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June 8, 2016

Title: Colorado Made a Good Call for Once
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not the fear mongering of the anti-fossil-fuel movement.

Believe it or not, there are those who do not consider access to affordable energy a basic right and necessity. I know, I know, I know. It’s hard to imagine, right? But, they do exist – and they are trying to take over everything! As Marita Noon explains, however, the Colorado Supreme Court didn’t fall for the left’s trap.

Marita believes there is a definite, organized push to outlaw hydraulic fracking. She explains that the Pennsylvania Community and Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) has attempted to ban hydraulic fracking in many states, with their ultimate goal being to convince the Supreme Court of the United States to make the decision – in their favor, of course. The only state that has banned all drilling is New York, which is no surprise to anyone, given how liberal the state is. This is why it is so extremely important that we do not elect Hillary Clinton as President.

Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss and debunk some of the common myths (ahem, lies) about hydraulic fracking. Share this segment with all your contacts and on social media so the truth can be heard!

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May 18, 2016

Title: Colorado Made a Good Call for Once
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not the fear mongering of the anti-fossil-fuel movement.

Believe it or not, there are those who do not consider access to affordable energy a basic right and necessity. I know, I know, I know. It’s hard to imagine, right? But, they do exist – and they are trying to take over everything! As Marita Noon explains, however, the Colorado Supreme Court didn’t fall for the left’s trap.

Marita believes there is a definite, organized push to outlaw hydraulic fracking. She explains that the Pennsylvania Community and Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) has attempted to ban hydraulic fracking in many states, with their ultimate goal being to convince the Supreme Court of the United States to make the decision – in their favor, of course. The only state that has banned all drilling is New York, which is no surprise to anyone, given how liberal the state is. This is why it is so extremely important that we do not elect Hillary Clinton as President.

Listen in as Terry and Marita discuss and debunk some of the common myths (ahem, lies) about hydraulic fracking. Share this segment with all your contacts and on social media so the truth can be heard!

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December 12, 2013

Title: The Truth about Hydraulic Fracturing
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Karen Moreau
with Energy Tomorrow

Part 1 of 2

Hydraulic Fracturing is a technique that has been used for 60 years in oil and gas wells. Karen Moreau discusses fracking and the lies being spread about the process.

Hydraulic Fracturing does NOT cause earthquakes.

Hydraulic Fracturing does NOT contaminate drinking water.

People who do not do the research for themselves simply believe whatever comes out of Hollywood celebrities’ mouths and what they read on the internet.

Learn the truth here!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Hydraulic Fracturing
Discussed by Karen Moreau
with Energy Tomorrow

States like Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, and Pennsylvania have all seem rising employment rates. All five of these states allow hydraulic fracturing. Is this a coincidence?

However, Obama’s EPA has its evil eye on hydraulic fracturing. Will they win the war oil and gas like they’re winning the war on coal?

Listen in as Karen Moreau, Executive Director of the New York State Petroleum Council, explains.

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