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November 13, 2023

Title: Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Part 1 o 3

Mahatma Gandhi once stated: “While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest: Islam.”

Victor Sharpe, with Renew America, has written on this and many other subjects. His latest piece, “Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some Muslims murder in the name of Allah?

Have Muslims “always” murdered in the name of Allah?

What is Wahhabism? What are Shiites?

What is the “Resurgence of Islamic Triumphalism”? How does this make the religion of Islam different than Christianity?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Muslim leaders and clerics preach death to the Jew, the Christian, and to the non-believer?

Is this being “preached” all across the world – even in America?

FACT: Victor discusses “no-go areas” in England where non-Muslims are discouraged from entering; many are even afraid to go near the Tower of London! Even the POLICE do not enter some of these places! This makes my heart so sad…

Is the jihadist promised paradise for killing “unbelievers”?

Have Muslim leaders and clerics denounced passages in the Qur’an that speak of killing “unbelievers”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some direct quotes from the Qur’an:
Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:191
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Qur’an 9:5
Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Qur’an 8:12

Are these and other horrific “verses” being drilled into young children all across the world?

Is Islam unchangeable?

What is the difference between “hard Islam” and “soft Islam”? Is the ultimate goal the same?

Does America have a plan for “world domination”? This is obviously a rhetorical question, but it needs to be asked. Victor says this: “I feel privileged to be here {America}. What grieves me greatly is to see so many Americans who were born here taking it for granted and so often trashing their own Constitution and their own nation.”

What can we do to protect ourselves, our children, and their children?

Are the prayers to Allah the same as prayers to God? HINT: Nope!

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December 10, 2021

Title: Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Part 1 of 3

Mahatma Gandhi once stated: “While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest: Islam.”

Victor Sharpe, with Renew America, has written on this and many other subjects. His latest piece, “Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some Muslims murder in the name of Allah?

Have Muslims “always” murdered in the name of Allah?

What is Wahhabism? What are Shiites?

What is the “Resurgence of Islamic Triumphalism”? How does this make the religion of Islam different than Christianity?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Muslim leaders and clerics preach death to the Jew, the Christian, and to the non-believer?

Is this being “preached” all across the world – even in America?

FACT: Victor discusses “no-go areas” in England where non-Muslims are discouraged from entering; many are even afraid to go near the Tower of London! Even the POLICE do not enter some of these places! This makes my heart so sad…

Is the jihadist promised paradise for killing “unbelievers”?

Have Muslim leaders and clerics denounced passages in the Qur’an that speak of killing “unbelievers”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some direct quotes from the Qur’an:
Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:191
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Qur’an 9:5
Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Qur’an 8:12

Are these and other horrific “verses” being drilled into young children all across the world?

Is Islam unchangeable?

What is the difference between “hard Islam” and “soft Islam”? Is the ultimate goal the same?

Does America have a plan for “world domination”? This is obviously a rhetorical question, but it needs to be asked. Victor says this: “I feel privileged to be here {America}. What grieves me greatly is to see so many Americans who were born here taking it for granted and so often trashing their own Constitution and their own nation.”

What can we do to protect ourselves, our children, and their children?

Are the prayers to Allah the same as prayers to God? HINT: Nope!

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October 2, 2019

Title: Islam’s Long War on the West
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 3

Bill Federer, the Founder and President of American Minute, discusses: White Christian Privilege, The Cairo Declaration, and the difference between Allah and God.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Bill Federer recently traveled to Minnesota. What is happening in the public schools there concerning Muslim demands?

According to Muslims, are Christians a “religious hate group”?

On another note… Should the government be involved with public education?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Islam’s Long War on the West
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the religion of Islam really focus on world domination? Has history – even recent history – proven this to be true?

9/11 has significant meaning to Americans. But why is this date important to Muslims? HINT: It’s much, much more than just the tragedy in America that they “celebrate”.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Islam’s Long War on the West
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 1990, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) passed the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. Bill Federer reveals details of this declaration… Listen close! These laws are crazy!!!

As Secretary of State, did Hillary Clinton meet with the OIC in 2011 in support of criminalizing speech insulting Islam?

Are God and Allah the same?
Some comments/facts from Bill on this:
Allah has no children vs Everyone is God’s child.
Allah has no image vs We are made in the image of God.
Mohamad says to wage war against all who do not turn to Islam vs Jesus said to just leave (no war).
Islam has an unforgiveable sin: believing in Jesus Christ vs Christianity, which says all sins are forgivable – no matter what.

Bottom line: The descriptions don’t match up.

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September 26, 2019

Title: Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Part 1 o 3

Mahatma Gandhi once stated: “While Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsees and Jews, along with several million adherents of an animistic religion, all coexisted in relative harmony, one religion that would not accept compromise stood out from the rest: Islam.”

Victor Sharpe, with Renew America, has written on this and many other subjects. His latest piece, “Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some Muslims murder in the name of Allah?

Have Muslims “always” murdered in the name of Allah?

What is Wahhabism? What are Shiites?

What is the “Resurgence of Islamic Triumphalism”? How does this make the religion of Islam different than Christianity?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Muslim leaders and clerics preach death to the Jew, the Christian, and to the non-believer?

Is this being “preached” all across the world – even in America?

FACT: Victor discusses “no-go areas” in England where non-Muslims are discouraged from entering; many are even afraid to go near the Tower of London! Even the POLICE do not enter some of these places! This makes my heart so sad…

Is the jihadist promised paradise for killing “unbelievers”?

Have Muslim leaders and clerics denounced passages in the Qur’an that speak of killing “unbelievers”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why do some Muslims Murder in the Name of Allah?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some direct quotes from the Qur’an:
Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Qur’an 2:191
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Qur’an 9:5
Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Qur’an 8:12

Are these and other horrific “verses” being drilled into young children all across the world?

Is Islam unchangeable?

What is the difference between “hard Islam” and “soft Islam”? Is the ultimate goal the same?

Does America have a plan for “world domination”? This is obviously a rhetorical question, but it needs to be asked. Victor says this: “I feel privileged to be here {America}. What grieves me greatly is to see so many Americans who were born here taking it for granted and so often trashing their own Constitution and their own nation.”

What can we do to protect ourselves, our children, and their children?

Are the prayers to Allah the same as prayers to God? HINT: Nope!

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September 18, 2017

Title: Racism and Hatred around the World
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Raheel Raza
with Raheel Raza (

If Americans are quick to condemn the actions of White Supremacists like the KKK, should they not also condemn the actions of Islamist Supremacists?

Raheel Raza is a Clarion Project Advisory Board Member and the founding member of the Muslim Reformer Movement. Today, Raheel Raza will be discussing the blatant attempts by the Left to condemn any group or organization – except Muslim extremists.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Muslims extremists promote death to all but those who practice Islam?

We have the freedom of speech and religion in America. If a Christian organization, group, or church endorsed hate and violence, would they not be stopped? Then, why not Muslim extremists?

Raheel Raza states boldly: “This is not about left, right, or center. It is not about the color of our skin. It is about humanity.

Raheel is a practicing Muslim. How does she view the Quran’s teaching from Muhammad to kill all non-believers? Why does she overlook these commands?

Does Raheel condemn ALL violence, no matter who the instigator is?

Is the MSM condemning violence from Muslim extremists?

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July 24, 2017

Title: Islam: A Boy Becoming a Man
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Raheel Raza
with Raheel Raza (

A father takes his young son to the killing fields in Afghanistan, teaching him how to be a soldier in the war against the infidels. Using his skills as a trained killer, the young man hurls a grenade, killing a U.S. soldier. During interrogations, this killer confesses to his actions. But that is not the end of the story. He sues the Canadian government, which rewards him with over ten million dollars and an apology.

Is this right? Or is this wrong?

Raheel Raza is a Pakistani-Canadian journalist, author, public speaker, media consultant, and anti-racism activist. She is an interfaith discussion leader and President of The Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow. She is also the author of “Their Jihad, Not My Jihad: A Muslim Canadian Woman Speaks Out.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The young man in this case was a mere fifteen years old. Is this too young to be considered responsible for your own actions? Or was he simply brainwashed?

Raheel Raza is Canadian. How do you her countrymen feel about the amount of money awarded to this young man? HINT: They are MAD!

Why was this young man rewarded so much money?

Raheel Raza concludes the interview discussing why we should all heed the warning we learn from this case.

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February 27, 2017

Title: Celebrating the Murder of a Blasphemer
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

On Sunday, February 12, 2107, a mosque outside Baltimore reportedly honored the assassin of a Pakistani statesman who criticized his country’s blasphemy law.   Listen as Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, shares the disgusting details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A “URS” is a traditional commemoration usually given to Saints and Holy personages in the Islamic faith.

Why was this murderer given this “honor”?   What was the ultimate fate of the murderer?

What would happen if a church in America honored Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Celebrating the Murder of a Blasphemer
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

One speaker at the mosque said: “Whoever disrespects the Holy Prophet Muhammad is worthy of death, and even if disrespects indirectly he is still worthy of death. Even if someone asks for forgiveness it is not acceptable.”   Is this a practice we want in America?

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September 30, 2016

Title: Is the Threat of Islamic Extremism Real?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Throughout history, the world has been riddled with extremists who wished to die for their country or religion. Some, however, did not want to die, as was the case with the Russians. But how do you deal with Jihadists who are willing to kill anyone and everyone in order to receive their 72 virgins in Heaven?

Ryan Mauro has been spreading the truth about Islamic extremism for many years, even gaining the attention of the Muslim Brotherhood, who calls him “delusional”. If the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t like you, you are probably doing something right!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What convinced so many Japanese men to die for their country prior to World War II?

Why does Ryan Mauro believe there is a credible threat of Islamic extremism in the United States?

Why is implementing Shariah Law around the world so important to Muslims?

In the Bible, Revelation states that God is the victor over evil. What does the Quran say?

What is the significance of “killing an infidel” in order to gain entrance to Heaven? Is this true or just something “made up” to spread Islamaphobia? In answer to this question, Ryan Mauro reveals information from private FBI recordings of ISIS suspects about why they believe they must commit Jihad.

If the FBI goes after other extremist groups in America, why don’t they target Mosques, where many Imams are encouraging their members to kill infidels?

Ryan Mauro does not believe we are safe from Islamic extremists in America. Listen in as he explains why.

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July 27, 2016

Title: Is the Threat of Islamic Extremism Real?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Throughout history, the world has been riddled with extremists who wished to die for their country or religion. Some, however, did not want to die, as was the case with the Russians. But how do you deal with Jihadists who are willing to kill anyone and everyone in order to receive their 72 virgins in Heaven?

Ryan Mauro has been spreading the truth about Islamic extremism for many years, even gaining the attention of the Muslim Brotherhood, who calls him “delusional”. If the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t like you, you are probably doing something right!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What convinced so many Japanese men to die for their country prior to World War II?

Why does Ryan Mauro believe there is a credible threat of Islamic extremism in the United States?

Why is implementing Shariah Law around the world so important to Muslims?

In the Bible, Revelation states that God is the victor over evil. What does the Quran say?

What is the significance of “killing an infidel” in order to gain entrance to Heaven? Is this true or just something “made up” to spread Islamaphobia? In answer to this question, Ryan Mauro reveals information from private FBI recordings of ISIS suspects about why they believe they must commit Jihad.

If the FBI goes after other extremist groups in America, why don’t they target Mosques, where many Imams are encouraging their members to kill infidels?

Ryan Mauro does not believe we are safe from Islamic extremists in America. Listen in as he explains why.

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June 16, 2016

Title: What is the Highest Teaching of Islam?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

The Orlando, FL and Tel Aviv, Israel terror attacks both have ominous Ramadan connections.

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. He is Founder and President of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established to assist children who have become terror victims. He and his three year old son were wounded in a terror attack several years ago. David Rubin is in great demand as a speaker and political analyst, and is the author of four books, including his best-seller, “The Islamic Tsunami”, and his latest, “Sparks from Zion”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Last week’s vicious attack on diners in Tel Aviv, Israel was followed in rapid fire by the horrific attack in Orlando. What do the two attacks have in common?

Why is there such a misconception about Jihad and its true meaning?

Islamists are currently “celebrating” the holy month of Ramadan. Listen in as David Rubin compares the Islamists “celebration” of Ramadan to Jewish remembrances and celebrations.

Why do Islamic terrorist organizations often claim responsibility for such attacks? Do they use the attacks to raise more money, as sick as that may be?

What is David Rubin’s opinion to the responses to the Orlando attack of leading American politicians like Trump, Clinton, and Obama?

BONUS: (Not a GOOD Bonus) Listen in as David Rubin reveals how many Islamic Charter Schools there are in Texas that are supported by taxpayer money!

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March 15, 2016

Title: The Truth about Islam in Spain
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera
with Author

Part 1 of 3

Philosopher George Santayana once said: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera is an expert on Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic rule in mid-evil Spain. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Northwestern University. He is here today to discuss some facts and myths about Islam.

President Obama has stated: “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia”. Professor Dario says this is absolutely false and explains how the Islamists treated both Christians and Jews like fourth or fifth-class citizens. They weren’t even good enough to be in second place! Even the freed slaves were considered higher class than the Christians and the Jews. Unbelievable.

March is “Women’s History Month”. Many liberals, even women, do not condemn the Islamic faith because they want to be tolerant of everyone and all religions. However, if real feminists wanted equal rights for all women of all races and cultures, they should be shouting from the rooftops against Islam and Shariah Law! Professor Dario says, “We defend what they do by saying: ‘We’re free in a different way.’ So that would give freedom a different meaning.” However, women are far from being free in Middle-Eastern countries, especially in Saudi Arabia.

Another myth about Islam discussed in this first segment concerns “preserved classical knowledge which was passed on to Europe”. Listen in as Professor Dario explains why this is so very important to know and understand in regards to the Bible and Greek. This topic leads into another myth about the Christians who supposedly conquered Spain. (HINT: It was really Muslims!)

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Truth about Islam in Spain
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera
with Author

Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera continues to discuss the nature of the invasion of Spain in the Middle Ages. He says, “Both Muslim and Christian documents indicate that the invasion was cultivated by a religion to carry out Jihad.” The purpose of the invasion was to make the inhabitants not simply convert, but to actually submit. “There is a distinction,” as Professor Dario explains. Men, women, and even children were enslaved if they refused to convert; many were killed and the cities burned to the ground.

Islam is not a peaceful religion! We are still seeing these same horrendous “conquests” today in Syria, Iran, Iraq, and other countries in the Middle East. The tactics are very similar: beheadings, crucifixions, enslavement, and terror. Professor Dario wouldn’t necessarily call it “genocide” for this reason: “If they submitted, those people would be sources of income.” So they only kill those who won’t make them money!

How do the “conquests” of the mid-evil times and the “genocidal tactics” of today have in common? Professor Dario says, “The religious law in mid-evil times permeated every aspect of the Muslim conquerors lives. Islamic law by definition is a way of life. There is no distinction between civil law and religious law.”

Professor Dario goes on to describe the lives of those who lived in Spain in mid-evil times. Did everyone get along? Was everyone treated fairly? Was there peace? To put it simply: No. No. And no. Listen in to the last segment with Professor Dario as he goes into more detail.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Truth about Islam in Spain
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera
with Author

Last year, President Obama stated: “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding." Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera laughs at the thought! “The President, with all respect, is mixing things up,” he boldly states. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

While Professor Dario is not an expert on the Qur’an, he does have extensive knowledge concerning the deeds and sayings/writings of the prophet Muhammad. In those documents, followers are instructed to lie about their faith in order to gain the trust of non-believers. Once trust is obtained, then they begin to proselytize and convert, ultimately gaining conquest under submission. “You do whatever is necessary to establish the superiority of Islam,” he reveals. If you cannot see this happening all over the world, including in America, you are blind.

In the first segment, Professor Dario briefly discussed the misconception many have about the conquests in Spain during the mid-evil times. He explains in further detail in this segment that it was not the Christians who instigated the uprising; it was Muslims who wanted to conquer the country and used any means necessary to accomplish their goal.

[Modern Islamists] are practicing the same teachings from mid-evil Spain,” Professor Dario believes. Everyone – men, women, children, Jews, Christians, non-believers, and especially homosexuals – should fear a Muslim conquest across the world. Too many people just simply do not understand just how truly despicable and horrifying Muslims truly are.

To order a copy of Professor Dario Fernandez-Morera’s new book, “The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain,” click here.

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December 27, 2011

Title: Are Christians and Jews and others intolerant of the true religion, Islam?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by I.Q. al-Rassooli

Part 1 of 2

Why do you think it was misguided for Secretary Clinton and the Obama administration to meet with Islamists?

Are countries with Shariah Law, Anti-Democracy? What is the IOC?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by I.Q. al-Rassooli

Expand on your comments about New Gingrich’s recent controversial statement about the “Palestinian” people.

Where did the Palestinians come from in 1964?

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June 20, 2011

Title: Is Congressman Weiner a “Closet Muslim”?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Walid Shoebat
with Walid Shoebat Foundation

Congressman Weiner’s wife is a Muslin. Her mother is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did Congressman Weiner convert to Islam to marry Huma Abedin, or did her family disown her for marrying a Jew? Explosive facts revealed in this segment with guest Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim and PLO member. More information can be found at

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March 21, 2011

Title: What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say. Actions speak louder than words. True side to Radical Islam.
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Caroline Glick
with Caroline Glick (

Hadas, the 3-month-old baby was decapitated by two Arab terrorists who broke into a home in Israel and killed her father, mother and two of her brothers. While Israel was in shock, the home village of the murders celebrated in the streets teaching their children that they would be rewarded by killing Jews by have their mouths filled with candy. More information can be found at  The little boys, not only had their throats slit, but were stabbed in their hearts. How do you negotiate peace with a culture so filled with hate?

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January 4, 2011

Title: In Islam, the standard is to use Muruna (stealth), Taqiyya (Guarding the faith), and Kitman (Concealing the true intent); in plain English -lying
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Walid Shoebat
with Walid Shoebat Foundation

As the Ground Zero Mosque controversy continues to grow, one man who used to be a Muslim – and speaks Arabic says he knows what's going on with the Imam. Former Muslim terrorist and PLO member Walid Shoebat has been translating the Arabic words of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and says the Imam is well aware of Muruna, Taqiyya, and Kitman – all three are tactics of deception in order to further the cause of Islam. Do Islamic Leaders Speak From Both Sides Of Their Mouths?

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August 25, 2010

Title: In Islam, the standard is to use Muruna (stealth), Taqiyya (Guarding the faith), and Kitman (Concealing the true intent); in plain English -lying
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Walid Shoebat
with Walid Shoebat Foundation

As the Ground Zero Mosque controversy continues to grow, one man who used to be a Muslim – and speaks Arabic says he knows what's going on with the Imam. Former Muslim terrorist and PLO member Walid Shoebat has been translating the Arabic words of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and says the Imam is well aware of Muruna, Taqiyya, and Kitman – all three are tactics of deception in order to further the cause of Islam. Do Islamic Leaders Speak From Both Sides Of Their Mouths?

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August 2, 2010

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ted Shoebat
with Ted Shoebat (

Palestinian suicide bombers being indoctrinated at very young ages to believe that by martyring themselves while killing Jews, they will be awarded in the afterlife. Psychologists point out that the repetition of this type of thought act as a hallucinogenic drug. For more on this, log on to

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ted Shoebat
with Ted Shoebat (

There is no dispute that brainwashing, indoctrination, and drug use share one thing common: they altar the mind, steering it away from reality. Order a copy of Ted’s best-selling book “Liberty and Tyranny” at

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April 27, 2010

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Franklin Graham
with Special Guest

Franklin Graham has gotten a lot of flak for statements he has made concerning Islam. View this Fox and Friends video on You Tube:

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August 2, 2007

Title: Left-Wing Priestess for Allah
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

A Seattle Priest has become a Muslim while also retaining her clergy status in the Episcopal Church. Can a professing Muslim and Christian go to heaven?

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July 5, 2007

Title: Left-Wing Priestess for Allah
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

A Seattle Priest has become a Muslim while also retaining her clergy status in the Episcopal Church. Can a professing Muslim and Christian go to heaven?

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July 3, 2007

Title: Left-Wing Priestess for Allah
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

A Seattle Priest has become a Muslim while also retaining her clergy status in the Episcopal Church. Can a professing Muslim and Christian go to heaven?

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June 22, 2007

Title: Comparing Islam with Christianity: Mark Lanier continues the study. Lesson 40 Part 1
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Would the world today be different if Muhammad had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior? This is the first segment of Lesson 40. Lesson studies and the complete audios of all lessons can be found at

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Title: Comparing Islam with Christianity: Mark Lanier continues the study. Lesson 40 Part 2
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Would the world today be different if Muhammad had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior? This is the second part of Lesson 40. Lesson studies and the complete audios of all lessons can be found at

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Title: Comparing Islam with Christianity: Mark Lanier continues the study. Lesson 40 Part 3
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Would the world today be different if Muhammad had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior? This is the third segment of Lesson 40. Lesson studies and the complete audios of all lessons can be found at

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June 21, 2007

Title: Comparing Islam with Christianity: Mark Lanier continues the study. Lesson 40 Part 2
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Would the world today be different if Muhammad had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior? This is the second part of Lesson 40. Lesson studies and the complete audios of all lessons can be found at

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June 20, 2007

Title: Comparing Islam with Christianity: Mark Lanier continues the study. Lesson 40 Part 1
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Would the world today be different if Muhammad had accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior?

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June 15, 2007

Title: Muhammad and Islam: the beginnings. Segment 1 of 4
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Mark Lanier, a fabulous bible teacher at Champion Forest Baptist Church begins a series on Muhammad and Islam.

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Title: Muhammad and Islam: the beginnings. Segment 2 of 4
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Mark Lanier, a fabulous bible teacher at Champion Forest Baptist Church continues his lessons on Muhammad and Islam.

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Title: Muhammad and Islam: the beginnings. Segment 3 of 4
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Mark Lanier, a fabulous bible teacher at Champion Forest Baptist Church continues his lessons on Muhammad and Islam. (There is one more segment and then Lesson # 2 on Muhammad and Islam will begin.)

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January 5, 2007

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Tim Wildmon
with American Family Association (

Do you consider Islam to be a peaceful religion? Would America be a better country if it were Muslim? Log onto to give your opinion.

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Title: WHO ARE THE SUNNIS AND SHIITES? Segment 1 of 2 Replay from July 14, 2006
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Title: WHO ARE THE SUNNIS AND SHIITES? Segment 2 of 2 Replay from July 14, 2006
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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September 18, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ronald J. Rychlak
with Author

Professor Rychlak discusses the risks associated with Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks against Islam. Should the Pope apologize for his comments? How has the Church confronted evil and spoken truth to power in the past? How did the Catholic Church defend the Jews during WWII? Why do people discount or disregard the Church’s resistance to Nazism? Ronald Rychlak’s excellent book, Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church Saved Half a Million Jews from the Nazis can be purchased at or by calling 888-773-6782. Don’t forget to mention The What’s Up Radio Program for a 50% discount.

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July 31, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Professor William Wagner, author of “How Islam Plans to Change the World”. Christianity vs. Islam: Are we in the middle of a Jihad? Is this a clash of conflicting civilizations? Professor Wagner also explains the SIX pillars of Islam.

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July 14, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me?

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Join Cathie as she continues her discussion on who are the Sunnis and Shiites and do they really hate you and me? For more, visit

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Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Professor William Wagner, author of “How Islam Plans to Change the World”. Christianity vs. Islam: Are we in the middle of a Jihad? Is this a clash of conflicting civilizations? Professor Wagner also explains the SIX pillars of Islam.

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July 10, 2006

Title: Quotes From Saudi literature and Saudi govenment
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Marshall
with Freedom House

Friends don't flood their friend's houses of worship with hateful religious propaganda. Has the Saudi government helped to fund totalitarian ideology that can incite readers and followers to violence? Has such poison penetrated Mosques in America? Freedom House assembles more than 200 publications from 15 mosques and Islamic centers in Texas and from other states...

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June 9, 2006

Title: Quotes From Saudi literature and Saudi govenment
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Marshall
with Freedom House

Friends Don't flood their friend's houses of worship with hateful religious propaganda. Has the Saudi government helped to fund totalitarian ideology that can incite readers and followers to violence? Has such poison penetrated Mosques in America? Freedom House assemble more than 200 publications from 15 mosques and Islamic centers in Texas and from other states. Visit

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March 7, 2006

Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Marshall
with Freedom House

Friends don't flood their friend's houses of worship with hateful religious propaganda. Has the Saudi government helped to fund totalitarian ideology that can incite readers and followers to violence? Has such poison penetrated Mosques in America? Freedom House has assembled more than 200 publications from 15 mosques and Islamic centers in Texas and from other states. For more information, log onto

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February 13, 2006

Title: Cartoons, Religion, and the Constitution
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Dr. John VanTil
with Grove City College (

Dr. VanTil explains how the Muhammad cartoon incident is the latest chapter in the 30-year-old revival of a world-wide Jihad, or Holy War, against Christians and Jews.

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July 27, 2005

Title: Quotes From Saudi literature and Saudi govenment
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Marshall
with Freedom House

Friends Don't flood their friend's houses of worship with hatedul religious propaganda. Has the Saudi government helped to fund totalitarian ideology that can incite readers and followers to violence? Has such poison penetrated Mosques in America? Freedom House assemble more than 200 publications from 15 mosques and Islamic centers in Texas and from other states...

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July 20, 2005

Title: Infiltration Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Sperry
with Author

Order your copy of infiltration at Are we turning a blind eye to enemy combatants here in America? What about known enemies of America in countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia...should we wait and let them kill us first?

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Title: Infiltration Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Sperry
with Author

Order your copy of Infiltration at Are we turning a blind eye to enemy comabtants here in America? What about known enemies of America in countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia...should we wait and let them kill us first?

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March 18, 2005

Title: Infiltration: How Muslim spies and subversives have penetrated Washington
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Sperry
with Author

Paul Sperry answers: What is Wahhabism? Are radical Muslims active in America? Are "they" trying to overthrow our government to replace it with a government based on Islam? Are "they" using our freedoms in America to their advantage? You can find Paul Sperry's new book, INFILTRATION, at your favorite local book store.

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March 7, 2005

Title: How Islam Plans to Change the World, Part 1
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Professor William Wagner, an expert on Muslims and Islam, helps us understand the conflict between Christianity and Islam. For more than 30 years, he served as a missionary in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In addition, he was chairman of the Muslim Awareness Committee of the European Baptist Foundation for over 10 years. You can find his book, "How Islam Plans to Change the World", at your local Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

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Title: How Islam Plans to Change the World, Part II
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

In Part II of this series, Professor Wagner continues with "What do Muslims believe?" Do we, as Christians, know what we believe? You can find Professor Wagner's book at your local Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

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Title: How Islam Plans to Change the World, Part III
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Islamists do not fear Christians. They do, however, fear the power Christians hold through and by the Holy Spirit. What must Christians do? You can find a copy of professor Wagner's book at your local Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

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Title: How Islam Plans to Change the World, Part IV
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Most Americans see Islam as a threat to the West mainly through "jihad" or holy war. They are not aware, however, that there are actually three elements in the Muslim world strategy. You can find Professor Wagner's book, "How Islam Plans to Change the World", at your local Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

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February 18, 2005

Title: How Islam Plans to Change the World
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Professor William Wagner
with Author

Professor William Wagner, author of How Islam Plans to Change the World. You can find it at your local LIFEWAY Christian Book Store. Christianity vs. Islam: Are we in the middle of a Jihad? Is this a clash of conflicting civilizations? Professor Wagner also explains the SIX pillars of Islam. This is a first in a series on Islam...

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Title: Quotes from Saudi literature and Saudi government
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Paul Marshall
with Freedom House

Friends don't flood their friend's houses of worship with hateful religious propaganda. Has the Saudi government helped to fund totalitarian ideology that can incite readers and followers to violence? Has such poison penetrated Mosques in America? Freedom House assembled more than 200 publications from 15 mosques and Islamic centers in Texas and from other states...

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