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February 22, 2016

Title: Choosing Candidates Wisely is Essential to the Future of our Nation
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams spent twenty-three years with Texas Eagle Forum. She is currently running for Vice Chair of the Texas Republican Party. Today, she is here to discuss the upcoming Primary, Establishment Leaders, and why vetting the candidates personally is vital.

Currently, the field is being dominated by the “outsiders” like Trump and Ted Cruz, while Establishment favorites like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio are failing to advance. Terry asks Cathie her opinion of Karl Rove and his influence on the election. Cathie believes Karl Rove is an “Establishment Leader” and is definitely a “Kingmaker”. He and other Republican Kingmakers have chosen every Presidential nominee since Reagan (Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney). Listen in as Cathie explains how these leaders have operated campaigns in the past and why they must step aside and let the candidates choose their own path.

Cathie also encourages people to really pay attention to the candidates themselves – even consider running once to see what it really is like! People like Dr. Steve Hotze and Gary Polland and even Terry Lowry are friends of the Republican Party; they are not part of the Establishment. “People look to their friends for influence and whose motives are with their own,” Cathie says. The Party needs leaders like these men to vet the candidates and choose the most qualified ones.

But what about “pay-for-play” endorsements? This phrase gets tossed around quite frequently during every election season. Cathie says this: “There are certain people who will endorse because they get influenced…with power…or finances for projects. But you have to know the history of that person [to know their motives].” Cathie makes endorsements; it is very difficult for her sometimes to choose against a candidate she knows and respects, especially if their record is contrary to what they promised before they were elected. “I serve God throughout the process. That is not a guarantee of a win. I don’t think that God is as concerned about any of that. What matters to Him is how you behave every step of the way,” Cathie believes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the political process, we urge you to join one of the many Republican clubs or organizations in your county. Attend the meetings. Meet the candidates. Call their district offices and talk with them. Offer to host a coffee meeting in your home and invite your neighbors. It’s hard to get to know the real heart of every candidate, but you can for a few if you just make the effort.

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January 26, 2016

Title: Choosing Candidates Wisely is Essential to the Future of our Nation
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams spent twenty-three years with Texas Eagle Forum. She is currently running for Vice Chair of the Texas Republican Party. Today, she is here to discuss the upcoming Primary, Establishment Leaders, and why vetting the candidates personally is vital.

Currently, the field is being dominated by the “outsiders” like Trump and Ted Cruz, while Establishment favorites like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio are failing to advance. Terry asks Cathie her opinion of Karl Rove and his influence on the election. Cathie believes Karl Rove is an “Establishment Leader” and is definitely a “Kingmaker”. He and other Republican Kingmakers have chosen every Presidential nominee since Reagan (Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney). Listen in as Cathie explains how these leaders have operated campaigns in the past and why they must step aside and let the candidates choose their own path.

Cathie also encourages people to really pay attention to the candidates themselves – even consider running once to see what it really is like! People like Dr. Steve Hotze and Gary Polland and even Terry Lowry are friends of the Republican Party; they are not part of the Establishment. “People look to their friends for influence and whose motives are with their own,” Cathie says. The Party needs leaders like these men to vet the candidates and choose the most qualified ones.

But what about “pay-for-play” endorsements? This phrase gets tossed around quite frequently during every election season. Cathie says this: “There are certain people who will endorse because they get influenced…with power…or finances for projects. But you have to know the history of that person [to know their motives].” Cathie makes endorsements; it is very difficult for her sometimes to choose against a candidate she knows and respects, especially if their record is contrary to what they promised before they were elected. “I serve God throughout the process. That is not a guarantee of a win. I don’t think that God is as concerned about any of that. What matters to Him is how you behave every step of the way,” Cathie believes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the political process, we urge you to join one of the many Republican clubs or organizations in your county. Attend the meetings. Meet the candidates. Call their district offices and talk with them. Offer to host a coffee meeting in your home and invite your neighbors. It’s hard to get to know the real heart of every candidate, but you can for a few if you just make the effort.

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January 12, 2016

Title: Are You Happy with those who Represent You?
Topic: I Love My Elected Official Who Votes Horribly
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Many political polls reveal that voters are dissatisfied with Congress, but most people are happy with their Congressperson. What about their state representative and Senator? Are they doing a good job on state issues?

Cathie Adams, the former President of Texas Eagle Forum, is here to discuss our elected officials, their votes, the voters’ opinions, unemployment, the economy, and other issues. She compares people’s opinion of their elected official to their attitude towards their local school district where they send their kids. It’s the same mentality of not wanting to say anything bad about something or someone you have no control over. However, you absolutely CAN take control – by voting!

Cathie believes the bigger issue at hand is understanding the process and discerning the politician’s double-talk. For example, during the last Texas Legislature, Republican Joe Straus was elected Speaker of the House – by an overwhelming majority of Democrats! Why would they vote for a Republican? Listen in as Cathie explains.

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January 7, 2016

Title: Are You Happy with those who Represent You?
Topic: I Love My Elected Official Who Votes Horribly
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Many political polls reveal that voters are dissatisfied with Congress, but most people are happy with their Congressperson. What about their state representative and Senator? Are they doing a good job on state issues?

Cathie Adams, the former President of Texas Eagle Forum, is here to discuss our elected officials, their votes, the voters’ opinions, unemployment, the economy, and other issues. She compares people’s opinion of their elected official to their attitude towards their local school district where they send their kids. It’s the same mentality of not wanting to say anything bad about something or someone you have no control over. However, you absolutely CAN take control – by voting!

Cathie believes the bigger issue at hand is understanding the process and discerning the politician’s double-talk. For example, during the last Texas Legislature, Republican Joe Straus was elected Speaker of the House – by an overwhelming majority of Democrats! Why would they vote for a Republican? Listen in as Cathie explains.

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December 2, 2015

Title: Boycotting for Traditional Families
Topic: Marriage and the Family
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

During the holiday season, many people bring up the issue of boycotting business that do not align with Christian values. Some people don’t believe that boycotts are effective; others are adamant that they are. Cathie Adams is here today to discuss the importance of standing for traditional family values. She says that there is definitely research which proves that boycotts of specific businesses are effective.                                            

But what about in politics? The Texas Republican Party State Convention is currently set to take place this coming May in Dallas, where the city council recently secretly and unanimously passed an ordinance similar to HERO allowing transgender males the opportunity to use female only facilities.

Should the Republican Party boycott and not attend the convention or move it to another city such as Houston?

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September 10, 2015

Title: Gaming the System
Topic: Gambling
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

Gambling is not an innocent past time. . It is addictive and harms families, communities, states, and the entire nation. It’s not a personal issue or decision; there is a social cost involved which greatly affects everyone.

Cathie Adams is the President of Texas Eagle Forum. Cathie firmly believes that gambling is not the answer for any financial problem – for individuals, families, or the government. She goes on to explain how casinos also harm small businesses in every community they infiltrate. “Small businesses cannot compete with gambling money,” she says.

In addition, for every tax dollar that is distributed by the Texas Legislature, three dollars are spent on criminal and social costs. Simply put, the purpose of the gambling industry is to make money at the expense of tax-paying citizens, whether or not you choose to gamble. The gaming industry is now attempting to get around the law which prohibits slot machines in Texas by calling them “historical racing machines”.

Listen in as Cathie discusses why we must elect officials who will put a stop to all gambling in Texas.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Gaming the System
Topic: Anchor Babies
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

In this second segment with Cathie Adams, she discusses “anchor babies” and the effect illegal immigrant women and their children have on our communities, states, and the nation. Canada and America are the only two nations that allow illegal immigrant women to enter the country in order to have a baby. This is happening while tax-paying American citizens are struggling daily to feed their families and pay their bills.

Cathie goes on to explain the 14th Amendment and how “Mexico uses this law to encourage their citizens to come into Texas in order to take part in our liberal social welfare programs.” There are about a dozen women (all admitted illegal immigrants) who have filed a lawsuit in Texas, complaining they cannot obtain birth certificates for their children. Listen in as Cathie discusses this lawsuit and the liberal group helping them. Note: This group’s biggest financial supporter collected $375 Million dollars in the current fiscal year.

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June 8, 2015

Title: How did Texans Fair During the 84th Legislature?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

Last week marked the end of the 84th Texas Legislature. Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, is here today to give a final tally of what was passed, what was blocked, and what was a downright disaster.

Refresher: Out of the 150 Texas House of Representative Members, 98 are Republicans. Of the 31 Texas Congressmen, 19 are Republicans. Keep that in mind when listening to these two segments with Cathie! There are just too many RiNO’s in Texas. We must resolve to kick them out next election!

One of the major roadblocks to pro-life, pro-family, and good education bills was House Speaker Joe Straus. And remember Wendy Davis? Unfortunately, her infamous filibuster during the 83rd Texas Legislature had a direct impact on some of the bills during this session. Listen in as Cathie explains what how these two shifty individuals swayed many of our elected officials.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - How did Texans Fair During the 84th Legislature?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

In this second segment, Cathie Adams discusses the passage of HB3994 Judicial Bypass (concerning minor girls using a judge to get an abortion without parental consent). Huge thanks goes to Texas Right to Life for their continued fight to keep young girls safe in Texas!

Another issue that was a hot topic in the 84th Texas Legislature was “Texas Law for Texas Court”. Representative Jeff Leech, from Plano, introduced this bill, giving Texas Courts the authority to enforce Texas and American Law over any other law, including Shariah Law. However, it never made it to the Senate. Listen as Cathie explains how, not only did the Democrats filibuster to keep this bill off the books, Speaker Straus himself said the bill wasn’t necessary! Shame, shame, shame. They have been blinded by the lies of the devil.

The Texas Association of Business (TAB) was another roadblock our elected officials faced. Cathie says, “It is very sad that the TAB united with the homosexual lobby to block bill after bill for business owners in Texas.” The defeat of the Marriage Bill was the biggest disappointment during the 84th Texas Legislature. If the Supreme Court of the United States rules in favor of homosexual marriage, Texas business owners will be faced with an onslaught of legal and moral issues for years and decades to come.

For more on issues affecting you, your family, community, and the state of Texas, click [here].

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April 23, 2015

Title: Christians will not have Rights in New America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

We are living in dark, perilous times. Evil is rampant everywhere. Christians are being persecuted, kidnapped, and murdered across the globe. Even in America, Christians are not safe. The left is attacking the moral fiber of our country and I fear we will not survive the New America.

Cathie Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, is a firm believer in Jesus Christ. She says, “It doesn’t matter how many college degrees you have or don’t have… Who are you in Jesus Christ? That is the determining factor.

Cathie urges Christians everywhere to realize the dire circumstances we are facing in America. The homosexual agenda is forcing our country into depths that we may not recover from. Our President is lying to the American public about everything he has done – or hasn’t done.

Concerning the Houston ordinance allowing transgender bathrooms, Cathie says this: “That is unhealthy. That is bad behavior. This is not God’s model for a healthy and wholesome and prosperous nation.

Listen in as Cathie shares her heart about this and other issues concerning our nation in this segment and the next segment, as well. Share the segments on Facebook and Twitter. Email your contact list. We must be vigilant, ever watchful, and always praying.

John 14:6 “Jesus answered: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Christians will not have Rights in New America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

No matter what a person’s religious affiliation is… Maybe a person an atheist, a homosexual, a murderer, a child molester, or an abortionist… We care about them. We love them. We want them to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and turn from their sin. We do not discriminate or judge anyone. That is why Cathie Adams fights so hard for our country.

On April 28, 2015, on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, pro-family, pro-life activists will gather to send a message to SCOTUS: America wants traditional marriage. “We have to be ready and armed fully equipped with every spiritual bit of armor we have,” Cathie Adams says. She goes on to explain some of the briefs that have been filed with SCOTUS and why they are so significant in this fight. She also discusses Justice Kennedy, his past rhetoric on the issue, and why Christians should be praying specifically for him to vote the right way.

When men start doing what is right in their own eyes, then it is time for judgment,” Cathie reminds us. The devil is using the homosexual movement to test us. He is using abortion to test us. It is not too late to pray. It is not too late to get involved. One thing is certain: “No matter what the Supreme Court decides, we will not let it change our minds and our hearts toward our Holy God.” – Cathie Adams

Click [here]  to join the fight for our freedom. The fight for God.

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March 30, 2015

Title: The Cost of Obama's Amnesty
Topic: Obama's Amnesty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

How many will come here? How many more can we hold? How many more can we educate? How many more can we provide healthcare and housing for? How many more cars will be on the road? What will it cost YOU and YOUR KIDS? If another 10,000, 100,000, or 1,000,000 million kids illegally cross the border again this summer, where will they go?

Cathie Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, recently spoke in Austin to a group of liberal millennials at the annual SXSW Music, Film, and Art Festival. The issue she discussed was immigration. Within two (2) days of her speech, her email was hacked. Coincidence? I think not!

Cathie explains how the United States has set a cap of 85,000 people with science, technology, and math degrees (STEM) who are allowed to immigrate legally to our country. In 2012 alone, 263,000 people with STEM degrees entered the country. Furthermore, since 2000, for every job created in America, we have allowed two (2) immigrants to enter the country. Listen in as Cathie explains how the majority of these jobs, are filled by illegals or people here on Visas! It’s no wonder the unemployment numbers are so horrendous (unless you believe Obama)!

Ironically, Mexico holds one of the most stringent immigration policies in the world; yet the majority of illegals in America are from Mexico. Cathie also discusses how a young lady from Pakistan at the SXSW Festival proudly proclaimed “I am here illegally!” at the end of her (Cathie’s) speech. She had no fear of deportation. She had no fear of arrest. This is the attitude of the majority of illegals in America. “We are making the welfare state too easy for those who are here illegally,” Cathie says.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Cost of Obama's Amnesty
Topic: Obama's Amnesty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Why are our elected officials so afraid of actually enforcing immigration laws in our country? The left likes to accuse the right of being racist and not caring about those less fortunate than we are. Cathie Adams says, “Border security and keeping the American standard of living requires that jobs be filled first by American workers.” Our country will not continue to thrive if we continue on this path of self-destruction.

Cathie recalls an incident where she personally witnessed a mother and daughter cross the border illegally. Listen in to find out how they crossed (which is just insane, by the way!) and what happened next!

We should not have to lower our standard of living to accommodate those who want to be global masters,” Cathie Adams proclaims. “Our families and our freedoms are worth fighting for. We do not have to put up with this in America.”

Listen in as Cathie expresses why it is so vital that we become active and involved in the debate. We must remind our elected officials who they work for – us, the voter, the tax payer. For more on this and other issues affecting our nation, click [here].

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February 18, 2015

Title: Texas Legislative Update
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

There is a lot going on at the Texas Capitol these days. Cathie Adams, with Texas Eagle Forum, is here to give an update on some important legislation that everyone needs to be aware of.

First, three Texas Democrats have filed bills that, if passed, will kill more and more babies. HB78 would revamp human sexuality classes to include more information about birth control. HB468 would allow mothers as young as 15 access to contraception without parental consent. HB709 would eliminate the 24-hour waiting period for an abortion. And HB1210 would protect medical professionals from having to provide legally-mandated information about abortion.

Cathie Adams encourages everyone to call the Capitol switchboard at (512) 463-4630 and urge your State Rep to vote AGAINST each of these baby-killing bills.

Also discussed is SB342 by Senator Don Huffines, which is a Constitutional Carry bill that removes state government barriers that currently stand between Texans and our 2nd Amendment rights. We LIKE this bill! Please urge your elected to vote IN FAVOR OF this one! However, HB1188 will cost taxpayers millions for early childhood education that is unnecessary and just wasted money. Studies have proven that early childhood education programs do NOT help children in the long-term. Please ask them to vote AGAINST HB1188.

Ten other states have passed laws similar to HB562, which would allow ONLY American and Texas Laws to be used in Texas Courts (i.e. NO Shariah Law). And, finally, HB623 will protect traditional marriages in Texas by defunding local and county governments that administer same-sex "marriage" licenses. We LIKE these two bills as well.

It’s time to start making phone calls, people! Get on Twitter and Facebook and let all your followers know that we have a fight ahead of us! The Capitol switchboard phone number is (512) 463.4630 and they can connect you to your elected officials. Don’t hesitate! Call now! The future of Texas is in YOUR hands.

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January 29, 2015

Title: Texas Legislative Alert
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, gives an update on some legislation you should support this session: HB623 and HB562. We’ve discussed HB623 in several past segments. This bill would give Texas the authority to say NO to funding same-sex marriages. We need this legislation in Texas to protect not only traditional marriage, but our money, as well. Listen in as Cathie explains in more detail what HB623 prohibits and what it means for Christians working within the government.

Cathie also has HB562 on her radar. This bill is dubbed “American Laws for American Courts”. This was introduced by Representative Jeff Leach from Plano. Ten other states have already passed similar laws, saying we’re not going to allow Shariah Law in our state. Why does Cathie believe this bill is so vital?

Cathie would also like to invite everyone to the Faith and Family Rally on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Click [here]  for more on the rally.

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September 4, 2014

Title: Complete Transformation of the Economic Structure of the World
Topic: Economic Worldview
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, has been involved with economic summits around the globe for many, many years. She gives a dire a warning about the environmentalists and what they want all of us to conform to. She calls them "green Marxists".

Do you want to go back to the stone ages and live in one room huts with no electricity or running water? Do you want to hunt for food (but no red meat will be allowed) and grow your own vegetables and fruit in your yard? I know many people hunt and have gardens already, and that's great! I'm talking about E V E R Y O N E.   And this will not be voluntary. It will be law.

Al Gore and his Green Friends don't want to give up their energy-consuming way of life, but they want everyone else to suffer in the heat during the summer and the cold during the winter. They are pushing the price of oil and gas so high that soon no one but the rich can afford it.

One last thought for this first segment: Obama is blatantly lying about coal and carbon dioxide. Cathie Adams will be at the Crossroads Summit Conference in Houston and Dallas at the end of September.

Log on to  for more details about the Crossroads Summit.

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Title: Future of the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

Is the Republican Party in danger of disappearing, even in Texas? I personally think that many in the Republican Party in Harris County are more interested in getting elected than working for the people. Many don't want me asking candidates their position on the abortion and LGBT issues. They don't want to know. They want to be able to say "this man or woman is my cousin's best friend's unlce's sister-in-law's son". Ohhhhh, well he or she must be the best person for the job then! Not!

Cathie Adams says I should keep asking those questions! At least someone likes me! Cathie says the family is the core of our Republican values, our Christian heritage. Cathie is like me. She wants to know what candidates truly believe. If they stray in way from what they claim to support or not support, Cathie says "they're gone". We should have zero tolerance.

Families are being torn apart; 70% of black babies are born into a one-parent family (meaning no dad is around at all). Cathie wants to change this - across the board. We must be actively involved.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Future of the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Dallas flipped blue in 2006 and not a single Republican judge has been elected in the city since. The same could happen in Houston very soon if things don't change. Too many candidates are more concerned with votes than values.

In addition, many Republicans are teaming up with Libertarians, who are pro-gay, pro-choice, and anti-gun. Yes, Libertarians are in favor of less government, but that also means they don't want restrictions on illegal drugs, gambling, or basically anything else. They might be well-intended, but the results would be devastating.

What about illegal immigration? Are Republicans leaning toward open borders to gain votes? Texas schools are already over-crowded and under-funded. With all these illegal children entering our schools, where are the Republicans? Why are they not standing up and saying "stop this nonsense"?

Concerning the pro-life agenda...Wendy Davis stood for 11 hours, with tennis shoes and a back brace on (even wearing adult diapers!!) in order to stop a bill that would allow a baby in gestation the right to life. Is she what is best for Texas? Cathie and I say "Heck NO!"

Our purpose on this earth is to glorify the Lord and to work for Him. He wants us to save souls for His Kingdom, always striving to be more like Him.

Cathie Adams is a dear friend and political colleague. You can find her at

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February 10, 2014

Title: Texas Is Stage for Battle America
Topic: Texas Politics
Written by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

A Conservative America depends on Texas, which is why the Obama-machine, George Soros-funded Battleground Texas has set up shop in every corner of our state. YOUR VOTE is essential.

Adolph Hitler won leadership of the German Nazi Party by ONE VOTE. Two American Presidents, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams, were both elected by ONE VOTE. And the English language was chosen over German for America by ONE VOTE.

With a little preparation, you can confidently go to the polls this March and let your vote count during this Primary Election. Many local and ALL Texas statewide offices are up for grabs with nearly 50 candidates Statewide to choose from!

To read more click [here!]

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January 21, 2014

Title: The 50th Anniversary of the War on Poverty
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 3

Since the beginning of the “War on Poverty” taxpayers have spent (or borrowed) over $19.8 Trillion dollars. What started out as a temporary fix for destitute families in dire need has snowballed into a nationwide crisis.

One harsh result has been the breakup of the American family. Listen in as Cathie Adams with Texas Eagle Forum shares.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Einstein once said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while hoping for a different result.”

Cathie Adams has traveled far outside the borders of America.

She explains what she has witnessed while traveling around the world.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: War on Poverty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Medicaid is going bankrupt in state after state and Obamacare is not going to help matters.

If Cathie Adams were in charge, what would she do about it?

Learn more about Texas Eagle Forum and the work they do to protect your rights at

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November 21, 2013

Title: Understanding the UN's Involvement with Global Warming
Topic: Global Warming and the UN
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

God tells us to cherish the earth and to take good care of it. But how far is too far?

Stalin said: “I don’t care who shows up to vote. I only care who counts the votes.”

Low-information voters are often sucked into the Global Warming scam because they don’t research the facts and evidence for themselves. They don’t protest when the UN has a Global Warming Conference. They don’t call their Elected Officials to tell them to stop sending money we don’t have to foreign countries who don’t care.

Listen in as Cathie Adams explains why we must get involved before it’s too late.

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July 15, 2013

Title: The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly. President of Texas Eagle Forum Reports.
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

It got ugly in Austin Friday night. Pieces of bricks, bottles of urine, bottles of feces, and other objects were confiscated from the throngs wearing orange at the State Capitol.

Cathie Adams further reports on the great news that more Texas women will be protected from unsafe conditions inside abortion clinics. She further explains that more babies will have a chance for life.

There is a difference between the spirit that controlled those wearing orange shirts compared to the spirit of those wearing blue. Never forget: the devil will never surrender. He is out to kill, steal and destroy. Continue praying for Life. Listen in…

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July 11, 2013

Title: Is It Hard To Discern the Truth?
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

The President of Texas Eagle Forum explains how hard it is for some elected officials to discern the truth.

The Texas Medical Association, the Texas Hospital Association, and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology are all opposed the Pro-Life Bill. Why? Cathie Adams gives her reasons. You will be shocked….

Be praying for Senator Glenn Hegar, the author of the Pro-Life bill in the Texas Senate, as he defends the bill in committee and before the full Senate. Listen in…

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June 28, 2013

Title: Anarchy in the Texas Senate Gallery
Topic: Anarchy in the Texas Senate Gallery
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Anarchy is an awful thing. And that’s what happened recently in the Gallery overlooking the Texas Senate. Plain and simple: it was “Mob Rule”.

Was the mob incited by hand motions by Democrat elected officials from the floor of the Senate? Where these like linebackers waving the arms to incite the crowd?

Should America be ruled by Mob Action? Enough is enough. A simple check of two zip codes in NW Harris County reveals that nearly one-half of the homes do NOT have even one registered voter. How do you get weeds to grow in your yard? Just do nothing……

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April 24, 2013

Title: Who Do We Take Care of First?
Topic: Immigration Reform
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

“The word comprehensive is usually attached to current references to immigration reform, but the Gang of 8 is stumbling over reform of guest workers. That’s the biggest bone of contention between pro-amnesty and anti-amnesty folks,” says Eagle Forum President, Cathie Adams.

Certain visas are awarded to special people to work in the technical field, such as scientist, engineers, and computer programmers. And some employers are more inclined to hire workers using a visa because they can be paid less and can’t quit or risk being deported.

So how can we convince CEO’s and company Presidents and managers to hire within our own country to give their neighbor a chance instead of going across the pond?

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March 14, 2013

Title: Keep Them Home Till They’re Out of Diapers!
Topic: Educating Toddlers
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Head Start was created in 1965 as part of Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on Poverty. So far, $150 BILLION dollars has been spent on this government program and has had little to no effect on cognitive, social, emotional, or health outcomes of the participants.

Obama now wishes to place every child from birth thru 3 years old in “early childhood education”, which is code for “daycare”. The studies conducted over the last nearly 50 years, however, do not prove any benefit past the third grade. Yes, for nearly 50 years we have paid for this craziness.

“The real difference between high-achieving and low-achieving children is whether or not they live in a traditional family with one mom and one dad,” says Cathie Adams. “A better formula for helping kids to achieve in school would be to stop giving financial handouts that operate as incentives to women to have babies without marriage.”

Is this just a perennial feminist demand for government-paid daycare?

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March 7, 2013

Title: Keep Them Home Till They’re Out of Diapers!
Topic: Educating Toddlers
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Head Start was created in 1965 as part of Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on Poverty. So far, $150 BILLION dollars has been spent on this government program and has had little to no effect on cognitive, social, emotional, or health outcomes of the participants.

Obama now wishes to place every child from birth thru 3 years old in “early childhood education”, which is code for “daycare”. The studies conducted over the last nearly 50 years, however, do not prove any benefit past the third grade. Yes, for nearly 50 years we have paid for this craziness.

“The real difference between high-achieving and low-achieving children is whether or not they live in a traditional family with one mom and one dad,” says Cathie Adams. “A better formula for helping kids to achieve in school would be to stop giving financial handouts that operate as incentives to women to have babies without marriage.”

Is this just a perennial feminist demand for government-paid daycare?

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January 10, 2013

Title: The New Texas Legislative Session has begun!
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

The New Texas Legislative session has begun!

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, discusses what’s high on the agenda and what we can expect during the next few months.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

When it comes to Texas politics, few are more informed that Cathie Adams!

She’s been at it for a while now and she knows her stuff! To get updates from Texas eagle Forum and to learn more, log on to their website listed above.

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December 8, 2011

Title: ALERT! Without Saving Tomorrow Today - We all are going to DIE in FIVE YEARS!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

What is the theme “Without Saving Tomorrow Today, We Are All Going to Die” all about?

Why not give India and China a free pass while limiting economic growth in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Review the 1997 Kyoto Protocol: what did it call for, did the US ratify this treaty, and has it been a success. Has any nation reached its mandated goals?

Tell us more about the solution to achieve a “carbon-free world by 2050” by having all humans move into the Sulu Beehive Hut.

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June 24, 2011

Title: The UN Has Failed Its Mission To Resolve Conflicts and Avert Wars. So What Now?
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, Eagle Forum International Issues Chairman, points out how the UN has failed its first mission to resolve conflicts and avert wars but is succeeding in pushing a Marxist agenda called “Sustainable Development”. Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Everywhere Marxism has been tried, it has failed. The UN has been pushing Sustainable Development in Africa for decades. What’s the result: The UN has given special emphasis to the implementation of sustainable development in Africa, passing a resolution each year since 1998 …with devastating results. Today 67 percent of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa, as are 90 percent of the cases of malaria, while 33 percent of its population suffers from malnutrition, and 15 wars rage on the continent.

More information can be found at

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June 7, 2011

Title: Millennium Consumption Goals
Topic: Millennium Consumption Goals
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

The United Nations has the US standard of living in its crosshairs. Cathie Adams reports today on how the UN wants to govern water, energy, transportation, and is focused on implementing progressive taxes on luxury goods. The UN wants to implement consumption goals on the world’s wealthy and to LIMIT production in the world’s wealthiest of countries like the United States. Log on to and link to the EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Sustainable Development Puts American Lifestyles in UN’s Crosshairs.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Millennium Consumption Goals
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

The UN wants to Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger throughout the world as part of its Millennium Development and Consumption goal. The UN is planning a Global Tax to take from one taxpayer and give it to another (on a global basis). They are designing a Global Tax which will take from the United States and spread it around to the poor world in order to ratchet down the USA standard of living. The UN doesn't want to teach a man how to fish so that he can go out every day and feed his family and possibly make a profit. The UN wants to just give him a fish rather than teach him how to fish. There is an Ancient Chinese Proverb that says if you control the fish, you control the man eating the fish. Log on to and link to the EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Sustainable Development Puts American Lifestyles in UN’s Crosshairs.

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May 24, 2010

Title: MEXAMERICANADA Part 1 of 2
Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

When modern liberals cannot refute the FACTS of the Obama administration’s socialist agenda, they resort to name calling. Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, has been to several of UN meetings recently. Listen to what she has learned. Listen to the TRUTH.

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Title: MEXAMERICANADA Part 2 of 2
Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

What is socialism? Is the Obama administration exhibiting any of these traits? Log on to for more on this and other issues affecting Texas and the United States of America.

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September 16, 2009

Title: MEXAMERICANADA Part 1 of 2
Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

When modern liberals cannot refute the FACTS of the Obama administration’s socialist agenda, they resort to name calling. Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, has been to several of UN meetings recently. Listen to what she has learned. Listen to the TRUTH.

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Title: MEXAMERICANADA Part 2 of 2
Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

What is socialism? Is the Obama administration exhibiting any of these traits? Log on to for more on this and other issues affecting Texas and the United States of America.

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August 18, 2009

Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Texas Eagle Forum President, Cathie Adams, has a vastly different opinion of the outcome of the recent summit meeting with President Obama, Mexican President Calderon, and Canadian PM Harper than the media does. What is her opinion? Listen in now and log on to for more information.

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Topic: MexAmeriCanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Obama, Calderon, and Harper think it’s a good idea to tax American workers, build highways from Mexico to the Canadian border, and allow Mexicans to travel freely from country to country.

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February 12, 2009

Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Currently, Texas state law requires teachers to teach all the strengths and weaknesses of scientific theories, including evolution. However, the State Board of Education wants to revoke this law, not only for teachers, but students as well! We must put a stop to this NOW! Log onto for more information.

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January 7, 2009

Title: EVOLUTION: FACT OR THEORY? A Best of Segment
Topic: Evolution
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will your children and /or grandchildren be taught evolution as fact in their public school? Guest Cathie Adams is the President of Texas Eagle Forum. Join the fight to stop this from happening! Log onto for more.

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January 5, 2009

Topic: Copenhagen: The Right to a Healthy Environment
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, recently traveled to Poland to observe a very dangerous meeting of the United Nations. Why did she go? Who attended? What was the stated purpose? Log onto for more.

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Topic: Copenhagen: The Right to a Healthy Environment
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Teaxs Eagle Forum, continues her discussion of her recent trip to Poland to observe a very dangerous meeting of the United Nations. Who is Mikhail Gorbachev? Could his goal for the world be described as the "Watermelon Effect?" What is the intended purpose of the upcoming Copenhagen UN Summit? Log onto for more.

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Topic: Copenhagen: The Right to a Healthy Environment
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, concludes her discussion on her trip to Poland to observe a very dangerous meeting of the United Nations. What have Obama's comments been regarding Global Warming? Has Senator Jerry been appointed the "Mastermind" to eliminate man's contribution to Global Warming? What did Congressman Sensenbrenner, R-WI, have to say at the meeting? Log onto for more.

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November 24, 2008

Topic: Evolution
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will your children and /or grandchildren be taught evolution as fact in their public school? Guest Cathie Adams is the President of Texas Eagle Forum. Join the fight to stop this from happening! Log onto for more.

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September 2, 2008

Title: Cathie Adams Reporting from the RNC. Part 1 of 2
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum –, discussing “Who Is Sarah Palin”.

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Title: Cathie Adams Reporting from the RNC. Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican National Party Platform
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum –, discussing “The Republican National Party Platform”.

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August 24, 2007

Title: Mex-ameri-canada – are we there yet?
Topic: One Country: Mexamericanada
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Are our leaders leading us into a new age, a new country called “Mexamericanada”1

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Title: Who is Tom Tancredo? Does He Stand a Chance in 2008?
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who would you pick from the current crop of candidates?

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February 16, 2007

Topic: HPV Vaccine
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

If Gov. Perry wants all girls entering the 6th grade in 2008 to receive the HPV Vaccine, why not require all boys entering the 5th grade to get circumcised? This just shows exactly how ridiculous this new law is and how Gov. Perry is only after more money from big supporters. Log onto for more information.

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February 1, 2007

Topic: Trans Texas Corridor
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Have our elected officials given control of our growth to aliens? Why should you and I care? Cathie Adams, with Texas Eagle Forum, explains.

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January 25, 2007

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will Texans experience rolling black outs in the next few years?

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January 5, 2007

Title: WHO ARE THE SUNNIS AND SHIITES? Segment 1 of 2 Replay from July 14, 2006
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Title: WHO ARE THE SUNNIS AND SHIITES? Segment 2 of 2 Replay from July 14, 2006
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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August 23, 2006

Topic: Trans Texas Corridor
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Why should Texas give a no bid contact to a foreign corporation that gives them the control of building the highways in Texas for the next 50 years? All of the highways will be toll ways with the foreign corporation setting the amount and keeping all the profits. This is a bad deal.

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July 31, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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July 14, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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June 1, 2006

Title: 2006 MEGA VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Is everyone in your home registered to vote: Your spouse, your teenager, your college student, or maybe a senior citizen – your Mom or Dad? Call us at 713-335-3425.

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Title: 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Why be involved? Why vote? Let your voice count, register to vote today! What are some of the issue: Did you know the Governor is saying homeowners are going to receive a $2000 cut in their property taxes? Friends show me the money!

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May 24, 2006

Topic: Old Topic - 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Is everyone in your home registered to vote: Your spouse, your teenager, your college student, or maybe a senior citizen – your Mom or Dad? Call us at 713-335-3425.

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Title: 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2006 Mega Voter Registration Drive
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Why be involved? Why vote? Let your voice count, register to vote today! What are some of the issue: Did you know the Governor is saying homeowners are going to receive a $2000 cut in their property taxes? Friends show me the money!

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April 21, 2006

Topic: Special Session of the Texas Legislature
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will you lose your job if the Sharp / Perry Tax Plan is passed? Log onto for more information on the new tax plan.

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March 29, 2006

Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will property taxes be reduced? Who will pay more? Will expanded gambling and slot machines be in the mix? Visit for more on this and other issues.

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Topic: Immigration Reform
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

March Now – Vote Later is their chant. What all Americans can do NOW! Join Cathie Adams as she updates us on the how and why of this vital issue. Visit for more on this and other issues.

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February 9, 2006

Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

As activists and as Christians, we must observe the Texas Legislature and adopt strategies that work without making enemies in the process. Cathie Adams, with Texas Eagle Forum, explains when it is advisable to contact certain leaders, like State Representative Beverly Wolley.

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February 7, 2006

Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, with Texas Eagle Forum, explains how pro-life leaders know which candidates are really pro-life and who are "pretending". Do you know who you will vote for in the March Primary?

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November 16, 2005

Title: Who to choose - How to choose - Why choose to endorse? Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Endorsements, Political
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

How to choose who to vote for.

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Title: Who to choose - How to choose - Why choose to endorse? Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Endorsements, Political
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

How to choose who to vote for.

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October 24, 2005

Title: Remember Tuesday November the 8th.
Topic: Defense of Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will you hold up a blue finger indicating you voted? Should marriage in Texas Consist only of the union of one man and one woman? For more info log onto

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October 5, 2005

Title: Remember Tuesday November the 8th.
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will you hold up a blue finger indicating you voted? Should marriage in Texas Consist only of the union of one man and one woman? For more info log onto

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September 20, 2005

Title: Remeber Tuesday November the 8th.
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will you hold up a blue finger indicating you voted? Should marriage in Texas Consitst only of the union of one man and one woman? For more info log onto

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August 19, 2005

Title: How does a Pro-life leader know who to endorse
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

How does a Pro-life leader know who to endorse, and support?

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August 16, 2005

Title: How does a Pro-life leader know who to endorse
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

How does a Pro-life leader know who to endorse, and support?

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July 26, 2005

Title: When does a Republican become a RINO?
Topic: RINO
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

When does a Republican become a RINO? What standards should pro-life voters have? Just to vote for the lesser of two evils? What do you think, send us your comments...

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June 14, 2005

Title: When Does Life Begin/When Does God Impart the Soul
Topic: When does life begin / When does God Impart the Soul
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Christians need to know: 1. When does life begin? and 2. When does God impart the soul?

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Title: What Are Christian Values
Topic: Christian Values
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Can you make a list of Christian Values?

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May 27, 2005

Title: Update from Texas Eagle Forum on this session of the Texas Legislature
Topic: Pro-Family Issues
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

This session of the Texas Legislature is about over. Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, reports on the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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April 19, 2005

Title: The Defense of Marriage Act and the sitffling of non-profit groups
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Questions discussed: 1. Should Texas define marriage as being between one man and one woman? 2. Should your pastor be guilty of violating election laws should he pray for a candidate from the pulpit within 60 days of an election?

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April 18, 2005

Title: The Defense of Marriage Act and the Stiffling of non-profit groups
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Question discussed: 1. Should Texas define marriage as being between one man and one woman? 2. Should your pastor be guilty of violating election laws should he pray for a candidate fron the pulpit within 60 days of an election?

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April 5, 2005

Title: What's UP with gay marriages and parental consent?
Topic: Pro-Family Issues
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, encourages listeners to write and call their Sate Senators and State Representatives concerning several issues. 1) Defining marriage as between one man and one woman - HJ6. 2) Parental consent - HB1212. To find out who your elected officials are, go to the home page of and click on "Contact your elected representatives".

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March 16, 2005

Title: Replay - I will not play, so let the poor sucker pay!
Topic: Gambling
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Is gambling a sin? What is the significance of HB 9? How should we respond to our so-called Christian law-makers who say that Jesus would want us to use gambling as a means for aiding the poor?

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March 15, 2005

Title: I will not play, so let that poor sucker pay!
Topic: Gambling
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

First, let's ask Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum this question: "Since I will not be playing the slot machines that our Republican Leadership is pushing for Texas, why not let the poor sucker pay? (There is proof beyond doubt that poor blacks, Hispanics and Asians play at rates of 2 and sometimes 3 times as much as educated whites!) We also ask Ms. Adams what is the significance of HB 9 and is gambling a sin? When we interviewed St. Rep. Sylvester Turner he would not answer the question: "What would Jesus Do?" Friends, I oppose gambling here in Texas and in all states!

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March 1, 2005

Title: Family friendly faces are needed
Topic: Pro-Family Issues
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Do our Elected Officials need to see "Family Friendly Faces"? Advocates from the "pro-death" arena spend numerous hours and countless dollars lobbying for thier beliefs. Now it is time we, as Christian, pro-lifers, stepped up to the plate. You can contact your elected officials by email, fax, or phone. Or, you can drive to Austin to meet with them or person. Or, better still, call their district office to see when they will be in Houston and available to meet with you locally. Remember - you draw more flies with sugar than with vinegar. It's up to you...

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