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March 30, 2015

Title: The Cost of Obama's Amnesty
Topic: Obama's Amnesty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Part 1 of 2

How many will come here? How many more can we hold? How many more can we educate? How many more can we provide healthcare and housing for? How many more cars will be on the road? What will it cost YOU and YOUR KIDS? If another 10,000, 100,000, or 1,000,000 million kids illegally cross the border again this summer, where will they go?

Cathie Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, recently spoke in Austin to a group of liberal millennials at the annual SXSW Music, Film, and Art Festival. The issue she discussed was immigration. Within two (2) days of her speech, her email was hacked. Coincidence? I think not!

Cathie explains how the United States has set a cap of 85,000 people with science, technology, and math degrees (STEM) who are allowed to immigrate legally to our country. In 2012 alone, 263,000 people with STEM degrees entered the country. Furthermore, since 2000, for every job created in America, we have allowed two (2) immigrants to enter the country. Listen in as Cathie explains how the majority of these jobs, are filled by illegals or people here on Visas! It’s no wonder the unemployment numbers are so horrendous (unless you believe Obama)!

Ironically, Mexico holds one of the most stringent immigration policies in the world; yet the majority of illegals in America are from Mexico. Cathie also discusses how a young lady from Pakistan at the SXSW Festival proudly proclaimed “I am here illegally!” at the end of her (Cathie’s) speech. She had no fear of deportation. She had no fear of arrest. This is the attitude of the majority of illegals in America. “We are making the welfare state too easy for those who are here illegally,” Cathie says.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Cost of Obama's Amnesty
Topic: Obama's Amnesty
Discussed by Cathie Adams
with Texas Eagle Forum   (

Why are our elected officials so afraid of actually enforcing immigration laws in our country? The left likes to accuse the right of being racist and not caring about those less fortunate than we are. Cathie Adams says, “Border security and keeping the American standard of living requires that jobs be filled first by American workers.” Our country will not continue to thrive if we continue on this path of self-destruction.

Cathie recalls an incident where she personally witnessed a mother and daughter cross the border illegally. Listen in to find out how they crossed (which is just insane, by the way!) and what happened next!

We should not have to lower our standard of living to accommodate those who want to be global masters,” Cathie Adams proclaims. “Our families and our freedoms are worth fighting for. We do not have to put up with this in America.”

Listen in as Cathie expresses why it is so vital that we become active and involved in the debate. We must remind our elected officials who they work for – us, the voter, the tax payer. For more on this and other issues affecting our nation, click [here].

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