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June 15, 2016

Title: Fighting Back Against Greenpeace
Topic: Greenpeace
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Being Resolute, they finally stood up and found enough courage to counterpunch the green bullies.

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, believes that every American should be paying attention to a developing issue in Canada – yes, Canada. The Resolute Forest Products Company in Canada has filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace, claiming it damaged the company's "business, goodwill, and reputation." You can find more details about the case here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “shakedown” tactic used by the “Greenie Weenies”? (Yes, that’s what Terry asked!)

What exactly did Greenpeace do to the Resolute Forest Products Company and how does Victoria’s Secret tie into the mess?

After Resolute filed their lawsuit, Greenpeace apologized and tried to make it better. However, the “better” only lasted a short time. Listen in as Marita Noon explains what they did – again!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Fighting Back Against Greenpeace
Topic: Greenpeace
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Patrick Moore is one of the original founders of Greenpeace. Moore is disappointed in how the group he helped to establish in order to help the planet is now nothing more than an extortion racket.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Marita gives another explanation of why the Resolute Forest Products Company sued Greenpeace. After all, Greenpeace is supposed to be a good organization, right? Well, maybe not so much.

So, why did Patrick Moore help Resolute sue Greenpeace, an organization he help start?

Marita encourages others who have been targeted by Greenpeace and other organizations to come forward and fight back. It’s time to stop letting the “Greenie Weenies” walk all over us.

And, finally, what is Marita’s opinion about a Donald Trump Presidency concerning this issue?

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