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August 13, 2014

Title: Public Still Favors Transportation Fees over Tax Increases
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Marc Scribner
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

Many states have a flat rate charged every time you pump gas. This “tax” is divided between the federal government and the state government. In Texas, the rate for this gas tax hasn’t been raised in decades, which can either be good or bad, depending on your point of view.

So, how is the federal government spending those tax dollars? The money is supposed to be used to build new roads and repair existing roads, but that is rarely the case.

Marc Scribner has been researching and studying highway development with the Competitive Enterprise Institute since 2008. His duties include transportation, land use, and telecommunications policy issues. He discusses how those dollars are dispersed in this first segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Public Still Favors Transportation Fees over Tax Increases
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Marc Scribner
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

A new poll from GfK and the Associated Press reveals that most voters are not too keen on raising the gas tax, but would be in favor of more toll roads.

What are your thoughts? Would you favor more toll roads or a tax increase at the pump? Send me your comments and suggestions using the “Contact” link above.

You can learn more about this issue by visiting

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March 19, 2013

Title: How Much Less is Your Paycheck?
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

When Obama pointed his boney finger at the camera and said that only the rich would get higher taxes, was he just mistaken or did he outright lie?

Pete Sepp, with the National Taxpayers Union, believes that Obama and his goons knew all along what they were doing and what was going to happen to the middle class, yet they chose to ignore it. And the raise in taxes on your paycheck is just the beginning. Just wait until Obamacare is in full swing…

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Title: What Is Really Affected by the Sequester?
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 2 of 2

How badly will the military be affected by the Sequester? Did the White House really need to stop giving tours to save money?

Pete Sepp and his wife were able to readjust spending and make a new budget when they were hit with higher taxes this year. And they’ll do it again next year, like they’ve done every year. Millions of families and businesses have done the same.

So why can’t the government? What makes their “stuff” so much more important that they can’t cut a few corners and do away with a few things?

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December 3, 2012

Title: If Your Friends Jumped off the Fiscal Cliff, Would You?
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

The age-old question our parents used - or tried to use - to get us to not do something, which never - or rarely - worked. Too bad we can’t scare our elected officials with it.

Current House Speaker John Boehner is definitely not a fighter. He gives in to Obama at every turn of the wheel. Or does the “crusty, stiff shirt, old-white-male, in-love with big business and the establishment crowd” man know exactly what he is doing? Judson Phillips believes Americans will soon face massive tax increases. But what is the solution? Do the House Republicans stand back and do nothing? Should they fight? Should we come up with a new plan?

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March 30, 2006

Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Peggy Venable
with Education Choice (

Tax-payer funding for Lobbyists must end now! Lobbyists have one goal: to get more money from the group that funds them. Enough is enough! Learn more on the upcoming Special Session. Visit for daily updates.

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March 29, 2006

Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by State Representative Robert Talton
with Former Elected Official

Robert Talton discusses the “Closed Door Meeting” of the House of Leadership on the upcoming Special Session of the Texas Legislature set to begin April 12. Will the tax load be shifted and who will pay more? Contact your Elected Officials to let them know how their decision on the tax issue will effect your family.

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Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Will property taxes be reduced? Who will pay more? Will expanded gambling and slot machines be in the mix? Visit for more on this and other issues.

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March 27, 2006

Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by State Representative Robert Talton
with Former Elected Official

State Representative Robert Talton discusses the pending “Tax Increases” to be debated in Austin starting April 17th. Who will pay more? Who will pay less? Representative Talton explains the game plan to shift taxes from some to others.

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