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January 4, 2017

Title: Why Solar in India?
Topic: Why Solar in India?
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

India has 306.2 million people without electricity and 705 million people who rely on wood and biomass for cooking. In response, India has built a new very, very expensive solar power plant.

Christopher Harris has some thoughts about this situation and why he believes the outrageously expensive new solar power plant is a complete waste of money.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will this new solar powered plant “really” benefit the people of India?

Who is paying for the solar power plant?

Why are the environmentalists pushing third-world countries to use alternative fuel sources when coal or natural gas are so much cheaper and more available?

For more on this and other issues, click here.

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November 9, 2016

Title: Coming Together for the Good of All Americans
Topic: Unhyphenated America
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, is here to encourage us to remain hopeful that our country will get back to its Christian roots and be united like it never has been before.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Recent polls show public school students and college students believe America started the concept of slavery. To quote a famous saying, “Say what?”

Americans fought a civil war and the side to abolish slavery in America won. But when blacks were truly given equal rights and equal participation in America, did LBJ, a Democratic President, devise a scheme to re-enslave them?

Listen in as Christopher Harris compares the black family of today to what was described in the 1965 Moynihan Report, “The Negro Family: The Case For National Action”.

Must all Americans come together to change our culture?

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October 14, 2016

Title: Brownshirts in the US of A
Topic: Brownshirts in the US of A
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Recently, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck was invited to speak at the University of California – Irvine. His speech was intended to build a bridge amongst students, but instead it only caused more fiction and hatred from Black Lives Matter activists. Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, has been following the story and is here to give more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Democrats are using the same tactics today that Hitler used with his “brownshirts” in 1921. The BLM “brownshirt puppets” are the new Democrat overseers. Listen in as Christopher Harris describes some of their despicable behavior.

What kind of reaction did the brownshirt BLM crowd have to LAPD Chief Charlie Beck’s presence on campus?

What happened to those supporting the police? Hint: It wasn’t pretty!

Why does the brownshirt BLM crowd get away with assaulting pro-police supporters when others (aka Christians) would be arrested and thrown in jail for far less?

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September 26, 2016

Title: Become a Mentor
Topic: Unhyphenated America
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

We have had Mr. Harris, as well as others from Unhyphenated America, on The What’s UP Radio Program several times over the last few months. Today’s segment will hopefully give you more insight into Mr. Harris, his mission for helping America become unhyphenated, and his passion for the youth of our great nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Christopher Harris’s heritage? Why doesn’t Christopher use his genealogy to his advantage?

Christopher Harris became a Congressional Intern at an age older than most. Why?

People begin to mirror what they read, watch, listen to, and those they socialize with. Listen in as Christopher Harris explains what he tells the young people which he mentors. “What goes in, stays in,” he says.

Booker T. Washington: "I have begun everything with the idea that I could succeed, and I never had much patience with the multitudes of people who are always ready to explain why one cannot succeed." Why has this quote had such an impact on Christopher Harris?

Christopher urges everyone to prayerfully consider becoming a mentor – and to be mentored, no matter your age! For more on Christopher Harris, click here.

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August 26, 2016

Title: Be Fruit Inspector
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Matthew 7:15-20 (NKJV) says: “15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Christopher Harris, Executive Director of Unhyphenated America, titles this passage: “Be a Fruit Inspector”. You can only know a tree by its fruit. Harris boldly calls the Black Lives Matters movement a Marxist organization, just like Democratic Socialism. “Look at the fruit of that tree: out of wedlock birth rates, violent crime rates, homicide rates,” he claims.

Recently, a black Trump supporter was accosted at a rally by a few BLM protestors – simply because he is supporting Trump and happens to be black. As a black man, Christopher Harris understands the need to “blend in” with those in “your crowd”. When you step out of that box, you will be attacked, sometimes physically and sometimes verbally.

Listen in as Christopher describes his “political conversion” and encourages others who may be confused as to where their loyalty should fall. He also sets the facts straight on which party voted which way throughout history and why so many blacks still don’t believe the truth about the Democratic Party! “We survived slavery. We survived Jim Crow. But within a decade of the Welfare State, we started seeing the decimation of the black family,” Chris declares.

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August 1, 2016

Title: Become a Mentor
Topic: Unhyphenated America
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

We have had Mr. Harris, as well as others from Unhyphenated America, on The What’s UP Radio Program several times over the last few months. Today’s segment will hopefully give you more insight into Mr. Harris, his mission for helping America become unhyphenated, and his passion for the youth of our great nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Christopher Harris’s heritage? Why doesn’t Christopher use his genealogy to his advantage?

Christopher Harris became a Congressional Intern at an age older than most. Why?

People begin to mirror what they read, watch, listen to, and those they socialize with. Listen in as Christopher Harris explains what he tells the young people which he mentors. “What goes in, stays in,” he says.

Booker T. Washington: "I have begun everything with the idea that I could succeed, and I never had much patience with the multitudes of people who are always ready to explain why one cannot succeed." Why has this quote had such an impact on Christopher Harris?

Christopher urges everyone to prayerfully consider becoming a mentor – and to be mentored, no matter your age! For more on Christopher Harris, click here.

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July 7, 2016

Title: Obama Pounces on Gun Control
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Victor Medina
with Unhyphenated America (

Democrats seized the moments, but Republicans never engaged. Or did they and were they just ignored by the MSM?

New guest, Victor Medina, is a free-lance writer who contributes to many news sources, including Unhyphenated America, the Dallas Morning News, Yahoo News, and others. Today, he will be discussing the Orlando shooting, Obama, and Republicans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are Conservatives getting sucker-punched, taking quick jabs, and knock-out blows while standing flat footed? “Democrats will unify even when they don’t like each other,” Victor states. He believes that Republicans need to unify on this issue, as well as others. That seems to be the problem – lack of unification.

So, why can’t Conservatives seem to unify? Are we too busy fighting each other, fighting for position, and begging for money? Victor has some strong opinions about this and also gives some suggestions on how to become engaged and fight for our country.

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June 28, 2016

Title: Is Banning Guns the Answer?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Let’s just ban guns in Chicago to stop crime! Oh wait – they already are banned! What do we do now?

Christopher Harris is with Unhyphenated America. He unashamedly does not call himself an African American. He is just an American. Today, he reveals some shocking information from Father’s Day in Chicago, Obama’s town and home to a city-wide, gun-free zone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Christopher Harris has experienced a tremendous amount of racism during his lifetime, especially after he chose to leave the Democrat Party. He refuses to let that part of his life define him.

After the tragedy in Orlando, what are “protectors” advising average citizens do to protect themselves?

NOTE: In 2007, authorities and citizens alike were astounded that twenty-seven homicides occurred in the city of Chicago over the course of one year. Listen in as Christopher reveals how many shootings and homicides happened this past Father’s Day weekend. It will absolutely break your heart.

Is this violence often related to guns and gangs?

Are stricter gun-ownership laws the answer?

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June 2, 2016

Title: Taming the Technology Beast
Topic: Kids and Technology
Discussed by Shatoyia Bradley
with Unhyphenated America (

Media is definitely a wonderful resource, but there is also a dark side that we need to protect our kids from.

New guest Shatoyia Bradley is the Managing Editor of Unhyphenated America. More importantly, however, Shatoyia is the proud wife of a veteran, homeschooling mother of four boys (with a fifth baby on the way!), and an entrepreneur. She is an unapologetic Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a Patriot. She has noticed that even “innocent” cartoons are now sending a secular message to children. The children may not realize it at the moment, but when it is repeated often enough, that message becomes ingrained in them. The commercials are even worse!

Shatoyia believes that parents should have strict controls on all devices their children use. She reveals how children ages eight to ten are spending approximately five and a half hours on media each day. Furthermore, she believes that children are mimicking what they see on the screen. “That’s really a problem, especially when they’re spending so much of that time consuming so many of these things that are communicating all these different worldviews,” Shatoyia states. “They’re like zombies.”

What would Jesus watch – listen to – send to their friends? Shatoyia goes on to discuss how parents must be the best example for their children. For instance: Parents do you demand that your children give their undivided attention to you when you are talking with them? Do you show your children that same respect?

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May 17, 2016

Title: What are You Doing after You Vote?
Topic: Make a Real Difference
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Disclaimer: We will be discussing lies parents tell their children about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. If you don’t want your children to hear the truth about these fictional characters just yet, listen to this segment when they are out of ear shot.

Recent studies have revealed that over 80% of children who are raised in a Christian home abandon their faith by the age of 18. Guest Christopher Harris believes “we are constantly losing the cultural battle, and we will continue to lose up until Christ returns”.

Christopher goes on to explain that too many parents assume that their values and beliefs will just automatically be passed on to their children. However, as we have seen throughout history – and especially within the last few decades – this is not the case. “From the moment your kids hit the public school system, they are being indoctrinated,” Christopher says. Parents must stand up and express their concern about the issues and topics their children are studying in school or nothing will changes.

Are we failing to teach our children to look toward Jesus Christ as an example of how to live? Children see us – imperfect parents, who mess up daily – and think they can live as we do. Christopher says, “Perfection is not required for greatness.” Listen in as he explains this statement and gives some suggestions on what parents can do starting tonight to ensure their children will “keep the faith” long after they leave home.

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April 19, 2016

Title: Is Your Child’s Education More Important than Their Eternity?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

American public schools are shelling out millions of tax dollars to brainwash children into believing their skin color places them at an unfair advantage. It's no secret that public schools have increasingly become breeding grounds for the harassment of Christian students, anti-American rhetoric, and Leftist propaganda. Lessons on "white privilege" are the latest boondoggle.

Guest Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, quotes economist Thomas Sowell in response to this: “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t event that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.

History has a habit of repeating itself, even if that outcome was horrific. Christopher believes that the “goal of educating is to draw from within”. Public schools are not doing that! They are teaching students “what” to think instead of thinking “how” to think.

Some of the problems lies within administration as well. Many teachers have simply lost their passion because there are too many rules and regulations. Teachers may have a choice whether to teach or not; students, however, do not have a choice concerning what they learn.

Every person has the same opportunity to pursue their dreams in America. Mothers, fathers, children, immigrants, or natural born citizens. Black, white, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, or anything in between. Tall, short, thin, chubby, good-looking or not. Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheist, theists, Buddhists, and yes, even Satanists. We are all given the same exact opportunity. Christopher Harris says, “If one person has done it, so can you, regardless of race. But even if no one else from any ethnicity has done something, who is to say that you won’t be the first?

You can either be a victor or a victim. It is your decision.

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March 24, 2016

Title: Be Fruit Inspector
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Matthew 7:15-20 (NKJV) says: “15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Christopher Harris, Executive Director of Unhyphenated America, titles this passage: “Be a Fruit Inspector”. You can only know a tree by its fruit. Harris boldly calls the Black Lives Matters movement a Marxist organization, just like Democratic Socialism. “Look at the fruit of that tree: out of wedlock birth rates, violent crime rates, homicide rates,” he claims.

Recently, a black Trump supporter was accosted at a rally by a few BLM protestors – simply because he is supporting Trump and happens to be black. As a black man, Christopher Harris understands the need to “blend in” with those in “your crowd”. When you step out of that box, you will be attacked, sometimes physically and sometimes verbally.

Listen in as Christopher describes his “political conversion” and encourages others who may be confused as to where their loyalty should fall. He also sets the facts straight on which party voted which way throughout history and why so many blacks still don’t believe the truth about the Democratic Party! “We survived slavery. We survived Jim Crow. But within a decade of the Welfare State, we started seeing the decimation of the black family,” Chris declares.

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March 3, 2016

Title: Michael Singleton: The Proverbial Son of Baltimore
Topic: Mom Saves Son
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

No matter the measures parents take to raise their children the “right” way, some will stray; they will test the limit and make mistakes. It’s how we, as parents, deal with those mistakes that makes all the difference in the world. Christopher Harris, with Unhyphenated America, is here today to talk about the after-math of the Baltimore riots, specifically America’s favorite mama and her son. (If you do not recall who we are talking about today, take a look at this YouTube clip.) Where are they now?

As a black American, Christopher Harris was not surprised with Toya’s reaction to discovering that her teenage son was throwing rocks at police. What he did find surprising, however, was the backlash she received over that reaction. “She did what was she was supposed to do at that moment to save her son’s life,” Christopher states. “She went into mama-mode.” This was definitely a turning point in Toya’s son’s life. He is now studying computer coding in California. Amen!

In his article about this story, Christopher Harris studied the book of Proverbs and found some great insight into parenting, specifically for boys. Listen in as he and Terry discuss Proverbs 1:8-19 and Proverbs 22:6.

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February 11, 2016

Title: Did the Super Bowl Offend You?
Topic: Super Bowl
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

White people are the only race who can be racist, right? White people aren’t allowed to be offended about anything, right? I don’t want to seem harsh or cruel or judgmental, but the halftime show for Super Bowl 50 was one of the worst, most distasteful displays I have ever witnessed.

Christopher Harris is a black man. What were his thoughts about Beyoncé and her grotesque performance? Christopher was curious about the actual lyrics of the song she sang. In his opinion, they are laughable; they aren’t even worthy of being called a song. (Editor’s Note: I looked up the lyrics, too. They are so awful. Do yourself a favor and don’t even bother. God is NOT smiling about this song, I can guarantee it.) Christopher Harris also discusses the President, the First Lady, Black Lives Matter, and their connection to Beyoncé and her family. Let this be a warning for all…

On the other hand, Lady Gaga’s performance of the National Anthem was beautiful and respectful in every way. She didn’t try to over-sing the popular song. Sure, her outfit was a little sparkly and her eye shadow might have been a little distracting, but her reverence to first responders and the military was wonderful to witness.

What did Christopher Harris think about Lady Gaga’s rendition? He says, “I was on the edge of my seat, praying.” But, why? Listen in!

Another trending issue on social media is the Doritos commercial with the pregnant mom in the sonogram room. NARAL, a pro-choice organization, was very vocal in their disapproval of the commercial for “humanizing a fetus”. Christopher Harris is a Christian, but also believes in the science of humanity. Christopher has an excellent explanation for why he firmly trusts the science of DNA. You must hear it!

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November 23, 2015

Title: Canary in the Coal Mine
Topic: Terrorism
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Teddy Roosevelt is considered the first progressive President of the United States. Teddy once said, “There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else."

Miners once used canaries in coal mines. Why? If there were any deadly fumes in the mine, the canary would quit singing. In other words, it would die, therefore alerting the miners of the danger ahead.

Is France the canary in the coal mine? I do not wish to make light of the 129 deaths and hundreds who were injured on November 13, 2015, in France, supposedly carried out by militant ISIS radicals. We, in America, mourn their deaths and pray for the victims and their families to find peace and understanding in the midst of loss and heartache.

We cannot just sit back and do nothing. We also cannot forge ahead without heading the warnings. Christopher Harris, the Executive Director of Unhyphenated America, says, “The attack (in Paris) was inevitable. For years, Paris has burned on multiple occasions. These immigrants have set up no-go zones.” Listen in as he and Terry discuss no-go zones and why there is no escape.

As countries allow more invaders (legally, illegally, or refugees) into their land, the problem is only going to multiply. They may have good intentions, but how can we be sure? Listen in as Christopher Harris tells the story of the frog and the scorpion to explain his position.

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October 20, 2015

Title: Justice – Or Else! A Black Man’s Opinion on Race Baiting.
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

Part 1 of 2

Christopher Harris is the Executive Director of Unhyphenated America. His desire is to have all Americans just be “Americans”; he believes using “race” labels only makes things worse. He is here today to discuss the annual Million Man March recently held in WDC.

Christopher points out that, during the Civil Rights era, black men and women did not refer to themselves as “black”. They shouted out “I am a MAN” or “I am a WOMAN”. To them, it was not about race; it was about equal rights. And that is exactly how it should be now. Black lives matter. White lives matter. Cops lives matter. Babies’ lives matter. All lives matter.

Christopher is very passionate about what blacks should really be focused on and why. For example, at the MMM, protestors began shouting “Down, down USA!” Blacks have been indoctrinated with Marxist ideology. “They cannot see anything but bad in the United States,” Christopher says. Their entire opinion of the US is limited to slavery. He counters those thoughts with “Where are you going to go? What other country is truly better than the United States?”  There isn’t one. So stop acting childish and learn to get along!

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Title: Part 2 of 2: Justice – Or Else! A Black Man’s Opinion on Race Baiting.
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Christopher Harris
with Unhyphenated America (

For years the Million Man March has been a peaceful gathering of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people marching for equality. This year’s event was no different, with the exception of phrases like “Down, down USA” and “Justice – Or Else!” being chanted throughout the crowds. I don’t know about you, but when I hear the words “OR ELSE” I take that as a threat.

Christopher Harris believes that in this case, it is simply an idle threat. The people don’t have the means to follow through with anything harmful or serious. Christopher says, “Justice comes from God. God himself is Just, so when you threaten ‘justice or else’, what do you call ‘just’?” The protestors are referring to “social justice” in this case, which is basically the redistribution of wealth. They believe they are perpetual victims. There is nothing we can say to change their mind.

Our government cannot guarantee a trouble-free life. God never even promised the same! So what’s the solution? Christopher has one possible solution. Listen in and visit [his website]  for more information.

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