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January 12, 2016

Title: Are You Happy with those who Represent You?
Topic: I Love My Elected Official Who Votes Horribly
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Many political polls reveal that voters are dissatisfied with Congress, but most people are happy with their Congressperson. What about their state representative and Senator? Are they doing a good job on state issues?

Cathie Adams, the former President of Texas Eagle Forum, is here to discuss our elected officials, their votes, the voters’ opinions, unemployment, the economy, and other issues. She compares people’s opinion of their elected official to their attitude towards their local school district where they send their kids. It’s the same mentality of not wanting to say anything bad about something or someone you have no control over. However, you absolutely CAN take control – by voting!

Cathie believes the bigger issue at hand is understanding the process and discerning the politician’s double-talk. For example, during the last Texas Legislature, Republican Joe Straus was elected Speaker of the House – by an overwhelming majority of Democrats! Why would they vote for a Republican? Listen in as Cathie explains.

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January 7, 2016

Title: Are You Happy with those who Represent You?
Topic: I Love My Elected Official Who Votes Horribly
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Many political polls reveal that voters are dissatisfied with Congress, but most people are happy with their Congressperson. What about their state representative and Senator? Are they doing a good job on state issues?

Cathie Adams, the former President of Texas Eagle Forum, is here to discuss our elected officials, their votes, the voters’ opinions, unemployment, the economy, and other issues. She compares people’s opinion of their elected official to their attitude towards their local school district where they send their kids. It’s the same mentality of not wanting to say anything bad about something or someone you have no control over. However, you absolutely CAN take control – by voting!

Cathie believes the bigger issue at hand is understanding the process and discerning the politician’s double-talk. For example, during the last Texas Legislature, Republican Joe Straus was elected Speaker of the House – by an overwhelming majority of Democrats! Why would they vote for a Republican? Listen in as Cathie explains.

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