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September 11, 2023

Title: The DOJ’s Attack on Texas Sovereignty
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The DOJ has sued the state of Texas over the use of floating devices in parts of the Rio Grande to discourage illegal immigrants and cartel members from crossing the southern border into Texas. Today, Carine Martinez explains some of the laws regarding states’ rights to defend themselves against foreign invaders.

Carine Martinez joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation in 2016 and is campaign director of Secure and Sovereign Texas and has been director of research and publications since 2021. As campaign director, she oversees the Foundation’s initiative to look for additional and innovative policy solutions for the state of Texas to help secure its southern border.

Click here  to read Carine’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here  to read more from Carine Martinez.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must Texas stand firm against the Department of Justice and the Biden Administration’s refusal to defend the sovereignty of Texas?

Side Note: Carine is from France. Why did she choose to legally immigrate to America, specifically Austin, Texas?

Does the US Constitution explicitly make an exception to federal war powers to allow states to defend themselves against sudden foreign aggression?

Does the Constitution or any law deprive states the power to exclude from their sovereign territory people who have no right to be there?

Does the Texas Constitution explicitly grant the Governor the power to call forth the militia to execute laws for the state and to repeal invasions?

Click here  to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to protect individual liberty for all Texans.

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July 28, 2023

Title: The DOJ’s Attack on Texas Sovereignty
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The DOJ has sued the state of Texas over the use of floating devices in parts of the Rio Grande to discourage illegal immigrants and cartel members from crossing the southern border into Texas. Today, Carine Martinez explains some of the laws regarding states’ rights to defend themselves against foreign invaders.

Carine Martinez joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation in 2016 and is campaign director of Secure and Sovereign Texas and has been director of research and publications since 2021. As campaign director, she oversees the Foundation’s initiative to look for additional and innovative policy solutions for the state of Texas to help secure its southern border.

Click here  to read Carine’s op-ed on this important issue.

Click here  to read more from Carine Martinez.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must Texas stand firm against the Department of Justice and the Biden Administration’s refusal to defend the sovereignty of Texas?

Side Note: Carine is from France. Why did she choose to legally immigrate to America, specifically Austin, Texas?

Does the US Constitution explicitly make an exception to federal war powers to allow states to defend themselves against sudden foreign aggression?

Does the Constitution or any law deprive states the power to exclude from their sovereign territory people who have no right to be there?

Does the Texas Constitution explicitly grant the Governor the power to call forth the militia to execute laws for the state and to repeal invasions?

Click here  to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation as they continue to protect individual liberty for all Texans.

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May 5, 2017

Title: Business Avoid Depressed Areas
Topic: Government Subsidies
Discussed by Carine Martinez
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Why should you care about legislation regarding grocery stores? Why do businesses avoid economically depressed areas? Could it be because the areas are not safe and insurance is unattainable?

New guest Carine Martinez-Gouhier is the Managing Editor at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Her areas of expertise include: corporate welfare and cronyism, economic freedom, capitalism, business ethics and corporate social responsibility, and K-12 education reform. Carine will be discussing the details of HB3324 and what you can do to stop it.

Note: Carine is from France. Enjoy her beautiful accent!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a food “desert”? (Not dessert.)

Why do big grocery store chains avoid economically depressed areas?

Should the government allow tax subsidies for groceries stores in economically depressed areas?

Why are economically depressed areas considered high-risk?

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