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March 5, 2018

Title: Leaders are Chosen in the Primary
Topic: Leaders are Chosen in the Primary
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Some leaders, like State Representative Dwayne Bohac (R-Dist 138), deserve to serve our great state for years – even decades. Others do not.

Leaders are chosen in the Primary. Do your research. Vote wisely. And never vote alone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are most Elected Officials really elected in the Primary?

In Texas, you must register to vote thirty days prior to the first day of Primary Voting. Some states require that voters register as either Republican or Democrat (or something else). Texas does not. Listen as Dwayne explains more about this process…

Are there numerous ballot propositions in addition to many elected offices on this year’s Primary Ballot?

Listen as State Representative Dwayne Bohac explains the legality of using sample ballots in the voting booth. Dwayne even recommends using Terry Lowry’s the LINK Letter sample ballot. NOTE: You may NOT use your smart phone. You must have a paper copy of the sample ballot.

NOTE: Use the “Information”  tab on our homepage for all the information regarding the March Primary, including sample ballots and Early Voting Maps for many counties in Texas.

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February 15, 2018

Title: Leaders are Chosen in the Primary
Topic: Leaders are Chosen in the Primary
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Some leaders, like State Representative Dwayne Bohac (R-Dist 138), deserve to serve our great state for years – even decades. Others do not.

Leaders are chosen in the Primary. Do your research. Vote wisely. And never vote alone.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are most Elected Officials really elected in the Primary?

In Texas, you must register to vote thirty days prior to the first day of Primary Voting. Some states require that voters register as either Republican or Democrat (or something else). Texas does not. Listen as Dwayne explains more about this process…

Are there numerous ballot propositions in addition to many elected offices on this year’s Primary Ballot?

Listen as State Representative Dwayne Bohac explains the legality of using sample ballots in the voting booth. Dwayne even recommends using Terry Lowry’s the LINK Letter sample ballot. NOTE: You may NOT use your smart phone. You must have a paper copy of the sample ballot.

NOTE: Use the “Information”  tab on our homepage for all the information regarding the March Primary, including sample ballots and Early Voting Maps for many counties in Texas.

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October 25, 2017

Title: Part 1 - Propositions 1 and 2 on November 7 Ballot
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

In 2017, the 85th Texas Legislature passed seven joint resolutions proposing amendments to the State Constitution. These proposed amendments will be offered for approval by the voters of Texas on the November 7, 2017.



Dwayne Bohac represents Texas House District 138 in Houston. Over the next three segments, Dwayne will break down each proposed amendment into more detail. For more information on Dwayne, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FACT: The Texas Constitution has been amended 491 times since its conception. How many Amendments have been proposed, though?

PROPOSITION 1 (HJR 21) Deals with exempting part of the property taxes for disabled veterans and surviving spouses.

PROPOSITION 2 (SJR 60) Deals with home equity and would enable agricultural property owners the ability to access their home equity.

Click here for all the details about the upcoming November 7 Election. Simply select your county and the information you need, either a Sample Ballot or Early Voting Locations.

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Title: part 2 - Propositions 3, 4, and 5 on November 7 Ballot
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (



Questions/Issues Discussed:

PROPOSITION 3 (SJR 34) Deals with the term of office of appointed officials by the Governor who were confirmed by the Senate.

PROPOSITION 4 (SJR 6) Deals with challenging state statutes.

PROPOSITION 5 (HJR 100) Deals with allowing professional sports teams to hold charitable raffles.

Click here  for all the details about the upcoming November 7 Election. Simply select your county and the information you need, either a Sample Ballot or Early Voting Locations.

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Title: Part 3 - Propositions 6 and 7 on November 7 Ballot
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (



Questions/Issues Discussed:

PROPOSITION 6 (SJR 1) Deals with exempting part of the property taxes for the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.

PROPOSITION 7 (HJR 37) Allows credit unions and other financial institutions the ability to award prizes by lot to promote savings.

Click here  for all the details about the upcoming November 7 Election. Simply select your county and the information you need, either a Sample Ballot or Early Voting Locations.

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March 26, 2015

Title: Beefing up Security
Topic: Border Security
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

The effects of weak border security measures are astounding. Drugs, gang members, crime, and human trafficking are getting worse every year. State Representative Dwayne Bohac (R-Houston) has authored two bills which, if passed, will significantly strengthen border security and help law enforcement crackdown on border-related crime. HB11, the “Stronger Border, Safer Texas Act,” will dramatically increase the number of Department of Public Safety (DPS) Troopers in the border region, impose tougher penalties on smugglers, and provide more resources for police statewide. HB1450 will establish the Texas Border Security Division, focusing on the break-up of cartels throughout the southern border region.

Representative Bohac says, “Even though protecting our border is Washington’s responsibility, we have to step in and be the adults because they are not doing their job. The guns, drugs, people, and crime don’t stay on the border,” he continues. “They spread throughout the entire country.”

He also discusses how much money has been spent in the past on border security and what the current proposed budget is. How will new projects and initiatives be funded? How much will it cost the taxpayers? Is it worth it? Where do we draw line, folks? Representative Bohac compares securing the border of our nation to a family securing their own home. “It’s not unloving,” he says. “It’s the opposite…We have a duty as a home owner – as a country – to protect those we love. That’s all we’re trying to do.

To learn more about this and other issues dear to Representative Dwayne Bohac, click [here].

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March 10, 2015

Title: Character Education
Topic: Education
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Albert Einstein once said: “Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: It is character.” State Representative Dwayne Bohac says too many kids are simply not up to par when they graduate because they have not been taught “character traits”. He points out, “It’s not about the money; it’s about the character.”

The infusion of traits like self-discipline, persistence, gratitude, optimism, hope, kindness, honesty, and courage are what children need to be taught. We can’t always rely on their parents or whoever is raising them to instill these traits in kids.

Dwayne believes all of these character development traits must be coupled with academic lessons – math, reading, writing, history, science – everything. Listen in as Representative Bohac explains that he is not getting this idea from theologians; these are behavioral scientists – some who may be atheists! “It does not cost a great deal of money, but it does require effort, especially from parents.”

Parents must become more involved in their children’s school work and activities; they are, after all, our future. If children aren’t productive during their school years, it is likely that they won’t be productive or successful in life. Dwayne cites a study from Oregon State University that found some shocking results when students were taught character traits along with their academic lessons. Listen in for the results and to hear more about the bill Dwayne is going to file soon concerning this matter.

You can find more from Dwayne [here].

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February 4, 2015

Title: Texas Legislator Files Major Property Tax Relief Bill
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Dwayne Bohac is nicknamed the “Taxpayer’s Best Friend for a Reason. "Texas homeowners need a break," he says. "With the inflated price of real estate in our state right now, Texans are taking a hit on the front end when they purchase a home and again annually as their appraisals grow exponentially".

Every Legislative Session, Dwayne files some sort of property tax relief bill and this year is no exception. He has filed two bills to help home owners: HB 957 and HB 958. HB 957 will reduce the appraisal cap from 10 percent to 5 percent, while HB 958 will increase the standard homestead exemption from $15,000 to $30,000 for school district tax purposes.

Listen in as Representative Bohac discusses these bills and what they mean for home owners in Texas.

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November 24, 2014

Title: Let's All Say "Merry Christmas!"
Topic: Merry Christmas
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

The attacks from the left on Christmas are more than just a “Bah Humbug”. They are determined to drive any shred or sign of faith out of the public square. Isn’t it time Christians stood up and said “Not on my watch!”

Back in 2013, Dwayne Bohac authored and passed a bill which allows students, teachers, and administrators the right to say “Merry Christmas” and sing religious songs during Christmastime. Dwayne Bohac explains what prompted him to author this bill.

The Merry Christmas Law protects expressions of Christmas in our state’s public schools and stops anti-First Amendment forces from banning or suppressing them. Sadly, the ACLU has not given up. They are still attacking public schools and the nation’s public life as a whole. Teachers are fearful of losing their jobs or their principal will retaliate against them. The district leaders are hesitant to allow “Christmas Talk” because they don’t want to be sued by the ACLU. Guess what teachers and administrators: Texas has you covered!

Dwayne still needs your help. Please log on to  to sign the petition to protect Christmas! It’s easy and takes less than 30 seconds. Share the link on Facebook and Twitter; send an email to your contact list. There is even a page to print the Merry Christmas Law Summary to share with the principal of your kids’ school. Report the school’s response, whether it is positive or negative, but especially if they take offense to the law. We need to know so we can educate them on the law!

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January 25, 2013

Title: Should Teachers in Texas be Allowed to say “Merry Christmas”?
Topic: Political Correctness
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Are teachers being forced to overlook their personal religious beliefs in order to “please” everyone in the school?

Should they be allowed to say “Merry Christmas” or “Christmas Tree” instead of “Happy Holidays” and “Holiday Tree”?

While we’re on the subject, the government should not allow teachers and state workers the day off for a “religious” holiday - they should have to work! I’m not being ridiculous; I’m using “their” logic like they do on “us”.

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March 6, 2012

Title: Since Life Is A Highway, Take the Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway, Today!
Topic: Projects
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dwayne Bohac answers:

Why did you receive the Wind Champion Award?

Who said: "My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way"?

In 2005, the Texas legislature unanimously passed the House Bill 540 - What is the House Bill 540 about?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Projects
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

What inspired you to author House Bill 540?

Are the majority of Texans driving on U.S. 290 unaware their daily commute is on the Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway?

What was the vision/goal for this year? By donating funds, how could someone forever be a part of history?

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October 19, 2005

Title: How to stop the spread of gangs and graffiti
Topic: Gangs
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Gang activity- the sale of drugs, rape, robberies, murder, and graffiti, is spreading throughout our listening area. What can we do about it? What we must do!

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October 17, 2005

Title: How to stop the spread of gangs and graffiti
Topic: Gangs
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Gang activity- the sale of drugs, rape, robberies, murder, and graffiti is spreading throughout our listening area. What can we do about it? What must we do!

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October 13, 2005

Title: How to stop the spread of gangs and graffiti
Topic: Gangs
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Gang activity- the sale of drugs, rape, robberies, murder, and grafitti- is spreading thoughout our listening area. What can we do about it? What must we do!

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