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June 23, 2014

Title: Border Crisis
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

State Senator Dan Patrick has called on the current leadership of the Texas government to provide emergency funding to secure the Texas/Mexico border. It is estimated that 8,000 illegals are captured each week. This does not include the number that we do NOT catch, which is significantly higher.

Dan discusses what happens when an unaccompanied minor is apprehended and what we do with a convicted criminal who is attempting to re-enter the US. He also describes the plans for the future.

We MUST take action NOW before it is too late.

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May 19, 2014

Title: Do Negative Ads Really Work?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick is winning, and Dewhurst is scared. And he should be! Informed voters know what a dirty trick looks like from a thousand miles away. We get it. Why don’t politicians?

Listen in as Dan Patrick discusses his campaign for Lt. Governor of Texas.

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March 18, 2014

Title: Who is the REAL Dan Patrick?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick won first place in the race for Lt. Governor of Texas, but the fight is not over. He and current Lt. Governor David Dewhurst will battle it out again in a run-off in May.

There was quite a lot of negativity during the Primary. What are Dan’s thoughts on this?

Listen in as Dan talks about the future. Log on to  for more information on his campaign.

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February 11, 2014

Title: Texas Senatorial Race Debate
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 3

The left-leaning liberal media always tries to pigeon-hole Conservatives when asking questions. Senator Patrick is a seasoned radio talk show host as well as a State Senator. He knows the games they play. He isn’t afraid of standing up for God, Country, and Liberty.

Listen in as he talks about some of the questions he and other candidates were asked recently at an open Townhall debate.

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Title: Population and Tax Inflation
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 3

The Democrats are chomping at the bit to overtake Texas. If this happens, America will cease to exist as we know it.

1,500 people a day are moving to Texas and it is projected that 20 million people will be added over the next 30-40 years. What is to be done about the increasing population?

Another issue facing Texans is increasing home owners taxes. With the economy as bad as it is – and no hope of it getting better any time soon – many home owners are being taxed out of their homes. What is Senator Patrick’s plan?

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Title: We Cannot Afford to Educate and Medicate them All
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 3 of 3

Senator Patrick is a staunch pro-life supporter. He believes that protecting the unborn is vitally important.

But what about border security? Nearly half the voters in Texas are frustrated over the thousands and thousands of illegal aliens who are flooding our state daily. What does Dan Patrick plan to do as the next Lt. Governor?

And, finally, businesses are coming to Texas is droves. Where will the excess money go? Should we send the money elsewhere or keep it here?

LLog on to  for more information about Dan and his bid for Texas Lt. Governor.

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February 10, 2014

Title: What Will the Next 30 Years Bring to Texas?
Topic: Texas Politics
Written by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

In 1979, with only 14 million Texans, illegal immigration was not a hot issue, property taxes were not a burden, freeways were not overly crowded, toll roads were rare, and gas was cheap.

Today there are 25 million of us. Illegal immigration is a major issue, property taxes are forcing people out of their homes, freeways are jammed, toll roads are everywhere, and gas isn’t cheap.

State demographers are projecting the population of Texas will nearly double over the next thirty years. Our electrical, transportation, and healthcare infrastructure are already bursting at the seams!

What Will the Next 30 Years Bring to Texas?

To read more click [here!]

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January 3, 2014

Title: Issues Affecting Texans
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

One in ten students in America attends schools in Texas. If the Texas Education System was combined into one company, it would be the sixth or seventh largest company in the world.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses what should be the number one focus of parents as their students return to school this fall.

Senator Patrick also discusses the innovations he has implemented in the prison system in Texas.

Listen in.

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December 30, 2013

Title: Spending on Public Education in Texas: Not Enough or Wrong Focus?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 2

Per pupil expenditures in Texas have grown from around $5,000 per student per year in 1975 to around $11,000 per student per year today. Some say we are not spending enough, while others say we need to focus on where we are spending the money now.

In addition, the Texas Education Agency, the TEA, says our drop-out rate is about 7.3 percent, while the Intercultural Development Research Association, the IDRA, says the ‘attrition rate’ is about 26 percent. This is a perfect example of the government “cooking the books”.

Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, discusses the money situation in regards to Texas public education.

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Title: Texas Adds 80,000 Plus Students A Year. At What Costs?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 2

Every year Texas public schools serve an increasing number of students. Since 2005, Texas has been adding an average of 80,000 new students per year. Texas has one of the largest, most diverse student bodies in the country. We take pride of our excellent public education opportunities in Texas, but adding more students every year has its challenges, including the ever-increasing cost per student.

With our graying population and the demands this will place on public assisted health care programs, coupled with the explosive growth in public school student population, where will the money come from to fund on the demands placed on Texas government?

To learn more about Senator Dan Patrick or to contact him to discuss this and other issues, log on to

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December 3, 2013

Title: Spending on Public Education in Texas: Not Enough or Wrong Focus?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 2

Per pupil expenditures in Texas have grown from around $5,000 per student per year in 1975 to around $11,000 per student per year today. Some say we are not spending enough, while others say we need to focus on where we are spending the money now.

In addition, the Texas Education Agency, the TEA, says our drop-out rate is about 7.3 percent, while the Intercultural Development Research Association, the IDRA, says the ‘attrition rate’ is about 26 percent. This is a perfect example of the government “cooking the books”.

Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, discusses the money situation in regards to Texas public education.

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Title: Texas Adds 80,000 Plus Students A Year. At What Costs?
Topic: Public Education
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 2 of 2

Every year Texas public schools serve an increasing number of students. Since 2005, Texas has been adding an average of 80,000 new students per year. Texas has one of the largest, most diverse student bodies in the country. We take pride of our excellent public education opportunities in Texas, but adding more students every year has its challenges, including the ever-increasing cost per student.

With our graying population and the demands this will place on public assisted health care programs, coupled with the explosive growth in public school student population, where will the money come from to fund on the demands placed on Texas government?

To learn more about Senator Dan Patrick or to contact him to discuss this and other issues, log on to

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October 17, 2013

Title: Should Students Who Are Here Illegally Receive In-state Tuition?
Topic: Illegals Receiving In-state Tuition
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, states he is the only candidate in this race to oppose in-state tuition for students who are in Texas illegally.

This caused a quick response for the others in this race.

Is his statement (contained in a recent political announcement and commercial) factually correct?

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September 4, 2013

Title: Issues Affecting Texans
Topic: Issues Affecting Texans
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

One in ten students in America attends schools in Texas. If the Texas Education System was combined into one company, it would be the sixth or seventh largest company in the world.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses what should be the number one focus of parents as their students return to school this fall.

Senator Patrick also discusses the innovations he has implemented in the prison system in Texas.

Listen in.

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July 15, 2013

Title: Senator Patrick’s Perspective on the Battle Won and the War Ahead
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

The Dem’s say they lost this battle, but will win the war in the end.

Senator Patrick reports on the Pro-Life victory in Austin late Friday night. Women will be protected, those choosing to go to an abortion clinic. More babies will live.

During the holocaust, members inside one church located next to the railroad tracks could hear the cries of those inside the cattle cars crying for help. What did they do? They would begin singing, and if they could still hear the cries for help, they simply sang louder.

Listen in…

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July 11, 2013

Title: Senator Patrick Explains Why Democrats Are Losing On This Pro-Life Bill
Topic: Protecting Women
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Senator Patrick explains why he believes some Democrats in the Texas Senate now believe they are losing the debate with Texas voters on the Pro-Life Bill.

Voters overwhelming oppose late-term abortions. Voters favor the safety of women who do choose abortion. Voters favor the passage of the Pro-Life Bill and the longer it is debated, the more voters understand that the Republicans are doing the right thing by passing this bill. Listen in…

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June 28, 2013

Title: Patrick Seeks Higher Office
Topic: Lieutenant Governor’s Race in Texas
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

The 2014 Republican Primary will be an historical event, with the potential of having five or six newly elected officials for some of the state’s top positions.

Will Governor Perry seek re-election? Attorney General Gregg Abbott has stated he seek the Governor’s office. For Lt. Governor, will David Dewhurst seek re-election? Currently three, including Dan Patrick have announced their intention to seek his position.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses his vision for the future of Texas in this interview. Listen in…

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June 27, 2013

Title: Patrick Seeks Higher Office
Topic: Lieutenant Governor’s Race in Texas
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

The 2014 Republican Primary will be an historical event, with the potential of having five or six newly elected officials for some of the state’s top positions.

Will Governor Perry seek re-election? Attorney General Gregg Abbott has stated he seek the Governor’s office. For Lt. Governor, will David Dewhurst seek re-election? Currently three, including Dan Patrick have announced their intention to seek his position.

Senator Dan Patrick discusses his vision for the future of Texas in this interview. Listen in…

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Title: Anarchy in the Texas Senate Gallery
Topic: Anarchy in the Texas Senate Gallery
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Anarchy is an awful thing. And that’s what happened recently in the Gallery overlooking the Texas Senate. Plain and simple: it was “Mob Rule”.

Was the mob incited by hand motions by Democrat elected officials from the floor of the Senate? Where these like linebackers waving the arms to incite the crowd?

Should America be ruled by Mob Action? Enough is enough. A simple check of two zip codes in NW Harris County reveals that nearly one-half of the homes do NOT have even one registered voter. How do you get weeds to grow in your yard? Just do nothing……

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June 6, 2013

Title: The Texas Legislature Just Adjourned but the Governor Called Them Back. Why? What Happened?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Texas Legislative Session
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 3

By Texas law, the legislature can only meet for 140 days every 2 years. Would it be better if they only met 2 days every 140 years? Should each session be longer or shorter?

Senator Dan Patrick first discusses if Texas should change the length of the legislative session.

Then, Senator Patrick explains how hard it is to fully discuss and vote on some of the very difficult and important issues now facing all Texans; issues such as the budget, transportation, education, and other issues.

Senator Patrick also explains why he voted against the budget.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Texas Legislative Session
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Senator Patrick continues discussing some of the good, some of the bad and some of ugly issues debated in Austin during the just adjourned 83rd Texas Legislative Session.

Is Texas able to fund our roads and highways from the Texas portion of gasoline taxes? Senator Patrick explains why we cannot.

How should we fund more highway expansion? Send us your suggestions using our contact link on how Texas should fund highway maintenance and expansion?

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Title: What about Redistricting? When will Texas have its 2014 Primaries?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Texas Legislative Session
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 3 of 3

Senator Patrick serves on the Redistricting Committee and explains the mess we find ourselves.

Key issue: the U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule in on how redistricting must be handled.

Even after the Court rules, the fight over the Redistricting maps will be long and drawn out. More on this in the days, weeks and months ahead…

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April 25, 2013

Title: Update on SSCOPE Straight from the Man Himelf
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Part 1 of 2

Senator Dan Patrick is very passionate about education, especially about finding a solution to fix the broken system. He is spearheading the education reform effort with SB1724 and is receiving a lot of grief from some lobbyists.

But he refuses to give in to their bullying, and many of his colleagues have his back.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

One of the biggest issues Dan Patrick and many others have with SSCOPE is the new STAAR testing system that students are required to take. Teachers exhaust many wasted hours and days prepping their students for the STAAR tests, with little or no results.

There is a lot of misinformation floating around about SSCOPE and the STAAR test.

Listen to Dan Patrick as explains the facts.

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February 20, 2013

Title: What’s Next?
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

2016 will be here before we know it. Like always, Texas will have a big say in who the Presidential Nominee will be. What other states will be in on the take?

The National Republican Party played the part of a bully in 2012 - telling states when to hold their elections, where to hold meetings, even threatening nominees if their states didn’t comply.

Should each state have the authority to act on their own or should they follow the NRP around like lost little children? 

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July 16, 2009

Topic: Help right what’s wrong in America!
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Help right what’s wrong in America! Senator Dan Patrick gives an update. Visit Senator Patrick’s website at

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July 14, 2009

Topic: Help right what’s wrong in America!
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Help right what’s wrong in America! Senator Dan Patrick gives an update. Visit Senator Patrick’s website at

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July 13, 2009

Topic: Help right what’s wrong in America!
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Help right what’s wrong in America! Senator Dan Patrick gives an update. Visit Senator Patrick’s website at

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November 4, 2005

Title: Who is Dan Patrick?
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Who is Dan Patrick? This will hopefully be the first of many conversations with Dan Patrick.

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October 31, 2005

Title: Who is Dan Patrick?
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Who is Dan Patrick? This will hopefully be the first of many conversations with Dan Patrick.

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October 24, 2005

Title: Who is Dan Patrick?
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Who is Dan Patrick? This, hopefully will be the first of many conversations with Dan Patrick.

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October 13, 2005

Title: Who is Dan Patrick?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Senator Dan Patrick
with Dan Patrick

Who is Dan Patrick? This, hopefully will be the first of many conversations with Dan Patrick.

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