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February 13, 2023

Title: What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Today, the Honorable John Hostettler discusses his report, “State Authority to Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute” John is a former Texas Representative who served as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims. John is currently the Vice President for Federal Affairs for States Trust within the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Click here for key points from his publication.

Click here to read more from John on this and other issues.

Click here to help the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to fight to protect individual liberty and secure prosperity for all Texans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Biden administration in WDC perceive that we have a border problem? John reveals that people from 171 countries entered the US illegally in December 2022. Yet, the Biden Administration says that the border is secure!

Are states limited in their ability to affect illegal migration into the US?

Can states arrest, detain, and deport those who illegally enter into the US? John explains that states can arrest and detain, but cannot deport illegal immigrants.

What is meant by “entry points between land ports of entry”? Can states transport illegal aliens to points outside their state? John discusses this, explaining that it’s a touchy subject with lots of red tape.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the main focus of John’s report, “State Authority to Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute”? John discusses coyotes, conspiracies, cartels, and high-dollar payouts.

Once an illegal immigrant is arrested, what really happens next? Who has the authority to prosecute?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What Authority Do States Have To Execute Immigration Law Under Existing Federal Statute?
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can anyone crossing the border into the US claim they are seeking “Asylum”? Are all illegal immigrants treated the same? How should our government treat asylum seekers?

Why did John do this report on illegal immigration at ports of entry?

If states actually arrested, detained, and deported illegal immigrants, would it stop the massive inflow? John believes it would have “a tremendous chilling effect on the border.”

Are illegal immigrants crossing the Southern border really conspiring with drug cartels? John reveals that virtually no one crosses the border without paying the drug cartels money – and that is a conspiracy. He says: “If they don’t pay, they don’t cross.”

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August 11, 2022

Title: A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 4

When it comes to solving the border crisis, the first step is admitting there is a problem.

John Hostettler is the Vice President for Federal Affairs with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. While serving in Congress from 1995 to 2007, Representative Hostettler rose to be Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.

Today, John discusses the crisis at the southern border and why action must be taken immediately to protect American citizens.

Click here for more from John Hostettler on this and other issues.

Click here for more information about the American Security Taskforce plan to secure the border.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should the Federal Government secure the border immediately? John reveals that the TPPF tried to warn people that Biden would open the borders and a crisis would ensue…

Why do Democrats oppose securing the border? Are they hoping that illegal immigrants will give them more votes? (EDITOR’S NOTE: Illegals aren’t even supposed to be able to vote…Think about that one…)

Who is coming across our southern border? FACT: 58 individuals who are on the terrorist watch list have crossed the southern border since Biden took office!

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we really know how many illegals are coming across our southern border? John explains that illegals know how to “work” the American system.

Who are unaccompanied minors? How do they get into America in the first place? Are parents really giving “coyotes” their children (and lots and lots of money)? John explains how parents who send their kids to America illegally are eventually able to come, too!

Is there documented proof that females are often abused on their way to America illegally? John gives the sad, sad details…

What is the American Security Taskforce?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the United States Federal Government cover the costs to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education for illegals in each state? SHORT ANSWER: Yes.

Does any other country in the world cover the costs to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education to illegals living there? SHORT ANSWER: No.

Does Mexico require a photo ID to vote in their elections? SHORT ANSWER: Yes.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - A Course Correction is Needed on the Border
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by John Hostettler
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

BOTTOM LINE: Do we have a problem along our southern border? John doesn’t believe we have a problem; he and others believes we have a CRISIS and an INVASION.

Do Democrats just not care that illegals are bringing drugs to America? Do Democrats just not care that terrorists are crossing into America illegally? Do Democrats just not care that women and even children are being raped on their way to America illegally? Do Democrats only care about the votes they may receive by allowing illegal immigrants to stay unchecked in America?

How much does it cost Texas taxpayers to provide health care, housing, food, and/or education for illegal immigrants? Click here to view the 2020 report about Liberty County, Texas from the TPPF.

With the help of the American Security Taskforce,  will Congress ever pass a bill to secure the border? Will Joe Biden sign such legislation into law? John is hopeful that Congress can get the job done, but is not as optimistic about Biden…

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