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September 23, 2022

Title: Bureaucrats vs Congress: Who Will Win?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Joe Luppino-Esposito
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Over three decades, two Congresses passed bills with bipartisan support to financially support the growth of charter schools throughout the country. However, an alternative to standard public education for failing low-income and disadvantaged children is still desperately needed.

Joe Luppino-Esposito is the Deputy Legal Policy Director for the Pacific Legal Foundation. Today, Joe discusses why the Department of Education is refusing to spend the money it has already been given on the Federal Charter Schools Program.

Click here for more on this and other issues from Joe Luppino-Esposito.

Click here to learn more about the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are federal bureaucrats with the Department of Education sandbagging Congress? Joe explains that the DOE simply does not want to spend money on charter schools, which is harmful to the students who need help the most.

What qualifies/disqualifies a school from being a “charter school”?

Why is Congress sitting on their hands while the Biden Administration destroys a successful grant program for disadvantaged children and families? Joe explains that a few Congress members have seen the problem and are working to actively continue the Charter Schools Program.

Surprisingly, the Charter Schools Program thrived under Presidents Clinton and Obama. Why are the Democrats suddenly so against it and stopping the development of new charter schools across the country?

Can the DOE federal bureaucrats be fired for refusing to follow the law?

Who must win this battle: Congress or the federal bureaucrats? Joe explains how this is a prime example of our separation of powers practice in America. Congress needs to put their foot down and say “Do this. No exceptions.”

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