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September 7, 2016

Title: Others Pay More, So Will We
Topic: Others Pay More, So Will We
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Part 1 of 2

Do you want to pay three-to-four times what you currently pay to heat and cool your home or business? Many do not believe that Americans will ever pay extremely high energy prices like the Europeans do. If you are one of those people, I implore you to listen to the next two segments for the truth. Our resident energy expert, Marita Noon, just might convince you otherwise.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the architects of energy plants first examine the needs of the consumers in the area before a single brick is laid?

If they do not plan accordingly and cannot meet the needs of the consumers, what happens to the electric grid? What is the difference between a brown-out and a black-out?

Should policy makers and elected officials stop the mad rush to force green energy onto Americans and really study the unintended consequences?

Marita Noon has been writing and speaking about this issue for years. In this first segment, she briefly discusses how Australia is now following in the footsteps of Europe concerning renewable energy sources. NOTE: The hike in electricity prices in Australia is much higher than Germany, which is already three to four times higher than America.

Listen to the next segment as Marita goes into more detail about the increase in energy prices in Australia.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Others Pay More, So Will We
Topic: Others Pay More, So Will We
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Australia has made some bad energy policy mistakes. Listen in as Marita discusses these mistakes and what America can learn from them.

What is happening to the amount of energy available in Australia?

How can our elected officials become educated on this issue and heed the warnings?

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