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May 14, 2024

Title: The History of School
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Andrew McDiarmid
with Discovery Institute (

What is your child really learning at school? Are the experts really “experts”? How can parents compete with the “experts”?

Andrew McDiarmid is a Senior Fellow with the Discovery Institute. He also writes a column for Newsmax, “Authentic Technology.” Click here for more on this topic from Andrew.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did “school” begin as a parental responsibility? Andrew discusses some of the history behind education and how it has changed over the years.

What are some of the pitfalls of relying on the “experts”? Andrew gives several examples and says: “There is an old saying: ‘Trust but verify’. I think we have verified in the last year or two what we have suspected to be true.”

How do Christian parents compete with the “experts” when their children are taught something contrary to their beliefs and morals (such evolution vs creation)? Click here for more information and resources about evolution and creation.

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April 11, 2024

Title: Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Joel T. Satterly has served in Christian Education for more than two decades across five schools in several major markets. Dr. Satterly previously served as President of Christian Schools of Florida and currently serves as Headmaster of Westminster Academy. He is also a contributor to the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Slattery’s op-ed “Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is faith shaped while sitting in a classroom for 16,000 hours?

Is the proper role of education theological or ideological? What is teaching from an ideological perspective? Dr. Satterly explains how this approach pushes conditioning and propaganda.

Does the societal pursuit and implementation of a particular ideology require force?

How has public education drifted so far from subjectivism to relativism, to postmodernism, and to our current hyper-individualistic partisanship? Dr. Satterly gives a brief history of education in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is theological based education? Dr. Satterly explains how it is systematic and more organic, saying: “Simply put, it’s the way things were supposed to be.”

Which path of education deals with no absolute truths?

Do engineers understand absolute truths when constructing a highway or building a home?

In a parable, did Jesus compare building a house on sand as compared to a firm foundation? Dr. Satterly gives another great analogy in answer to this question.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did CS Lewis unpack the education dichotomy, theological vs. ideological, in his great book: “The Abolition of Man”?

Are we currently building a society filled with “men with no chests”?

Do we need a society that produces men who pursue virtue and enterprise? Dr. Satterly urges parents to really examine what type of education their children are receiving.

Click here to help support the Institute for Faith and Culture.

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April 9, 2024

Title: Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Joel T. Satterly has served in Christian Education for more than two decades across five schools in several major markets. Dr. Satterly previously served as President of Christian Schools of Florida and currently serves as Headmaster of Westminster Academy. He is also a contributor to the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Slattery’s op-ed “Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is faith shaped while sitting in a classroom for 16,000 hours?

Is the proper role of education theological or ideological? What is teaching from an ideological perspective? Dr. Satterly explains how this approach pushes conditioning and propaganda.

Does the societal pursuit and implementation of a particular ideology require force?

How has public education drifted so far from subjectivism to relativism, to postmodernism, and to our current hyper-individualistic partisanship? Dr. Satterly gives a brief history of education in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is theological based education? Dr. Satterly explains how it is systematic and more organic, saying: “Simply put, it’s the way things were supposed to be.”

Which path of education deals with no absolute truths?

Do engineers understand absolute truths when constructing a highway or building a home?

In a parable, did Jesus compare building a house on sand as compared to a firm foundation? Dr. Satterly gives another great analogy in answer to this question.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did CS Lewis unpack the education dichotomy, theological vs. ideological, in his great book: “The Abolition of Man”?

Are we currently building a society filled with “men with no chests”?

Do we need a society that produces men who pursue virtue and enterprise? Dr. Satterly urges parents to really examine what type of education their children are receiving.

Click here to help support the Institute for Faith and Culture.

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February 2, 2024

Title: The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 2

“The philosophy of the classroom in one generation becomes the philosophy of government in the next.” (Quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

Linda Harvey, President of Mission:America, is passionate about exposing lies and harmful teaching in the American education system. Today, she exposes how the National Education Association, the largest teacher’s union in America, hates children, America, and commonsense.

Click here to read Linda Harvey’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Democrat Party do the bidding of the National Education Association (NEA)?

How long has the NEA impacted the education system in America? Linda discusses how they have become increasingly more progressive over the past five decades, calling them “activists” not educators.

During this year’s annual meeting of the NEA, was an amendment adopted stating: “Forced motherhood is female enslavement”?

Has the NEA doubled-down on pushing LGBTQ agendas and ideology? Linda reveals that the NEA is urging their members to lobby their state legislators to stop passing parental rights in education laws and laws which ban “transgender” boys from competing on female sports teams.

Does the NEA refer to any opposition to the LGBTQ agenda as hate speech/hate actions?

To confront and counter religious expression in public schools, has the NEA designed toolkits for educators to encourage First Amendment discrimination? Linda says: “They are frantically worried about aggressive moves to push certain religious viewpoints into public schools.” This is not referring to Islam or other world religions; they are specifically “worried” about Christianity.

Are teachers required to join the NEA for their insurance or other reasons? Click here for more information about the Freedom Foundation and how to opt out of the NEA.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the NEA encourage teachers to read “banned books” in the classroom, recommending some of the most controversial titles? Linda reveals that the NEA actually had banners posted during their July conference urging teachers to read banned books. She also discusses the so-called “banned books” content.

What is the single most effective thing each of us can do for our local public schools?

Why does the NEA hate children, America, and commonsense?

Click here to help support Linda Harvey and Mission:America.

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September 20, 2023

Title: The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 2

“The philosophy of the classroom in one generation becomes the philosophy of government in the next.” (Quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

Linda Harvey, President of Mission:America, is passionate about exposing lies and harmful teaching in the American education system. Today, she exposes how the National Education Association, the largest teacher’s union in America, hates children, America, and commonsense.

Click here to read Linda Harvey’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Democrat Party do the bidding of the National Education Association (NEA)?

How long has the NEA impacted the education system in America? Linda discusses how they have become increasingly more progressive over the past five decades, calling them “activists” not educators.

During this year’s annual meeting of the NEA, was an amendment adopted stating: “Forced motherhood is female enslavement”?

Has the NEA doubled-down on pushing LGBTQ agendas and ideology? Linda reveals that the NEA is urging their members to lobby their state legislators to stop passing parental rights in education laws and laws which ban “transgender” boys from competing on female sports teams.

Does the NEA refer to any opposition to the LGBTQ agenda as hate speech/hate actions?

To confront and counter religious expression in public schools, has the NEA designed toolkits for educators to encourage First Amendment discrimination? Linda says: “They are frantically worried about aggressive moves to push certain religious viewpoints into public schools.” This is not referring to Islam or other world religions; they are specifically “worried” about Christianity.

Are teachers required to join the NEA for their insurance or other reasons? Click here for more information about the Freedom Foundation and how to opt out of the NEA.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the NEA encourage teachers to read “banned books” in the classroom, recommending some of the most controversial titles? Linda reveals that the NEA actually had banners posted during their July conference urging teachers to read banned books. She also discusses the so-called “banned books” content.

What is the single most effective thing each of us can do for our local public schools?

Why does the NEA hate children, America, and commonsense?

Click here to help support Linda Harvey and Mission:America.

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August 17, 2023

Title: The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 2

“The philosophy of the classroom in one generation becomes the philosophy of government in the next.” (Quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

Linda Harvey, President of Mission:America, is passionate about exposing lies and harmful teaching in the American education system. Today, she exposes how the National Education Association, the largest teacher’s union in America, hates children, America, and commonsense.

Click here to read Linda Harvey’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Democrat Party do the bidding of the National Education Association (NEA)?

How long has the NEA impacted the education system in America? Linda discusses how they have become increasingly more progressive over the past five decades, calling them “activists” not educators.

During this year’s annual meeting of the NEA, was an amendment adopted stating: “Forced motherhood is female enslavement”?

Has the NEA doubled-down on pushing LGBTQ agendas and ideology? Linda reveals that the NEA is urging their members to lobby their state legislators to stop passing parental rights in education laws and laws which ban “transgender” boys from competing on female sports teams.

Does the NEA refer to any opposition to the LGBTQ agenda as hate speech/hate actions?

To confront and counter religious expression in public schools, has the NEA designed toolkits for educators to encourage First Amendment discrimination? Linda says: “They are frantically worried about aggressive moves to push certain religious viewpoints into public schools.” This is not referring to Islam or other world religions; they are specifically “worried” about Christianity.

Are teachers required to join the NEA for their insurance or other reasons? Click here for more information about the Freedom Foundation and how to opt out of the NEA.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The NEA Hates Children, America, and Commonsense
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the NEA encourage teachers to read “banned books” in the classroom, recommending some of the most controversial titles? Linda reveals that the NEA actually had banners posted during their July conference urging teachers to read banned books. She also discusses the so-called “banned books” content.

What is the single most effective thing each of us can do for our local public schools?

Why does the NEA hate children, America, and commonsense?

Click here to help support Linda Harvey and Mission:America.

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April 27, 2023

Title: Are Wealthy White Men More Likely to Violate Rights of Others?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Are wealthy white men more likely to violate rights of others?

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and former senior adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Today, Sherry discusses a rather disturbing question on a quiz from a professor at the University of Texas.

Click here to read the op-ed that prompted this interview with Sherry Sylvester.

Click here for the latest from Sherry Sylvester on this and other topics.

Click here to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did University of Texas Psychology Professor Bradbury ask the question: “Which sociodemographic group is most likely to repeatedly violate the rights of others in a pattern of behavior that includes violence, deceit, irresponsibility, and a lack of remorse?"

What is the purpose and mission of National Association of Diversity Officers on Texas higher education campuses?

Are wealthy white men the most likely sociodemographic group that violate the rights of others? Are wealthy white men, more than others, violating the rights of others in their pattern of behavior that includes violence, deceit, irresponsibility, and a lack of remorse? Sherry doesn’t believe there is any sociodemographic group that does this. Individual people do this, but not an entire sociodemographic group.

University of Texas Psychology Professor Bradbury has been celebrated as one of the university’s most outstanding teachers. In fact, she was once the recipient of the Regents highest teaching honor – a $25,000 cash prize. How did this happen?

In her class syllabus, Professor Bradbury states: “…I am committed to creating a learning environment that is safe and supportive of the identities and perspectives of all marginalized and minoritized people.” What does this mean? Sherry discusses DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Is this a rare occurrence or is it too commonplace throughout the education system across Texas and America?

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April 21, 2023

Title: Parents: It’s Time to Stand UP Against Radical Progressives in Public Schools
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Mandy Drogin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Last year, the President of the Texas State Teachers Association, Ovidia Molina, called parents “extremists”  for expressing concerns about changes to curriculum that would include radical gender ideology and Critical Race Theory.

As a mother of three, Mandy Drogin is sick and tired of the negativity and even hatred from Texas educators and school boards officials. Mandy is the Campaign Director for Next Generation Texas, a new initiative for the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for the latest from Mandy Drogin.

Click here for more information about Next Generation Texas.

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who said: "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach"?

Who referred to Texas parents as nothing more than drug addicts and alcoholics who don’t know what’s best for their own child?

Did a Pflugerville ISD board member disparage Hispanic and Black parents’ ability to make informed decisions? Mandy reveals that this person blamed “marketing” for parents pulling their children from public school. Marketing! How absurd!

Are parents unable to choose the right education path for their own children?

Why is education freedom important for every child?

Click here for the Parent Empowerment website Mandy mentions in this interview.

Click here to sign the petition, urging Texas Legislators to support Texas parents.

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October 17, 2022

Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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September 23, 2022

Title: Should Texas Modernize its K-12 Student Transfer Law?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Emily Sass
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Should Texas be doing more to provide families with educational opportunities across district lines?

Emily Sass the Policy Director for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Innovation in Education. Today, Emily discusses how a handful of common-sense reforms would remove key barriers for parents seeking alternative education opportunities for their children.

Click here to read more on this topic from Emily Sass.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do school district boundaries restrict educational opportunities for Texas students?

Are too many school districts in Texas poor and/or low-performing? Emily reveals that nearly 500,000 Texas children currently attend a public school that is labeled “failing”.

How many Texas students attend a public school outside of their district?

How many Texas grade-school students are not performing on grade level in reading and math? Emily reveals that approximately 40% fall under this category.

Would many parents take advantage of moving their child to a higher performing school district if given the chance?

Could the Texas Legislature increase education opportunities with simple reforms to modernize the student-transfer law? Emily discusses three simple ways the Texas Legislature can help students receive the best possible education. She also reveals the outlandish costs some school districts require parents to pay to send their kids to a different district - even though the school district already receives funding from the state.

Do school districts fight to keep the money when it’s transferred to another district?

Should school districts post their open-enrollment policies online?

Other states have already modernized their school district transfer policies. Are the students improving? SHORT ANSWER: Yes!

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Title: Bureaucrats vs Congress: Who Will Win?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Joe Luppino-Esposito
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Over three decades, two Congresses passed bills with bipartisan support to financially support the growth of charter schools throughout the country. However, an alternative to standard public education for failing low-income and disadvantaged children is still desperately needed.

Joe Luppino-Esposito is the Deputy Legal Policy Director for the Pacific Legal Foundation. Today, Joe discusses why the Department of Education is refusing to spend the money it has already been given on the Federal Charter Schools Program.

Click here for more on this and other issues from Joe Luppino-Esposito.

Click here to learn more about the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are federal bureaucrats with the Department of Education sandbagging Congress? Joe explains that the DOE simply does not want to spend money on charter schools, which is harmful to the students who need help the most.

What qualifies/disqualifies a school from being a “charter school”?

Why is Congress sitting on their hands while the Biden Administration destroys a successful grant program for disadvantaged children and families? Joe explains that a few Congress members have seen the problem and are working to actively continue the Charter Schools Program.

Surprisingly, the Charter Schools Program thrived under Presidents Clinton and Obama. Why are the Democrats suddenly so against it and stopping the development of new charter schools across the country?

Can the DOE federal bureaucrats be fired for refusing to follow the law?

Who must win this battle: Congress or the federal bureaucrats? Joe explains how this is a prime example of our separation of powers practice in America. Congress needs to put their foot down and say “Do this. No exceptions.”

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Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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September 15, 2022

Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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August 8, 2022

Title: The History of School
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Andrew McDiarmid
with Discovery Institute (

What is your child really learning at school? Are the experts really “experts”? How can parents compete with the “experts”?

Andrew McDiarmid is a Senior Fellow with the Discovery Institute. He also writes a column for Newsmax, “Authentic Technology.” Click here for more on this topic from Andrew.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did “school” begin as a parental responsibility? Andrew discusses some of the history behind education and how it has changed over the years.

What are some of the pitfalls of relying on the “experts”? Andrew gives several examples and says: “There is an old saying: ‘Trust but verify’. I think we have verified in the last year or two what we have suspected to be true.”

How do Christian parents compete with the “experts” when their children are taught something contrary to their beliefs and morals (such evolution vs creation)? Click here for more information and resources about evolution and creation.

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December 14, 2021

Title: The History of School
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Andrew McDiarmid
with Discovery Institute (

What is your child really learning at school? Are the experts really “experts”? How can parents compete with the “experts”?

Andrew McDiarmid is a Senior Fellow with the Discovery Institute. He also writes a column for Newsmax, “Authentic Technology.” Click here for more on this topic from Andrew.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did “school” begin as a parental responsibility? Andrew discusses some of the history behind education and how it has changed over the years.

What are some of the pitfalls of relying on the “experts”? Andrew gives several examples and says: “There is an old saying: ‘Trust but verify’. I think we have verified in the last year or two what we have suspected to be true.”

How do Christian parents compete with the “experts” when their children are taught something contrary to their beliefs and morals (such evolution vs creation)? Click here for more information and resources about evolution and creation.

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November 4, 2021

Title: Concerned Parents are Now Considered Domestic Terrorists
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Benjamin Franklin wrote: “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

Concerned parents addressing school boards with questions about COVID protocols, curriculum, and other issues and are now being branded “domestic terrorists”. However, through intimidation tactics and fear of arrest, incarceration, and sky-high legal bills, will parents quickly surrender their children to the state?

Pete Hutchison is the President of Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has been in the trenches fighting for our freedoms the last quarter century. Today he discusses: Should parents who speak out be investigated by the FBI as domestic terrorists?

Click here to read more on this subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Federal government have jurisdiction over local school boards? Pete says: “This is the single most outrageous governmental edict I have ever seen… We are not going to lie down. We are going to fight this thing.”

What is “gaslighting”? Is it a Marxist approach? Is the Biden Administration gaslighting the opposition (AKA PARENTS)?

Do the majority of teachers and teacher’s union support the Biden Administration’s policies?

What has been the silver lining of the pandemic concerning public education?

Do more people need to get more involved in local government?

Have we lost the rule of law in America? Without equal justice under the law, is our Freedom lost? Pete says: “The court is standing between us and the Leftist agenda. We have to support them, because the rule of law does matter.”

Why is the Biden Administration attacking concerned parents? Pete reveals what the National School Board Association wants the Biden Administration to do. This is some crazy stuff! Listen close. He says: “It is a threat to the very fabric of our society.”

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November 3, 2021

Title: Solve Systemic Racism with School Choice
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Texas Association of School Boards recently added a ninth Statement of Belief:

“We believe in and are committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion; promoting dignity and mutual respect;
striving to eradicate systemic racism; and providing opportunity for all.” [emphasis added]


James Quintero is the Policy Director for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Government for the People Campaign. Today, he discusses this Systemic Racism and other issues facing public schools in Texas.

Click here to read more on this issue from James Quintero.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Systemic Racism? Why is the Left so focused on Systemic Racism in public schools across the nation, even here in Texas? James discusses the TASB’s original purpose and goal and how they have strayed since the 1940’s.

Is the TASB tax-payer funded?

Is Systemic Racism rampant in public schools across Texas?

Is the TASB part of the problem?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Solve Systemic Racism with School Choice
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Houston Chronicle recently reported that 48 of the 276 Houston ISD schools were graded a D or F! Why isn’t the TASB focused on these failing schools and the students that are forced to attend them? James explains that within those 48 schools, 95% of the students are economically disadvantaged and 96% are students of color. Is this a clear example of Systemic Racism?

The TASB’s FOURTH Statement of Beliefs reads: “We believe increased student academic achievement must be a top priority in Texas.” Do they really believe this? Or are they simply trying to push their own twisted agenda? Why are they not helping these failing schools?

Is the TASB part of the problem?

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October 11, 2021

Title: Concerned Parents are Now Considered Domestic Terrorists
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Benjamin Franklin wrote: “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

Concerned parents addressing school boards with questions about COVID protocols, curriculum, and other issues and are now being branded “domestic terrorists”. However, through intimidation tactics and fear of arrest, incarceration, and sky-high legal bills, will parents quickly surrender their children to the state?

Pete Hutchison is the President of Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has been in the trenches fighting for our freedoms the last quarter century. Today he discusses: Should parents who speak out be investigated by the FBI as domestic terrorists?

Click here to read more on this subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Federal government have jurisdiction over local school boards? Pete says: “This is the single most outrageous governmental edict I have ever seen… We are not going to lie down. We are going to fight this thing.”

What is “gaslighting”? Is it a Marxist approach? Is the Biden Administration gaslighting the opposition (AKA PARENTS)?

Do the majority of teachers and teacher’s union support the Biden Administration’s policies?

What has been the silver lining of the pandemic concerning public education?

Do more people need to get more involved in local government?

Have we lost the rule of law in America? Without equal justice under the law, is our Freedom lost? Pete says: “The court is standing between us and the Leftist agenda. We have to support them, because the rule of law does matter.”

Why is the Biden Administration attacking concerned parents? Pete reveals what the National School Board Association wants the Biden Administration to do. This is some crazy stuff! Listen close. He says: “It is a threat to the very fabric of our society.”

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October 4, 2021

Title: Solve Systemic Racism with School Choice
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

The Texas Association of School Boards recently added a ninth Statement of Belief:

“We believe in and are committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion; promoting dignity and mutual respect;
striving to eradicate systemic racism; and providing opportunity for all.” [emphasis added]


James Quintero is the Policy Director for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Government for the People Campaign. Today, he discusses this Systemic Racism and other issues facing public schools in Texas.

Click here to read more on this issue from James Quintero.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Systemic Racism? Why is the Left so focused on Systemic Racism in public schools across the nation, even here in Texas? James discusses the TASB’s original purpose and goal and how they have strayed since the 1940’s.

Is the TASB tax-payer funded?

Is Systemic Racism rampant in public schools across Texas?

Is the TASB part of the problem?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Solve Systemic Racism with School Choice
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Houston Chronicle recently reported that 48 of the 276 Houston ISD schools were graded a D or F! Why isn’t the TASB focused on these failing schools and the students that are forced to attend them? James explains that within those 48 schools, 95% of the students are economically disadvantaged and 96% are students of color. Is this a clear example of Systemic Racism?

The TASB’s FOURTH Statement of Beliefs reads: “We believe increased student academic achievement must be a top priority in Texas.” Do they really believe this? Or are they simply trying to push their own twisted agenda? Why are they not helping these failing schools?

Is the TASB part of the problem?

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September 30, 2021

Title: Why Christians Must Engage in Public Schools
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Meg Kilgannon
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

Kids are back at school and the influence of CRT, LGBT ideology, and radical sex-ed are more pervasive than ever. How many students question the false ideologies? Do they even know the truth? What should parents look for? How should parents engage?

Meg Kilgannon is a Senior Fellow for Education Studies at the Family Research Council. Today, she discusses her new publication: “A Concerned Citizen's Guide to Engaging with Public Schools”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has academic underperformance been an issue for decades?

Is there real, hard evidence that America’s schoolchildren are being taught to hate their country, their parents, and even themselves? Meg reveals that this has been happening for decades. She says that “many parents’ relationship with their children is being undermined right under their noses”.

But – why? Why are public schools teaching students all this hate? Meg has a great, but disturbing, explanation…

If Christian Conservatives remove ourselves from the conversation, will education improve on its own? Terry and Meg discuss some crazy statistics and why good teachers need to step up…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Christians Must Engage in Public Schools
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Meg Kilgannon
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What moral values are taught to our kids who attend local public schools? Meg says that the moral values being taught are not “our” moral values. And this is the problem.

Must Christian Conservatives be concern with what is being taught in ALL subjects – even math? Meg walks through the graphic material begin taught in civics, history, and comprehensive sex education. She then explains how critical race theory has crept in and invaded – sometimes completely taken over – science, biology, and mathematics.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Christians Must Engage in Public Schools
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Meg Kilgannon
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many education professionals sincerely believe they are right? Why do many get defensive when parents and others question them? Meg explains there is a definite difference in attitude between the older and younger generations of teachers…

How do Christian Conservatives regain control over what is being taught to their children and grandchildren? Is a strong, biblical base desperately needed?

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September 29, 2021

Title: Public School Tactics Feed Private School Enrollment
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Keri Ingraham
with Discovery Institute (

During the 2020-2021 school year, teachers’ unions across the nation chose to prioritize a political agenda over teaching children. This has now hit them hard where it really counts – their pocketbook.

Dr. Keri Ingraham is a Fellow at the Discovery Institute and Director of the Institute’s American Center for Transforming Education. Today, she discusses the sharp decline in students enrolled in public school and what must be done to transform education in the future.

Click here for more on this issue from Dr. Ingraham.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are private schools across the country currently experiencing a season of unanticipated growth? Dr. Ingraham believes that public school teachers were not focusing on the families; they were only focusing on themselves.

Does data for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year reveal that public school enrollment has declined by significant amounts?

During the lock-down, did many parents receive an upfront and very personal look into what was being taught their children? Dr. Ingraham says: “Teachers were promoting political agendas and radical ideologies instead of teaching the essentials.”

Is dissatisfaction and outrage from parents toward public schools growing?

*Editor’s Note: You can do a simple search on Rumble for “critical race theory school board meetings” and see many testimonies from parents and students.

How do we transform education? Is support for school choice on the rise, even among Democrats?

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March 17, 2020

Title: Saving our Children from Public School Influence
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Abraham Lincoln is often credited with saying: "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."

Cathy Cleaver Ruse is the Senior Fellow for Legal Studies and Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council. Today, Cathy discusses the need for parents to get involved and stay involved in their children’s education.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do so many millennials believe that Socialism is a good thing?

Are our public schools being fundamentally transformed with much of the focus on LGBT education, while standards in math, reading, and history steadily decline?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Saving our Children from Public School Influence
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Cathy Cleaver Ruse
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should we focus our attention on local school boards to improve the system? Cathy says “no – that’s the long game”. Listen as she explains why.

Is homeschooling or choosing a private school best? Cathy quotes her friend: “The price of public-school education could be your child’s soul.”

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August 3, 2018

Title: Morality in the Classroom
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Kim Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

What would you do if you learned your child’s unmarried teacher was pregnant and the father was not in the picture?

Kim Buehrer is the Vice President of Gateways to Better Education. She has one point of view on this situation. (Her husband offers more information in the next segment.)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could this be a teachable moment about Christian morals?

Could this be a teachable moment to reach out with the love of Christ?

Could this be a teachable moment to teach ourselves and our children to look for helpful ministry opportunities?

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Title: Morality in the Classroom
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

What would you do if you learned your child’s unmarried teacher was pregnant and the father was not in the picture?

Eric Buehrer is Kim’s husband. Listen as he offers his opinion on this issue…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, what is “Gateways to Better Education”? What rights do students and parents have in the public school system?

How can fellow teachers help when another teacher is needing some extra love and care, like experiencing an unplanned pregnancy?

How can students and parents show teachers the love of Christ throughout the school year?

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April 19, 2016

Title: Is Your Child’s Education More Important than Their Eternity?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

American public schools are shelling out millions of tax dollars to brainwash children into believing their skin color places them at an unfair advantage. It's no secret that public schools have increasingly become breeding grounds for the harassment of Christian students, anti-American rhetoric, and Leftist propaganda. Lessons on "white privilege" are the latest boondoggle.

Guest Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, quotes economist Thomas Sowell in response to this: “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t event that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.

History has a habit of repeating itself, even if that outcome was horrific. Christopher believes that the “goal of educating is to draw from within”. Public schools are not doing that! They are teaching students “what” to think instead of thinking “how” to think.

Some of the problems lies within administration as well. Many teachers have simply lost their passion because there are too many rules and regulations. Teachers may have a choice whether to teach or not; students, however, do not have a choice concerning what they learn.

Every person has the same opportunity to pursue their dreams in America. Mothers, fathers, children, immigrants, or natural born citizens. Black, white, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, or anything in between. Tall, short, thin, chubby, good-looking or not. Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheist, theists, Buddhists, and yes, even Satanists. We are all given the same exact opportunity. Christopher Harris says, “If one person has done it, so can you, regardless of race. But even if no one else from any ethnicity has done something, who is to say that you won’t be the first?

You can either be a victor or a victim. It is your decision.

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December 30, 2013

Title: Spending on Public Education in Texas: Not Enough or Wrong Focus?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 2

Per pupil expenditures in Texas have grown from around $5,000 per student per year in 1975 to around $11,000 per student per year today. Some say we are not spending enough, while others say we need to focus on where we are spending the money now.

In addition, the Texas Education Agency, the TEA, says our drop-out rate is about 7.3 percent, while the Intercultural Development Research Association, the IDRA, says the ‘attrition rate’ is about 26 percent. This is a perfect example of the government “cooking the books”.

Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, discusses the money situation in regards to Texas public education.

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Title: Texas Adds 80,000 Plus Students A Year. At What Costs?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 2

Every year Texas public schools serve an increasing number of students. Since 2005, Texas has been adding an average of 80,000 new students per year. Texas has one of the largest, most diverse student bodies in the country. We take pride of our excellent public education opportunities in Texas, but adding more students every year has its challenges, including the ever-increasing cost per student.

With our graying population and the demands this will place on public assisted health care programs, coupled with the explosive growth in public school student population, where will the money come from to fund on the demands placed on Texas government?

To learn more about Senator Dan Patrick or to contact him to discuss this and other issues, log on to

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December 4, 2013

Title: Pauken Discussing the Cost of Public Education in Texas
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Part 1 of 2

Per pupil expenditures in Texas have grown from around $5,000 per student per year in 1975 to around $11,000 per student per year today. Some say we are not spending enough, while others say we need to focus on where we are spending the money now.

In addition, the Texas Education Agency, the TEA, says our drop-out rate is about 7.3 percent, while the Intercultural Development Research Association, the IDRA, says the ‘attrition rate’ is about 26 percent. This is a perfect example of the government “cooking the books”.

Tom Pauken, candidate for Governor, discusses the current state of public education in Texas. For more on Tom, log on to

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Title: Return on Our Investment in Public Education in Texas
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Part 2 of 2

Every year Texas public schools serve an increasing number of students. Since 2005, Texas has been adding an average of 80,000 new students per year. Texas has one of the largest, most diverse student bodies in the country. We take pride of our excellent public education opportunities in Texas, but adding more students every year has its challenges, including the ever-increasing cost per student.

With our graying population and the demands this will place on public assisted health care programs, coupled with the explosive growth in public school student population, where will the money come from to fund on the demands placed on Texas government?

Candidate for Governor, Tom Pauken, has some ideas that just might work. Listen in.

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December 3, 2013

Title: Spending on Public Education in Texas: Not Enough or Wrong Focus?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 2

Per pupil expenditures in Texas have grown from around $5,000 per student per year in 1975 to around $11,000 per student per year today. Some say we are not spending enough, while others say we need to focus on where we are spending the money now.

In addition, the Texas Education Agency, the TEA, says our drop-out rate is about 7.3 percent, while the Intercultural Development Research Association, the IDRA, says the ‘attrition rate’ is about 26 percent. This is a perfect example of the government “cooking the books”.

Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, discusses the money situation in regards to Texas public education.

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Title: Texas Adds 80,000 Plus Students A Year. At What Costs?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 2

Every year Texas public schools serve an increasing number of students. Since 2005, Texas has been adding an average of 80,000 new students per year. Texas has one of the largest, most diverse student bodies in the country. We take pride of our excellent public education opportunities in Texas, but adding more students every year has its challenges, including the ever-increasing cost per student.

With our graying population and the demands this will place on public assisted health care programs, coupled with the explosive growth in public school student population, where will the money come from to fund on the demands placed on Texas government?

To learn more about Senator Dan Patrick or to contact him to discuss this and other issues, log on to

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April 4, 2012

Title: Are you in the dark as to what is going on with Public Education in Texas? Listen in for the update!
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Donna Bahorich

Part 1 of 2

The Texas State Board of Education's revision of curriculum standards in recent years in English, Science, and Social Studies in particular has caused extreme controversy and national attention. Can you give us your thoughts on why there is so much controversy?

Why did Texas not just go with the presidents Common Core Standards that a vast majority of states have adopted? Tell us briefly about yourself, your family, and your background. Can you explain to us, in a nutshell, what are the major duties of the SBOE?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Donna Bahorich

There appears to be a battle between academic standards requiring traditional methods familiar to those probably 50 years or older which emphasize fact-based measurable academic rigor and standards which are more subjective and project-based. Can you give us some background on this battle?

Why did Texas not just go with the presidents Common Core Standards that a vast majority of states have adopted?

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February 6, 2012

Title: Houston Area ONLY - Dear KSEV, You Just Got SCOOPED! We’ve got the Tax Man on KKHT!
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Special guest Paul Bettencourt answers:

Are we going to have a primary in April, or will it be in May?  WHEN?!  What is happening in Washington?

How important is it that every single one of our listeners find their friends, family, and fellow church members and get them registered to vote?

How low have we seen the turnout in the city of Houston for a runoff? Why is this a problem?

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February 3, 2012

Title: A Little White Lie All the Way to a Monster Falsehood - Should EVERYONE Be Held Accountable?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Chris Elam
with Republican Party of Texas

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Chris Elam answers:

Are teachers being laid off by the “tens of thousands” in Texas because of Republican budget cuts?

If we had the same slander and libel laws that applied to just common citizens to apply to politicians and their minions, would there be just as many falsehoods abounding?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Chris Elam
with Republican Party of Texas

Are the courts looking at the voter ID bill? 

What 18 year old doesn’t have a photo ID?

What hindrance is it to somebody voting to require them to produce a photo ID?

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July 21, 2011

Title: Our Kids May Not Know Much… But They Will Know The History of the Contributions of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexuals and Transgendered.
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Congressman George Nethercutt
with Nethercutt Foundation (

The national Assessment of Educational Progress just released their study focusing on how poorly public school students read, write and do math. So what do the liberal, progressives want to focus on in public schools?

Our kids may not know much, but the liberal, progressives pushed through their agenda in California and the students there will now focus on the contributions of lesbians, gay, bisexuals and transgendered.

Why not focus on straight contributions to society, or Irish contribution to society, or heaven forbid, American contributions to society. What is wrong with this picture?

Our guest has also authored a great book about music that kids of all ages will absolutely love. Pick up a copy of "In Tune With America: Our History in Song".

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August 18, 2010

Title: Is the Public School System Failing Too Many Children All Across America?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Sara Walters
with Independent Women’s Forum (

More than 50 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown vs. the Board of Education, that " is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an a right which must be made available to all on equal terms."

Does anyone think we have lived up to that promise?

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July 29, 2010

Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Coming to a school near you: The Lunchbox Police. Yes, that’s right folks. Soon your child could be reprimanded for the Twinkie you packed in his/her lunch. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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July 26, 2010

Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Malcolm Kline
with Accuracy in Academia (

Just what is going on with America’s public school system? Who is to blame? Log on to to learn more.

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