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June 14, 2024

Title: The Art of War and Why Republicans Must Learn It
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by S.A. Sam McCarthy
with The Washington Stand (

In the past, Democrats and Republicans usually acknowledged the same problems, but put forth different solutions. Can there be common ground once again? Or do Republicans need to step up their game and become warriors in WDC and the courtroom?

S.A. Sam McCarthy is a news writer for The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council. Today, Sam urges everyone to become involved with a candidate or cause and spread the word to family, friends, and co-workers that we MUST take back our country.

Click here to read S.A. Sam McCarthy’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there an ongoing war in America that too many are unaware of? Sam believes that there is definitely a spiritual war being waged in the political world.

Have Democrats captured and weaponized nearly every single American institution of any significance?

Has Joe Biden openly defied the orders of the Supreme Court while the MSM smears the credibility of Conservative Justices?

Too many elected Republicans live as if they are on the high school debate club and the teacher will stand up any minute to remind the other team to play by the rules. Do the Democrats simply ignore the rules? Are there even any rules anymore?

Do Democrats seek complete and total dominance? Sam says: “Absolutely. Leftism is a religion… and it has political and social factions.” He also quotes Archbishop Charles Chaput: “Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.”

Do we need Conservative leaders who understand how to fight this war?

Will the American people stand behind those who are willing to fight the fight?

Click here to help support The Washington Stand, a publication of the Family Research Council.

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October 12, 2023

Title: California Republicans Vote to Keep Pro-Life/Pro-Marriage Platform
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by S.A. Sam McCarthy
with The Washington Stand (

With the poor results from the 2022 mid-term elections, nationally, many are calling for the removal of the pro-life/pro-family language found in various Republican platforms. Do we need to focus on drawing distinctions with the Left, not stoking divisions within our base?

S.A. (Sam) McCarthy is a writer at The Washington Stand. He has been published by the American Spectator, Real Clear Investigations, and Crisis Magazine. Today, Sam discusses the need for Republicans to stand up and stand strong in our pro-life/pro-family message.

Click here to read Sam McCarthy’s op-ed on this issue.

Click here for more from Sam on this and other topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Moderate Conservatives in California clamoring for the removal of the pro-life/pro-family planks found in the California Republican Party Platform?

Are too many Conservative voters falling prey to the pro-choice/pro-homosexual message? OR do Republicans simply not articulate the extreme positions of Democrats? Sam explains why he believes it is a combination of both….

Is the pro-life message a “losing message” – or is it winning, especially among millennials?

How much money are Democrats spending to fight the pro-life message? Sam and Terry discuss this disgusting amount and how Republicans are fighting back against them.

Do many Democrat voters not realize just how extreme their platform is concerning abortion?

Click here to help the Family Research Council (the parent company of The Washington Stand) as they continue the fight to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Biblical Worldview.

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November 17, 2021

Title: Saving the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Most Americans – including a good number of Democrats – are tired of being force-fed radicalism that denies reality on almost every issue.

Travis Weber,  the Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at the Family Research Council, joins us. Today he discusses what Conservative Christians must do immediately to save our Party and the Country.

Click here for more on this issue from the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the LGBTQ Log Cabin Republican agenda incompatible with religious freedom and parental rights?

Are Log Cabin Republicans focused on change?

Should Conservatives object to anyone who wants to join the Republican Party? FRC President Tony Perkins recently wrote: “At the end of the day, the Republican Party should welcome everyone who supports its policies, but not at the expense of core values. For the sake of America, our message must continue to be that principles like religious freedom are not only non-negotiable -- they're flat-out incompatible with the pillars of the LGBT movement.”

Did parents and voters loudly proclaim in the 2021 November Elections that they do not want Critical Race Theory pushed in public schools across America? Travis also discusses transgender sports, children’s privacy, religious freedom, and free speech…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Saving the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the Republican party welcome everyone who supports its current policies and agenda? Travis says: “We should welcome everyone, but our core values should not be compromised nor chipped away to make room for competing agendas that undermine religious freedom, the family, and parental rights.”

Do Log Cabin Republicans aim to recruit more diverse candidates that support their causes to run as Republicans?

Must Conservative Christians stay engaged and active at all levels of the Republican Party to assure our core values?

Has the Democrat Party left parents in the dust over the past 50 years? Travis says: “They certainly have. The modern Democrat Party is not supporting…parents. [They support] radical policies and this is why you’re seeing voters move toward Republican candidates on commonsense matters.”

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February 7, 2020

Title: Why Attend Your Precinct Convention?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

In this segment, Pastor Dave Welch discusses the importance of Christians being involved in politics…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has participation from staunch Republicans dwindled over the past few years? Does this leave an open door for moderate Republicans to pass more lenient by-laws and rules for the Party?

Can anyone who votes in a Republican Primary attend their Precinct Convention? Why is this so important? Dave offers a brief run-down of what happens at the precinct, state, and national conventions.

Dave says this: “A Party without its platform is like a church without Scripture.

Click here  for more information about the Republican Party Platform of Texas.

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July 29, 2016

Title: Recap of the RNC
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Bergundi Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Bergundi Cain is the wife of HD 128 Republican Candidate Briscoe Cain. She was honored to attend the recent Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH, and is here today to give us her perspective on the event.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Just an elected few are able to attend a National Convention. Why was Bergundi chosen to attend?

With so many conservative Republican bloggers and talkers against Trump, what was the mood of the attendees prior to Donald Trump’s nomination? Did the mood change once Donald Trump was nominated?

What happened after Ted Cruz gave his speech? How did the Texas delegates react?

If too many Conservative, Evangelicals stay home because they don’t like their choices for President, what happens to Bergundi’s husband’s chances?

Texas is a Red State. In 2000 and 2004, the Bush Campaign did not spend any dollars in Texas to turn out the vote. Neither did McCain in 2008 nor Romney in 2012. While voting their faith and their conscience, what can each listener do to make sure down ballot Republican candidates, like Briscoe Cain, win in November?

Too many voters get worked up about one specific issue or candidate, yet they don’t become active. Bergundi believes that, yes, voting is of vital importance, but it is equally important to become involved in the process. Become involved and vote – but don’t vote alone. And, above all, pray, pray, and pray some more.

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January 4, 2016

Title: Talk Less. Do More.
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Well, folks, we need to stop the insanity. We need to stop sending the same people to Washington over and over again, hoping they will finally vote the “right” way when they clearly have not been and have no intention to start any time soon.

Robert Knight first discusses why consumers are not spending more money when experts had predicted lower gas prices would spur a boost in the economy. It’s Obamacare and unemployment. People are paying more money now than they ever have for their health insurance premiums through Obamacare. People are also being more cautious with their money.

But will this make a difference at the polls? Will more Americans vote who don’t usually bother sticking their noses in political matters? Robert Knight is hopeful that more Americans will stand up to big government – and even the RINO’s – and say “Enough!” It is time to take back our country!

As for those so-called “establishment politicians”, Robert has this to say: “When they feel the heat, they see the light.” Let’s make them all feel the heat!

If you are a Christian, you should be registered to vote. And you should make every effort to vote in every single election. If you are not registered to vote at your current place of residence, you must register soon! Click on the “Register 2 Vote Now” link on our home page to get registered now!

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December 17, 2015

Title: Current Issues with the Texas Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill is with us today to discuss the details surrounding the upcoming Texas Republican Party Convention and other issues affecting our great state. For example, some activists want to place a resolution on the ballot which would allow Texas to ability to secede from the union. What has motivated this desire? “The Federal Government is continuing to trample on our state laws, principles, and beliefs,” Jared says. While he believes this is absolutely true, he does not necessarily believe seceding is the answer. Listen in as he expands on his opinion and what is happening within the Republican Party concerning this issue.

In addition, many Republicans wish to move the upcoming Texas Republican Party Convention from Dallas to Houston. Shortly after the voters of Houston rejected HERO, the Dallas city council unanimously voted in favor of a similar law allowing men into women’s restrooms. “We had an opportunity to embrace our principles and move the convention to Houston and we let that opportunity pass us by. In fact, there was no attempt to move the convention at all,” Jared says.

There are many other issues which deserve our immediate attention. Don’t stay silent and sit this next election out. Vote in the upcoming Republican Primary and attend your precinct meeting that evening. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. “We need people who will fight for us. That is what our Party needs,” Jared says.

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October 9, 2015

Title: Republicans are Engaging in Plan B
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

A good strategist always has at least one backup plan. It’s now time for the Republican Party to step up their game and give up on Plan A. Republican donors want a candidate who will do anything they want him or her to do. Jeb Bush, being a moderate in every way, was that man. However, Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum, says Jeb Bush is just not working for the establishment anymore. He’s not popular like they thought he would be.

Most of the donors are big business owners who want to control their candidate. However, with the soaring popularity of Donald Trump, what are they to do? He clearly is not a candidate who will obey their every beck-and-call. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson aren’t push-overs, either.

Listen in as Phyllis Schlafly explains how the Primary Caucus works. “The thing about this time, for the first time in 50 years, we’re going to have a wide-open election,” she believes. “The establishment’s plan is to pick their candidate and then freeze everyone else out.” We cannot let that happen. Phyllis urges everyone to either get themselves elected to the delegation or elect someone who shares your same vision for the country. Don’t sit idly by. Do something.

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July 9, 2015

Title: Have Republicans in WDC been Bought?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Part 1 of 2

The Republicans won big in 2014, but now they are losing more than before. They made so many promises to the America people and we thought things would get better, but in many ways, things are far worse. Have the Republicans been duped or blackmailed – or are they just liars?

Wayne Allyn Root is the best-selling author of “The Murder of the Middle Class”. He is very passionate about issues which are threatening the freedom of American people. Listen in as he discusses one in particular: banks reporting your cash withdrawals to the NSA.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Have Republicans in WDC been Bought?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

We need to get rid of the establishment, moderate RINO Republicans. Just stop voting for them! Wayne Allyn Root is convinced that many RINO’s in WDC have been bought by the Obama Crime Family. Wayne also says that we need to stop attacking each other. Enough with the mini wars within our own brotherhood. He cites the recent attacks on Donald Trump for speaking his mind as a perfect example.

Click here  for more from Wayne Allyn Root.

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April 13, 2015

Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Elvie Kingston
with Texas Tea Party of Republican Women (

The Texas Tea Party Republican Women invite you to share an evening with Harris County District attorney Devon Anderson. The event is Tuesday, April 14 at Los Reyes Restaurant on Cypress Creek Parkway (formerly FM 1960).

Dinner and check-in begin at 6 pm and the meeting starts at 7 pm.

For more information and to RSVP ASAP (by Sunday, April 12) for the dinner, please email

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April 10, 2015

Title: Come Meet Harris County DA Devon Anderson
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Elvie Kingston
with Texas Tea Party of Republican Women (

The Texas Tea Party Republican Women invite you to share an evening with Harris County District attorney Devon Anderson. The event is Tuesday, April 14 at Los Reyes Restaurant on Cypress Creek Parkway (formerly FM 1960).

Dinner and check-in begin at 6 pm and the meeting starts at 7 pm.

For more information and to RSVP ASAP (by Sunday, April 12) for the dinner, please email

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December 3, 2014

Title: Is the GOP Still a Religious Party?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Brad Tupi
with Center for Vision and Values (

The majority (61%) of Protestants voted Republican, while 37% voted Democrat in the 2014 mid-term elections. Catholics voted 54% Republican and 45% Democrat. Those who do not identify with a certain religion voted 69% Democrat.

Brad Tupi, an attorney and contributor for the Grove City College Center for Vision and Values, says these numbers aren’t that surprising, especially when you start breaking each group down into race, how often they attend (or don’t attend) church, and how they view social and moral issues.

Sad Fact: Voter turnout for the 2014 November mid-term election was only 36%. This is the lowest voter turnout since World War II.

Listen in as Brad discusses how pastors should – and can – talk about political issues from the pulpit. Yes they can!

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation.

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November 14, 2014

Title: Conservative Christians are Key to the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Who voted during the Mid-Term Elections? Are Catholics still leaning right because of the abortion issue, or have they given up? The majority of college students and those under the age of 30 tend to vote left. Did that trend change this year?

There are those within the Republican Party who want the old, white hairs gone. They think the old, white hairs are damaging and ruining the party. What does Mark Tooley, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, think about that? Are they a dying breed?

Those who do not attend church or do not identify with a specific denomination usually vote Democrat, but this election many switched to the Republican Party. However, the majority are still left-leaning.

Mark gives a run-down of who voted in the November Election. He says the Mid-Term Elections were encouraging, but he wants to encourage us to stay focused and not stop registering new voters just because “we” won this time around.

For more, log on to

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October 7, 2014

Title: The Big Engine Blew a Gasket
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Northeast, once the nation’s political engine that produced presidents, House speakers, and Senate giants including the late Edward M. Kennedy, is losing clout. The Census Bureau reports that population growth has shifted to the South. As a result, the eleven states that make up the Northeast are being bled dry of representation in Washington.

Jared Woodfill discusses why he thinks people in the Northeast are moving to Southern states, like Texas, and what the means for the future of our country. Jared says we must continue with the Republican way of thinking, however, that limited government is best for our state or else we could wind up broke like others.

Liberals from the Northeast who move to Texas looking for a better job and a more prosperous future must realize that the reason we are better is because we do not allow our elected officials to take advantage of us. Northern states are failing because their elected officials are taxing businesses to death, raising prices for everything from gas to milk to electricity, and paying outrageous pension rates funded by taxpayers. We cannot allow the Northerners to ruin Texas, too.

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September 4, 2014

Title: Future of the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

Is the Republican Party in danger of disappearing, even in Texas? I personally think that many in the Republican Party in Harris County are more interested in getting elected than working for the people. Many don't want me asking candidates their position on the abortion and LGBT issues. They don't want to know. They want to be able to say "this man or woman is my cousin's best friend's unlce's sister-in-law's son". Ohhhhh, well he or she must be the best person for the job then! Not!

Cathie Adams says I should keep asking those questions! At least someone likes me! Cathie says the family is the core of our Republican values, our Christian heritage. Cathie is like me. She wants to know what candidates truly believe. If they stray in way from what they claim to support or not support, Cathie says "they're gone". We should have zero tolerance.

Families are being torn apart; 70% of black babies are born into a one-parent family (meaning no dad is around at all). Cathie wants to change this - across the board. We must be actively involved.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Future of the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Dallas flipped blue in 2006 and not a single Republican judge has been elected in the city since. The same could happen in Houston very soon if things don't change. Too many candidates are more concerned with votes than values.

In addition, many Republicans are teaming up with Libertarians, who are pro-gay, pro-choice, and anti-gun. Yes, Libertarians are in favor of less government, but that also means they don't want restrictions on illegal drugs, gambling, or basically anything else. They might be well-intended, but the results would be devastating.

What about illegal immigration? Are Republicans leaning toward open borders to gain votes? Texas schools are already over-crowded and under-funded. With all these illegal children entering our schools, where are the Republicans? Why are they not standing up and saying "stop this nonsense"?

Concerning the pro-life agenda...Wendy Davis stood for 11 hours, with tennis shoes and a back brace on (even wearing adult diapers!!) in order to stop a bill that would allow a baby in gestation the right to life. Is she what is best for Texas? Cathie and I say "Heck NO!"

Our purpose on this earth is to glorify the Lord and to work for Him. He wants us to save souls for His Kingdom, always striving to be more like Him.

Cathie Adams is a dear friend and political colleague. You can find her at

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February 10, 2014

Title: Best Kept Secret: How to Build The New Republican Party Platform
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Written by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Texas does not require party affiliation when you register to vote. Every two years, registered voters choose whether to vote in the Republican or the Democrat Primary.

By choosing to vote in the Republican Primary, you become eligible to attend the local Precinct Convention the night of the Primary. And if you choose and are elected, you can advance to the Senatorial/County Convention and even onto the State Convention.

This process is the best kept secret around. Be informed. Make plans to attend your local precinct convention. [Editor’s note: Use the contact link on our website to ask me any questions]

To read more click [here!]

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December 17, 2013

Title: Republican Infighting Must Stop After the Primaries!
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Primaries are for disagreements between the various factions of any party.

Too often, two or more conservative, pro-life candidates run against one moderate, or RINO. And, too often, the moderate wins in the run-off because the various factions have not learned to put away their disagreements and work together.

But it is a two-way street. When the true conservative, pro-life candidates wins a primary, the moderates have to learn to be team players, also.

Ken Blackwell, with the FRC, says after the primaries all the bickering and feuding among Republicans must end or there will be no hope for the future.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Too many voters stay home during a run-off election if their “favorite” candidate doesn’t win in the Primary. We must all support each other – both in the voting booth and financially.

It is not too early to being looking towards 2016 – and even 2018. The Democrats are already working. We must do the same!

Log on to  to learn more.

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April 19, 2012

Title: Discussing The Takeover Of The Republican Party!
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Chris Daniel
with Elected Officials

Special guest Chris Daniel answers:

How is the Republican Party platform built from the grassroots level all the way to the national level?

Why do you think that the convention this weekend is an opportunity for non-Republicans to take over the Republican Party?

What is the ultimate goal of the libertarian party?

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March 9, 2012

Title: Getting Back To The Basics: Building Blocks of the Republican Party.
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

Is there a difference in philosophy between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party? If you went to their national platform, could you detect the difference?

Do you find it to be true and accurate that you can go to any state, check out their Republican platform, and immediately detect a leaning to the left or right, socially and economically?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

How has the Republican Party built its platform in the past? What was the reason Texas did not have a primary on Super Tuesday?

How will the national convention delegates and the national platform come together from the Texas point of view because of the redistricting battle?

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March 3, 2010

Title: IS SCOTT BROWN A “TURN COAT” Part 1 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Marcus Carey
with Blue Grass Bulletin

Is Scott Brown a “turn coat” because he voted yes on the Senate Jobs Bill? Should Republicans vote against ALL Democrat bills? Log on to

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Title: IS SCOTT BROWN A “TURN COAT” Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Marcus Carey
with Blue Grass Bulletin

Become a Facebook of Marcus Carey today! Log on to and follow the Facebook link.

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February 18, 2010

Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Lowman Henry
with Lincoln Institute

New York 23 became a “Battle of the Elephants”; therefore, the seat was won by a Democrat. Will the Special Election to fill the seat vacated by the death of Congressman John P. Murtha be a repeat of this childish behavior? Or, will the Republicans get their act together and work as one, sending a friend to DC for the newly elected Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown?

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November 6, 2009

Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Bryan Preston
with Texas General Land Office (

The Republican victories in Virginia and New Jersey were vital to the recovery of our country. But, why should we in Texas care about VA and NJ? Find out more on the Republican Party of Texas at Bryan Preston is the Communications Director of the Republican Party of Texas.

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