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April 28, 2022

Title: Energy Poverty Robs Children and Families of Opportunity
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Syd Lucas is the legal assistant for the Center for the American Future at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, she discusses the brave people trying to beat poverty who are without clean water or electricity – things we take for granted. Syd writes: “Climate change policies will hurt them, not help them, by crippling economies and limiting access to energy.”

Click here to read the article on this topic from Syd Lucas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What types of energy do we, in America, take for granted? Syd Lucas admits that she once took energy usage for granted and describes the many things we do every day that require energy.

What is significant about Boniface, the 14-year-old young man Syd Lucas met in Tanzania?

What did Syd expect when she visited Tanzania? Did anything surprise her?

Was Boniface’s family aware of how little they actually had?

Should we “haves” deny the “have nots” the right to energy sources we take for granted? Syd discusses how environmentalists just don’t realize how “green energy” will actually harm those in poverty around the world.

Why is it important to partner with communities that do not have access to clean water, proper sanitation, and affordable, reliable energy sources?

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April 2, 2019

Title: Ending Energy Poverty
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Imagine continuing your normal daily activities without affordable, abundant, and reliable energy. Imagine, for instance, traveling to and from work every day on a horse. Imagine washing clothes without the convenience of a washing machine and dryer. Imagine doing research for school or work without a computer. (Us old folks actually remember those days!)

Oh… and no more cell phones!!!

Jason Isaac is a Senior Manager and a distinguished fellow at the “Life: Powered Project” at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is life expectancy in developed nations?

What is life expectancy in Africa?

Does this reduced life expectancy correlate with their lack of access to reliable, affordable, and abundant electricity?

Do the majority of people in Africa still use dung to heat their huts and cook their food? Click here  to view a video.

How many people die every year due to a lack of reliable, affordable, and abundant energy?

What is “Energy Poverty”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ending Energy Poverty
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Jason Isaac
with American Energy Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could China have helped their citizens rise from poverty without reliable, affordable, and abundant energy?

Is there documentation that the UN and portions of the US government purposefully keep reliable, affordable, and abundant energy from billions across the globe? Why would they do this?

Is the Green New Deal anti-American?

What is the purpose, mission, and focus of the “Life: Powered Initiative”?

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January 5, 2015

Title: Energy Poverty Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

As the United States and Western Europe reduces the use of fossil fuels, have we seen lower levels of CO2? We could stop using cars, stop using refrigerators, stop using air conditioning and heat, and the levels of CO2 would not decrease. Dr. Sterling explains how other natural resources are adding to CO2 emissions – not humans or fossil fuels.

Germans, for example, are voluntarily shutting off their air conditioning and heating systems because they simply cannot afford the high cost of electricity. Even in England, the elderly are buying cheap books to burn for heat during the winter! Listen in as Dr. Sterling describes why!

You can learn more on this and other issues at

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Title: Germany's Commitment to Energy Swindle
Topic: Energy Poverty
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

The wonderful and energetic Marita Noon is back to talk about Germany’s deal with the environmentalist decades ago. Where has it gotten them? Are they living the healthy, high life, or are they struggling to barely survive?

Marita Noon points out that Germany has not only declared a war against fossil fuels, but against nuclear power as well. Listen in Marita explains the dangerous consequences Germans are now facing due to their allegiance to the environmentalists.

Just like in America, big industry and big business in Germany receive a break on taxes and fees in exchange for using clean energy. Do small businesses and consumers? Oh, no! That would be too much to ask! Marita says this is one of the major issues some Germans have and why America must not follow their lead.

Log on to  to read Marita’s latest piece, “Unsustainable Subsidies in an Unstable System”.

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