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March 27, 2024

Title: Is Scientific Censorship Increasing?
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Casey Luskin is a scientist and an attorney with graduate degrees in science and law, practicing primarily in the area of evolution-education in public schools and defending academic freedom for scientists who face discrimination for their support of Intelligent Design (ID).

Today, Dr. Luskin discusses how and why scientific censorship seems to be increasing.

Click here to read Dr. Casey Luskin’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here for more information about Dr. Casey Luskin and to order a copy of his many books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the pursuit of knowledge have a strong positive track record for improving the human condition?

Does the pursuit of knowledge itself have necessary ethical limits such as the Nazi doctor experiments?

Does the acquiring of government grants/funding often dictate the outcome of many studies? Dr. Luskin discusses one particular paper which was recently published concerning the origin of life.

Does the drive for tenure and the accolades of publishing in the right periodicals drive the outcome of many studies?

Does the “in-group: ostracize the “other-group” through peer pressure and refusing to listen to their arguments?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Scientific Censorship Increasing?
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What do members of the “in-group” call those outside the mainstream?

Is censorship a new phenomenon? Dr. Luskin reminds us of the discrimination and censorship Galileo experienced.

Is censorship growing?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Scientific Censorship Increasing?
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between hard and soft censorship?

What is Intelligent Design?

Can matter come from nothing? Dr. Luskin says: “Nothing comes from nothing!”

Does humankind lose with censorship?

Does mankind have free choice in picking which information to rely upon? Dr. Luskin believes that more people need to stand up for what is right and true.

Click here to help support Dr. Luskin and Evolution News.

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September 21, 2021

Title: Does Google Suppress Pro-Lifers?
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Dan Hart
with Family Research Council (

Why has Google suddenly reversed course, banning ads that had previously been approved and running for over four months? The answer is clear: the ads were too effective. Oh – and they saved babies’ lives.

Dan Hart is the Managing Editor for Publications with the Family Research Council. Today he discusses the life-saving organization, Live Action, and what Google is doing to suppress their efforts.

Click here to read more on this issue from Dan Hart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the mission of the organization Live Action?

Does the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure work? Is it safe? Dan explains that studies prove that the procedure is both safe and effective, saving 2,500 babies so far.

Why is Google pulling the ads by Live Action?

Do many women suffer from mental health issues after an abortion? Should pro-lifers contact Google and demand all abortion ads be pulled from their search engine?

Should search engines be forced to take ads from both abortionists and pro-lifers?

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January 18, 2021

Title: Censorship at the Highest Level
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Question: "What is the motivation for silencing your opponents and not having an open marketplace of lawful ideas?"

Answer: The far Left can't compete with those ideas, so they want their opponents cowed, humiliated, and muted.

Ken Blackwell discusses the events of Jan 6 and how we can move forward as a nation. Ken is a Senior Fellow for the Human Rights and Constitutional Governance division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the rioters and agitators that stormed the Capitol recently speak for and represent the Conservative, Christian movement in America?

Have Christian Conservatives been marked as the enemy because we oppose the idea that the state is superior to God?

Are the Left’s powerful leaders focused on silencing and destroying their opposition? “They want to imprison the free exercise of thought of those who understand that the most fundamental right is the freedom of human conscience and that is rooted in the freedom of religion,” Ken Blackwell states.

The next two years will not be easy. What should all Christians be doing NOW to prepare for the future?

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May 5, 2011

Title: Censor the Straight but Accentuate the Gay
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Malcolm Kline
with Accuracy in Academia (

Diversity Through Censorship. It’s interesting to see the degree to which proponents of diversity will censor speech in order to achieve that elusive pluralism. A federal appeals court has ruled that a student could wear a T-shirt which stated: “MY DAY OF SILENCE, STRAIGHT ALLIANCE’ on one side, and ‘BE HAPPY, NOT GAY’ on the other. As you can imagine the left went bonkers and wanted the student censored. Praise God for our 1st and 7th Amendment Rights. For more, log onto

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February 12, 2009

Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Currently, Texas state law requires teachers to teach all the strengths and weaknesses of scientific theories, including evolution. However, the State Board of Education wants to revoke this law, not only for teachers, but students as well! We must put a stop to this NOW! Log onto for more information.

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December 16, 2005

Title: Candy Canes with a religious message banned from Texas school
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

Do students and teachers in public schools have the right to: 1. Give out candy canes with the story of Jesus attached? 2. Invite a friend to church? 3. Write the words "Merry Christmas" on assignments? What must parents and students do to stand up for their constitutional rights? Log onto or call 972.423.3131

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