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March 19, 2019

Title: Raise Wages=Work Less Hours
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

After a minimum wage hike, workers at Whole Foods (now a division of Amazon) found they were working fewer hours. This is the norm wherever a wage increase is mandated.

Dr. Vance Ginn has answers to some of the most often asked questions regarding this issue. Dr. Ginn is the Director of the Center for Economic Prosperity and Senior Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When the government forces companies to pay high labor costs, how do employers react?

Should lawmakers also pass a law that companies cannot reduce hours once the minimum wage is increased?

Are some Whole Foods workers now complaining about the minimum wage increase?

Does raising the minimum wage make it harder for younger workers and high school dropouts to enter the work force?

FACT: Fewer than 3% of workers nationwide make minimum wage.

What are the ages of these low-wage workers? Do they work full or part time? How long do they usually make minimum wage before receiving a raise? Why is this important information to know?

Do many “heads of households” make minimum wage?

Dr. Vance Ginn closes the segment discussing several bills that have been filed in the Texas House and Senate regarding this issue… Find more here.

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March 5, 2019

Title: Minimum Wage Hikes: Good or Bad?
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

When Amazon pulled out of New York, the loss of 25,000 future jobs made headlines. What isn't making headlines are the thousands of jobs being destroyed right now thanks to the city's $15 minimum wage law.

Some in Texas have been pushing for an increase in the minimum wage for years. Will they be successful soon? Dr. Vance Ginn prays they aren’t! Dr. Ginn is the Director of the Center for Economic Prosperity and Senior Economist at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have progressives filed a bill to raise the minimum wage in Texas?

Did a minimum wage hike in New York and Seattle cost the cities jobs? If so, why and how?

Does raising the minimum wage harm those it is intended to help?

How many full-time jobs could Texas LOSE if the minimum wage is increased?

Will the jobs lost be college-educated workers or those in entry level positions?

What are some other unintended losses with an increase in minimum wage?

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May 13, 2016

Title: Why Settle for $15 per Hour? Aim Higher!!
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Rabbi Yonason Goldson
with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (

My Grandma always told me: “Shoot for the stars – you might hit the moon!

Rabbi Yonason Goldson is with us today to discuss the millennials dumb idea of only asking for $15 per hour when they could be asking for a salary of $100,000 a year! He says, “It’s somewhat refreshing that in this age of entitlement, people are saying they don’t want government assistance. But is $15 per hour actually going to help?” That’s the big question of the day.

One of the problems, however, with the whole “livable wage” argument is that minimum wage jobs are not designed to be support a family! Minimum wage jobs are for teens and college students who need spending money to take their girlfriend to dinner and to save for college and beyond. Minimum wage jobs are for people in between jobs until they get back on their feet or for a second income if needed.

What causes the “wage gap” in American, though? Why do sports stars and actors in Hollywood make millions upon millions of dollars when teachers sometimes live on food stamps? Society doesn’t always recognize the true value of a person’s ability. Yonason Goldson says, “Life is not fair. And if we want to live in society where there is freedom and liberty, inequality is a byproduct of that.”

I think the government should just pass a law which makes everyone’s pay equal – no matter what. The CEO makes $15 per hour. The janitor makes $15 per hour. The middle man makes $15 per hour. Why not? That’s fair, right? Yonason says, “This is the messiness of living in a free society. We want a society that is as fair as we can make it.” That does not include, however, a $15 per hour wage for people flipping burgers or making copies in an office.

Listen in as Rabbi Yonason Goldson discusses more on this issue – why it is happening, where it began (i.e. public schools and sports teams), and what we can do to stop the madness.

You can order a copy of one of Yonason’s many books here.

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April 11, 2016

Title: San Antonio School Board Hikes Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

If a business owner only awarded its lowest-paid employees a twenty-percent raise – but no one else – how would people react? Probably not very favorably. Well, that’s exactly what a San Antonio, Texas, school board did!

Dr. Vance Ginn, an economist with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, does not believe this government agency made a wise decision. He says, “The decision should be based on merit.” Each person in a company (or school) is important, from the janitor to the receptionist, to the teacher, to the Principal. However, pay raises should always – always – be based on merit. Why should someone working in the school for a week be awarded the same pay raise as someone who has worked there for ten years? Life is not fair, but this…This is just ridiculous.

FACT: This San Antonio school district is already $1.1 Billion debt. Where are they going to get the money for this pay raise?

Every school district across the state of Texas has the right to set their own pay scale. It is understandable that entry-level, non-degree positions may be hard to fill. After all, the cost of living is high, right? However, these particular types of positions are meant to be short-term positions so the employee can advance to other positions with more pay. That is the way of the world. Or so it should be…
Dr. Ginn explains that there have been “several labor union groups traveling throughout Texas to convince local government agencies to raise their minimum wages”. These groups hope that Texas will be the next state to jump on the “$15-per-hour-train”, saying it will reduce “income inequality”. This is not going to happen on my watch!

Dr. Ginn points out: “What you see when you raise the minimum wage, those low-wage, low-skilled workers are substituted for new technologies that are maintained and built by high-wage, high-skilled workers.” It’s one thing for a private entity like Walmart or McDonald’s to raise their minimum wage; it’s another issue entirely when the government forces everyone, including small business owners, to raise the minimum wage across the board.

For more on this issue, click here

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February 13, 2014

Title: Minimum Wage Hike
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Raising the national minimum wage will only cause more unemployment and hurt those who need it most.

Why can’t Obama and his left-leaning friends see this???

Speaking of Obama…where are all the jobs he has been promising for the last 6 years?

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January 17, 2014

Title: Democrat Victory Will Crush the Youth
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Part 1 of 2

Sadly, politics is all about winning votes and staying in power. One of the current issues being stressed in raising the minimum wage.

A recent study found that just 1.9 percent of all wage and salary earners make the minimum wage or less.

However, the Democrats will win in the push to increase minimum wage. The outcome will crush the young worker, the least educated, and the low skilled. The teenage unemployment rate is still over 20 percent and the unemployment rate for workers 20 to 24 is 11.6 percent.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

A recent study uncovered that an increase in minimum wage would reduce employment by more than two million jobs.

Not ironically, a journalist visited a Walmart supercenter and found very little interest among shoppers wanting to pay MORE for the items they purchased.

So why bring up the issue of raising minimum wage? Because that’s how liberal, progressive Democrats stay in power. No matter who it hurts. Not even their own base. They really are heartless and do not care for the average American.

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January 7, 2014

Title: Consumers Support $15 MW but Don’t Want to Pay More
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Peter Schiff
with Schiff Radio

Protests at Walmart are filling the airwaves as workers demand to be paid $15 per hour. While everyone seems to say they support workers being paid more, Peter wanted to find out if Walmart shoppers were “really” willing to help out.

Posing as a representative of "15 for 15", a make-believe organization advocating Walmart raise prices by 15 percent to enable workers receive at least $15 per hour wages, Peter first asked shoppers if they supported Walmart workers earning more. Almost all agreed.

Once a shopper signaled his or her support, I asked if they would be willing to donate 15 percent of whatever they spent -- to help support the cause.

How many agreed to do their part to help Walmart workers earn more?

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December 13, 2013

Title: Bargaining Position and Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

In response to the recent budget agreement announcement in WDC, Pete Sepp, with the National Taxpayers Union, said:

"Despite a great deal of patient negotiations, the agreement reached by Representative Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray leaves a lot of unanswered questions for taxpayers – and several answered ones that are discouraging. It busts the reasonable spending caps enacted just two years ago – proving that once again, Congress cannot abide by even basic fiscal restraints…The fact is, the deal takes more money out of the wallets of the American people and sends it to Washington to fund Congress's insatiable desire to spend more.

Listen in as Pete Sepp explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

In this second segment, Pete Sepp discusses the increase in minimum wage.

Who is really affected? Who pays for the increased labor costs?

The average American citizen will be hammered with new taxes and costs all across the board. Lawmakers should take a very close look at this and consider all the consequences.

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January 23, 2007

Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Dr. Dirk Mateer
with Center for Vision and Values (

The public supports it and the politicians demand it. Yet, only 3% receive it. The hike in the minimum wage damages the ones it is supposed to help. So, why do it? Dr. Mateer is an expert with the Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College and is the Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies in Economics at Penn State.

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September 11, 2006

Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

The minimum wage boost drives more rich teenagers and college students into the job market, while reducing the hours worked by part-timers and the number of openings. It also drives poorly educated and low skilled African Americans into unemployment.

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September 8, 2006

Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Mike Flynn
with Employment Policies Institute

Rich kids will be helped; poor blacks will be hurt if the minimum wage is increased. Listen in then visit to learn more.

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March 15, 2006

Title: Will Increasing Minimum Wage Hurt the Very Person It Is Targeted To Help?
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Bret Jacobson
with Employment Policies Institute

What is the minimum wage today and how long has it been at that rate? Who earns minimum wage? What is their skill level? What is their education level?

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Title: Will Increasing the Minimum Wage Hurt the Very Person It Is Targeted To Help?
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Bret Jacobson
with Employment Policies Institute

Will increasing the minimum wage hurt the very person it is targeted to help? Also, who is ACORN?

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March 8, 2006

Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Professor Aaron S. Yelowitz
with Professor

Prof. Dr. Yelowitz documents the results of increasing the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour in a major city in the U.S. Consequences: 1. Unemployment in the less-educated sector increased by nearly 10% 2. Hours worked decreased. 3. Adult low-wage earners were replaced by teenagers. Where do we go from here?

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December 16, 2005

Title: The affects of increasing the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour.
Topic: Minimum Wage Increase
Discussed by Professor Aaron S. Yelowitz
with Professor

Prof. Dr. Yelowitz documents the results of increasing the minimum wage to $8.50 per hour in a major city in the U.S. Consequences: 1. Unemployment in the less-educated sector increased by nearly 10% 2. Hours worked decreased. 3. Adult low-wage earners were replaced by teenagers. Where do we go from here?

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