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November 12, 2015

Title: Catholics Crazy over Global Warming
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Refugees are migrating all over Europe to escape death and enslavement from Islamist Terrorists. Millions of babies are being murdered by their mothers through legalized abortion. The traditional family is being ripped apart to appease intolerant minorities. Millions of poor people die every day from malnutrition or lack of clean drinking water. Yet, The Catholics are creating a firestorm over global warming. After all, solar panels will save the day!

Catholic leaders’ concern over “man-caused global warming” is just getting out of hand. They (the Catholics) are calling for “complete decarbonisation by mid-century” by 2050, believing the world will be saved from eminent doom. They (the Catholics) claim this effort is to save “the poorest and most vulnerable”. What they don’t realize, however, is this will harm the very people they are trying to save!

Marita Noon discusses the upcoming Climate Change Summit “Top 21” being held November 30-December 11 in Paris, France. Leaders from all over the world, including President Obama, will be present. “The last time they did this, President Obama came in at the end. It was kind of embarrassing, actually, because they did not pass his plan,” Marita says. This time, however, Obama plans to be there from the start. And this is not going to be a good thing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Catholics Crazy over Global Warming
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Has the Catholic Church lost sight of what is really important? Isn’t spreading the truth about the Gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ more important than stopping the use coal? Surely there are better things the leaders of the Catholic Church can be focusing on!

Marita Noon doesn’t believe “global warming” is a crisis, and it certainly is not a “man-made crisis”. The Catholic Church has been egged on by Obama and his environmental sidekicks. They have bought the lie, hook, line, and sinker, all under the guise of “social justice”. “It’s baffling where they’ve put their priorities,” Marita says. “We have numerous crisis in the world, and this is what they’ve chosen to put their emphasis on.

Here in America, the majority of Democrats, and even many Republicans, have been duped into believing the end-of-world doom story as well. “This is clearly evident with the President’s decision about the Keystone Pipeline,” Marita points out.

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October 1, 2015

Title: Volkswagen Made their Own Mess
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

WARNING: Marita Noon and others at Energy Makes America Great must be doing something right because their website has been HACKED! Marita warns people NOT to go to their website for a few days to avoid any potential malware infections. The problem should be resolved soon.

Volkswagen engineers allegedly “fixed” emissions tests to allow their vehicles to pass. In 2014, Bloomberg reported that “road tests of 15 new diesel cars were an average of seven times higher than European limits.” This was, of course, all discovered while the Pope was in the country so very little was said or heard about it. Marita Noon is back to discuss the situation.

What’s the big deal, anyway? Well, Volkswagen and other car manufacturers began switching from gas-fueled to diesel-fueled vehicles in the mid-90’s as part of their commitment to lower CO2 emissions. So, in short, Volkswagen fudged their road tests so they could get a tax break.

Marita goes on to reveal just how much Volkswagen could potentially be fined. The EPA has said it will fine them $37,000 per car that “cheated” and approximately 11 million cars were in that group. Listen in as Marita explains more about the performance, the actual CO2 emissions, and how it actually effects the environment.

Bonus Info: Other car manufacturers could be a part of this big hoax/lie, too, so listen in as Marita reveals which ones!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Volkswagen Made their Own Mess
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

WARNING: Marita Noon and others at Energy Makes America Great must be doing something right because their website has been HACKED! Marita warns people NOT to go to their website for a few days to avoid any potential malware infections. The problem should be resolved soon.

Volkswagen cheated and now they are paying the price – literally. But why did they take such a risk? Were they really trying to help the environment or was it just for a tax break?

Now they are facing “loss due to diminished value of the car”. The fine the EPA is said to place upon the company for lying about and fixing the emission testing could reach up to $18 Billion. Volkswagen not only has the fine from the EPA to worry about. There are approximately 70 lawsuits which have already been filed against Volkswagen; there will be more added in the coming weeks, I’m sure.

The Obama Administration is trying so hard to be the best in the world at reducing CO2 emissions that they are being unreasonable. Marita says, “We’ve reached a point where regulators and Legislators are setting legal limits and goals that are not technologically possible at this time.” We just can’t do it. Maybe one day, but not now. Companies have to do what they can – even cheat – to comply or be fined. Well, Volkswagen is now discovering that complying would have been a whole lot simpler – and cheaper.

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May 13, 2015

Title: Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 3

God knew what He was doing when he placed fossil fuels on the earth. He knew that there would one day be billions of people living across the globe. He knew that we would need reliable, renewable, cheap sources of energy to heat and cool our homes, cook our food, and live in healthy environments. He knew.

So why is the Pope now spreading the global warming hysteria? In case you missed it, this is the prepared statement from the Pope, released on April 28, 2015: "Today, the ever-accelerating burning of fossil fuels that powers our economic engine is disrupting the earth's delicate ecological balance on an almost unfathomable scale." Marita Noon says that environmentalists hope that the Pope’s influence will once again be front-page news. This is why they are trying so hard to win his support. Maybe they already have…

In her research talking to Roman Catholics, what has Marita discovered? Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss the Vatican’s new, alarming position concerning global warming hysteria and the reaction by many Catholics.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Will the Pope be issuing new 11th and 12th Commandments? (This statement is not to disrespect the Pope but this is very serious.) Marita Noon continues to discuss the Pope’s push to convince Roman Catholic followers that fossil fuels are destroying the earth. In fact, Marita and others believe he will be issuing a lengthy encyclical to the Roman Catholic Church concerning the issue.

I think it’s rather audacious,” says Marita Noon, “to think that humans have the ability to change the climate….That would be putting ourselves above God.” How can the Pope possibly believe the lies from the environmentalists? Listen in as Marita explains more about the encyclical and the effect it will have on not only the Catholic Church, but the population of the entire world.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Has the Pope Been Bought?
Topic: Global Warming and the Pope
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Should the Pope just stick to saving souls? Why is he so interested in global warming? The Pope believes that he is doing the poor of the world a favor by declaring fossil fuels a mortal sin. The exact is true! Those living in poverty need access to reliable, cheap fossil fuels the very most!

Marita Noon says it couldn’t hurt for people to contact their elected officials concerning the Pope’s decision to bash fossil fuels. Listen in as she explains why and what we should all be doing.

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