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February 22, 2016

Title: Choosing Candidates Wisely is Essential to the Future of our Nation
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams spent twenty-three years with Texas Eagle Forum. She is currently running for Vice Chair of the Texas Republican Party. Today, she is here to discuss the upcoming Primary, Establishment Leaders, and why vetting the candidates personally is vital.

Currently, the field is being dominated by the “outsiders” like Trump and Ted Cruz, while Establishment favorites like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio are failing to advance. Terry asks Cathie her opinion of Karl Rove and his influence on the election. Cathie believes Karl Rove is an “Establishment Leader” and is definitely a “Kingmaker”. He and other Republican Kingmakers have chosen every Presidential nominee since Reagan (Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney). Listen in as Cathie explains how these leaders have operated campaigns in the past and why they must step aside and let the candidates choose their own path.

Cathie also encourages people to really pay attention to the candidates themselves – even consider running once to see what it really is like! People like Dr. Steve Hotze and Gary Polland and even Terry Lowry are friends of the Republican Party; they are not part of the Establishment. “People look to their friends for influence and whose motives are with their own,” Cathie says. The Party needs leaders like these men to vet the candidates and choose the most qualified ones.

But what about “pay-for-play” endorsements? This phrase gets tossed around quite frequently during every election season. Cathie says this: “There are certain people who will endorse because they get influenced…with power…or finances for projects. But you have to know the history of that person [to know their motives].” Cathie makes endorsements; it is very difficult for her sometimes to choose against a candidate she knows and respects, especially if their record is contrary to what they promised before they were elected. “I serve God throughout the process. That is not a guarantee of a win. I don’t think that God is as concerned about any of that. What matters to Him is how you behave every step of the way,” Cathie believes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the political process, we urge you to join one of the many Republican clubs or organizations in your county. Attend the meetings. Meet the candidates. Call their district offices and talk with them. Offer to host a coffee meeting in your home and invite your neighbors. It’s hard to get to know the real heart of every candidate, but you can for a few if you just make the effort.

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January 26, 2016

Title: Choosing Candidates Wisely is Essential to the Future of our Nation
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams spent twenty-three years with Texas Eagle Forum. She is currently running for Vice Chair of the Texas Republican Party. Today, she is here to discuss the upcoming Primary, Establishment Leaders, and why vetting the candidates personally is vital.

Currently, the field is being dominated by the “outsiders” like Trump and Ted Cruz, while Establishment favorites like Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio are failing to advance. Terry asks Cathie her opinion of Karl Rove and his influence on the election. Cathie believes Karl Rove is an “Establishment Leader” and is definitely a “Kingmaker”. He and other Republican Kingmakers have chosen every Presidential nominee since Reagan (Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney). Listen in as Cathie explains how these leaders have operated campaigns in the past and why they must step aside and let the candidates choose their own path.

Cathie also encourages people to really pay attention to the candidates themselves – even consider running once to see what it really is like! People like Dr. Steve Hotze and Gary Polland and even Terry Lowry are friends of the Republican Party; they are not part of the Establishment. “People look to their friends for influence and whose motives are with their own,” Cathie says. The Party needs leaders like these men to vet the candidates and choose the most qualified ones.

But what about “pay-for-play” endorsements? This phrase gets tossed around quite frequently during every election season. Cathie says this: “There are certain people who will endorse because they get influenced…with power…or finances for projects. But you have to know the history of that person [to know their motives].” Cathie makes endorsements; it is very difficult for her sometimes to choose against a candidate she knows and respects, especially if their record is contrary to what they promised before they were elected. “I serve God throughout the process. That is not a guarantee of a win. I don’t think that God is as concerned about any of that. What matters to Him is how you behave every step of the way,” Cathie believes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the political process, we urge you to join one of the many Republican clubs or organizations in your county. Attend the meetings. Meet the candidates. Call their district offices and talk with them. Offer to host a coffee meeting in your home and invite your neighbors. It’s hard to get to know the real heart of every candidate, but you can for a few if you just make the effort.

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September 10, 2012

Title: Is Al Gore Correct In Attacking The Electoral College?
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Tara Ross

Part 1 of 2

It's hard to blame Al Gore for not liking the Electoral College. Why is he wrong?

Critics say the current debate excludes everyone outside the "battleground states" from the political debate. Is that true? What is the National Popular Vote initiative? How would it work?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Tara Ross

How is the Electoral College related to Federalism?

Isn't the rationale behind the Electoral College too arcane for ordinary voters? Have any Presidents besides George W. Bush won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote? Doesn't that prove the system doesn't work?

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July 16, 2010

Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Tara Ross

With the slogan “Every Vote Equal”, well-funded activists are close to pulling off an astonishing constitutional coup that would eliminate the role of the Electoral College in Presidential Elections. And almost no one has heard about it! Tara Ross is the author “Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College”. You can find Tara at

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April 5, 2006

Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Four individuals will be selecting the replacement for Tom DeLay. Who are these four individuals? Who are the replacement choices? Will it be Robert Eckels, Paul Bettencourt, Robert Talton, Sheila Sekula Gibbs, Michael Berry, Charlie Howard, or someone else? Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, details the particulars.

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