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June 11, 2024

Title: Texas Storm Raises Questions about Renewables
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Craig Rucker
with Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (

Will the Biden Administration’s obsession with “green energy” collapse the American electric grid?

Craig Rucker is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Today, Craig discusses the recent power outage debacle in Texas after a major storm and what we must do moving forward to stop Biden’s power grab (pun intended).

Click here to read the op-ed from Craig Rucker on this topic in the DC Journal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Biden Administration laser-focused on eliminating gas appliances and combustion engines?

What is the real goal of “green energy”? Craig Rucker explains how the Biden Administration and most of the Democratic Party are doing anything and everything in their power to convince the American public to stop using oil, gas, and coal. He goes on to discuss the many, many negative effects of using wind and solar energy.

How will “going green” effect global temperatures?

Will the drive for a total electric society skyrocket demand, triggering an increase in consumer prices? Craig Rucker says we need to look no further than California to see the results of an all-electric state.

How does the weather (i.e. no wind or no sun) play a role in an all-electric society?

Does America have the resources to produce the needed solar panels and wind blades needed for this transformation? Craig explains why the answer is “yes” and “no”.

Are environmental considerations fully reviewed before site selection, construction, production stage, and disposal after useful life is reached?

Without tax credits and taxpayer funding, would anyone build a new wind or solar farm?

Should we hit the pause or re-set button on an all-electric society? Craig Rucker says: “I would scrap the whole thing!”

Click here to help support the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

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February 12, 2024

Title: Fact or Fiction: US Air is Safe to Breathe
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Dr. Bennett discusses the real effect “going green” will have on American families.

Click here for more on this and other related issues from Dr. Brent Bennett.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the COVID lockdowns and shutdowns, was there a measurable reduction in pollution levels in US cities?

Do studies which analyze the air quality in the US include air pollution that drifts our way from China and Mexico?

What is “fine particulate matter”?

Are there valid, unbiased scientific studies showing the number of deaths in the US due to inhaling fine particulate matter?

Most people agree that cleaner air and cleaner water is important. However, are most unwilling to pay more to achieve it?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Fact or Fiction: US Air is Safe to Breathe
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the US already have low particulate levels as compared to other countries?

Is there evidence that Americans are living longer due to the slight decrease in fine particulate matter in our air?

What will happen to industry, manufacturing, and our driving habits should the EPA be successful in dictating its new national standard for fine particulate matter?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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September 25, 2023

Title: When the Sun Doesn’t Shine and the Wind Doesn’t Blow
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

You walk over, flip the switch, and the lights come on. But what happens when the lights don’t work?

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, he discusses the investment problem plaguing the Texas grid.

Click here to read Dr. Brent Bennett’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happened to the Texas electric grid in February 2021?

Our electric grid operators rely on estimates of wind and solar generation. Earlier this month, the wind did not pick up at sunset. What happened to the electric grid? Dr. Bennett reveals how badly the wind energy capacity was miscalculated and incorrectly projected this past summer.

What is “dispatchable electric generation capacity”?

How can electric reliability be restored? Is it a quick or slow process?

Do we have the technology today to store electricity produced by solar and wind energy in case of a cold or heat emergency? Dr. Bennett discusses how we can only store a little bit at a time – roughly around 30 minutes. He also reveals that we won’t see any advancement in this area in the next 20 or even 30 years. That is simply not good enough!

Did Texans dodge a bullet this summer with the extreme heat?

What is a good solution in the short-term?

Did the Texas Legislature tackle this issue during the last session? Dr. Bennett says: “They did some things, but not enough.”

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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March 7, 2023

Title: IWF Announces New Center for Energy and Conservation
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Mandy Gunasekara
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Too many Americans believe fossil fuels are bad and we have destroyed Mother Earth.

Our country is blessed with the resources and the innovative spirit to build a better environmental future. This does not require banning gas stoves, shutting down the fossil fuel industry, or villainizing hard-working Americans.” – Mandy Gunasekara, CEC

Mandy Gunasekara is a Senior Policy Analyst at Independent Women’s Forum. She is a veteran Republican climate and energy strategist, communicator, and environmental attorney. Today, Mandy discusses the need for abundant, reliable, affordable energy and the IWF’s new Center for Energy and Conservation

Click here  for more from Mandy Gunasekara.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the current health, life expectancy, and prosperity of the average American today compared to the early 1900s? Do most Americans have more leisure time, as well?

Has abundant, affordable energy made the lives of women easier? Mandy says: “Think about everything you use to go about your day and helping your family…the energy systems make that possible.”

How is the current air quality in America as compared to China or India?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - IWF Announces New Center for Energy and Conservation
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Mandy Gunasekara
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do all Americans have a right to abundant, affordable energy?

Do we have the technology to produce all the electricity we need 24/7/365 from wind and solar? Nope – even with the growth of nuclear, solar, and wind energy. Mandy goes on to explain why we still need to rely on coal, oil, and natural gas for the majority of our energy.

Do polls show Americans want cleaner air and water, but are unwilling to pay more for it?

Can we have conservation while producing new oil, gas, and coal reserves? Mandy believes the government just needs to butt out and stop making mandates. She says: “When we start getting into the business of the Federal Government deciding what technologies and businesses they are going to allow to exist in the future, it creates so many unnecessary consequences. And, in many instances, it can even undermine the environmental success that we’ve already had to date.”

How does the Independent Women’s Forum, through their new Center for Energy and Conservation initiative, plan to push back against the doomsday narrative and correct the record with facts? Click here to help the Independent Women’s Forum as they continue to enhance and advance the lives of all women.

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February 21, 2023

Title: Biden: No More Gas Stoves
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Chuck DeVore
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In much of the US, natural gas is so inexpensive that a gas range costs less than half as much to operate as an electric range. Could this all change, though, with one signature from Joe Biden?

Chuck DeVore is the Chief National Initiatives Officer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, he discusses the Biden Administration’s constant attack on natural gas, coal, and fossil fuels.

Click here to read Chuck DeVore’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here to sign up for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s FREE emails.

Click here to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to protect individual liberty for all Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the recent ice-storm which covered large parts of Texas, were many citizens grateful to own a gas stove?

Do Leftists believe we should not have pick-up trucks? Have some Leftists stated that “big pickup trucks are dangerous and dirty vehicles that are only driven by vain, power-hungry, selfish people”? Chuck explains just how far Californians are taking this. It is completely ridiculous and unattainable!

What is the cost comparison between a gas and electric stove? How much would it cost to replace a gas stove with an electric stove?

What is the end-game for environmental leaders? When will they finally be satisfied that man is no longer harming Mother Earth? Chuck believes it’s more about a power grab than saving the earth. He says: “In their mind, Capitalism is bad… and they’re going to be the ones to tell us how much we need to use.”

Chuck DeVore served as a Republican member of the California State Assembly from 2004 to 2010. Why did he seek refuge in Texas? Chuck has three very, very good reasons why he moved to Texas.

Do many who leave California for Texas and other more Conservative states bring their Woke Progressive ideas with them? Or are they abandoning them for Conservative ideas? Are some Republicans simply fleeing California’s Liberal policies? Chuck discusses the TPPF’s survey results on this.

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January 9, 2023

Title: Debunking the “World is Dying” Claim
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is the world dying? Are too many people killing the planet? Did the Industrial Revolution ruin or improve our lifespan?

Syd Lucas discusses a recent “60 Minutes” claim that a “population bomb will lead to wars and famines”. Syd is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for more from Syd Lucas on this and other topics.

Click here for more from Life:Powered.

Click here to read the article which inspired this interview by Marian L Tupy, a senior fellow in the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity and editor of

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a “population bomb”? Syd explains that the claim is taken from the book “Population Bomb” co-authored by Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne Howland Ehrlich.

Is the world “starving”?

Have MSM outlets normalized the message of “anti-humanism” and “anti-natalism”? Syd reveals that the population in Italy has depleted so drastically that they are now paying foreigners to move there because their economy is suffering so badly!

Is it surprising that millennials do not desire to procreate?

In America, do we have cleaner air and water today as compared to 50 years ago? Syd discusses a study after COVID restrictions were lifted concerning air quality. Was it better, worse, or the same?

Do surveys indicate the majority of Americans desire cleaner air and water, but are unwilling to pay higher prices to achieve it?

How does affordable, reliable energy improve life across the world? Click here  to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and across this great nation.

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Title: Fact-Check: Fossil Fuels are Killing People
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Direction for Texas Public Policy Foundation’s LIFE:Powered Initiative. He is a sought-after speaker and is responsible for research, fact-checking, and spearheading many of the team’s policy and regulatory initiatives. Today, Dr. Bennett will be fact-checking and debunking a recent report on fossil fuels from Harvard and three British Universities.

For more from Dr. Bennett and the LIFE:Powered Initiative, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A new research from Harvard University and three British Universities state that nearly 1 in 5 deaths around the world is caused by breathing in polluted air containing particles from fossil fuel emissions.

Is this true?

Did these studies and others like it examine deaths based on toxicology or medically verified causes of death? Listen close as Dr. Bennett reveals the truth!

How can we spread the TRUTH about the safety of fossil fuels?

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November 15, 2022

Title: Heat or Eat: Why Should We Have to Choose?
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Syd Lucas
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

A national energy assistance association is reporting more than 20 million American households are struggling to meet their energy bills. This is a crisis that will be compounded by the coming cold winter months.

Syd Lucas is the Communications Manager for Life:Powered, a national initiative at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Syd discusses truths and myths about the climate and how changes the Left wants to make will affect you and your family.

Click here to read more on this important topic from Jason Isaac, former Texas State Representative and Director of Life:Powered.

Click here for more about Life:Powered.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As energy bills surge for the average American family, will many be forced to choose between heating their homes and food for their table? Syd discusses how this very problem occurred just last winter in Europe and millions of Americans will face the same struggle this year. In fact, some already are!

Have Biden’s actions since taking office discouraged American oil and gas companies from drilling for more oil and/or natural gas? Has Biden even said: “There is no more drilling”?

Are supplies of diesel and heating oil dangerously low? Syd reveals that the supply is at the lowest level since 1993 and goes on to explain how low supply, coupled with increased demand, translates into higher prices for the consumer.

Has life expectancy and quality of life in America and other developed countries been fueled by abundant, affordable energy supplies since the 1900s?

Is man’s use of fossil fuels causing cataclysmic, catastrophic climate change? Syd discusses how the Left’s narrative is constantly changing, just like the climate.

The Left has been doubling down on their Green New Deal efforts. Can energy consumption that is currently supplied by fossil fuels be replaced with wind and/or solar energy at the same cost to the consumer?

Click here to sign up for free email alerts from Life:Powered with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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July 18, 2022

Title: Is the Texas Energy Grid Stable Enough?
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Can Texans survive rolling blackouts in 110-degree heat? Can Texans afford to replace all of their perishable food each time we experience a blackout? What does the future hold for energy in Texas if we do not build more power plants that offer affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all?

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Director for Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today he discusses the stability of the Texas energy grid.

Click here to read more on this topic from the TTPF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

On Monday, July 11, 2022, how close were Texans to blackouts?

Does Texas have enough unused energy capacity to make up the difference when the wind doesn’t blow?

Is Texas building new thermal power plants that powered with natural gas, coal, and nuclear? Dr. Bennett explains that the future is so uncertain that companies are unwilling to invest in new plants, and therein lies the problem.

Are thermal plants required to have energy in reserve for emergency use?

Do we rely too much on wind and solar energy?

Will the Texas Legislature ever take action on this serious issue? Dr. Bennett explains why the Texas Legislature needs to fix the market and the investment problem.

Is this just a Texas problem? Or is this a nationwide and worldwide problem?

What does the future hold?

How should families prepare?

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February 18, 2021

Title: Fact-Check: Fossil Fuels are Killing People
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Dr. Brent Bennett is the Policy Direction for Texas Public Policy Foundation’s LIFE:Powered Initiative. He is a sought-after speaker and is responsible for research, fact-checking, and spearheading many of the team’s policy and regulatory initiatives. Today, Dr. Bennett will be fact-checking and debunking a recent report on fossil fuels from Harvard and three British Universities.

For more from Dr. Bennett and the LIFE:Powered Initiative, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A new research from Harvard University and three British Universities state that nearly 1 in 5 deaths around the world is caused by breathing in polluted air containing particles from fossil fuel emissions.

Is this true?

Did these studies and others like it examine deaths based on toxicology or medically verified causes of death? Listen close as Dr. Bennett reveals the truth!

How can we spread the TRUTH about the safety of fossil fuels?

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July 14, 2020

Title: America: We Have a Problem
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Is the transition from fossil fuels to wind and solar electrical generation at reliable and affordable rates just around the corner?

Guest Dr. Brent Bennett says: “The energy transition myth overlooks the fundamental physical limitations of producing electricity from wind and solar.” Brent is a Policy Analyst at the Life:Empowered Initiative with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is required for utility-scale energy storage systems? Is the cost astronomical? Brent explains that the cost is 2,000 times MORE than using coal…

What would it cost for me to install batteries to power my home for two days?

TRUE or FALSE: The costs for installing wind and solar generating plants have been drastically and dramatically reduced.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - America: We Have a Problem
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Dr. Brent Bennett
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the land requirements for wind and solar energy plants? Are Texans ready for this?

Can America switch to wind and solar energy within the next ten years? Brent says: “This is not just a technology problem. It is also a scale problem. You can’t build that many that fast.”

Will rebuilding our energy system destroy the prosperity and freedom we enjoy today in America?

While we have been distracted with COVID-19, have the environmentalists been working overtime in pushing solar and wind energy?

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June 24, 2015

Title: Coal vs. Wind and Solar: The Real Truth
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

Most people agree that government subsidies – paid for by the taxpayers – should not exist, especially for expensive, alternative energy companies. For example, Tesla, SpaceX, and Solar City head Elon Musk has received nearly $5 billion in combined support for his companies, as reported by the New York Times in article found [here].  And, of course, Musk is claiming that oil and gas companies receive 1,000s more in subsidies, but that is a downright lie!

Sean Noble, President of American Encore, discusses how the cost for coal, oil, and gas are measured as compared to wind and solar. Wind costs $3.83 per million BTU’s and solar costs $18.64 per million BTU’s. Wow. Those are huge numbers when you look at coal, oil, and gas at a mere $0.05 per million BTU’s. Yes, that is five cents. A nickel.

There isn’t a single individual who has received more direct subsidies or tax credit from the federal government since Obama has been President than Elon Musk,” Sean Noble says. He even believes that Elon Musk is “the worst example in the history of the United States of crony capitalism.”

Sean and others long for an open debate on this issue. “We have to get out of this game of picking winners and losers and shoveling taxpayer money to inefficient means of energy production,” he states. Learn more on this important topic at American Encore.

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April 24, 2015

Title: Affordable and Reliable Energy Drive America
Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Marita Noon
with Energy Makes America Great

Late last year, Jonathon Gruber said Obamacare was passed because Americans are stupid. Well, I have news for you Mr. Gruber – not all of us are. Many people are beginning to see the light concerning “catastrophic global climate change”. They are realizing that it is all just one big, fat, huge lie.

Almost everything in America is driven by energy now – from manufacturing to retail to consumers, even in our own homes and businesses. Marita Noon, founder of Energy Makes America Great, says, “It impacts tourism. It impacts food. It impacts jobs.” Listen in as Marita explains how and why so many jobs are being shipped to countries with less strenuous energy laws.

But is affordable energy a “right worth fighting for”? “Technically it’s not a right,” says Marita, “but it is something that is essential.” One reason Marita became involved in the affordable energy movement is to educate average, every day citizens on the issue and to give energy companies a better name.

FACT CHECK: In 1989, 63% of people were worried about catastrophic global climate change. Now, in 2015, that number has decreased to 55%. After 25 years of all this junk being crammed into our brains, less people are concerned! Al Gore isn’t looking so smart anymore, is he?

While drivers and consumers love the lower prices at the pump, it is harming the economy in significant ways – mainly the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Marita says, “Low priced oil is good. Dirt cheap oil is bad.” We need to lift the oil export ban. Congress does have some Legislation concerning this and this will greatly improve our trade deficit and our trade allies.

Marita wants you to “Show up. Stand up. And Speak up.” Visit her website [here].

You can also click [here].

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October 8, 2009

Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Mike Carey
with American Council for Affordable and Reliable Energy (

The CAT has nine lives. We are not referring to Fluffy sitting on the couch. Cap and Tax. Cap and Trade. But, whatever you want to call it, it needs to be killed and buried. Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Affordable and Reliable Energy
Discussed by Mike Carey
with American Council for Affordable and Reliable Energy (

Do all Americans really need a mix of energy sources determined by free market sources? Do we really need reliable and affordable energy?

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