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June 6, 2023

Title: Navigating Pride Month with your Kids
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Pride Month is upon us. You have probably already been bombarded with rainbow flags on social media, in your emails, and the stores you visit.

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today, Jeff offers some great advice to parents and grandparents on how to navigate questions about LGBTQ issues.

Click here for more from Jeff Johnston.

Click here for the latest Youth Risk Behavior Analysis by the CDC.

Click here for the FREE download “How to Talk to Your Children about Homosexuality” by Jeff Johnston at Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do we answer when a child or grandchild asks: “What’s Pride Month”? Jeff encourages parents to be a good example, modeling Christ-like behavior and God’s design for true love. He also urges parents to be bold, not holding back about the truth about the LGBTQ movement.

Are all “pride” events in the month of June? What does “pride” mean? Must Christians respond with grace, truth, and courage?

If we are confused or fail to give a Godly response, how does this leave the child? Jeff reminds us that children are not mentally equipped to fully understand the world’s interpretation of sex, gender, or sexual identification. Parents and grandparents must initiative the conversation because they’ll remember what the first person tells them.

The following links are resources parents and grandparents can utilize when talking about homosexuality and transgender issues:
How to Talk to Your Children about Homosexuality
How to Talk to Children about Marriage
When Transgender Issues Enter Your World
Understanding Homosexuality

Various articles about sexuality, homosexuality, and transgenderism from the Daily Citizen

Resources from Focus on the Family about Homosexuality:

Resources from Focus on the Family about Transgenderism:

Click here to donate to Focus on the Family as they continue to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.

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March 24, 2023

Title: What is Causing the Increase of LGBTQ Adults?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

More and more teenagers and young adults (ages 18-25) are identifying as “LGBTQ”. What is causing the increase?

Jeff Johnston is an Issues Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today, Jeff discusses disturbing results from a recent Gallop Poll, as outlined in his latest op-ed in the Daily Citizen.

Click here to read more from Jeff on other topics in the Daily Citizen.

Click here to donate to Focus on the Family, the parent company for the Daily Citizen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a “gay gene”? Jeff explains that people have been trying to prove this for decades, but no one has ever discovered a “gay gene”.

Why do so many people “think” they are LGBTQ? Jeff discusses his own struggles with this issue and some of the risk factors.

What influence does our education system have on the increase of teens and young adults identifying as LGBTQ? Jeff discusses shocking information he discovered while doing a report on Project 10 in Los Angeles, California.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Causing the Increase of LGBTQ Adults?
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What influence does social media have on the increase of teens and young adults identifying as LGBTQ? Jeff discusses research about “rapid onset gender dysphoria” and its connection to social media, peer pressure, mental health issues, and “trends”.

How can parents help? Jeff has some great suggestions – and a warning.

How can the church help? Jeff urges churches to really research what teens and young adults are learning about LGBTQ issues and then address the issue from a true Biblical Worldview.

For more help and free resources, call Focus on the Family at 1.800.AFAMILY or check out Alive to Thrive.

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October 17, 2022

Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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September 23, 2022

Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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September 15, 2022

Title: Protecting Children from the DOE’s Title IX Rule
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the Biden Administration’s obsession with LGBTQ issues – and why parents should be doing everything in their power to stop him.

Click here to read Jeff Johnston’s op-ed in the Daily Citizen on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biden erasing God’s design of male and female? Jeff reminds us that on Biden’s first day as President, he signed an Executive Order directing all government agencies to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and identity.

Do the majority of Americans want biological males inside girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms?

Do the majority of Americans want boys to compete in girls’ sports?

Do the majority of Americans want schools to provide abortion services? Jeff explains some of the new language in Title IX that is allowing minors to obtain birth control and even abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

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February 28, 2022

Title: Teachers Encouraged to Read Books about Transgenderism to Kids!
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

February 24, 2022: National Day of School and Community Readings

Sounds great, right? WRONG! Click on the link above! Teachers and librarians were encouraged through this “national day” to read books about transgenderism to their classrooms! I wonder if your kids’ teacher and school librarian did….

Jeff Johnston is a Culture and Policy Analyst for Focus on the Family, with an emphasis on writing and teaching about marriage, homosexuality, and gender, as well as encouraging and equipping Christians to engage the darkness of our time.

Click here to read Jeff’s op-ed on this disturbing topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did many schools inform parents and guardians of their participation in the “National Day of School and Community Readings”? Jeff discusses how most people are absolutely shocked to hear about this “national day” and explains how it began with Jazz Jennings, a little boy who sadly transitioned into a little girl.

After children hear about transgenderism and read books about it, is it too late for parents to engage their children in God’s way? Jeff says: “It’s not a matter of “if” your children encounter this ideology; it’s a matter of “when” they will encounter it.”

How do we respond to teachers, librarians, and others who are indoctrinating our kids? Jeff has some great suggestions on what parents can do, including not doing it alone – find others who agree with you.

Why has there been such a huge jump in the percentage of people who call themselves LGBTQ over the last twenty or thirty years, especially among teenagers? Jeff explains that teens and others who share their “transition” on social media (specifically YouTube and TikTok) get the “approval” that so many of them are craving. He also reminds parents that their children are precious and its their responsibility to protect them from these evils.

Jeff closes the interview with some helpful links for parents:

Click here to helpful resources from Jeff and the Daily Citizen on how to talk to your child about homosexuality and transgender issues.

Click here for a FREE copy of the “Busy Parent’s Guide to What’s Happening in Your Children’s Classrooms and Practical Steps You Can Take to Protect Them.”

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December 7, 2020

Title: Part 2 of 3 - Back to School – For Parents
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many parents across the nation shocked to realize how highly sexualized curriculum has become, especially at younger and younger ages? Jeff reveals how children are being taught in SOCIAL STUDIES about gender identification!

Do public school counselors advise children/teens that abortion or cross-sex hormones are the right choice, without ever talking to a child’s parent? YES! This is actually happening. Jeff shares how a school in Minnesota helped a teenage boy obtain hormones to transition into a female!

How many schools across the nation are currently using the New York Times’ “1619 Project” as factual curriculum?

NOTE: We aired an interview with Professor Peter Wood on December 4 entitled “Why Do Millennials Hate America?” Click here  and search the archives under the topic “Millennials” to listen.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Back to School – For Parents
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this final segment, Jeff discusses some of the contents from his FREE online book. They have designed this excellent resource to be read in sections.
Educational authority
Protecting your child in the classroom
Protecting your child in school health rooms, clinics, and counseling offices
Protecting your child in school locker rooms and bathrooms
Protecting your child on sports teams
Protecting your child during lunchtime, free-time, or in student-run clubs
Protecting your child on school internet, Wi-Fi, and electronic devices
Protecting your child in school libraries and on school databases
Protecting your child by exercising school choice

For more from Jeff Johnston, click here.

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April 20, 2016

Title: Are People Born Gay?
Topic: Homosexuality
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

A new Gallup Poll  reveals shocking statistics about the acceptance of homosexuality in America. A record 51% believe that people are born gay and 63% agree that being gay is morally acceptable. Also, more and more people believe that “gender constructs of male and female are confining and closed-minded.

Jeff Johnston, the Issues Analyst on Gender and Sexuality for Focus on the Family, has written a fabulous, detailed report entitled: “Are People Born Gay?”  His report is not just from a Biblical view, but also uses scientific facts to support his (and many others) opinion.

Plain and simple, there is not a gay gene. Jeff Johnston explains the purpose of genes, as God designed them: “They [genes] carry recipes in our cells for creating proteins. They don’t determine a person’s attraction, identity, or behavior.” He goes on to say that if you ask geneticists if there is a gay gene, they would laugh at the thought! “There is no human behavior that is purely genetic.” Even studies among twins (identical and fraternal) cannot predict behavior and personalities – let alone a predisposed disposition to being gay!

During the middle of this interview, host Terry Lowry and guest Jeff Johnston discuss the sobering and devastating statistics of child molestation and sexual abuse – even in Christian homes and at church! The early exposure to sex (many times in violent ways) will often convince children, especially males, that they are gay. Females who are abused in childhood or during teen years by a male family member or close friend will often turn to females for love and affection in lesbian relationships.

Another new “idea” that is in its infancy of being researched and studied is the “Gay Brain”. Is this just another tactic from gay activists to try and justify their lifestyle? “The brain is highly changeable,” Jeff declares. “It changes according to experience.” Listen in as he explains this further.

One issue that has gained national attention is “reparative or change therapy”. The gay community, especially those who identify as transgender, want a national ban on the practice, like California has done. Jeff says, “To do so is an infringement on religious freedom and freedom of speech. Every mental health professional group agrees that clients should have the right to determine the course of their treatment.” Christians don’t think it is a “mental disorder”; we simply believe that it is a sin and want to encourage loved ones to turn to God and His will for our lives.

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March 28, 2016

Title: Are People Born Gay?
Topic: Homosexuality
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

A new Gallup Poll  reveals shocking statistics about the acceptance of homosexuality in America. A record 51% believe that people are born gay and 63% agree that being gay is morally acceptable. Also, more and more people believe that “gender constructs of male and female are confining and closed-minded.

Jeff Johnston, the Issues Analyst on Gender and Sexuality for Focus on the Family, has written a fabulous, detailed report entitled: “Are People Born Gay?”  His report is not just from a Biblical view, but also uses scientific facts to support his (and many others) opinion.

Plain and simple, there is not a gay gene. Jeff Johnston explains the purpose of genes, as God designed them: “They [genes] carry recipes in our cells for creating proteins. They don’t determine a person’s attraction, identity, or behavior.” He goes on to say that if you ask geneticists if there is a gay gene, they would laugh at the thought! “There is no human behavior that is purely genetic.” Even studies among twins (identical and fraternal) cannot predict behavior and personalities – let alone a predisposed disposition to being gay!

During the middle of this interview, host Terry Lowry and guest Jeff Johnston discuss the sobering and devastating statistics of child molestation and sexual abuse – even in Christian homes and at church! The early exposure to sex (many times in violent ways) will often convince children, especially males, that they are gay. Females who are abused in childhood or during teen years by a male family member or close friend will often turn to females for love and affection in lesbian relationships.

Another new “idea” that is in its infancy of being researched and studied is the “Gay Brain”. Is this just another tactic from gay activists to try and justify their lifestyle? “The brain is highly changeable,” Jeff declares. “It changes according to experience.” Listen in as he explains this further.

One issue that has gained national attention is “reparative or change therapy”. The gay community, especially those who identify as transgender, want a national ban on the practice, like California has done. Jeff says, “To do so is an infringement on religious freedom and freedom of speech. Every mental health professional group agrees that clients should have the right to determine the course of their treatment.” Christians don’t think it is a “mental disorder”; we simply believe that it is a sin and want to encourage loved ones to turn to God and His will for our lives.

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March 17, 2016

Title: Mommy, Why is that Man Wearing a Dress?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. This issue should most definitely be discussed with ALL children, when you, the parent, deem it appropriate. Please listen to this segment, take notes, and ask your children age-appropriate questions as soon as possible. Do not delay. If you delay in telling them the truth, the world will convince them of their lies.

One informal survey of transsexuals showed that fifty-six percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 0 and 12-years-old. Another thirty-eight percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 13 and 15 and thirty-two percent between the ages of 16 and 18. Victims of sexual abuse often experience gender confusion as a consequence.

Jeff Johnston is an analyst with Focus on the Family. When Bruce Jenner “became a woman”, he and others at FOTF decided to take action. Today, he shares how parents can navigate kids’ questions, emphasize the importance of the male and female distinction, and teach kids about God’s design for sexuality. Jeff doesn’t believe that hormone therapy, surgery, or even changing one’s clothing can alter your biological sex; it’s just not possible.

Transgender studies show that there is a history of abuse in their past. Sometimes there are even mental disorders,” Jeff explains. “We believe that people don’t need to change into the opposite sex; they need help in embracing their biological reality.” Many studies show that most children “outgrow” their confusion; others do, in fact, need therapy in order to overcome their transgender desires.

Jeff latest article on this issue centers around Jaden Smith, actor Will Smith’s son. Jaden has a large number of followers on Twitter and was named one of the most thirty influential teens in 2015. However, his latest clothing ad is causing quite a ruckus. If you haven’t seen it, Jaden is the new face of a WOMEN’S clothing line. Listen in as Jeff explains the dangers this poses to easily influenced teens and tweens. “It sends a message to them saying it’s okay to play around with your sexuality,” Jeff states. “As our culture embraces gender blurring and gender bending, we’re going to see more kids questioning what it means to be male and female.”

You can find more information on this issue, including books and downloadable resources, here.

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February 18, 2016

Title: Mommy, Why is that Man Wearing a Dress?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. This issue should most definitely be discussed with ALL children, when you, the parent, deem it appropriate. Please listen to this segment, take notes, and ask your children age-appropriate questions as soon as possible. Do not delay. If you delay in telling them the truth, the world will convince them of their lies.

One informal survey of transsexuals showed that fifty-six percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 0 and 12-years-old. Another thirty-eight percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 13 and 15 and thirty-two percent between the ages of 16 and 18. Victims of sexual abuse often experience gender confusion as a consequence.

Jeff Johnston is an analyst with Focus on the Family. When Bruce Jenner “became a woman”, he and others at FOTF decided to take action. Today, he shares how parents can navigate kids’ questions, emphasize the importance of the male and female distinction, and teach kids about God’s design for sexuality. Jeff doesn’t believe that hormone therapy, surgery, or even changing one’s clothing can alter your biological sex; it’s just not possible.

Transgender studies show that there is a history of abuse in their past. Sometimes there are even mental disorders,” Jeff explains. “We believe that people don’t need to change into the opposite sex; they need help in embracing their biological reality.” Many studies show that most children “outgrow” their confusion; others do, in fact, need therapy in order to overcome their transgender desires.

Jeff latest article on this issue centers around Jaden Smith, actor Will Smith’s son. Jaden has a large number of followers on Twitter and was named one of the most thirty influential teens in 2015. However, his latest clothing ad is causing quite a ruckus. If you haven’t seen it, Jaden is the new face of a WOMEN’S clothing line. Listen in as Jeff explains the dangers this poses to easily influenced teens and tweens. “It sends a message to them saying it’s okay to play around with your sexuality,” Jeff states. “As our culture embraces gender blurring and gender bending, we’re going to see more kids questioning what it means to be male and female.”

You can find more information on this issue, including books and downloadable resources, here.

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January 20, 2016

Title: Mommy, Why is that Man Wearing a Dress?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jeff Johnston
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. This issue should most definitely be discussed with ALL children, when you, the parent, deem it appropriate. Please listen to this segment, take notes, and ask your children age-appropriate questions as soon as possible. Do not delay. If you delay in telling them the truth, the world will convince them of their lies.

One informal survey of transsexuals showed that fifty-six percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 0 and 12-years-old. Another thirty-eight percent reported unwanted sexual touch between the ages of 13 and 15 and thirty-two percent between the ages of 16 and 18. Victims of sexual abuse often experience gender confusion as a consequence.

Jeff Johnston is an analyst with Focus on the Family. When Bruce Jenner “became a woman”, he and others at FOTF decided to take action. Today, he shares how parents can navigate kids’ questions, emphasize the importance of the male and female distinction, and teach kids about God’s design for sexuality. Jeff doesn’t believe that hormone therapy, surgery, or even changing one’s clothing can alter your biological sex; it’s just not possible.

Transgender studies show that there is a history of abuse in their past. Sometimes there are even mental disorders,” Jeff explains. “We believe that people don’t need to change into the opposite sex; they need help in embracing their biological reality.” Many studies show that most children “outgrow” their confusion; others do, in fact, need therapy in order to overcome their transgender desires.

Jeff latest article on this issue centers around Jaden Smith, actor Will Smith’s son. Jaden has a large number of followers on Twitter and was named one of the most thirty influential teens in 2015. However, his latest clothing ad is causing quite a ruckus. If you haven’t seen it, Jaden is the new face of a WOMEN’S clothing line. Listen in as Jeff explains the dangers this poses to easily influenced teens and tweens. “It sends a message to them saying it’s okay to play around with your sexuality,” Jeff states. “As our culture embraces gender blurring and gender bending, we’re going to see more kids questioning what it means to be male and female.”

You can find more information on this issue, including books and downloadable resources, here.

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