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June 8, 2022

Title: A Big Blue Lie about School Vouchers
Topic: School Choice
Discussed by Dr. Keri Ingraham
with Discovery Institute (

Part 1 of 3

Why do Democrat politicians and teacher union leaders hate school vouchers/school choice?

Dr. Keri Ingraham is a Fellow at the Discovery Institute and Director of the Institute’s American Center for Transforming Education. Today Dr. Ingraham discusses the many lies being spread by the Left about school choice and why parents are beginning to fight back.

Click here to read Dr. Ingraham’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here to read more on school choice from the Discovery Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is the Left gaslighting parents against school vouchers, school choice, and charter schools? Dr. Ingraham explains that, thanks to COVID, parents are beginning to research other options for education for their children and the Left is furious. They are psychologically gaslighting parents, blaming them for the problem!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - A Big Blue Lie about School Vouchers
Topic: School Choice
Discussed by Dr. Keri Ingraham
with Discovery Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are school vouchers? How is it different than school choice?

TRUE OR FALSE: Do vouchers steal money from public schools? Dr. Ingraham explains how tax payer money is used for public education, but it isn’t really the school’s money!

Are many public schools across the nation failing students and their parents? Dr. Ingraham offers some shocking statistics…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - A Big Blue Lie about School Vouchers
Topic: School Choice
Discussed by Dr. Keri Ingraham
with Discovery Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are parents and/or students permitted to use government money for Head Start Pre-School programs and college Pell Grants any way they choose? If so, why aren’t they allowed to do the same for K-12 education?

Is school choice, through the use of vouchers, working anywhere in America? Dr. Ingraham reveals that 32 states, in addition to WDC, allow school choice through vouchers and students are thriving!

Many on the Left claim that proponents of school choice are trying to defund public schools. Will this happen? Or is this just one of the Left’s gaslighting attempts?

Another claim by the Left is that school choice will actually rob students of a quality education. Is this true?

Do the majority of Americans support school choice? Dr. Ingraham shares some statistics from voters…

Is the current state of public education stealing the future from our children and nation? Dr. Ingraham says: “We need more people to stand up and get involved…for moral integrity.”

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September 29, 2021

Title: Public School Tactics Feed Private School Enrollment
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Keri Ingraham
with Discovery Institute (

During the 2020-2021 school year, teachers’ unions across the nation chose to prioritize a political agenda over teaching children. This has now hit them hard where it really counts – their pocketbook.

Dr. Keri Ingraham is a Fellow at the Discovery Institute and Director of the Institute’s American Center for Transforming Education. Today, she discusses the sharp decline in students enrolled in public school and what must be done to transform education in the future.

Click here for more on this issue from Dr. Ingraham.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are private schools across the country currently experiencing a season of unanticipated growth? Dr. Ingraham believes that public school teachers were not focusing on the families; they were only focusing on themselves.

Does data for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year reveal that public school enrollment has declined by significant amounts?

During the lock-down, did many parents receive an upfront and very personal look into what was being taught their children? Dr. Ingraham says: “Teachers were promoting political agendas and radical ideologies instead of teaching the essentials.”

Is dissatisfaction and outrage from parents toward public schools growing?

*Editor’s Note: You can do a simple search on Rumble for “critical race theory school board meetings” and see many testimonies from parents and students.

How do we transform education? Is support for school choice on the rise, even among Democrats?

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