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November 4, 2021

Title: Concerned Parents are Now Considered Domestic Terrorists
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Benjamin Franklin wrote: “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

Concerned parents addressing school boards with questions about COVID protocols, curriculum, and other issues and are now being branded “domestic terrorists”. However, through intimidation tactics and fear of arrest, incarceration, and sky-high legal bills, will parents quickly surrender their children to the state?

Pete Hutchison is the President of Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has been in the trenches fighting for our freedoms the last quarter century. Today he discusses: Should parents who speak out be investigated by the FBI as domestic terrorists?

Click here to read more on this subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Federal government have jurisdiction over local school boards? Pete says: “This is the single most outrageous governmental edict I have ever seen… We are not going to lie down. We are going to fight this thing.”

What is “gaslighting”? Is it a Marxist approach? Is the Biden Administration gaslighting the opposition (AKA PARENTS)?

Do the majority of teachers and teacher’s union support the Biden Administration’s policies?

What has been the silver lining of the pandemic concerning public education?

Do more people need to get more involved in local government?

Have we lost the rule of law in America? Without equal justice under the law, is our Freedom lost? Pete says: “The court is standing between us and the Leftist agenda. We have to support them, because the rule of law does matter.”

Why is the Biden Administration attacking concerned parents? Pete reveals what the National School Board Association wants the Biden Administration to do. This is some crazy stuff! Listen close. He says: “It is a threat to the very fabric of our society.”

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October 11, 2021

Title: Concerned Parents are Now Considered Domestic Terrorists
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Benjamin Franklin wrote: “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”

Concerned parents addressing school boards with questions about COVID protocols, curriculum, and other issues and are now being branded “domestic terrorists”. However, through intimidation tactics and fear of arrest, incarceration, and sky-high legal bills, will parents quickly surrender their children to the state?

Pete Hutchison is the President of Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has been in the trenches fighting for our freedoms the last quarter century. Today he discusses: Should parents who speak out be investigated by the FBI as domestic terrorists?

Click here to read more on this subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Federal government have jurisdiction over local school boards? Pete says: “This is the single most outrageous governmental edict I have ever seen… We are not going to lie down. We are going to fight this thing.”

What is “gaslighting”? Is it a Marxist approach? Is the Biden Administration gaslighting the opposition (AKA PARENTS)?

Do the majority of teachers and teacher’s union support the Biden Administration’s policies?

What has been the silver lining of the pandemic concerning public education?

Do more people need to get more involved in local government?

Have we lost the rule of law in America? Without equal justice under the law, is our Freedom lost? Pete says: “The court is standing between us and the Leftist agenda. We have to support them, because the rule of law does matter.”

Why is the Biden Administration attacking concerned parents? Pete reveals what the National School Board Association wants the Biden Administration to do. This is some crazy stuff! Listen close. He says: “It is a threat to the very fabric of our society.”

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August 16, 2021

Title: Catch and Release Isn’t Working
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

President Ronald Reagan once said “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Something positive must be done to control our border. Is Biden up to the task?

Pete Hutchison is the President of the Landmark Legal Foundation The Ronald Reagan Legal Center. Today, he discusses the ever-growing problem of illegal immigration in America.

Click here for recent posts from Landmark Legal on a range of issue effecting our nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Americans just sit back and let the UN control our lives as citizens of the One World Government?

Are people breaking into China – Russia – Cuba – Venezuela – willing to be controlled by their government? Pete points out that Canada isn’t allowing people into their country and they aren’t being accused of being racist!

What is the current US immigration policy?

Are parents of healthy, legal American children going to be upset if and when illegal immigrant children are in their schools, spreading COVID to the masses?

Are those on the Left ignoring the devastating public health and safety threats we face because of the open Southern border? Pete discusses some of the solutions we should implement immediately to secure our border to protect the health and safety of legal American citizens…

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June 30, 2021

Title: Justice Department Sues Georgia Over New Election Law
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Pete Hutchison
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

The Justice Department is stubbornly and recklessly determined to usurp the authority of States to exercise their Constitutional authority to supervise elections.

Pete Hutchison is the President of Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has fought in the trenches for more than thirty years to defend the people’s rights. Today, he discusses why the Justice Department has sued the state of Georgia over their new election/voting laws and why we must not allow them (the JD) to succeed.

Click here for more on this and other issues facing our great nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would the new Georgia law in anyway disenfranchise black voters?

Do liberal Democrats call any attempt to remove dead people from voting rolls “voter suppression”?

Do liberal Democrats call any attempt to require photo ID when voting “voter suppression”?

Has the Justice Department vowed to sue any state that enacts voter integrity legislation?

Is the new Georgia law racist? Pete says that this claim is absolutely outrageous.

Should the US nationalize election laws and allow federal bureaucrats to run all elections? HINT: Absolutely NOT! In fact, it is against the Constitution.

How can we ensure voter integrity? Pete says the answer is to elect good state and local leadership.

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