? Well, Volkswagen and other car manufacturers began switching from gas-fueled to diesel-fueled vehicles in the mid-90’s as part of their commitment to lower CO2 emissions. So, in short, Volkswagen fudged their road tests so they could get a tax break.

Marita goes on to reveal just how much Volkswagen could potentially be fined. The EPA has said it will fine them $37,000 per car that “cheated” and approximately 11 million cars were in that group. Listen in as Marita explains more about the performance, the actual CO2 emissions, and how it actually effects the environment.

Bonus Info: Other car manufacturers could be a part of this big hoax/lie, too, so listen in as Marita reveals which ones!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Volkswagen Made their Own Mess
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

WARNING: Marita Noon and others at Energy Makes America Great must be doing something right because their website has been HACKED! Marita warns people NOT to go to their website for a few days to avoid any potential malware infections. The problem should be resolved soon.

Volkswagen cheated and now they are paying the price – literally. But why did they take such a risk? Were they really trying to help the environment or was it just for a tax break?

Now they are facing “loss due to diminished value of the car”. The fine the EPA is said to place upon the company for lying about and fixing the emission testing could reach up to $18 Billion. Volkswagen not only has the fine from the EPA to worry about. There are approximately 70 lawsuits which have already been filed against Volkswagen; there will be more added in the coming weeks, I’m sure.

The Obama Administration is trying so hard to be the best in the world at reducing CO2 emissions that they are being unreasonable. Marita says, “We’ve reached a point where regulators and Legislators are setting legal limits and goals that are not technologically possible at this time.” We just can’t do it. Maybe one day, but not now. Companies have to do what they can – even cheat – to comply or be fined. Well, Volkswagen is now discovering that complying would have been a whole lot simpler – and cheaper.

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August 17, 2015

Title: EPA Should Pay
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

When the British Petroleum oil spill occurred several years ago, the left screamed and wailed and cried tears of blood for all the animals that would die and the environment that would never be the same. It was the worst disaster to happen since the dawn of time. (sarcasm) Fast-forward to last week, when an EPA worker accidentally dumped 3 million gallons of toxic waste into Colorado’s Animas River. The waste turned the river into a copper-yellow color and has spurred a state of emergency.

Marita Noon was in New Mexico when the incident happened. She discusses how the cleanup efforts are a joke; it took nearly a week to get started! Furthermore, the EPA keeps lying about just how much of the toxic material spilled into the river. If this incident was the fault of an oil company, the MSM and the EPA would be attacking that company with everything they had. But since it was the EPA’s fault, it’s ok!

Why did the EPA even bother with this old mine, anyway? It was abandoned, not bothering anyone! The EPA has a budget they must meet each year and inspecting these old mines is part of that itinerary. But why? What is the purpose? Listen as Marita explains this and what she thinks will happen in the future.

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July 24, 2015

Title: Is Japan Going Nuclear?
Topic: Going Nuclear Again
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Another country goes nuclear – and it’s not Iran! Following the earthquake and tsunami in 2011, Japan shut down all their nuclear reactor plants. This process took about three years, so they have only been without nuclear power for roughly two years. During this time, Japan was forced to import 90% of their fossil fuels from the Middle East. They received about half of their natural gas from Australia.

Marita Noon  discusses the 1973 OPEC report on the importance of utilizing more than one source of energy. While she and other energy experts agree on this issue, it is also important to note that fossil fuels are still the cheapest and most reliable source for energy worldwide. However, nuclear energy should definitely not be relied upon for the majority of a nation’s energy supply. “Nuclear energy requires a minimal amount of uranium to produce very large amounts of energy,” Marita warns. The good news: Japan is reducing the amount of nuclear energy they will rely on and exploring other forms of energy, like coal and fossil fuels.

Listen in as Marita Noon explains the new standards Japan is using to meet the growing need for energy resources for the population. They are basically telling the environmentalists to go away (to put it nicely). “Japan is building seven new coal-fired power plants,” Marita says. She suspects that those coal-fired power plants will make up the difference they are losing from nuclear energy.

The price of energy dictates either a growing or shrinking economy.” – Terry Lowry, host of The What’s UP Radio Program

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June 2, 2015

Title: If the Shoes Fits, Wear It.
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

On May 18, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed HB40 into law. HB40 is also known as the Denton Fracking Bill, which clarifies that an "oil and gas operation is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state." But what does that mean in laymen’s terms?

Marita Noon is here to explain HB40 and why some are happy and some are not. She also explains how fracking is responsible for the lower gas prices we have been experiencing at the pump. “America is predicted to be the world’s number one oil producer in the world in 2015,” Marita reveals. “That scared the bajeebers out of Saudi Arabia!” (Yes, that is a direct quote from Ms. Marita Noon!)

We would like to remind our listeners and followers of The What’s UP Radio Program that fracking has been around for more than 65 years and millions of wells have been fracked during this time. Not one fracked well has ever contaminated a water well. Not once. Ever. “If fracking is really as bad as they say, then we would not have any clean water wells left in this country,” Marita points out. Furthermore, no fracked well has ever caused an earthquake, like the environmentalists claim. Not once. Ever.

Click [here]  for more on fracking.

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May 13, 2015

Title: Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

God knew what He was doing when he placed fossil fuels on the earth. He knew that there would one day be billions of people living across the globe. He knew that we would need reliable, renewable, cheap sources of energy to heat and cool our homes, cook our food, and live in healthy environments. He knew.

So why is the Pope now spreading the global warming hysteria? In case you missed it, this is the prepared statement from the Pope, released on April 28, 2015: "Today, the ever-accelerating burning of fossil fuels that powers our economic engine is disrupting the earth's delicate ecological balance on an almost unfathomable scale." Marita Noon says that environmentalists hope that the Pope’s influence will once again be front-page news. This is why they are trying so hard to win his support. Maybe they already have…

In her research talking to Roman Catholics, what has Marita discovered? Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss the Vatican’s new, alarming position concerning global warming hysteria and the reaction by many Catholics.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Will the Pope be issuing new 11th and 12th Commandments? (This statement is not to disrespect the Pope but this is very serious.) Marita Noon continues to discuss the Pope’s push to convince Roman Catholic followers that fossil fuels are destroying the earth. In fact, Marita and others believe he will be issuing a lengthy encyclical to the Roman Catholic Church concerning the issue.

I think it’s rather audacious,” says Marita Noon, “to think that humans have the ability to change the climate….That would be putting ourselves above God.” How can the Pope possibly believe the lies from the environmentalists? Listen in as Marita explains more about the encyclical and the effect it will have on not only the Catholic Church, but the population of the entire world.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Should the Pope just stick to saving souls? Why is he so interested in global warming? The Pope believes that he is doing the poor of the world a favor by declaring fossil fuels a mortal sin. The exact is true! Those living in poverty need access to reliable, cheap fossil fuels the very most!

Marita Noon says it couldn’t hurt for people to contact their elected officials concerning the Pope’s decision to bash fossil fuels. Listen in as she explains why and what we should all be doing.

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April 24, 2015

Title: Affordable and Reliable Energy Drive America
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Late last year, Jonathon Gruber said Obamacare was passed because Americans are stupid. Well, I have news for you Mr. Gruber – not all of us are. Many people are beginning to see the light concerning “catastrophic global climate change”. They are realizing that it is all just one big, fat, huge lie.

Almost everything in America is driven by energy now – from manufacturing to retail to consumers, even in our own homes and businesses. Marita Noon, founder of Energy Makes America Great, says, “It impacts tourism. It impacts food. It impacts jobs.” Listen in as Marita explains how and why so many jobs are being shipped to countries with less strenuous energy laws.

But is affordable energy a “right worth fighting for”? “Technically it’s not a right,” says Marita, “but it is something that is essential.” One reason Marita became involved in the affordable energy movement is to educate average, every day citizens on the issue and to give energy companies a better name.

FACT CHECK: In 1989, 63% of people were worried about catastrophic global climate change. Now, in 2015, that number has decreased to 55%. After 25 years of all this junk being crammed into our brains, less people are concerned! Al Gore isn’t looking so smart anymore, is he?

While drivers and consumers love the lower prices at the pump, it is harming the economy in significant ways – mainly the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Marita says, “Low priced oil is good. Dirt cheap oil is bad.” We need to lift the oil export ban. Congress does have some Legislation concerning this and this will greatly improve our trade deficit and our trade allies.

Marita wants you to “Show up. Stand up. And Speak up.” Visit her website [here].

You can also click [here].

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February 6, 2015

Title: Obama Really, Really Hates Oil
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

“Rule of Capture” is a phrase often used in the oil and gas industry.

What does this mean?

Obama allows Russia, Canada, Norway and Denmark to take the oil that is there but does not want the U.S. of A. to have its share.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Obama Really, Really Hates Oil
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Obama is trying to, once again, shut down the oil and gas industry. In far, far, far, far north Alaska, there are roughly 20,000,000 (that’s million) acres of oil that Obama wants shut down because the mating habits of a few Cariboo could be disturbed.

If Obama shuts down the ANWAR, the Cariboo will no longer have a warm place to mate! So, in effect, Obama will make the matter worse! Can he not get anything right?

Listen in as Marita Noon explains how Russia, Canada, Norway, and others are chomping at the bit to get our oil in America and how it appears that Obama is allowing them to get it! It also seems as if Russia is funding the environmentalists in America in order to get their hands on our oil!

Click [here]  to learn more from Marita Noon with Energy Makes America Great.

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January 8, 2015

Title: From Boom to Bust.
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

America is now the number one producer of natural gas in the world and is set to become the leader in oil production as well. Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, says “By combining the modern technologies of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, we have been able to access economic recourses that have previously been off-limits.”

Obama is trying to take credit for these advances. He is trying to say that the millions of new jobs created in the private oil sector are his doing. But the facts show that all oil and gas production on federally owned land has seen a significant decrease, while state and privately owned land have seen a boom in production.

Marita also discusses how the new Obama/EPA regulations will do nothing but harm to the industry. Oh, the lefty environmentalists are claiming they are for the good of all Americans, but we know better! Make sure you listen to the next segment with Marita to hear the rest of the story!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - From Boom to Bust.
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Oil companies in Houston and other cities have already started laying people off due to the lower gas prices. More and more people will lose their jobs in coming months and years if oil prices don’t go back up. But wait! Many people, myself included, have been enjoying the lower cost of gas at the pumps the last few months!! What gives?

Examine this: The government of Venezuela will not be able to pay their bills now that oil is at $50 a barrel. Russia will soon start struggling to make ends meet, and America won’t be far behind. Marita Noon says that only Saudi Arabia will be able to withstand this dramatic decrease in oil prices, but even they can’t hold on forever.

Yes, oil prices were getting high, but the process to produce oil is also more complicated and, therefore, more expensive. As technology advances, we are definitely able to do more, but it comes with a cost. Listen in as Marita explains this and why families in the oil business need to start praying now that oil prices start creeping back up soon!

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January 5, 2015

Title: Germany's Commitment to Energy Swindle
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

The wonderful and energetic Marita Noon is back to talk about Germany’s deal with the environmentalist decades ago. Where has it gotten them? Are they living the healthy, high life, or are they struggling to barely survive?

Marita Noon points out that Germany has not only declared a war against fossil fuels, but against nuclear power as well. Listen in Marita explains the dangerous consequences Germans are now facing due to their allegiance to the environmentalists.

Just like in America, big industry and big business in Germany receive a break on taxes and fees in exchange for using clean energy. Do small businesses and consumers? Oh, no! That would be too much to ask! Marita says this is one of the major issues some Germans have and why America must not follow their lead.

Log on to  to read Marita’s latest piece, “Unsustainable Subsidies in an Unstable System”.

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December 9, 2014

Title: It's Time for Some Tough Love
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Wind powered energy is great – when there is wind. Solar powered energy is great – when the sun is shining. Coal powered energy is great – all the time!  Why can’t the bozos in Washington realize this?

If you think living in an 850-square-foot apartment with no air conditioning seems outrageous and far-fetched, just ask someone who lives in Europe how much they like it, especially someone in Germany.

The Institute for Energy Research, in its latest report, predicts more than 72 gigawatts of "electrical generating capacity" are going offline. “To put 72 GW in perspective, that is enough electrical generation capacity to reliably power 44.7 million homes – or every home in every state west of the Mississippi River, excluding Texas.” IER report says.

What does this mean? Marita Noon says Americans are not ready to live in small quarters; they will not even be willing to try it! We are blessed in America to have the things we have, but all those things could be gone all too soon.

Marita believes that it is far past time our elected officials place strict taxes on the wind industry. Wait. What? Why aren’t they being taxed now? Marita explains how we, the taxpayers, are paying for it through subsidies! Furthermore, there have not been any new technological breakthroughs in wind energy in almost 15 years! Same situation with solar!

Why is the government still trying to pick winners and losers? Marita says, “Regardless of party affiliation, it is very hard for any politician to vote against the established source of energy in their state.”

Listen in to hear more from Marita and what you can do to change Washington for good! You can find her column on this issue [here].

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October 3, 2014

Title: How Climate Change and Socialism Are Tied Together
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

At the recent People’s Climate March in New York, signs which stated “Capitalism is Killing the Planet” and “Capitalism is a Disease. Socialism is the Cure” were spotted. Human Events described the menagerie of participants this way: "If you're in favor of totalitarian power, sympathetic to America's enemies, dubious about representative democracy, hostile to free markets, or you just get turned on by fantasizing about violent revolution, there was a place for you at this march."

Many times at Tea Party Rallies, the MSM will scour the crowd for that one lone crazy person holding a crazy sign and dressed up in a weird costume, using him/her to represent the group as a whole. That is not what Marita Noon and I are doing. We are not just talking about one or two people who have escaped from the loony hospital. There were thousands upon thousands of people at the People’s Climate March who believe that socialism is the best answer for America.

These are Anti-America, Anti-Capitalist, and anti-Free Marketers who are using climate change as a platform. They are not interested in “climate change”; they are interested in “system change”. Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, has been sounding the alarm about climate changers for a long time.

Listen in as she describes their recent antics at the People’s Climate March and what it means for the future of America.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Arrest the Climate Change Deniers
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Capitalism is killing the planet! Stop using coal! Let’s all live in a Zulu hut! It’ll be great! NOT!!

At the People’s Climate March, Robert Kennedy, Jr. said that he wishes opponents to climate change could be jailed! And he has stated this many times! Now, we can’t really hold what RKJ says against him; after all, he is Kennedy.

The leaders of the People’s Climate March are famous celebrities who are PAID to spread global warming hysteria. They tell the hippies, the stoners, the college kids, the unemployed that all the problems in the world are a direct result of global warming. They can’t find a job because of global warming. They can’t get a good house because of global warming. Cancer and Ebola are caused by global warming.

The National Geographic Association summed up the People’s Climate March perfectly. They said: “Despite all the enthusiasm displayed in New York and elsewhere on a muggy September Sunday, public opinion polls consistently show that climate change is not a high priority for most Americans."

Listen in as Marita Noon discusses “Climate Hustle”, Robert Kennedy, Jr., the hippies, and more! Be sure to log on to for Marita’s official report on the People’s Climate March. Share the article with your friends on Facebook and send to all your followers on Twitter. Get the word out!

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September 15, 2014

Title: Hilary Clinton has her Priorities Misplaced Big Time
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

The biggest, most important issue facing the nation today is global warming. According to Hilary Clinton, that is. Does she really believe this or is she just setting the stage for another bid at the Oval Office?

What about ISIS, Hilary? Or the failing American economy? Or the $17,000,000,000 national debt? Let’s not forget that FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s biggest concern is over-weight kids….

If Obama and his cronies had their way, we would not use any kind of CO2 at all, only using wind and solar powered energy. This will not only increase the cost of energy, it will increase the cost of everything, from milk to bread to cell phone bills and your kids’ gymnastics registration. Businesses must pass the increased cost of heating and cooling their buildings on to you, the customer.

Would your kids like to go to school in an un-air conditioned classroom? Would you like to sit in a hospital waiting room with zero A/C? What about church? Or the grocery store? And you can forget about having A/C in your home. If you think your bill is outrageous now, just wait!

Listen in as Marita discusses Hilary, “global warming”, Texas oil, and what could happen if we lose the energy battle.

NOTE: Marita Noon now has an hour-long internet radio program called “America’s Voice for Energy” at 11 am every Thursday and it can be heard at your leisure at  after it’s been posted on the site. There is also an iPhone and Google play app available for download on your smart phone.

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July 22, 2014

Title: Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Iraq exports approximately 3.5 million barrels of crude every day (as of February, 2014). America imports roughly 300,000 of those barrels.

If all oil exports from Iraq stopped, what would happen? Would people really pay $10-15 per gallon for gas? Or, would the world just shrivel up and die?

Listen in as energy expert, Marita Noon, discusses the latest numbers and what it means for you.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Drilling and fracking on private and state lands rose by 61% from 2009 and 2013, but decreased by six percent on federally owned land. Why such a vast difference?

What should our local, state, and federal governments really be focused on? Caring for thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens? The horrible state of our kids’ school lunches? Bill and Hillary’s “debt problem”?

Marita Noon says – and I agree with her – that our government must be focused on producing more sustainable energy. We cannot simply rely on others to supply our country with crude. We have plenty here. It’s time to take action.

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July 21, 2014

Title: The Goal of Energy Independence is Achievable
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

Recently the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a "2014 Priority Issues Survey.” The survey included expected Tea Party bashing: "Help the Democrats protect the progress we have made from Tea Party radicals, deliver the positive changes America needs, and help Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives!

There was also a section on energy. Section VII, asks: "Which of the following will help America achieve energy independence?” It offers five options that do little to move America toward energy independence – which isn't even a realistic goal given the current nature of liquid fuels. Additionally, most of the choices given on the DCCC survey actually increase energy costs for all Americans – serving as a hidden tax – and hurt those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale the most. The proposals hurt the very people the party purports to champion.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Within the Democrat survey, recipients were asked if the government should increase the gas mileage standards for all new cars and trucks. Suggesting a forced raising of gas mileage standards implies that auto manufacturers are in collusion with oil companies and are intentionally producing gas guzzlers to force Americans into buying lots of gasoline.

With the price of gasoline wavering between $3-4.00 a gallon, most people are very conscious of their fuel expenditures. If it were technologically possible to build a cost-effective truck or SUV that had the size and safety Americans want and that got 50 mpg, that manufacturer would have the car-buying public beating a path to its door. Every car company would love to be the one to corner that market – but it will definitely not be easy, it probably won't be possible, and it surely won't be cheap.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea renewable energy. Wind and solar energy are excellent sources of energy from renewable sources.

However, the cost is not where I take issue with the DCCC's inclusion of "Developing renewable energy sources” in its survey. The survey question is about achieving "energy independence.

Throughout America, people are beginning to feel the escalating costs of the forced renewable energy utility companies are required to add as a result of Renewable Portfolio Standards that more than half of the states passed nearly a decade ago.

Log on to  for more information.

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June 26, 2014

Title: Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Iraq exports approximately 3.5 million barrels of crude every day (as of February, 2014). America imports roughly 300,000 of those barrels.

If all oil exports from Iraq stopped, what would happen? Would people really pay $10-15 per gallon for gas? Or, would the world just shrivel up and die?

Listen in as energy expert, Marita Noon, discusses the latest numbers and what it means for you.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Loss of Oil from Iraq in America
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Drilling and fracking on private and state lands rose by 61% from 2009 and 2013, but decreased by six percent on federally owned land. Why such a vast difference?

What should our local, state, and federal governments really be focused on? Caring for thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens? The horrible state of our kids’ school lunches? Bill and Hillary’s “debt problem”?

Marita Noon says – and I agree with her – that our government must be focused on producing more sustainable energy. We cannot simply rely on others to supply our country with crude. We have plenty here. It’s time to take action.

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April 21, 2014

Title: The Goal of Energy Independence is Achievable
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

Recently the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a "2014 Priority Issues Survey.” The survey included expected Tea Party bashing: "Help the Democrats protect the progress we have made from Tea Party radicals, deliver the positive changes America needs, and help Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives!

There was also a section on energy. Section VII, asks: "Which of the following will help America achieve energy independence?” It offers five options that do little to move America toward energy independence – which isn't even a realistic goal given the current nature of liquid fuels. Additionally, most of the choices given on the DCCC survey actually increase energy costs for all Americans – serving as a hidden tax – and hurt those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale the most. The proposals hurt the very people the party purports to champion.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses.

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Title: Part 2 0f 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Within the Democrat survey, recipients were asked if the government should increase the gas mileage standards for all new cars and trucks. Suggesting a forced raising of gas mileage standards implies that auto manufacturers are in collusion with oil companies and are intentionally producing gas guzzlers to force Americans into buying lots of gasoline.

With the price of gasoline wavering between $3-4.00 a gallon, most people are very conscious of their fuel expenditures. If it were technologically possible to build a cost-effective truck or SUV that had the size and safety Americans want and that got 50 mpg, that manufacturer would have the car-buying public beating a path to its door. Every car company would love to be the one to corner that market – but it will definitely not be easy, it probably won't be possible, and it surely won't be cheap.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea renewable energy. Wind and solar energy are excellent sources of energy from renewable sources.

However, the cost is not where I take issue with the DCCC's inclusion of "Developing renewable energy sources” in its survey. The survey question is about achieving "energy independence.

Throughout America, people are beginning to feel the escalating costs of the forced renewable energy utility companies are required to add as a result of Renewable Portfolio Standards that more than half of the states passed nearly a decade ago.

Log on to  for more information.

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April 2, 2014

Title: Shoot it. Bury it. And Shut Up About It.
Topic: Endangered Species Act
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Though well intentioned at its start in 1973, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has morphed into a tool to hinder or block economic activity from logging and farming to mining and oil-and-gas development—often to protect species that don’t truly need it.

For example, if you find oil or natural gas on your property, the value goes up. If you find an endangered species, your land becomes virtually worthless because the critter prevents productive use.

Today, Marita Noon discusses the spotted-owl, the sand dune lizard, the ‘lesser prairie chicken’, and man’s co-existence with these species.

Log on to  for more.

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April 1, 2014

Title: The Flea-Flicking Flea-Fly and The Prairie Chicken
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

It isn’t about the critter; it’s about modern society. $26 MILLION is being spent on 40 million across New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado to save the habitat of the prairie chicken.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, explains the ridiculousness of the Fish and Wildlife’s new claim.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Protecting the environment is important; we all know that. However, we must remain vigilant and proactive. Business leaders are now emulating the environmentalists and their lawyers. They need to be stopped now or regulations will spiral out of control, with no hope of salvation.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues effecting the environment.

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March 13, 2014

Title: Do you Believe the Lie?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

The US has risen to the world’s #1 producer of natural gas. Is it because of hydraulic fracking?

Hollywood liberals have joined the fight against hydraulic fracking, spreading lies about the dangers of the practice. They are pushing high-cost, low-quality energy alternatives which will never last and will put strain on tax-payers.

So, what are you supposed to believe? Do you trust the paid Hollywood actors or do you trust the facts?

Listen in as Marita Noon gives you those facts.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Facts do not lie. Hollywood actors are paid big bucks to lie to us, all under the guise of “saving the environment”.

Don’t get me wrong. I am definitely in favor of saving the planet and taking good care of what God has entrusted us with. So, what is the solution?

Americans want energy independence, but the Democrats stall at every chance. Jobs are being lost. Money is being wasted. Listen is to hear some solutions we should be pushing our elected officials toward accepting.

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February 25, 2014

Title: Should America Imitate a Third World Country?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 4

If imitation is the best form of flattery should the new Mexican President be observing the Obama administration when it comes to jobs growth and growing their economy?

Or, should President Obama and his administration be observing how the current President of Mexico is providing new jobs for his population and growing their economy?

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Title: part 2 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

The Mexican government is actually encouraging for-profit businesses to expand and make more profits! No, that is NOT a typo!

Even more astounding is the President of Mexico is reducing their take of taxes, fees, and in-kind contributions from the international oil companies! Again – NOT a typo!

Listen in to hear more unforeseen tales that are true!

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Not everyone is happy about the new President of Mexico’s brilliant plan. The day the reforms were signed, protesters pounded on metal barriers with rocks and spoons. Riot police stood guard. In fact, more than 1.6 million signatures have been gathered on a petition demanding a referendum on energy reform.

So, what will happened? Will the new Mexican President back down?

Listen in to hear Marita’s opinion.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

If an American President had the guts to go up against the EPA and the environmental tree huggers in order to increase oil, gas, and coal production in all the states of these United States, it would bring down the cost of gasoline and electricity.

Not only that, it would create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the American people, building a more secure America by freeing us from the chains held by O.P.E.C.

Learn more about this and other issues affecting our environment at

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February 18, 2014

Title: Shoot it. Bury it. And Shut Up About It.
Topic: Endangered Species Act
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Though well intentioned at its start in 1973, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has morphed into a tool to hinder or block economic activity from logging and farming to mining and oil-and-gas development—often to protect species that don’t truly need it.

For example, if you find oil or natural gas on your property, the value goes up. If you find an endangered species, your land becomes virtually worthless because the critter prevents productive use.

Today, Marita Noon discusses the spotted-owl, the sand dune lizard, the ‘lesser prairie chicken’, and man’s co-existence with these species.

Log on to  for more.

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February 13, 2014

Title: Minimum Wage Hike
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Raising the national minimum wage will only cause more unemployment and hurt those who need it most.

Why can’t Obama and his left-leaning friends see this???

Speaking of Obama…where are all the jobs he has been promising for the last 6 years?

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Title: What's The Beef Against Good Jobs and the Keystone Pipeline?
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 2 of 2

The Keystone XL Pipeline will provide jobs and boost the American economy. But – surprise, surprise – the environmentalists are stalling the construction.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, explains why the pipeline is so vital. Log on to  for more details.

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January 13, 2014

Title: Government Knows Best and Says No to Your Favorite Light Bulb
Topic: Outlawed Light Bulbs
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

We use electricity for making ice, powering lights, watching TV, powering fans for cooling, and heating and air conditioning. The government believes you use too much electricity to ‘light’ your homes, apartments, and places of employment.

The government believes if we all stopped using the old light bulbs and starting using the new light bulbs, we could achieve energy independence.

Now, as of January 2014, the government has outlawed the sale of our ‘old light bulbs’.

This is yet another example of “government knows best”.

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November 19, 2013

Title: EPA Says No. Americans Say Yes.
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, says that low-information voters are beginning to realize that we need more American Energy found and produced on our own soil.

But, how are we to turn the tide against the EPA? Listen in for some answers.

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Title: Abbott/Smitherman vs. the EPA
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 2 of 2

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman are suing the EPA.

Marita Noon gives her opinion on whether this action is helpful or not.

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November 7, 2013

Title: Do you Believe the Lie?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

The US has risen to the world’s #1 producer of natural gas. Is it because of hydraulic fracking?

Hollywood liberals have joined the fight against hydraulic fracking, spreading lies about the dangers of the practice. They are pushing high-cost, low-quality energy alternatives which will never last and will put strain on tax-payers.

So, what are you supposed to believe? Do you trust the paid Hollywood actors or do you trust the facts?

Listen in as Marita Noon gives you those facts.

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Title: part 2 of 2
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Facts do not lie. Hollywood actors are paid big bucks to lie to us, all under the guise of “saving the environment”.

Don’t get me wrong. I am definitely in favor of saving the planet and taking good care of what God has entrusted us with. So, what is the solution?

Americans want energy independence, but the Democrats stall at every chance. Jobs are being lost. Money is being wasted. Listen is to hear some solutions we should be pushing our elected officials toward accepting.

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October 22, 2013

Title: Converting Corn Into Ethanol: Is It Just Stupid?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

At some point years ago, it might have been a good idea to use corn as a feed stock to make Ethanol, but no longer. Why? Corn prices are higher causing just about every food-stuff to cost more. Is this unintended consequence worth the higher prices? Marita says, “No.” Why?

Question: Why did the Federal Government take the price increases of food and gasoline out of the equation when computing inflation? Did they intend to hide the true inflation rate?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Does Ethanol decrease your gas mileage? Does Ethanol damage engines? Should the federal government increase the amount of Ethanol allowed in gasoline?

Marita discusses the outdated mandate of using corn and other products in making Ethanol. Is it time to move away from Ethanol? Please listen in.

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September 25, 2013

Title: National Geographic Stoops To Propaganda Shaming Itself
Topic: Global Warming Farce
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

National Geographic shamed its reputation when it published its September issue depicting Lady Liberty nearly up to her waist in sea water.

Lady Liberty is 151 feet tall and standing on a base of 154 feet. Her thighs must be over 200 feet above the water line now. The politically driven story quotes predictions of ONLY a 6.6 foot rise in water levels, caused by man, by the year 2100.

Even in Texas, the distance between 6.6. feet and 200 feet is a tall tale for sure.

Please listen in.

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Title: News Flash: Global Mini-Ice Age Upon Us
Topic: Global Warming Farce
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 2 of 2

Despite the continued increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the annual global temperature has not risen in the twenty-first century.

Not once did the National Geographic cover story mention that there are thousands of scientists who disagree with man-caused global warming.

National Geographic and its editors want you to believe in ‘man-caused’ global warming. They are spreading lies.

Please listen in.

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October 23, 2012

Title: Does Energy Make America Great?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Why should women care about energy? Obama's new CAFÉ standards are staggering - with a projected 50% increase in mpg over the next 13 years. Will you please explain these standards and what they will mean for our economy?

The Obama administration promised 5 million new energy jobs at a cost of $15 billion per year. The amount of new jobs that have been established is far less than that and the plan has cost much more. Are women beginning to see the truth hidden behind the lies?

What is the biggest concern for women when they go and vote? Can you break down some of the "green jobs" that Obama has claimed to have created? Why should women even care about how much green energy is actually costing us?

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October 3, 2012

Title: If Romney Wins, Does OPEC Lose? Is Obama the OPEC President?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Do the OPEC countries have a choke hold on the world economy? If so, how and why?

Could the US be the Saudi Arabia of: coal, natural gas, wind, and oil?

Has Obama declared war on fossil based fuel?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

In your opinion, is Obama and his minions more loyal to shutting down Americas economy or more loyal to putting Americans back to work?

Is Obama the best advocate for OPEC?

Is this true: if Obama wins, OPEC wins?

What about: If Romney wins, American families win?

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August 21, 2012

Title: SNEAK PEEK: Obama's Dirty Energy List.
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 4

You don't know how to mine coal or split an atom, but tell our listeners what you DO know that is important for America!
Do we have a president and a current administration that is doing everything possible to make electricity and gasoline cost more?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Prior to the 2008 election, did Obama say that he wanted to bankrupt every coal/fuel power plant? Why is there a lower demand for coal?

Obama says "we are producing more domestic oil and gas than we have in recent history, and it's all because of me!" - Is that a lie?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Is China beginning to hoard rare earth metals?

Is it hypocrisy that any nation would go to the world court to force another nation to export something it does not want to export?

Has the Forest Service become micromanaged?

Is it representative of why America is in the economic conundrum that it is?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Obama says "yeah! we want to use natural gas!" but are they trying to shut down natural gas drilling also? What will happen if Obama gets a second term?

How many oil and gas wells do the Yankees in New York allow to use the fracking process? How many jobs have been created in the oil business in Pennsylvania since fracking started?

Tell our listeners about your website!

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March 20, 2012

Title: Energy Is What Makes America Great - But Are We Headed Back to The Horse and Buggy?
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

How in America will we be able survive without affordable electricity?

Are the environmentalists really "wacko" in wanting to close more coal fired generating plants?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

What is the name of your great book, and where can our listeners grab a copy?

Have American consumers been paying too little for their electricity?

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