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September 4, 2014

Title: Complete Transformation of the Economic Structure of the World
Topic: Economic Worldview
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, has been involved with economic summits around the globe for many, many years. She gives a dire a warning about the environmentalists and what they want all of us to conform to. She calls them "green Marxists".

Do you want to go back to the stone ages and live in one room huts with no electricity or running water? Do you want to hunt for food (but no red meat will be allowed) and grow your own vegetables and fruit in your yard? I know many people hunt and have gardens already, and that's great! I'm talking about E V E R Y O N E.   And this will not be voluntary. It will be law.

Al Gore and his Green Friends don't want to give up their energy-consuming way of life, but they want everyone else to suffer in the heat during the summer and the cold during the winter. They are pushing the price of oil and gas so high that soon no one but the rich can afford it.

One last thought for this first segment: Obama is blatantly lying about coal and carbon dioxide. Cathie Adams will be at the Crossroads Summit Conference in Houston and Dallas at the end of September.

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