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October 9, 2017

Title: America First Energy Conference: November 9, Houston
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Dr. Tim Huelskamp
with Heartland Institute (

New guest, Dr. Tim Huelskamp, is the President of the Heartland Institute. He is also a former member of the US Congress (1997-2011). Today, Dr. Huelskamp will be discussing the upcoming “America First Energy Conference” at the Houston Galleria JW Marriott Hotel on Thursday, November 9.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does energy truly make America Great?

Is fracking good or bad?

Does America need to use more fossil fuels, not less?

Are Americans believing the myth that humans are causing climate change?

What does the “America First Energy Conference” entail?

Why should leaders, politicians, and their staff attend the upcoming “America First Energy Conference”?

Click here for more information about the “America First Energy Conference”.

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January 17, 2017

Title: More Energy = More Jobs
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Both candidates for President promised more jobs for Americans. Will Donald Trump succeed?

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses a recent study of global energy consumption versus GDP found: "Energy is so intrinsically linked to GDP that energy policy more or less dictates how our economy performs."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to manufacturing jobs over the past few decades?

What are the energy costs in different countries across the world?

Shocking Fact: China’s energy costs are, on average, 50% higher than the United States.

Does Marita Noon believe that Donald Trump will bring more manufacturing jobs back to America?

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November 11, 2016

Title: More Energy = More Jobs
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Both candidates for President promised more jobs for Americans. Will Donald Trump succeed?

Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, discusses a recent study of global energy consumption versus GDP found: "Energy is so intrinsically linked to GDP that energy policy more or less dictates how our economy performs."

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What has happened to manufacturing jobs over the past few decades?

What are the energy costs in different countries across the world?

Shocking Fact: China’s energy costs are, on average, 50% higher than the United States.

Does Marita Noon believe that Donald Trump will bring more manufacturing jobs back to America?

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February 6, 2015

Title: Obama Really, Really Hates Oil
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

“Rule of Capture” is a phrase often used in the oil and gas industry.

What does this mean?

Obama allows Russia, Canada, Norway and Denmark to take the oil that is there but does not want the U.S. of A. to have its share.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Obama Really, Really Hates Oil
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Obama is trying to, once again, shut down the oil and gas industry. In far, far, far, far north Alaska, there are roughly 20,000,000 (that’s million) acres of oil that Obama wants shut down because the mating habits of a few Cariboo could be disturbed.

If Obama shuts down the ANWAR, the Cariboo will no longer have a warm place to mate! So, in effect, Obama will make the matter worse! Can he not get anything right?

Listen in as Marita Noon explains how Russia, Canada, Norway, and others are chomping at the bit to get our oil in America and how it appears that Obama is allowing them to get it! It also seems as if Russia is funding the environmentalists in America in order to get their hands on our oil!

Click [here]  to learn more from Marita Noon with Energy Makes America Great.

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December 9, 2014

Title: It's Time for Some Tough Love
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Wind powered energy is great – when there is wind. Solar powered energy is great – when the sun is shining. Coal powered energy is great – all the time!  Why can’t the bozos in Washington realize this?

If you think living in an 850-square-foot apartment with no air conditioning seems outrageous and far-fetched, just ask someone who lives in Europe how much they like it, especially someone in Germany.

The Institute for Energy Research, in its latest report, predicts more than 72 gigawatts of "electrical generating capacity" are going offline. “To put 72 GW in perspective, that is enough electrical generation capacity to reliably power 44.7 million homes – or every home in every state west of the Mississippi River, excluding Texas.” IER report says.

What does this mean? Marita Noon says Americans are not ready to live in small quarters; they will not even be willing to try it! We are blessed in America to have the things we have, but all those things could be gone all too soon.

Marita believes that it is far past time our elected officials place strict taxes on the wind industry. Wait. What? Why aren’t they being taxed now? Marita explains how we, the taxpayers, are paying for it through subsidies! Furthermore, there have not been any new technological breakthroughs in wind energy in almost 15 years! Same situation with solar!

Why is the government still trying to pick winners and losers? Marita says, “Regardless of party affiliation, it is very hard for any politician to vote against the established source of energy in their state.”

Listen in to hear more from Marita and what you can do to change Washington for good! You can find her column on this issue [here].

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October 3, 2014

Title: How Climate Change and Socialism Are Tied Together
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

At the recent People’s Climate March in New York, signs which stated “Capitalism is Killing the Planet” and “Capitalism is a Disease. Socialism is the Cure” were spotted. Human Events described the menagerie of participants this way: "If you're in favor of totalitarian power, sympathetic to America's enemies, dubious about representative democracy, hostile to free markets, or you just get turned on by fantasizing about violent revolution, there was a place for you at this march."

Many times at Tea Party Rallies, the MSM will scour the crowd for that one lone crazy person holding a crazy sign and dressed up in a weird costume, using him/her to represent the group as a whole. That is not what Marita Noon and I are doing. We are not just talking about one or two people who have escaped from the loony hospital. There were thousands upon thousands of people at the People’s Climate March who believe that socialism is the best answer for America.

These are Anti-America, Anti-Capitalist, and anti-Free Marketers who are using climate change as a platform. They are not interested in “climate change”; they are interested in “system change”. Marita Noon, with Energy Makes America Great, has been sounding the alarm about climate changers for a long time.

Listen in as she describes their recent antics at the People’s Climate March and what it means for the future of America.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Arrest the Climate Change Deniers
Topic: Energy Drives America
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Capitalism is killing the planet! Stop using coal! Let’s all live in a Zulu hut! It’ll be great! NOT!!

At the People’s Climate March, Robert Kennedy, Jr. said that he wishes opponents to climate change could be jailed! And he has stated this many times! Now, we can’t really hold what RKJ says against him; after all, he is Kennedy.

The leaders of the People’s Climate March are famous celebrities who are PAID to spread global warming hysteria. They tell the hippies, the stoners, the college kids, the unemployed that all the problems in the world are a direct result of global warming. They can’t find a job because of global warming. They can’t get a good house because of global warming. Cancer and Ebola are caused by global warming.

The National Geographic Association summed up the People’s Climate March perfectly. They said: “Despite all the enthusiasm displayed in New York and elsewhere on a muggy September Sunday, public opinion polls consistently show that climate change is not a high priority for most Americans."

Listen in as Marita Noon discusses “Climate Hustle”, Robert Kennedy, Jr., the hippies, and more! Be sure to log on to for Marita’s official report on the People’s Climate March. Share the article with your friends on Facebook and send to all your followers on Twitter. Get the word out!

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