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September 6, 2018

Title: Harris County: Are Non-Citizens Being Removed from Voter Rolls?
Topic: Illegals Allowed to Vote
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

The Greek philosopher Plato once stated: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

What’s UP with the Harris County voter rolls? Senator Paul Bettencourt discusses the HC Voter Registrar’s lack of cooperation concerning the removal of illegal immigrants from the voter rolls.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are voters concerned about the integrity of who votes in any given election?

Should non-citizens be allowed to vote in any election?

Are illegal immigrants allowed to serve on a jury?

If a person reveals that they are not a legal citizen in the jury room, shouldn’t they be immediately removed from the voter rolls?

FACT: When Senator Bettencourt was the Tax Accessor-Collector, he removed illegal immigrants from the voter rolls. Thank you, Senator Bettencourt!

Is the Harris County Voter Registrar Ann Harris Bennett fighting her requirement to expunge non-citizens from the voting rolls? It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Ann is a Democrat.

Is she using tax-payer money to defend her stance? Is the HCDA assisting her in this fight (again with tax-payer money)?

Can an American citizen (or a citizen of any other country) travel to Mexico and vote in their next election? HINT: Absolutely not!

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July 26, 2017

Title: How High are Your Property Taxes?
Topic: Property Tax Reform
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Senator Paul Bettencourt serves District 7 in Northwest Harris County. He is the owner of Bettencourt Tax Advisors and the former Harris County Tax Accessor-Collector. Today, Paul will be discussing why rising property taxes is the top issue on the agenda for the Special Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are property taxes growing at such rate that many homeowners cannot keep up with their escalating payments?

On average, what is the growth of property taxes in several of the larger counties?

Are appraisals directly affecting property taxes?

Why are some cities and municipalities arguing against SB1?

Some don’t believe that the tax rate is too high. Are they blind or ignoring the problem on purpose?

Is the property tax rate in Harris County unsustainable?

When school districts approach the voters about an increase for special projects or buildings, are voters more likely to approve the request?

SB1 has been passed out of committee and is up for a vote on the Senate floor this week. Please call 512.463.4630 and implore your State Representative and State Senator to vote for property tax relief for all.

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December 5, 2016

Title: Is a Property Tax Overhaul in the Future?
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Based on the public testimony received by the Select Committee, it is clear that the process for setting and adopting property tax rates must be reformed to make it more transparent and directly accountable to voters.

Listen in as Texas State Senator Paul Bettencourt discusses what “should” be done in the upcoming Texas Legislature.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is escrow? How is it calculated?

Are skyrocketing property taxes forcing homeowners from their homes?

Are citizens upset with their property tax bills?

What should be done about the tax-rate increase?

Will Joe Straus and his Democrat colleagues stop Paul’s efforts and the efforts of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick?

For more information on this issue, click here

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October 13, 2015

Title: The Truth about HERO
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

There has been a lot of confusion about the City of Houston election coming up on November 3, specifically surrounding Proposition 1. Prop 1 is the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, commonly known as HERO. We have done a lot of programming over the past year concerning HERO for many reasons, mainly to spread the word about the dangers of the ordinance.

If you visit social media cites, especially Facebook, or watch the news on a regular basis you have probably seen differing opinions (and arguments) about HERO. It protects breastfeeding moms. It protect veterans. It protects minorities. Yes, HERO protects all of these groups – but so does Federal Law that is already in place. The one aspect of HERO that has Christians and businesses concerned is the “public accommodations” paragraph, or the “bathroom ordinance”.

FACT: Under HERO, businesses which prefer to hire Veterans over others will be fined and have civil and criminal penalties placed on them!

Senator Paul Bettencourt believes the citizens of Houston are right to fear HERO. He explains how this ordinance is so poorly written that even liberal attorneys who have looked at it are confused! “Here’s the problem…We are having a separation between fantasy and reality,” Senator Bettencourt asserts. “It is political correctness gone crazy.

Big businesses, like the Greater Houston Partnership, have given in to the homosexual mafia. They are afraid of retribution from the gays against their livelihood, plain and simple. Businesses should have the right to make their own decisions, not some bureaucrat in City Hall. Period.

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Title: Other Amendments on the Ballot
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

In this second segment, Senator Paul Bettencourt quickly reviews some of the other amendments on the ballot this November 3. This election effects EVERYONE in Texas – not just Houstonians. Do NOT sit this election out because you think it is all about HERO. There are SEVEN other proposed Amendments which ALL Texans will vote on. Senator Bettencourt recommends a YES vote for all seven Constitutional Amendments and NO on HERO (for the City of Houston) and a NO vote on Term Limits (Prop 2 for the City of Houston).

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July 28, 2015

Title: HERO is Struck Down in Houston!
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The LGBT crowd is whining, saying that Christians are trying to force our beliefs on them. That is absolutely false. Actually, it is the other way around. We have been allowing less than 5 percent of the population to dictate too much in this country for far too long. They want us to accept their sinful lifestyle. They try to justify their perversions by saying we are the hateful ones. If we don’t conform to their way of thinking, we are judgmental bigots.

Senator Paul Bettencourt represents Senatorial District 7. He believes Houston Mayor Annise Parker “is simply trying to score points with a national audience.” Mayor Parker has stated from day one that the HERO law is personal to her, obviously because she is an outspoken lesbian. She has tried to silence those who oppose the HERO law by spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money fighting us. Some even think she has broken the law.

Senator Bettencourt has been doing all he can to put a stop to the HERO law – and he will continue to do so. He encourages voters to question all political candidates on this issue and make sure he/she will not allow this perverted law into any more cities in the state of Texas.

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September 29, 2014

Title: Property Taxes, The Economy, and The Future of Texas
Topic: Elections
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Paul Bettencourt is the candidate to replace Dan Patrick in Senatorial District 7 in Texas. Issues discussed in this interview include: property taxes, revenue caps on taxes, the booming Texas economy, and the rising popularity of Democrats in Texas.

What does the future of Texas look like? Listen in as Paul Bettencourt discusses these issues and the importance of voting “Straight Ticket Republican” in the upcoming election in November.

Editor’s Note: Favorite quote in regards to property tax relief from this interview with Paul Bettencourt: “We have to put government on a diet.”

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July 19, 2013

Title: Bettencourt: From Taxman to Senator
Topic: Bettencourt: From Taxman to Senator
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

When was Paul Bettencourt first elected countywide in Harris County? How many times did he win and were they by wide margins?

Paul Bettencourt stood by the ‘Bible Monument’ downtown defending its right to remain in front of the Court House.

Paul Bettencourt stood for defining marriage as between one man and one woman. He was only one of three elected officials to take this public stand.

When many just talk a good game, Paul has stood with the Pro-Life / Pro-Family conservatives for decades. He is not a newbie or a want-a-be. He is a true statesman.

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February 6, 2012

Title: Houston Area ONLY - Dear KSEV, You Just Got SCOOPED! We’ve got the Tax Man on KKHT!
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Special guest Paul Bettencourt answers:

Are we going to have a primary in April, or will it be in May?  WHEN?!  What is happening in Washington?

How important is it that every single one of our listeners find their friends, family, and fellow church members and get them registered to vote?

How low have we seen the turnout in the city of Houston for a runoff? Why is this a problem?

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May 16, 2008

Title: Walk to Win!
Topic: Walk to Win!
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

The Harris County Republican Party, in partnership with Texas Victory 2008, will be kicking off the “Walk to Win” program on Saturday, May 17. For all the details log onto

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January 13, 2006

Topic: Voter Registration
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

New Voter Registration Cards have been mailed to registered voters throughout Harris County. If you received your card, make sure all of the information is correct - double check the dates the card is valid! Some cards were printed with the incorrect dates on them. If yours is incorrect, contact your County Registration Office. Or, log onto and scroll down to "Your Vote Counts" for the link to contact the State Office.

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October 10, 2005

Title: How will Paul Bettencourt vote on Prop. 2 Defending Traditional Marriage?
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Paul Bettencourt
with Bettencourt Tax Advisors (

Paul Bettencourt, the Harris County Tax-Collector Assessor, shares his view of marriage defined as between one man and one woman.

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