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March 28, 2024

Title: The War Against History Continues in Texas
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Alliance for Texas History (ATH) sounds great, right? WRONG! The ATH has formed with the goal to erase Texas history.

Today, Texas Public Policy Foundation Distinguished Senior Fellow, Sherry Sylvester, reveals the true desire of the Alliance for Texas History. Sherry is a former senior adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

Click here  to read Sherry Sylvester’s op-ed on this very important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the Alliance for Texas History report/teach about the Alamo? Walter Buenger, Chief Historian of the ATH, has dismissed the Alamo as “insignificant,” while insisting that the shrine of Texas liberty has been misused to “commemorate whiteness.”

Why is the Alliance for Texas History so focused on writing against the master narrative?

What do most Texans know and believe about the battle at the Alamo?

What is the main thesis/idea behind the “1619 Project”? Sherry explains that the goal of the “1619 Project” is to depict a history built on a flawed and racially divisive view that allows for history to be seen only through one lens: race and oppression.

What is The 1836 Advisory Project that was established by the Texas Legislature in 2021?

Click here to help support the Cannon, a publication of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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December 14, 2023

Title: For Hamas, this is a Media War
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the former Senior Adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Today, Sherry discusses the despicable protests being held on college/university campuses across the nation in favor of the terrorist group, Hamas.

Click here to read Sherry Sylvester’s op-ed on this issue. Print out the paper and share it with your high school/college-age children. They need to know the TRUTH!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do college students who side with Hamas believe that storing of weapons and missiles in hospitals, schools, and apartment complexes is wrong?

Do people understand with is meant by chanting “from the river to the sea”? Sherry believes that the protests are not just about hating Jews; it’s about hating everything “western”, and the students do not really understand the full gravity of their protests.

What needs to happen in America to convince people, specifically Gen-Zer’s, that Israel is not the bad guy?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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October 27, 2023

Title: Is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Blame for Student Protests Against Israel?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

University administrators across the nation are struggling with their response to demonstrations by their Leftist students – and even Professors – who are in support of the attacks on Israeli civilians launched by Hamas.

Today, Texas Public Policy Foundation Distinguished Fellow, Sherry Sylvester, discusses the protests and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Click here to read Sherry’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here to subscribe to Sherry’s FREE newsletter “9th and Congress”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Students at the University of Texas choose to stand with the brutal Palestinian terrorists. Do students not know the crimes against humanity committed by the terrorists? Are the students ignoring the facts?

What is DEI – “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”? Are students really taught that white males are oppressors and that the Pilgrims didn’t come to America for religious freedom, but instead came to conquer the natives? Is DEI clearly Marxist ideology?

Click here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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July 6, 2023

Title: Texas is Winning the War Against “Woke”
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the former senior adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Today, Sherry discusses the shrinking popularity of the Woke Agenda.

Click here to read the op-ed by Sherry Sylvester on this important topic.

Click here for more from Sherry at the Daily Cannon.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “woke” mean?

What are the pillars of the Woke Agenda? Sherry discusses DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), systemic racism, non-binary genders, pronoun police, men in women’s sports, drag shows in front of children, and defunding the police.

Are attitudes towards the Woke Agenda waning?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Texas is Winning the War Against “Woke”
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is support for the “trans rights movement” declining?

Are children and teens being recruited by LGBT activists in public schools?

Will passing laws actually stop teachers from changing the narrative to fit a Woke Agenda? Sherry passionately urges all parents to be actively engaged and involved in their children’s education.

CClick here to donate to the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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April 27, 2023

Title: Are Wealthy White Men More Likely to Violate Rights of Others?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Are wealthy white men more likely to violate rights of others?

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and former senior adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Today, Sherry discusses a rather disturbing question on a quiz from a professor at the University of Texas.

Click here to read the op-ed that prompted this interview with Sherry Sylvester.

Click here for the latest from Sherry Sylvester on this and other topics.

Click here to support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did University of Texas Psychology Professor Bradbury ask the question: “Which sociodemographic group is most likely to repeatedly violate the rights of others in a pattern of behavior that includes violence, deceit, irresponsibility, and a lack of remorse?"

What is the purpose and mission of National Association of Diversity Officers on Texas higher education campuses?

Are wealthy white men the most likely sociodemographic group that violate the rights of others? Are wealthy white men, more than others, violating the rights of others in their pattern of behavior that includes violence, deceit, irresponsibility, and a lack of remorse? Sherry doesn’t believe there is any sociodemographic group that does this. Individual people do this, but not an entire sociodemographic group.

University of Texas Psychology Professor Bradbury has been celebrated as one of the university’s most outstanding teachers. In fact, she was once the recipient of the Regents highest teaching honor – a $25,000 cash prize. How did this happen?

In her class syllabus, Professor Bradbury states: “…I am committed to creating a learning environment that is safe and supportive of the identities and perspectives of all marginalized and minoritized people.” What does this mean? Sherry discusses DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Is this a rare occurrence or is it too commonplace throughout the education system across Texas and America?

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December 5, 2022

Title: Socialism at Plymouth Rock: Getting the Thanksgiving Story Straight
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Sherry Sylvester is a political communications and public policy expert who has directed multi-million-dollar statewide campaigns in New York, New Jersey, and Texas. She is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Sherry discusses the lessons we can learn from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at Socialism and why we must tell future generations all the facts about our history.

Click here  for more on this topic from Sherry Sylvester.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many people do not know that the Pilgrims actually implemented Socialism in their new colony in America. What was the result of their Socialist experiment? Sherry explains that the Pilgrims called it “collectivism”, sharing everything they had with each other. However, that didn’t work out so well for them and they went in a different direction – basically capitalism.

Are school children taught the facts about the Pilgrims and Socialism? Did the Indians really share a meal with the Pilgrims (Thanksgiving)? Sherry shares some great historical information! Listen close!

Why has the American culture and society flourished so well for nearly 250 years? Sherry shares another great story…

Why do 65% of Democrats have a positive view of Socialism today?

Why is it important to teach the younger generations all the facts about our history – warts and all? Sherry says: “People need to understand that these are the struggles – these are the things that happened – to create this country.”

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November 4, 2022

Title: Texas: Red or Blue in 2022?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and an experienced campaign operative. Today, Sherry discusses the 2022 Mid-Term Elections, with a focus on Texas.

Click here for the latest from Sherry Sylvester.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the country divided 50-50 down party lines? Sherry says that many Democratic voters still believe “But Biden is better than…”

How has early voting turnout been so far in Texas for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections? How does this compare to 2018?

How is data obtained and what does it show? Is this information legal to obtain?

Do we know how many completed mail-in ballots have been received?

How has turnout been so far in the top five most populous counties: Harris, Dallas, Bexar (San Antonio), Travis (Austin), and Tarrant (Fort Worth)? How does this compare to 2018?

Which side is turning out their base this Mid-Term Election Cycle – Blue or Red?

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August 24, 2022

Title: Red McCombs Should Demand His Money Back
Topic: Higher Education
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

It has been said that Texas is the best expression of the American idea – and Red McCombs is one of the best expressions of everything it means to be a Texan.

Sherry Sylvester is a political communications and public policy expert, as well as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses how this brilliant and generous businessman, Red McCombs, has helped Texas in many, many ways – and how Conservative Christian students can fight back against Big Brother on their college campus.

Click here to read more about this story.

Click here for more on other issues from Sherry Sylvester and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Red McCombs?

Red McCombs and John Wayne were good friends. Why did Red convince John to hold the premiere of the movie, “The Alamo”, in San Antonio? This story is pretty funny – and also shows how smart Red McCombs is!

Has Red McCombs given hundreds of millions of dollars to charities in Texas?

Red McCombs gave $50 million to establish the School of Business at the University of Texas? Why should Red immediately demand his money back? Sherry reveals that UT had a “trigger warning” on the syllabus, informing students that they would be discussing capitalism and profit in the class and some students may find the topics “traumatic”. But there’s more!! Listen close as Sherry reveals all the absurd topics the students will study.

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May 25, 2022

Title: The Big Lie in Houston – And the Big Truth
Topic: Houston Chronicle All Wrong
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Sherry Sylvester is a political communications and public policy expert, as well as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses – and debunks – the Houston Chronicle series “The Big Lie”.

Click here to read Sherry Sylvester’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a Pulitzer Prize and who determines winners? Do Conservatives rarely win the Pulitzer Prize?

The Houston Chronicle recently won a Pulitzer Prize for its series called “The Big Lie”. What was the focus of the series?

Has election politics in Texas been rooted in racism since reconstruction led by “white Republican associations”?

The writers of the Houston Chronicle editorial rail against requiring Photo ID to vote. Is requiring Photo ID to vote a popular issue with all voters?

Do 95% of Texans say it is actually easy to vote in Texas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Big Lie in Houston – And the Big Truth
Topic: Houston Chronicle All Wrong
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s the real story behind the rejection of mail-in ballots? Do Texans believe that mail-in ballots are totally fine BUT should have the identification of the voter double-checked?

Do many people still rely on the news as reported in the top five daily newspapers across Texas, including the Houston Chronicle? Sherry reveals some shocking information…

How can Conservatives continue to win when more and more people vote for candidates (i.e Democrats) who are willingly to give them a hand-out? Rush once said: “How do you compete against Santa Clause?”

Sherry discusses how the Houston Chronicle series claimed that “Texas could lose more than $31 Billion in economic activity and 223,000 jobs by 2025” if Texas passes voter integrity laws. Fact: voter integrity passed, and we have not lost economic gains nor lost jobs. Houston Chronicle was completely wrong.

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April 4, 2022

Title: Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The Texas Public Policy Foundation recently conducted a statewide survey to determine why many Hispanic voters are now voting on the Republican ticket.

New guest Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Sherry is a political communications and public policy expert who has directed multi-million-dollar statewide campaigns. Today, Sherry discusses some of the results of this survey.

Click here for more information about Sherry Sylvester.

Click here for more on this topic from Sherry and Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Texas Hispanic Democrat voters paying attention to the Left’s woke agenda? Sherry explains that this is evidenced by county-wide votes in specific counties that have been gradually turning red over the past few years.

Did 84% of the Hispanic responders say they are proud of being a Texan?

Only 60% of Hispanic voters believe they have the same access to the American dream as Anglo Texans. Why? Sherry reveals that this result was pretty consistent across all generations.

The Alamo is a huge part of Texas history. Do many Hispanics view this story of Texas history as their story?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Based on the survey results:

Do many Hispanics support abortion of demand?

Do the majority of Hispanics support school choice? Sherry admits that the results to this question were extremely surprising, but also encouraging.

Do the majority of Hispanics embrace Faith, Family, and Freedom?

Are more and more Hispanics who embrace the core values of the Republican Party now realizing that the Democrat Party has left them behind?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many Hispanics beginning to understand the anti-faith, anti-family, anti-pre-born ideologies of the Democrat Party? Sherry believes that as the Democrats get more and more ridiculous and intolerant, more and more Hispanics will turn their backs and walk away.

The majority of African Americans are church-going people whose core values align more with the Right than the Left. So, why do these issues not resonant with African Americans? Why don’t more vote on the Republican ticket? Sherry says: “It’s a hard culture to change.”

Why should Republican politicians and candidates continue to reach out to minorities with Faith, Family, and Freedom values?

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