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September 27, 2012

Title: Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act!
Topic: School Reform
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Julie Gunlock is the Director of IWF's Women for Food Freedom project and also serves as a Senior Fellow covering food regulations and cultural issues. She has offered political commentary on Fox News and is a regular guest on national radio programs such as the Sean Hannity Show and the G. Gordon Liddy Show.

Would your kids eat a spinach salad? Are kids and adults that hard to figure out? What is the problem with this Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: School Reform
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Would we want someone the size Mary Lou Retton or Bubba the Linebacker dictating the food portion size for all kids across America?

How far did the Act go? Is it supposed to be a surprise that there is so much food that goes to waste in schools in America?

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July 30, 2012

Title: More Junk Science On Chemicals, Yes Folks, The Scientists Are At It AGAIN!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Please explain to our listeners who Ms. Shanna H. Swan is, and why she suggests "living like a Mennonite".

What homeowners association would object to the slaughtering of several animals a year?

Why would there be no cosmetics and limited use of care products allowed?

"Transportation primarily by sources other than automobiles" - Where are we?! The Old West?

Has scientific honesty been taking a back seat these days to political activism?
Are families and parents buying these lies?

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September 19, 2011

Title: Is Rick Perry a viable Republican candidate for the POTUS?
Topic: Is Rick Perry a viable Republican candidate for the POTUS?
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Julie Gunlock, with the Independent Women’s Forum discusses obstacles to the candidacy of Rick Perry for the President of the United States.

1. Requiring all teenage girls in Texas to get a HPV vaccination.
2. Calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme.
3. His stance on immigration.

Listen to find out how Julie thinks Rick Perry will fare in the first three primaries/caucuses of the next presidential election period.

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July 28, 2011

Title: The Medical Community Keeps Changing Its Story. So What Do They Say Is Bad For You and Me Now?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Tuna is bad for you….no, now tuna is OK. Carbs are bad for you….no…no…no…now, they are OK. Then it was eggs were bad…, they’re OK. Now: who is the bad boy?

Salt. Salt is bad. Cut down on your salt intake, but now, studies show that cutting down on your salt intake may not have that big of an effect on your health.

So the 64 million dollar question is: “Should government regulations be based on fast moving and every-changing science when one big effect is: HIGHER PRICES.”

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May 17, 2011

Title: Nanny Cams Target Lunch Trays of Grade School Students in San Antonio
Topic: Nanny Cams for Lunch Trays
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Students at five San Antonio elementary schools will have their lunch monitored by “Nanny Cams”. Student’s will have their lunch trays photographed before they sit down to and later have their trays again photographed so researches can determine what the students like and dislike. With tight-budgets being experienced by individuals, families, and governments at all levels, why should ‘we the tax payer’ now fund a $2 million research project to study the leftovers that might be on a student’s lunch tray? For more, log onto

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July 29, 2010

Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Coming to a school near you: The Lunchbox Police. Yes, that’s right folks. Soon your child could be reprimanded for the Twinkie you packed in his/her lunch. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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February 11, 2010

Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

First Lady, Michelle Obama, recently announced that the government needed to become more actively involved in the solution to the growing number of obese children in America. But, why must the government be involved in everything? Can’t anything be left up to the parents? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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January 21, 2010

Topic: Haiti Disaster Relief
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Are people really so desperate that they will believe everything they read, see, or hear? The Left is now blaming BUSH for the Haiti earthquake disaster! I mean - really? Are they kidding? Log on to for more on Julie Gunlock and the Independent Women’s Forum.

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July 8, 2009

Title: AN EVERY DAY HERO Part 1 of 2
Topic: Islamic Oppression of Women
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Julie Gunlock is with the Independent Women’s Forum. In this first segment, Julie discusses the vast differences between American women (and women from other countries) and women who live in Arab countries controlled by Shiite and Sunni Muslim zealots.

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Title: AN EVERY DAY HERO Part 2 of 2
Topic: Islamic Oppression of Women
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Iranian women are risking their lives every day when they lead or join protest marches in Tehran, Iran, crying out for freedom. Log on to for more information.

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