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August 19, 2024

Title: Peace Amid Cultural Chaos
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Heather Clark
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 2

Stressors such as anger, anxiety, dread, hate, and fear have invaded our homes, families, work places, relationships, and community like the frogs that invaded Egypt.

Dr. Heather Clark is a licensed psychologist with a nationwide private practice that focuses on Christian leaders. Dr. Clark is a professional speaker, former seminary professor, and author of "Minister Well: 52 Tools for Ministry Leaders".

Today, Dr. Clark offers hope and encouragement in the midst of chaotic world.

Click here to read Dr. Heather Clark’s editorial on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are more and more people suffering from stressors in their day-to-day life?

Does every Christian have the ability to directly and beneficially impact those around them?

Does God’s Word provide clear instructions for Christians to foster peace? Dr. Clark references Romans 12:18 “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”

Is the command to live peacefully with others a command for Christians to be pacifists or apathetic?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Peace Amid Cultural Chaos
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Heather Clark
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the news affect our mood and how we view others, causing us stress?

Social media can be a good thing for work connections and keeping up with family and friends. But can social media also hinder our relationship with God and others? Dr. Clark has some great advice, encouraging us to establish a “filter”: Would Jesus like my post/comment?

Why it is important for Christians to stand firm in their faith, never compromising God’s truth and commandments?

Is it ever too late to learn more about God and commit to studying His Word?

Is screen time hindering our in-person quality time? Dr. Clark says: “We need to protect our relationships. We are forgetting that people are people.”

How can we all be intentional to live every day to the fullest?

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June 26, 2024

Title: Young People Should Hate Marxism
Topic: Marxism: The Ugly Truth
Discussed by Sam Kastensmidt
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 3

Young people today are drawn toward utopian ideals believing a Marxist/Communist government is better than a free, Capitalist Government. However, they have not been taught the true horrors that occur under Communism. How can we resolve this?

New guest, Sam Kastensmidt, is the Pastor of Education at Rio Vista Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is also a guest contributor for the Institute for Faith and Culture. Today, he discusses his latest op-ed: “Young People Should Hate Marxism”.

Sam Kastensmidt is the author of two books: “Christ from Creation” and “Christ in Creation”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it so concerning that young people favor Marxism/Communism over Capitalism?

Does Marxist thought deny man’s fallen nature and the existence of God? Sam Kastensmidt explains what this means for society – for believers and non-believers alike.

Does the Bible show men cannot be trusted with unchecked power?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Young People Should Hate Marxism Part 2 of 3
Topic: Marxism: The Ugly Truth
Discussed by Sam Kastensmidt
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Marxism offers the prospect of a beautiful society. In reality, though, does Marxism result in tyranny, brutality, misery, starvation, and extreme poverty?

Do recent surveys report that more and more young people prefer to live in a Socialist, Communist, or Fascist nation than a Capitalist one? Sam Kastensmidt has some astounding statistics! Listen closely…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Young People Should Hate Marxism
Topic: Marxism: The Ugly Truth
Discussed by Sam Kastensmidt
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do young people love Marxism? Sam Kastensmidt believes it all boils down to less and less people going to church and believing in an all-knowing God and a real heaven and hell, saying: “They’re desperate to bring utopia here.”

How should the Church respond to Marxism and its’ failures?

What must Christians do going forward? Sam Kastensmidt says: “We need to get back to understanding that the Church has a role… [in] teaching society the ways that are going to bring about prosperity and flourishing.”

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April 11, 2024

Title: Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Joel T. Satterly has served in Christian Education for more than two decades across five schools in several major markets. Dr. Satterly previously served as President of Christian Schools of Florida and currently serves as Headmaster of Westminster Academy. He is also a contributor to the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Slattery’s op-ed “Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is faith shaped while sitting in a classroom for 16,000 hours?

Is the proper role of education theological or ideological? What is teaching from an ideological perspective? Dr. Satterly explains how this approach pushes conditioning and propaganda.

Does the societal pursuit and implementation of a particular ideology require force?

How has public education drifted so far from subjectivism to relativism, to postmodernism, and to our current hyper-individualistic partisanship? Dr. Satterly gives a brief history of education in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is theological based education? Dr. Satterly explains how it is systematic and more organic, saying: “Simply put, it’s the way things were supposed to be.”

Which path of education deals with no absolute truths?

Do engineers understand absolute truths when constructing a highway or building a home?

In a parable, did Jesus compare building a house on sand as compared to a firm foundation? Dr. Satterly gives another great analogy in answer to this question.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did CS Lewis unpack the education dichotomy, theological vs. ideological, in his great book: “The Abolition of Man”?

Are we currently building a society filled with “men with no chests”?

Do we need a society that produces men who pursue virtue and enterprise? Dr. Satterly urges parents to really examine what type of education their children are receiving.

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April 9, 2024

Title: Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Joel T. Satterly has served in Christian Education for more than two decades across five schools in several major markets. Dr. Satterly previously served as President of Christian Schools of Florida and currently serves as Headmaster of Westminster Academy. He is also a contributor to the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Slattery’s op-ed “Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is faith shaped while sitting in a classroom for 16,000 hours?

Is the proper role of education theological or ideological? What is teaching from an ideological perspective? Dr. Satterly explains how this approach pushes conditioning and propaganda.

Does the societal pursuit and implementation of a particular ideology require force?

How has public education drifted so far from subjectivism to relativism, to postmodernism, and to our current hyper-individualistic partisanship? Dr. Satterly gives a brief history of education in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is theological based education? Dr. Satterly explains how it is systematic and more organic, saying: “Simply put, it’s the way things were supposed to be.”

Which path of education deals with no absolute truths?

Do engineers understand absolute truths when constructing a highway or building a home?

In a parable, did Jesus compare building a house on sand as compared to a firm foundation? Dr. Satterly gives another great analogy in answer to this question.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Educational Foundation: Ideology or Theology
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Dr. Joel Satterly
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did CS Lewis unpack the education dichotomy, theological vs. ideological, in his great book: “The Abolition of Man”?

Are we currently building a society filled with “men with no chests”?

Do we need a society that produces men who pursue virtue and enterprise? Dr. Satterly urges parents to really examine what type of education their children are receiving.

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March 8, 2024

Title: Does Texas Have the Right to Secure Its Border?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Dr. Robert Pacienza
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Part 1 of 2

Today, new guest Dr. Robert Pacienza shares how justice and mercy can be shown at the southern border. Dr. Pacienza is the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and founder of the Institute for Faith and Culture.

Click here to read Dr. Pacienza’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here for more from Dr. Robert Pancienza on this and other topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can justice and mercy walk safely side-by-side along our southern border?

Why did God institute government and politics? Dr. Pacienza discusses the importance of Romans 13

Did God institute government to seek justice for people outside their country? Dr. Pacienza discusses how the Left loves to twist the true meaning and purpose of Scripture that refers to neighbors, love, and mercy. He then goes on to implore the Church to step up and take responsibility.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Does Texas Have the Right to Secure Its Border?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Dr. Robert Pacienza
with Institute for Faith and Culture (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is right: Biden or Abbott? Who is more Christ-like in their response to the crisis at the southern border?

Can America afford to welcome everyone who wants to come here to? Dr. Pacienza reminds us that millions of people have entered America legally. Millions more can do the same.

Should all entry points be closed?

What is a viable solution to the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants who are currently living in the US? Dr. Pacienza believes the first step is identifying and immediately deporting criminals. He also offers some good suggestions for helping those who contribute to society and wish to gain legal citizenship.

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