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December 22, 2023

Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas: Unto Us
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues the Christmas Mini Series on the four names given to Christ the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6: The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Pastor Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


AS MIGHTY GOD: Jesus is the light of the world.

How is God’s Word a light to our path? (Psalm 119:105) Are we basically blind wandering through life aimlessly without knowing the Word? (Revelation 21:23; John 8:12)

AS MIGHTY GOD: Jesus has all power and authority.

David was a flawed man. How did God use him for the Kingdom? (1 Chronicles 19:11)

What did Peter write about Jesus, Mighty God? (Acts 2:22)

AS MIGHTY GOD: Jesus brought salvation.

Why did God desire to bring us salvation?

Can we have a truly beautiful relationship with God through Jesus? (Isaiah 12:2; Acts 4:12; John 3:16)


Jesus is our hope, light, joy, and peace.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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December 21, 2023

Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas: Unto Us
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues the Christmas Mini Series on the four names given to Christ the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6: The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Pastor Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


AS MIGHTY GOD: Jesus is like no other.

How is God different than man-made “gods”? (Isaiah 45:18)

Why should we be bold in our faith and tell others the Truth about the Gospel? Pastor Scott encourages us to not be politically correct. Is there any jealousy between The Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit? (Isaiah 42:8) How did Jesus change everything? (John 14:6; 1 Corinthians 1:23-24; Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:15-16; Matthew 28:18)

AS MIGHTY GOD: Jesus is the light of the world.

How is LIGHT one of the characteristics of God? (Isaiah 9:2; Genesis 1:3; 1 John 1:5; John 1:4-5,9) What is the “light”? Are we witnessing events today that are pure evil? Pastor Scott mentions the war in the Middle East…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 20, 2023

Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas: Unto Us
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues the Christmas Mini Series on the four names given to Christ the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6: The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Pastor Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Yesterday, Pastor Scott discussed the peoples’ opinion and belief about the government, kings, and “gods”. (1 Kings 18:29)

How is the Creator God different than all other “gods”? Do you have hope and joy knowing the Creator God is taking care of you in every situation – good or bad?

The Mighty God (Jesus) brings us so many things. Pastor Scott discusses the importance of following true Biblical theology and not what other religions say about Jesus the Messiah – the Mighty God. Tune in tomorrow as he preaches more on this. (Isaiah 45:18)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 19, 2023

Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas: Unto Us
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues the Christmas Mini Series on the four names given to Christ the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6: The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Pastor Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Did many people believe Isaiah’s prophecy of the virgin birth – the birth of Jesus? Pastor Scott discusses some of the “scholarly opinions”.

How did the ancient people view the government at the time? Did they think the new king would be from the government? (Deuteronomy 10:17) This is important! Listen closely…

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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December 18, 2023

Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas: Unto Us
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues the Christmas Mini Series on the four names given to Christ the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6: The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Pastor Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Are you impressed by the name of God? Pastor Riling shares what he feels during worship time at church and reminds us that God – the Creator of the universe – wants a relationship with us forever.

What prompted this prophecy by Isaiah? What were the people experiencing? What was the king’s response to the peoples’ pleas?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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September 29, 2023

Title: Real Faith has Good Works
Topic: The Book of James
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” James 2:24: “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

So, which is it?

Pastor Scott Riling continues the sermon series on the book of James. Their desire during this series is for you to grow in a sincere and genuine faith, firmly knowing what you believe and why, and then living out that belief in your daily interactions with those in your home and community.

Scripture Passage: James 2:14-26

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


How can the Holy Spirit help us fight the flesh? (Galatians 5:16-21)

Do you ever have weak moments when you give in to your flesh? We all do! How can we stop giving in to temptation?

Some people live their life void of salvation until the last possible moment. What if they are never given the opportunity to do “good works”? Will they still spend eternity in Heaven? Pastor Scott gives an excellent answer for this question.

What if your faith isn’t “working”? Is there an obvious difference in your life from non-believers? What can you do to “fix” that? (2 Corinthians 13:5-6)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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September 28, 2023

Title: Real Faith has Good Works
Topic: The Book of James
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” James 2:24: “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

So, which is it?

Pastor Scott Riling continues the sermon series on the book of James. Their desire during this series is for you to grow in a sincere and genuine faith, firmly knowing what you believe and why, and then living out that belief in your daily interactions with those in your home and community.

Scripture Passage: James 2:14-26

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Yesterday, Pastor Scott asked the question: How do we know if we’ve “done enough” good works? Today, he reads more from James 2 and explains what the verses mean to us today.

How are Abraham and Rahab the prostitute similar?

What are “good works” anyway? Pastor Scott gives several examples and reminds us that there is always something more we can do – even if that is simply praying for someone!

How can seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit help us fight the flesh? (Galatians 5:16-21)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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September 27, 2023

Title: Real Faith has Good Works
Topic: The Book of James
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” James 2:24: “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

So, which is it?

Pastor Scott Riling continues the sermon series on the book of James. Their desire during this series is for you to grow in a sincere and genuine faith, firmly knowing what you believe and why, and then living out that belief in your daily interactions with those in your home and community.

Scripture Passage: James 2:14-26

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Is there a right kind of faith? Is there a right kind of Christianity? Is true faith lived out in works? (Johns 2:23-25)

Is having a saving faith more than just believing the right things? (Mark 12:28-34) Pastor Scott reminds us that even Satan believes in God and His son Jesus! He knows everything about the Bible, but he is the sworn enemy of God.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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September 26, 2023

Title: Real Faith has Good Works
Topic: The Book of James
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” James 2:24: “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

So, which is it?

Pastor Scott Riling continues the sermon series on the book of James. Their desire during this series is for you to grow in a sincere and genuine faith, firmly knowing what you believe and why, and then living out that belief in your daily interactions with those in your home and community.

Scripture Passage: James 2:14-26

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Does salvation come through faith in Christ alone? (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:12-13)

Is there a “checklist” of things we have to do in order to “prove” our faith? How do we know if we’ve “done enough” good works?

Can good works “make-up” for a lack of faith? Pastor Scott explains why he believes the two go hand-in-hand.

Is there a right kind of faith? Is there a right kind of Christianity? (Johns 2:23-25)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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September 25, 2023

Title: Real Faith has Good Works
Topic: The Book of James
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” James 2:24: “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

So, which is it?

Pastor Scott Riling continues the sermon series on the book of James. Their desire during this series is for you to grow in a sincere and genuine faith, firmly knowing what you believe and why, and then living out that belief in your daily interactions with those in your home and community.

Scripture Passage: James 2:14-26

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Favoritism is Unloving (James 2:8-11)

What is the Royal Law – the Kingly Law? Why did James reference Leviticus 19:18 to the people? Was it really that important?

If we have the means to help others, why don’t we do it more often? What would Jesus do? Pastor Scott begins the segment today reading from the Scripture in James, explaining that “works” is the whole point of the passage.

Does salvation come through faith in Christ alone? (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:12-13)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 14, 2023

Title: He Knows Your Name
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Scott Riling continues the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 139.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Yesterday, Pastor Riling discussed the inspirational life of Dave Busby. His story is so moving, that we are replaying a few minutes of that testimony today. Click here to view some of his sermons on YouTube.

GOD WANTS YOUR HEART (Psalm 139:23-24)

We can do all the works and all the things and talk about God all the time, but it doesn’t mean anything if we haven’t given Him our heart! So, why does God want us to give Him our heart? Pastor Scott explains why “self-deception” is so dangerous.

What is in your heart? What if God opened your heart and showed others your desires? Yikes! I know that thought is scary to me!

How can we change our hearts, though? How can we gain His righteousness? How can we live our lives to live for Him alone?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 13, 2023

Title: He Knows Your Name
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling continues the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 139.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at



Why do we exist?

How did a man, a prophet, and a king (all centuries apart) know that God created us? Did they know the pattern of DNA? Did they study textbooks? NO! They just knew! (Job 10:11; Jeremiah 1:5; Genesis 2:7)

Is a baby in the womb a “real human being”? Pastor Riling passionately reminds us that every person is formed by God – beginning in a mother’s womb.


Does God really think about us?

Have you ever experienced a situation that you thought you’d never make through? Have you ever received a horrible health diagnosis? Have you suffered through broken relationships? Pastor Riling discusses the inspirational story of Dave Busby. Click here to view some of his sermons on YouTube.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 12, 2023

Title: He Knows Your Name
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Scott Riling continues the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 139.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU (Psalm 139:7-12)

Does God really exist everywhere at all times? (Deuteronomy 31:8)

What did Jesus teach about God’s presence in our lives? (Matthew 28:16-20; John 14:17-18)

Can we manifest the power of God? Pastor Riling discusses the 1987 movie “Out on a Limb” starring Shirley MacLaine. Is anything more powerful than God?


Why did God take such great care creating us? (Job 10:11; Jeremiah 1:5; Genesis 2:7)

Why do we exist?

How did a man, a prophet, and a king (all centuries apart) know that God created us? Did they know the pattern of DNA? Did they study textbooks? NO! They just knew!

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling passionately reminds us that every person is formed by God – beginning in a mother’s womb.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 11, 2023

Title: He Knows Your Name
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Scott Riling continues the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 139.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at



What is the context behind Psalm 139? Why did David write this Psalm?
Have you ever tried to hide something from God? How has that worked out for you?
Society likes to say: “Follow your heart.” Is this good advice? (Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23)
Society also likes to say: “Live your truth.” Is this good advice? (John 14:6; Matthew 6:33)
Who are the enemies of Christ? We are – before we come to Christ! (Romans 5:10)
Why does God pursue us? Why does God search our heart?

GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU (Psalm 139:7-12)

Does God really exist everywhere at all times? (Deuteronomy 31:8) Pastor Riling remembers the tragedy of the titan submarine and also discusses the wonder of space travel…

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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July 10, 2023

Title: He Knows Your Name
Topic: Summer in the Psalms
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Scott Riling continues the summer sermon series “Summer in the Psalms” with Psalm 139.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Is Christianity all about God’s love, grace, and mercy? Is Christianity all about God’s wrath and judgment? Pastor Riling reminds us that God is intentional in all He does; that is what separates Him from us.

What is the importance of prayer? Do you sometimes struggle to know how to pray or what to pray? How can the Bible help us pray? Is it okay to just read Scripture as a prayer?

Who was David? Was he always a “good guy”? How did he become king of Israel? Did God know that David would fail over and over again?


What is the context behind Psalm 139? Why did David write this Psalm? Have you ever tried to hide something from God? How has that worked out for you?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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December 2, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW FREEDOM: Exodus 12:33-51

How long had the Israelites been in captivity?
Did God provide financial support for the Israelites for their journey to freedom?
When and how were the Israelites freed? Was this a true miracle?
How does the Israelites’ freedom represent our freedom in Christ? (Romans 6:22)
What did Jesus say about salvation – about the Truth? (John 8:32; John 8:36)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 1, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After their initial obedience and trust in God, did the Israelites keep their faith in God alone? Where are you right now? Where is your trust? Do you have sin in your life that you need to confess to God?

Does God really love and treat every single person the same? Pastor Scott reminds us that God is the God of ALL people, not just one particular group. (Joshua 24:14; Zechariah 2:11; Genesis 22; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:29; John 1:29)

What is the purpose of salvation in Jesus Christ? How can one be saved in Jesus Christ? What is required for salvation in Jesus Christ? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 24:44)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 30, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we stress out during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter? Why do we think everything has to be perfect? Pastor Scott urges us to remember what each of those holidays actually represents: God and His son, Jesus Christ.

NEW FORGIVENESS: Exodus 12:7-13
What were God’s instructions for the blood of the lamb?
How does the blood of the lamb represent the blood of Jesus Christ?
What can we learn from the Apostles in the New Testament about the blood sacrifice of The Lamb?
What were the plagues that God told Moses to warn the people about? What was the purpose of each plague? How did God show that He was better than the other gods?
How did the blood of the lamb on the doorposts prove the people’s trust in God?
How does baptism show our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 29, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:3-6; 24-27
Fun Fact: This is the first time the people of Israel were called a “congregation”.
What was the new required sacrifice?
What were God’s specific instructions about the lamb as a sacrifice?
Why did God want the sacrifice to be personal?
Why did God instruct the people to pass this tradition down to their children?
How does the lamb sacrifice represent Jesus?

NOTE: During this segment, Pastor Scott tells what he and others witnessed during a mission trip to Cairo, Egypt, when it came time for the people of the city to prepare the meat for the festival meal. The details of this might be a little upsetting to some listeners.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 28, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did God give specific instructions for The Passover? What were those instructions? Was He trying to teach the people a lesson or was He preparing them for something new and special? Was He also mending His relationship with the people through The Passover?

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:1-2

Why did God give Moses and Aaron a new calendar? Did God also give them a new set of rules – laws? Why did God give specific instructions for the new Tabernacle? How does this point to Jesus Christ? More on the New Beginning tomorrow…

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 25, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW FREEDOM: Exodus 12:33-51

How long had the Israelites been in captivity?
Did God provide financial support for the Israelites for their journey to freedom?
When and how were the Israelites freed? Was this a true miracle?
How does the Israelites’ freedom represent our freedom in Christ? (Romans 6:22)
What did Jesus say about salvation – about the Truth? (John 8:32; John 8:36)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 24, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After their initial obedience and trust in God, did the Israelites keep their faith in God alone? Where are you right now? Where is your trust? Do you have sin in your life that you need to confess to God?

Does God really love and treat every single person the same? Pastor Scott reminds us that God is the God of ALL people, not just one particular group. (Joshua 24:14; Zechariah 2:11; Genesis 22; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:29; John 1:29)

What is the purpose of salvation in Jesus Christ? How can one be saved in Jesus Christ? What is required for salvation in Jesus Christ? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 24:44)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 23, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we stress out during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter? Why do we think everything has to be perfect? Pastor Scott urges us to remember what each of those holidays actually represents: God and His son, Jesus Christ.

NEW FORGIVENESS: Exodus 12:7-13
What were God’s instructions for the blood of the lamb?
How does the blood of the lamb represent the blood of Jesus Christ?
What can we learn from the Apostles in the New Testament about the blood sacrifice of The Lamb?
What were the plagues that God told Moses to warn the people about? What was the purpose of each plague? How did God show that He was better than the other gods?
How did the blood of the lamb on the doorposts prove the people’s trust in God?
How does baptism show our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 22, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:3-6; 24-27
Fun Fact: This is the first time the people of Israel were called a “congregation”.
What was the new required sacrifice?
What were God’s specific instructions about the lamb as a sacrifice?
Why did God want the sacrifice to be personal?
Why did God instruct the people to pass this tradition down to their children?
How does the lamb sacrifice represent Jesus?

NOTE: During this segment, Pastor Scott tells what he and others witnessed during a mission trip to Cairo, Egypt, when it came time for the people of the city to prepare the meat for the festival meal. The details of this might be a little upsetting to some listeners.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 21, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did God give specific instructions for The Passover? What were those instructions? Was He trying to teach the people a lesson or was He preparing them for something new and special? Was He also mending His relationship with the people through The Passover?

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:1-2

Why did God give Moses and Aaron a new calendar? Did God also give them a new set of rules – laws? Why did God give specific instructions for the new Tabernacle? How does this point to Jesus Christ? More on the New Beginning tomorrow…

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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June 24, 2022

Title: Lesson 18: Various Passages from Luke
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Scott Riling subs in for Mark Lanier this week with more Snapshots of Jesus examining different passages from the Gospel of LUKE.

His focus will be on three areas:
The kindness of God.
The strength of God.
The loyalty of God.

To view Pastor Scott Riling’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Paul rely on the strength of God?
Would it have been super easy for Paul to give up and just quit – or even die?
Who did Paul give all the glory to?
Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:13

Was Peter loyal to God? How did Jesus respond to Peter’s disloyalty?
Was Peter sorry? Did he ask for forgiveness?
Have we all been “Peter” at one time?
How is Jesus loyal to US? Why does he intercede on our behalf?
Why is God loyal to US? We don’t deserve it! But he is 100% loyal ALWAYS.
How is YOUR loyalty to God? Could your loyalty use a boost? Soak up the Scriptures!

Scripture References: Hebrews 7:25; Luke 6:35-36

Always be kind.
Walk in the strength and wisdom of God.
Be loyal to a fault.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 23, 2022

Title: Lesson 18: Various Passages from Luke
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling subs in for Mark Lanier this week with more Snapshots of Jesus examining different passages from the Gospel of LUKE.

His focus will be on three areas:
The kindness of God.
The strength of God.
The loyalty of God.

To view Pastor Scott Riling’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Does Scripture say that God will not give you more than you can handle? NOPE! He will, however, give you the strength to handle anything!

What can we learn from others about the strength of the Lord? Pastor Riling uses Paul as an example…

Why is important to recognize and announce our weaknesses?

Should we also rely on the strength of others to help us?

Pastor Riling reminds us that “God is not the God of the gaps”. In other words, God is not just there when we need Him. He is there ALWAYS! Go to Him with EVERYTHING, especially with your thankfulness and praise.

Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 12:2; 1 John 15:5

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 22, 2022

Title: Lesson 18: Various Passages from Luke
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling subs in for Mark Lanier this week with more Snapshots of Jesus examining different passages from the Gospel of LUKE.

His focus will be on three areas:
The kindness of God.
The strength of God.
The loyalty of God.

To view Pastor Scott Riling’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

LUKE 6:32-36
Are these verses often misinterpreted and/or misunderstood?
How can we begin to really love everyone like Christ does?
Why is God so kind to us? Do we deserve nothing but punishment and death from Him?
How did David show kindness to others like God showed to him?
What parables did Jesus talk about the kindness of his Father God? (Luke 15)
Why does Pastor Riling call the Parable of the Prodigal Son the “Story of the Loving Father”?
How can God deliver justice and discipline while also being kind and merciful?

LUKE 18:18-27
Why did the rich young man ask Jesus about heaven?
When he heard Jesus’ answer, why did he become sad?

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 9:1-8

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 21, 2022

Title: Lesson 18: Various Passages from Luke
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Scott Riling subs in for Mark Lanier this week with more Snapshots of Jesus examining different passages from the Gospel of LUKE.

His focus will be on three areas:
The kindness of God.
The strength of God.
The loyalty of God.

To view Pastor Scott Riling’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

LUKE 6:32-36

Who does God show kindness and mercy to? Just good people? Just really, really good people? Do murderers deserve kindness and mercy?

Are there many ways to heaven – many ways to be saved? SHORT ANSWER: Nope. Just one.

If God is kind and loving, why is there evil in the world? Pastor Riling talks briefly about the Collins funeral that was held at CFBC last week. He also offers some perspectives.

Do you really love everyone like Christ does? Really? Everyone??? Think about it…

How can we begin to really love everyone like Christ does?

Are these verses often misinterpreted and/or misunderstood?

Scripture References: John 6:44

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 20, 2022

Title: Lesson 18: Various Passages from Luke
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Scott Riling subs in for Mark Lanier this week with more Snapshots of Jesus examining different passages from the Gospel of LUKE.

His focus will be on three areas:
The kindness of God.
The strength of God.
The loyalty of God.

To view Pastor Scott Riling’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

: LUKE 6:32-36
How is the kindness of God interpreted by different people? Is God only concerned about justice and discipline? Is God only a nice and loving God?
What does the kindness of God mean to you?
Who was Johnathan Edwards (1703-1758)? What did he say about God? Was he right? Is his perspective the only perspective?
What is predestination? If the predestination of God is fact, then how can man have free will?
Who does God show kindness and mercy to? Just good people? Just really, really good people? Do murderers deserve kindness and mercy?

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 7:6; Romans 8:29-30; Romans 9:14-16; John 6:44

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 25, 2022

Title: The Humble Beginnings of the Corinthian Church
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

It is important to realize that our world is vastly different than it was 2000 years ago. Does that mean that the Bible is irrelevant? Absolutely not! It is still 100% true and authentic and applies to every aspect of our lives today.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues with the Acts Forward sermon series with a close look at the life of Paul and beginning of the Church at Corinth.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 18:1-23

Questions/Issues Discussed:


When Paul wanted to travel further into Asia, why did the Spirit of Jesus stop him? Did Paul listen to the Spirit?

Do you ever want to do something, but you get an uneasy feeling? That’s the Holy Spirit!

How did Paul put his words into action?

Did Paul know better than to promise the Corinthians that he would be back to visit them? What did he say he would do instead?

Hymn of Invitation
: God So Loved the World (We the Kingdom)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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March 24, 2022

Title: The Humble Beginnings of the Corinthian Church
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

It is important to realize that our world is vastly different than it was 2000 years ago. Does that mean that the Bible is irrelevant? Absolutely not! It is still 100% true and authentic and applies to every aspect of our lives today.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues with the Acts Forward sermon series with a close look at the life of Paul and beginning of the Church at Corinth.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 18:1-23

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you ever feel awkward sharing the Gospel? We all feel that way sometimes! Pastor Scott shares about a new app called “Life on Mission” created by the North American Mission Board. Click here for more information and to download the app.


Will every person see Jesus in a dream like Paul?
Did Paul only receive his guidance and commands from God through dreams?
If Paul didn’t have a “Bible”, how did he receive his commands and guidance?


Did Jesus promise an easy life as a Christian? Or did he warn of opposition?
Paul had already been persecuted many times; he expected to be persecuted again. What was different when he was brought before the tribunal in Corinth?
Sosthenes was the leader of the synagogue. Why did the tribunal beat him?
Do you ever wonder why people reject the Gospel? Why do people get so offensive about the thought of a loving savior named Jesus?

Scripture References: Matthew 28:20; Matthew 10:22; John 15:18; Romans 8:7

Tune in tomorrow for Pastor Scott Riling’s applications for this sermon and his invitation to trust and believe in Jesus. NOTE: You don’t have to wait until tomorrow. If you would like to talk to a pastor or counselor now, please call 281.440.3800. Don’t wait! Do it now!

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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March 23, 2022

Title: The Humble Beginnings of the Corinthian Church
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

It is important to realize that our world is vastly different than it was 2000 years ago. Does that mean that the Bible is irrelevant? Absolutely not! It is still 100% true and authentic and applies to every aspect of our lives today.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues with the Acts Forward sermon series with a close look at the life of Paul and beginning of the Church at Corinth.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 18:1-23

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Was Paul afraid to go to Corinth?
Who was he looking for?
What did Paul do at the Synagogue?
Why did he join the tentmakers? Who did he meet while he was making tents?
Why did Paul write about the importance of being with other believers? Pastor Scott talks of the importance of being part of a small group. Yes – even if you’re an introvert.


How did Paul share the Gospel while he was making tents?
What happened when Paul shared the Gospel? Was he well received?
Did Paul basically tell the unbelievers “That’s on you” when they rejected him?
Were there other believers in Corinth? Did they help Paul?
Did others come to faith in Christ because of Paul’s faithfulness?

Scripture References: Ezekial 33; 1 Corinthian 12; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 10:25

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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March 22, 2022

Title: The Humble Beginnings of the Corinthian Church
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

It is important to realize that our world is vastly different than it was 2000 years ago. Does that mean that the Bible is irrelevant? Absolutely not! It is still 100% true and authentic and applies to every aspect of our lives today.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues with the Acts Forward sermon series with a close look at the life of Paul and beginning of the Church at Corinth.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 18:1-23

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Paul feel compelled to write letters to the Corinthians?

Paul was a smart guy. In fact, he was a really smart guy. However, he didn’t trust in his own intellect. Instead, he relied on God’s wisdom and guidance. Why did he write to the Corinthians about this?

Were the Corinthians guilty of acting “spiritually superior”? Were they, in fact, filled with sin? Pastor Scott reminds us that they were just human beings like we are, saying: “We are capable of extraordinary things, but we’re also capable of things that are not so extraordinary or glorious or something to brag about.”


Why did Paul write to the Church at Corinth of the importance of being with other believers? Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Scott encourages us to fellowship with other believers.

Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; 2 Corinthians 8:7

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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March 21, 2022

Title: The Humble Beginnings of the Corinthian Church
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

It is important to realize that our world is vastly different than it was 2000 years ago. Does that mean that the Bible is irrelevant? Absolutely not! It is still 100% true and authentic and applies to every aspect of our lives today.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues with the Acts Forward sermon series with a close look at the life of Paul and beginning of the Church at Corinth.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 18:1-23

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many people report that they are spiritual? Do many people report that they are religious? What is the difference?

How were the cities of Athens and Corinth different? Pastor Scott gives a little history of the cities using a great visual map of the area. Click here and skip ahead to the 40-minute mark.

Why did God choose the city of Corinth to start a church?

Fun Fact: Paul actually wrote four letters to the Corinthian Church. Pastor Scott shares the details!

Scripture References: Acts 17:32-34; 1 Corinthian 11:1

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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February 25, 2022

Title: In Christ We Overcome
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Scott Riling continues in the Acts Forward series this week with a look at beginning of the second missionary journey of Paul. The journey did NOT start out well for him, but God had big plans.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 16:16-40

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(Acts 16:25-40)
Did Paul and Silas know that the jailer would be saved while they were in prison?
What happened when Paul and Silas sang and praised Jesus in prison?
Did the prisoners stay or run for their lives when the earthquake occurred?
Why did the jailer want to be saved? How did Paul and Silas respond?
Did others in the jailer’s house believe, too?
When Paul and Silas were told they were free to go, what did they do?

Pastor Riling reminds us today that there is nothing – absolutely nothing – that you could ever do to make God turn His back on you. There is always room at His table and in His arms.

Hymn of Invitation: Holy Ground, Passion ft. Melodie Malone

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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February 24, 2022

Title: In Christ We Overcome
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling continues in the Acts Forward series this week with a look at beginning of the second missionary journey of Paul. The journey did NOT start out well for him, but God had big plans.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 16:16-40

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday, Pastor Riling discussed some Scriptures dealing with spiritual warfare, reminding us that GOD breaks our chains. GOD battles for us.


Do not understand the devil and take him lightly. 2 Corinthians 2:10-11; 2 Corinthians 11:14; Acts 19
You do not have authority over the devil – Christ does! Matthew 28:18; Matthew 10:1; John 14:17; 1
Submit to Christ because He is your protector and your defender. Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 6:10-11; James 4:7

(Acts 16:19-24)
What happened to Paul and Silas after Paul cast the demon out of the young girl?
Why were they really angry with Paul and Silas? Was money all they really cared about?
Did Paul and Silas try to fight back? Or did they allow suffering for the cause of Christ? Pastor Riling admits that he has never purposefully ask to suffer for the cause of Christ. Have you?

(Acts 16:25-40)
Did Paul and Silas know that the jailer would be saved while they were in prison?
What happened when Paul and Silas sang and praised Jesus in prison?
Did the prisoners stay or run for their lives when the earthquake occurred?

More on this tomorrow as Pastor Riling closes his sermon.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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February 23, 2022

Title: In Christ We Overcome
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Scott Riling continues in the Acts Forward series this week with a look at beginning of the second missionary journey of Paul. The journey did NOT start out well for him, but God had big plans.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 16:16-40

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Why do we try on our own? We crave the good times, but when the bad times come, what do we do?

Pastor Riling reminds us that GOD breaks our chains. GOD battles for us.

Do not understand the devil and take him lightly. 2 Corinthians 2:10-11; 2 Corinthians 11:14; Acts 19

You do not have authority over the devil – Christ does! Matthew 28:18; Matthew 10:1; John 14:17; 1 John 4:4

Side Bar: Can a Christian be possessed by the devil? No. Can a Christian be oppressed by the devil? Yes. Pastor Riling says: “God is not going to share any part of the person He inhabits with Satan.”

Submit to Christ because He is your protector and your defender. Galatians 2:20

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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February 22, 2022

Title: In Christ We Overcome
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Scott Riling continues in the Acts Forward series this week with a look at beginning of the second missionary journey of Paul. The journey did NOT start out well for him, but God had big plans.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 16:16-40

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it so significant when the Holy Spirit speaks?

Who was the first person Paul and Silas met when they arrived in Macedonia? Why did Paul find her “annoying”? What was her “spirit of divination”? Was this a bad thing? How was Paul able to discern so quickly that the young girl was possessed by a demon?

What is “false gospel”? Pastor Riling believes we are seeing this today when people, especially believers, add to or take away from the Gospel. He says: “When we see a false gospel, we need to stand against it and proclaim the true Gospel.”

Why do we crave “mountain top experiences”? Is this wrong? Pastor Riling says not necessarily, but we need to be careful…

Book Reference: Piercing the Darkness, Frank E. Peretti

Scripture References: Luke 11

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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February 21, 2022

Title: In Christ We Overcome
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Scott Riling continues in the Acts Forward series this week with a look at beginning of the second missionary journey of Paul. The journey did NOT start out well for him, but God had big plans.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 16:16-40

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling starts out the sermon with a little background: the Holy Spirit forbade Paul and Timothy from speaking in Asia, the vision Paul had, where they went, and Paul’s dispute over John Mark with Barnabus. NOTE: Skip ahead at the link above to view the map of the region that Pastor Riling discusses in this portion.

Why is it so significant when the Holy Spirit speaks? Pastor Riling believes it shows a true intimacy between the believer and God.

Who was the first person Paul and Silas met when they arrived in Macedonia? Why did Paul find her “annoying”? Tune in tomorrow for more on this story…

Scripture References: Acts 15:28; Matthew 6:33

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 3, 2021

Title: The Church in Antioch
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling preaches on the importance of remembering the characteristics of The Church, using The Church in Antioch as an example. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 11:19-30

Questions/Issues Discussed:

This week, we have learned about the characteristics of The Church. But who is The Church? YOU ARE! Are you empowered for God? Are you on mission for God? Are you rooted in God’s Word? Are you compassionate?

Pastor Riling closes the sermon with John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Hymn of Invitation: Good, Good Father (Chris Tomlin)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 2, 2021

Title: The Church in Antioch
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling preaches on the importance of remembering the characteristics of The Church, using The Church in Antioch as an example. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 11:19-30

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why and how did the news of what the people were doing reach Jerusalem?

Why did Barnabus take Saul to Antioch? Pastor Riling reminds us that Saul (Paul) once persecuted Christians. What did he teach the people? Did he also give them a warning?

Is it important for a church to have compassion?

Did the people in Antioch show compassion even in the midst of suffering?

Scripture References: Galatians 5:22-23

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 1, 2021

Title: The Church in Antioch
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling preaches on the importance of remembering the characteristics of The Church, using The Church in Antioch as an example. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 11:19-30

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it hard for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel – the point of God’s plan?

Does your church have a heart for missions?

Why is it vital for churches to spread the Gospel everywhere? Pastor Riling reminds us that God already has the mission planned out; it’s our responsibility to be obedient and fulfill our mission.

What is the difference between evangelizing and going on mission?

Why should churches be rooted in the Word of God?

Were the Gentiles “worthy” of the Gospel?

Scripture References: Genesis 17

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 30, 2021

Title: The Church in Antioch
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling preaches on the importance of remembering the characteristics of The Church, using The Church in Antioch as an example. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 11:19-30

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If you were fleeing for your life as the Jews did, what would you be thinking and doing? Would you tell others about Jesus? Or would you run and hide?

Does your church show evidence of the Power of God?

Do you hold grudges? Do you wish ill on those who have wronged you? Pastor Riling reminds us of the story of Joseph, whose brothers sold him into slavery. How did his life change after tragedy and suffering? How did Joseph show the love of God to his brothers and others?

Will God sometimes use bad people to further His plan and purpose? Pastor Riling tells the story of Moses, who was saved by the daughter of the very king who was trying to kill him!

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 29, 2021

Title: The Church in Antioch
Topic: Forward: A Study Through Acts
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling preaches on the importance of remembering the characteristics of The Church, using The Church in Antioch as an example. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Acts 11:19-30

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it good to be reminded about characteristics of The Church?

After Stephen’s death, why were the people who scattered only preaching to other Jews? Pastor Riling gives a little geographical lesson of The Church…

If you were fleeing for your life as these people were, what would you be thinking and doing? Would you tell others about Jesus? Or would you run and hide? More on this tomorrow…

Scripture References: 2 Peter 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:14

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 27, 2021

Title: Authentic Fellowship
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Scott Riling is the pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week he discusses koinonia.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling shares a story about his Colorado airport shuttle driver, John. Sometimes you can learn so much from a simple conversation.

What was different about the Philippians that cause Paul to write such an honest and open letter to them?

What was missing from Paul’s prayer to the Philippians? (The list was discussed on Thursday) Pastor Riling says: “Paul’s prayers went to a much deeper level so that our relationship with Jesus would prevail.”

Scripture References: 1 Peter 3:15

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 26, 2021

Title: Authentic Fellowship
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling is the pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week he discusses koinonia.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we pray for one another?

How can we pray for one another? Paul outlined some things we can pray for in his letter to the Philippians:
 * Love to abound
 * Knowledge to increase
 * Discernment
 * Sincerity and blamelessness
 * Righteousness

Pastor Riling shares a story about his Colorado airport shuttle driver, John.  Sometimes you can learn so much from a simple conversation.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 25, 2021

Title: Authentic Fellowship
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Scott Riling is the pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week he discusses koinonia.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are you in unity with other believers? Why is unity important to our Christian walk – both individually and corporately?

How deep are your relationships with other believers? Pastor Riling references a sweet story from the book “Rhythms of the Heart” by Phil Cooke.

Scripture References: Matthew 15:8-9

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 24, 2021

Title: Authentic Fellowship
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Scott Riling is the pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week he discusses koinonia.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Paul thinking about the Philippians? He probably had a thousand other things on his mind, but he chose to purposefully and passionately tell them he was thinking of them. When is the last time you told someone “Hey – I’ve been thinking about you”?

Does God think about US? More importantly, WHY would God think about US?

Pastor Riling shares a story about Dave Busby, whose body was broken, but his spirit was alive!

Has God put someone on your heart to pray for? Don’t ignore that nudge – and tell that person you are praying for them. It can be such an encouragement.

Scripture References: Psalm 139:17-18; Jeremiah 32:41

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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August 23, 2021

Title: Authentic Fellowship
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Scott Riling is the pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week he discusses koinonia.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does koinonia mean? How is koinonia the theme for the book of Philippians? What are the different levels of koinonia?

We all have many acquaintances, but how many good friends do you have – someone you can call at 2 am? How and why are good friendships important to our walk with Christ?

Why did Jesus talk so much about love? Is this what Paul was conveying to the Philippians in this letter?

Why was Paul thinking about the Philippians? He probably had a thousand other things on his mind, but he chose to purposefully and passionately tell them he was thinking of them. When is the last time you told someone “Hey – I’ve been thinking about you”?

Scripture References: John 13:34

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 9, 2021

Title: Be Strong and Courageous
Topic: Epic Stories of the Old Testament
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

What do remember most about Joshua? You probably learned about Jericho in Sunday School and walking across dry land where the sea once had been. But you may not know much about the first nine verses of the first chapter of the book of Joshua.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Listen in each day this week as he encourages us to be strong and courageous.

Find Pastor Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Scott Riling urges everyone to evaluate their life in Christ. Are you confident in eternity? Are you strong and courageous in the Lord today? Remember: God experiences everything we go through and He is there every step of the way!

Hymn of Invitation: I Need Thee Every Hour

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 8, 2021

Title: Be Strong and Courageous
Topic: Epic Stories of the Old Testament
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

What do remember most about Joshua? You probably learned about Jericho in Sunday School and walking across dry land where the sea once had been. But you may not know much about the first nine verses of the first chapter of the book of Joshua.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Listen in each day this week as he encourages us to be strong and courageous.

Find Pastor Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Do you need “proof” of God’s existence? Look around you! You will see the proof everywhere! Pastor Riling reminds us of Thomas wanting to see the nail scars in Jesus’ hands…

How can we be sure that God will provide for us?

Do the words in the Bible only apply to the people who were mentioned? Absolutely not! Read it! God’s Word is for every person – past, present, and future!

Pastor Riling says the world today definitely has some major issues and problems and turning to God and His Word is the only answer. He also reminds us of some of the things done to people 2,000 years ago for sport. It was crazy! He also discusses David, Stephen, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. How did God provide for them? Was it the answer they were praying for?

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 31:8; Matthew 28:18-20

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 7, 2021

Title: Be Strong and Courageous
Topic: Epic Stories of the Old Testament
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

What do remember most about Joshua? You probably learned about Jericho in Sunday School and walking across dry land where the sea once had been. But you may not know much about the first nine verses of the first chapter of the book of Joshua.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Listen in each day this week as he encourages us to be strong and courageous.

Find Pastor Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Have you ever been confused about something that God brought into your life? How can you determine God’s purpose?

Why is it so easy to get sidetracked by worldly things? Does it mean we aren’t “good Christians”? Or do we just need to draw closer to the Lord?

Remember: God is always doing a good work in your life! Trust and believe in His plan.

When good things happen in your life, do you think it’s just a coincidence? Or do you thank God for that blessing?


Is God’s provision for us consistent?

How did Jesus encourage the disciples? Can he still encourage us today?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 6, 2021

Title: Be Strong and Courageous
Topic: Epic Stories of the Old Testament
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

What do remember most about Joshua? You probably learned about Jericho in Sunday School and walking across dry land where the sea once had been. But you may not know much about the first nine verses of the first chapter of the book of Joshua.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Listen in each day this week as he encourages us to be strong and courageous.

Find Pastor Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do world events and situations strike fear in you? What does the Word say about that?

Are you trusting God? Are you being obedient to His Word? Do you believe He has your best interests in His hands? Pastor Riling reminds us that blessings come from obedience.


Do you read self-help books? They’re great, but are you reading your Bible, too? If not, why not? It’s there to help you! Is your mind “empty” of God’s Word? What will fill your brain if it’s not filled with God’s Word? Worldly thoughts!

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Scott Riling preaches more on “Courage Is Reaffirmed In God’s Work”.

Scripture References: Colossians 3 1-4; John 14:15

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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July 5, 2021

Title: Be Strong and Courageous
Topic: Epic Stories of the Old Testament
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

What do remember most about Joshua? You probably learned about Jericho in Sunday School and walking across dry land where the sea once had been. But you may not know much about the first nine verses of the first chapter of the book of Joshua.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Pastoral Care at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Listen in each day this week as he encourages us to be strong and courageous.

Find Pastor Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many times does God say the phrase “Be strong and courageous” to Joshua in the first nine verses of this chapter?

What was probably going through Joshua’s mind when he heard these words?

Did Joshua have some big shoes to fill?

Why do we fear the future so much? Is it just human nature or is it Satan tempting us? How can we find peace?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 4, 2020

Title: Life is to be Pure
Topic: Exodus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Scott Riling preached from the Main Campus pulpit last week on the Eighth and Ninth Commandments. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at CFBC.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:15-16

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is our greatest challenge as Christians?

How can the Fruit of the Spirit help us obey the Ten Commandments?

Why does God have expectations for His people? What is the purpose of us following His commands?

Are you walking in the Spirit?

Scripture References:
Romans 8:26-28; Galatians 5:22-26

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 3, 2020

Title: Life is to be Pure
Topic: Exodus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Scott Riling preached from the Main Campus pulpit last week on the Eighth and Ninth Commandments. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at CFBC.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:15-16

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the purpose of The Law?

How does the Holy Spirit help us to obey the Ten Commandments? How did Paul’s life change? Did he rely on the Holy Spirit to help him?

What is our greatest challenge as Christians? Are you willing to put in hard work as a Christian? Pastor Riling gets really deep with this one. Listen close!

Scripture Reference: Romans 8:26-28

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 2, 2020

Title: Life is to be Pure
Topic: Exodus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Scott Riling preached from the Main Campus pulpit last week on the Eighth and Ninth Commandments. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at CFBC.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:15-16

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is God always truthful? Was Jesus always truthful? Pastor Riling reminds us: “When we bear false witness, we are bearing an image that is contrary to the image of God.

Has your reputation ever been tarnished because of a rumor? Have you ever hurt someone because of your false words?

Mark Twain once wrote: “A lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth even gets its shoes on.” (This quote was originally from Jonathon Swift.)

Raymond Wallace, a member of Reagan’s administration who was indicted for mob ties, said to the media after he was found non-guilty: “I only have one question: Which office do I go to get my reputation back?

Are you loving your neighbor? If you love your neighbor, you won’t talk about them behind their back!

Scripture References: John 14:6; Matthew 22:37-39

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 1, 2020

Title: Life is to be Pure
Topic: Exodus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Scott Riling preached from the Main Campus pulpit last week on the Eighth and Ninth Commandments. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at CFBC.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:15-16

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How is stealing a sin against God?

Is cheating the same as stealing? Is changing something for your benefit the same as stealing? Is repossession or bankruptcy the same as stealing? Is taking an extra five minutes for your lunch break the same as stealing? OUCH! Think about it…

Are you asking God to help you resist the temptation of stealing? He WANTS to help you! Ask Him! Remember: God is a giver, not a taker.

What does the Ninth Commandment mean? Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Is God always truthful? Was Jesus always truthful? More on this tomorrow.

Scripture References: Psalm 119:36; Philippians 2:3; Philippians 4:11-13

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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November 30, 2020

Title: Life is to be Pure
Topic: Exodus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Scott Riling preached from the Main Campus pulpit last week on the Eighth and Ninth Commandments. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at CFBC.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:15-16

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the Ten Commandments just a list of “do’s and don’ts” to make us miserable? Are they about “us” or God?

How are the Ten Commandments different than other laws or creeds?

Can you break multiple commandments at once? Pastor Scott Riling says “absolutely!”

How can we look past the “thou shall not” aspect of the Ten Commandments?

How is stealing a sin against God?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, or if you have a prayer request, text: 281.688.2630 and follow the text prompts.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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February 28, 2020

Title: Following Jesus Everyday
Topic: Vision 2020
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

We’ve all heard the phrase “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” This is basically what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12-16. What instructions does Paul give to Christians in his letter? Pastor Scott Riling offers four essentials this week to help us “Follow Jesus Everyday”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ESSENTIAL #4: Keep growing in this way of thinking. (vs 15-16)

The mind is where the battle of life takes place. What is your mind filled with? Do you think you’ve wasted your life? First of all, you haven’t! Second, start now! Start new every day! “It’s how you finish, not how you started out!” – Pastor Scott Riling

FINAL THOUGHTS: No matter where we are in our walk with Christ, we all need more!

The world is bombarding us with new this and new that. Even Christians are susceptible to trends. Paul warned us to go back to what we know: Jesus.

Reflection: Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

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February 27, 2020

Title: Following Jesus Everyday
Topic: Vision 2020
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Do you ever try to hide things from God or other people? Do you ever act like things in your life are great?

This week, Pastor Steven Morris uses Philippians 3:1-10 from Paul’s letter to share how you can have joy and confidence in the Lord.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Scott offers a warning today: “If you cannot forgive yourself, you are essentially saying that you have a higher standard than Jesus.” Ouch! Think about it!

ESSENTIAL #3: Focus on where you want to be and not where you are. (vs 14)

What is the runner’s goal? Is it the start? The middle? Or the finish line? Remember who is at the finish line waiting for you! He is cheering you on!

ESSENTIAL #4: Keep growing in this way of thinking. (vs 15-16)

What is your attitude toward life? If you need a pick-me-up, read Romans 12:2. Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Scott offers more encouragement and his final thoughts…

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February 26, 2020

Title: Following Jesus Everyday
Topic: Vision 2020
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Do you ever try to hide things from God or other people? Do you ever act like things in your life are great?

This week, Pastor Steven Morris uses Philippians 3:1-10 from Paul’s letter to share how you can have joy and confidence in the Lord.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ESSENTIAL #2: Learn from the past, but don’t live in it. (vs 13b)

What did the people think of Paul? What was Paul’s opinion of himself?

Pastor Scott reads from 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. What was Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”?

Why do we beat ourselves up over past sins? Is this just Satan trying to tear us down and keep our eyes turned away from Christ?

Remember: Paul was not a great guy before he became a Christian! He left those sins in the past; you can, too! Acts 26:9-10

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February 25, 2020

Title: Following Jesus Everyday
Topic: Vision 2020
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

We’ve all heard the phrase “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” This is basically what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12-16. What instructions does Paul give to Christians in his letter? Pastor Scott Riling offers four essentials this week to help us “Follow Jesus Everyday”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ESSENTIAL #1: Never become satisfied with your progress. (vs 12-13a)

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Guess what?!? You do belong!! Christ has made you his own!!

Pastor Scott says this: “Concentrate on the main things instead of the many things.

ESSENTIAL #2: Learn from the past, but don’t live in it. (vs 13b)

Pastor Riling uses quotes from several famous people who once struggled, but kept “running the race”.

Tune in on Wednesday as Pastor Scott reminds us that Paul’s past wasn’t great, but he moved forward and lived for God 100%.

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February 24, 2020

Title: Following Jesus Everyday
Topic: Vision 2020
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

We’ve all heard the phrase “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” This is basically what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:12-16. What instructions does Paul give to Christians in his letter? Pastor Scott Riling offers four essentials this week to help us “Follow Jesus Everyday”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ESSENTIAL #1: Never become satisfied with your progress. (vs 12-13a)

Was Paul the greatest missionary the world has ever seen?

Will you ever be mature enough and know enough?

Tune in tomorrow for more on essential #1…

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January 3, 2020

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling continues to explain the significance of Matthew’s reference to himself as the “tax collector”. Why didn’t Matthew write similar negative statements about the other disciples? He didn’t even mention their past sins (well, except for Judas)!

Points for Home:
Which disciple can you identify with?
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you will do, God CHOSE you! “No one is beyond the long arm of the Lord,” Pastor Riling reminds us.
You will only reap the benefits of this love and grace when you accept your place at the table.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 2, 2020

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Peter’s brother, Andrew, is a very important player in the timeline of Jesus. What did he do to help further the Kingdom of God? Was he jealous of Peter?

Not everyone is created to be a leader. Some are meant to follow. Is this wrong? HINT: Nope!

Who were the other disciples and how did they play a part? Pastor Riling uses Luke 6:12-16 to explain…

What did Matthew write about himself? What did he call himself? What did Matthew say about the other disciples?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 1, 2020

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was the greatest disciple? Was one “better” than another? The disciples were actually fighting over this! Jesus put them in their place, though. Pastor Riling uses Luke 22:24-28 and Revelation 19:6-9 as references…

So, then the disciples start debating over who will the one to betray Jesus! This was probably Jesus’s response in today’s language: “Come on, guys! Just stop! I’m right here – and I can hear you!”

What did Peter say to Jesus about the possible betrayal? How did Jesus respond to Peter? More importantly, did Jesus still use Peter in a mighty way?

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses the various strengths and weaknesses of the disciples…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 31, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus had a specific purpose for choosing the disciples. He didn’t just randomly pick some men to follow him and then continue his work here on earth. Listen as Pastor Riling reads from the account in Luke 6:12-16.

Another statement Jesus made to the disciples was: “Before I suffer…” Jesus knew what was coming, but they didn’t, so they were extremely startled by this revelation. Jesus then went on to reveal the most shocking statement: “One of you will betray me…” This was even worse!

Pastor Riling says this: “Any one of us are capable of anything.” Even denying Jesus! Isn’t it amazing, though, that God has made a place at the table for us? He even made a place at the table for Judas, knowing that he would betray him!

Did the disciples argue over who was the greatest? Yep, you bet they did! Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses this further…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 30, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Riling begins a detailed account of The Last Supper, using references from both Luke 6 and Luke 22.

When you want to get to know someone, what do you often do? You invite them to lunch or dinner! You share a meal together. The conversation is important, but connecting is, too.

What was the conversation like during the Last Supper? It was kind of depressing, wasn’t it? But, the words Jesus spoke to the disciples were very, very important.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 21, 2019

Title: Our God Pursues Us
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

God’s Creation is amazing. His beauty is all around us. When was the last time you took the time to marvel at His wondrous works? God is also interested in the little things, though. The Bible says He knows how many hairs are on your head!

This week, Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture after Scripture to show how God pursues us.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ezekiel 20:37 – God has a fence of protection around us. Are you hugging the fence, looking over it for something better? Or do you trust that the fence is there because your yard is so much better?

Psalm 23:6 – God CHASES you! The Message: “Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life.”

Psalm 139: 7 – Do you believe in predestination and free will? Can you escape God? Can you hide from Him?

John 6:44 – Will you ever hear God say: “How did you get in here?” Nope!

1 John 4:19 – He loved us first! Pastor Riling lived in South Africa as a child. His parents were not Christians, but the school he attended taught Bible classes. Tune in on Friday to hear the rest of his story.

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Title: Our God Pursues Us
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Questions/Issues Discussed:

1 John 4:19 – He loved us first! Pastor Riling lived in South Africa as a child. His parents were not Christians, but the school he attended taught Bible classes. Why did he like these Bible stories so much?

Revelation 3:20 – God knocks on the door of our hearts. Have you opened the door and let Him in?

What is your faith story? Can you relate to any of the Scriptures Pastor Riling spoke on this week? Use the CONTACT link on our homepage to let us know your thoughts on Pastor Riling’s lesson this week!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 20, 2019

Title: Our God Pursues Us
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

God’s Creation is amazing. His beauty is all around us. When was the last time you took the time to marvel at His wondrous works? God is also interested in the little things, though. The Bible says He knows how many hairs are on your head!

This week, Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture after Scripture to show how God pursues us.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Psalm 23:4 – Part of the Lord’s Prayer. What was the purpose of the shepherd’s rod and staff?

Ezekiel 20:37 – God has a fence of protection around us. Pastor Riling tells the story of Spats, his youth pastor’s dog.

Psalm 23:4 – Part of the Lord’s Prayer. What was the purpose of the shepherd’s rod and staff?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 19, 2019

Title: Our God Pursues Us
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

God’s Creation is amazing. His beauty is all around us. When was the last time you took the time to marvel at His wondrous works? God is also interested in the little things, though. The Bible says He knows how many hairs are on your head!

This week, Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture after Scripture to show how God pursues us.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did God pursue Adam and Eve? Genesis 3:8-11

2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” How does this verse show God’s pursuit of us?

Psalm 17:8 – You are the apple of God’s eye! “You can’t protect someone you don’t pursue,” Pastor Riling says.

Psalm 23:4 – Part of the Lord’s Prayer. What was the purpose of the shepherd’s rod and staff?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 18, 2019

Title: Our God Pursues Us
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

God’s Creation is amazing. His beauty is all around us. When was the last time you took the time to marvel at His wondrous works? God is also interested in the little things, though. The Bible says He knows how many hairs are on your head!

This week, Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture after Scripture to show how God pursues us.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Andrew is not mentioned very often in the Bible. In fact, he is only mentioned three times. Why does Pastor Riling identify with Andrew?

Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:8-11 – Adam and Eve hid from God. How did they know they were naked?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 8, 2019

Title: The Trinity Part 2
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

When is God most like “God”? Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture, mostly from the Old Testament, to present his case about his favorite attributes of God. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at Champion Forest Baptist Church (Cypress Creek campus).

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Deuteronomy 31:8 says “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Why does this verse have such a deep meaning for Pastor Riling?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 7, 2019

Title: The Trinity Part 2
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

When is God most like “God”? Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture, mostly from the Old Testament, to present his case about his favorite attributes of God. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at Champion Forest Baptist Church (Cypress Creek campus).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Pastor Riling shares about a judge who continually shows mercy to people in his court, while simultaneously issuing stern warnings…

(continued from Wednesday)

Do you always expect a reward in return when you do a good deed for someone? Why?? Jesus didn’t! Just be nice – and show mercy to others like God has shown mercy to you!

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:44-48


Pastor Riling tells how he experienced Deuteronomy 31:8 personally. We will have the conclusion of his story tomorrow, so tune in!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [a href="">here]

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March 6, 2019

Title: The Trinity Part 2
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

When is God most like “God”? Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture, mostly from the Old Testament, to present his case about his favorite attributes of God. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at Champion Forest Baptist Church (Cypress Creek campus).

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Are you alive? Are you breathing? Then you have experienced God’s mercy!

What does mercy mean?

Does God remember our sin? Or does He choose to not hold it against us once we ask for forgiveness?

Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 4:28-31 (continued tomorrow)

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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March 5, 2019

Title: The Trinity Part 2
Topic: Examining God’s CV/Resume
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

When is God most like “God”? Pastor Scott Riling uses Scripture, mostly from the Old Testament, to present his case about his favorite attributes of God. Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at Champion Forest Baptist Church (Cypress Creek campus).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

GOD IS PERSONAL (continued from Monday)
Where is God in our lives?
Humans have a bad habit of placing barriers between us and God. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?
What did Moses say about talking to God directly?

Scripture References: Exodus 19:18-21; Numbers 11:26-29; 1 Samuel 8:7-8

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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January 4, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling continues to explain the significance of Matthew’s reference to himself as the “tax collector”. Why didn’t Matthew write similar negative statements about the other disciples? He didn’t even mention their past sins (well, except for Judas)!

Points for Home:
Which disciple can you identify with?
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you will do, God CHOSE you! “No one is beyond the long arm of the Lord,” Pastor Riling reminds us.
You will only reap the benefits of this love and grace when you accept your place at the table.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 3, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Peter’s brother, Andrew, is a very important player in the timeline of Jesus. What did he do to help further the Kingdom of God? Was he jealous of Peter?

Not everyone is created to be a leader. Some are meant to follow. Is this wrong? HINT: Nope!

Who were the other disciples and how did they play a part? Pastor Riling uses Luke 6:12-16 to explain…

What did Matthew write about himself? What did he call himself? What did Matthew say about the other disciples?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 2, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was the greatest disciple? Was one “better” than another? The disciples were actually fighting over this! Jesus put them in their place, though. Pastor Riling uses Luke 22:24-28 and Revelation 19:6-9 as references…

So, then the disciples start debating over who will the one to betray Jesus! This was probably Jesus’s response in today’s language: “Come on, guys! Just stop! I’m right here – and I can hear you!”

What did Peter say to Jesus about the possible betrayal? How did Jesus respond to Peter? More importantly, did Jesus still use Peter in a mighty way?

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses the various strengths and weaknesses of the disciples…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 1, 2019

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus had a specific purpose for choosing the disciples. He didn’t just randomly pick some men to follow him and then continue his work here on earth. Listen as Pastor Riling reads from the account in Luke 6:12-16.

Another statement Jesus made to the disciples was: “Before I suffer…” Jesus knew what was coming, but they didn’t, so they were extremely startled by this revelation. Jesus then went on to reveal the most shocking statement: “One of you will betray me…” This was even worse!

Pastor Riling says this: “Any one of us are capable of anything.” Even denying Jesus! Isn’t it amazing, though, that God has made a place at the table for us? He even made a place at the table for Judas, knowing that he would betray him!

Did the disciples argue over who was the greatest? Yep, you bet they did! Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses this further…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 31, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Riling begins a detailed account of The Last Supper, using references from both Luke 6 and Luke 22.

When you want to get to know someone, what do you often do? You invite them to lunch or dinner! You share a meal together. The conversation is important, but connecting is, too.

What was the conversation like during the Last Supper? It was kind of depressing, wasn’t it? But, the words Jesus spoke to the disciples were very, very important.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 24, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can you hear Jesus?

The Parable of the Sower: Luke 8:4-8

What is the purpose of this parable? What is the purpose of any of the parables?

Are too many people, including church leadership, changing the Word of God so they won’t offend anyone? (NOTE: This doesn’t apply to Champion Forest, obviously…)

Final devotional on “Jesus is the Light of the World” by Pastor Scott Riling: Ephesians 3:14-19:

May Christ dwell in your heart.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 23, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When you get up in the middle of the night, do you need a light to help guide the way? This is how Jesus is in the Christian life! People of the world are constantly doing things their own way, saying they don’t need a guideline. Oh, how wrong they are!

There is a unique dynamic about a personal relationship with Christ where we don’t just follow the things that he said and did. His spirit lives within [us] to guide [us],” Pastor Riling reminds us.

Do you remember what Jesus did for the 4,000 (not to be confused with the 5,000) in Mark 8:16-18? Will he not do the same for you? Why do you keep trying to do things on your own?

The Parable of the Sower: Luke 8:48. What is the purpose of this parable? In fact, what is the purpose of any of the parables? Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 22, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have you ever tried to fix your own problem? Doesn’t that just create more problems? Is this why we need to follow the light – Jesus?

Remember Plato’s allegory of “The Cave” from yesterday? Pastor Riling says this: “Don’t go back to the cave! He led you out of the cave…Why would you go back?

How can you explain the love, joy, and peace of God without knowing Him personally? HINT: You can’t!

Why was there only entrance into the tabernacle?

Moses was a good example of how God qualifies the called; He doesn’t call the qualified. Listen as Pastor Riling explains…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 21, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Plato was a student of Socrates. Pastor Riling uses Plato’s allegory of “The Cave” to explain how we desire to see the light, but sometimes it’s hard to see and comprehend in our human minds.

John 12:46 “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.

Do we have to been taught to be selfish? Nope – we are all born selfish!

Have you ever tried to fix your own problem? Doesn’t that just create more problems? Is this why we need to follow the light – Jesus?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 20, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you appreciate it when someone tells you the truth?

Was Jesus politically incorrect?

Do all religions lead to God? Do all religions say the same things about Jesus?

Pastor Riling uses John 8:12 as one example of Jesus being the light: “Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'

What is the world looking for? Are they looking for a Savior or are they just looking for something that will make them feel good?

Do the people of the church need to be better at showing the love of Jesus? Pastor Riling reminds us of the time Jesus said “You without sin, cast the first stone…

Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Plato’s allegory of “The Cave”.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 26, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling continues to explain the significance of Matthew’s reference to himself as the “tax collector”. Why didn’t Matthew write similar negative statements about the other disciples? He didn’t even mention their past sins (well, except for Judas)!

Points for Home:
Which disciple can you identify with?
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you will do, God CHOSE you! “No one is beyond the long arm of the Lord,” Pastor Riling reminds us.
You will only reap the benefits of this love and grace when you accept your place at the table.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 25, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Peter’s brother, Andrew, is a very important player in the timeline of Jesus. What did he do to help further the Kingdom of God? Was he jealous of Peter?

Not everyone is created to be a leader. Some are meant to follow. Is this wrong? HINT: Nope!

Who were the other disciples and how did they play a part? Pastor Riling uses Luke 6:12-16 to explain…

What did Matthew write about himself? What did he call himself? What did Matthew say about the other disciples?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 24, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was the greatest disciple? Was one “better” than another? The disciples were actually fighting over this! Jesus put them in their place, though. Pastor Riling uses Luke 22:24-28 and Revelation 19:6-9 as references…

So, then the disciples start debating over who will the one to betray Jesus! This was probably Jesus’s response in today’s language: “Come on, guys! Just stop! I’m right here – and I can hear you!”

What did Peter say to Jesus about the possible betrayal? How did Jesus respond to Peter? More importantly, did Jesus still use Peter in a mighty way?

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses the various strengths and weaknesses of the disciples…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 23, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus had a specific purpose for choosing the disciples. He didn’t just randomly pick some men to follow him and then continue his work here on earth. Listen as Pastor Riling reads from the account in Luke 6:12-16.

Another statement Jesus made to the disciples was: “Before I suffer…” Jesus knew what was coming, but they didn’t, so they were extremely startled by this revelation. Jesus then went on to reveal the most shocking statement: “One of you will betray me…” This was even worse!

Pastor Riling says this: “Any one of us are capable of anything.” Even denying Jesus! Isn’t it amazing, though, that God has made a place at the table for us? He even made a place at the table for Judas, knowing that he would betray him!

Did the disciples argue over who was the greatest? Yep, you bet they did! Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Riling discusses this further…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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January 22, 2018

Title: A Place at the Table
Topic: The Last Supper
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

During the Biblical Literacy Class on January 14, 2018, Pastor Scott Riling offered a timely, reminder for us all: We all have a place at His table.

Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Riling begins a detailed account of The Last Supper, using references from both Luke 6 and Luke 22.

When you want to get to know someone, what do you often do? You invite them to lunch or dinner! You share a meal together. The conversation is important, but connecting is, too.

What was the conversation like during the Last Supper? It was kind of depressing, wasn’t it? But, the words Jesus spoke to the disciples were very, very important.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 6, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 5

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have you ever asked God for something and He didn’t fulfill that prayer? Well, actually, He did, but it might not have been the answer you wanted. This is one of the hardest concepts for non-believers to grasp. Listen in as Pastor Scott Riling explains…

Points for Home:
1. Christ should be our life. No exceptions. No questions asked.
2. A gift is a gift. You cannot earn salvation and it cannot be taken away.
3. Acknowledge that you are flawed. We all are.
4. Following Jesus is the best thing. Ever.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, please do not hesitate to call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800. A licensed counselor or pastor would love to talk with you.

Tune in next week as Mark Lanier brings the first lesson in his new series: “The Old Testament as the Road to Jesus”.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 5, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 4

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What makes a relationship with Jesus Christ unique from other relationships? Pastor Riling says: “When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you…that makes all the difference in the world.” Other relationships can become distant, but the Holy Spirit will never leave you. Amen!

What is God’s will for your life? The Holy Spirit will reveal that to you. Look at John 14:17 “Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”

Pastor Scott goes on to say: “Don’t start with ‘Lord, what is your will?’ The starting point is: ‘Lord, enable me to follow You.’”

How did the Apostle Paul live his life and instruct others to live their lives? He said (paraphrased): watch God, not man. In Ephesians 3:14-19, Paul basically told the people they must decrease so God can increase. Is this how you live your life?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 4, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There are Biblical Scholars in Universities who do not claim to even have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Seriously!

How about you? Do you spout of religious facts as knowledge but do not have the personal connection to Jesus? Keep listening each day this week as Pastor Scott reveals how you, too, can know the feeling of true salvation in Jesus Christ.

Why is it important for people within a church to believe the same about the Bible and Jesus?

Are traditions vital to being a Christian? Are they negotiable? Are they unnecessary now? Pastor uses what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, Matthew 15:6, and John 14:7 to explain…

What makes a relationship with Jesus Christ unique from other relationships? Pastor Riling will discuss this further tomorrow, so tune in!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 3, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 2

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Jesus mean when he said “Follow me”?

Would you blindly follow someone if they said “follow me”? Well, you kind of already do if you are present on any social media platform! Listen as Pastor Riling reveals some crazy statistics from celebrities’ Instagram and Twitter pages…

Why is it so much easier to follow a stranger on social media than it is to follow Jesus?

What is so unique about Jesus that compels people to follow him?

Pastor Riling states: “Following Jesus is so much more than following the things of Jesus.” Tune in tomorrow to learn more about this statement and how we should always put our best foot forward when walking with the Lord.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 2, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Each day during the What’s UP Radio Program we air a portion of the lesson presented in the Biblical-Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Normally the class is taught by Attorney Mark Lanier. From time to time Mark is out of town. Sunday, September 24 was one of those days and Pastor Scott Riling, who oversees discipleship at Champion Forest, presented a great lesson on “Following Jesus”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people so drawn to Jesus?

How did Paul exemplify following Jesus?

Why should we follow Jesus? Listen as Pastor Riling discusses how Christianity is different than other religions.

Champion Forest Baptist Church is one church in four locations. Click here  for more information.

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Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If you have ever wondered why Mark Lanier chose the title “Biblical Literacy” for his class, Scott Riling briefly discusses this in today’s segment: Scripture, Substance, and Spiritual Passion. This is a great description of who Mark Lanier, what he believes, and how he chooses the topics to teach each week.

Does everything we do reflect Jesus Christ? Even changing diapers and cleaning up trash? Yes! Pastor Riling uses Mark Lanier’s devotion book, “Psalms for Living”, to explain…

Why were people so drawn to Jesus and his teachings? br />
TTomorrow, Pastor Scott will be expanding on this more, discussing the authority of Jesus and his “likability”.

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July 21, 2017

Title: Your Testimony is Important
Topic: Witnessing to Sinners
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Champion Forest Baptist Church Champions Campus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We are all called to be witnesses to a dying world. How and when can we do that?

Should we have Scripture memorized to more effectively witness?

Is our testimony important?

Listen as Pastor Scott Riling discusses the various locations for Champion Forest Baptist Church and why they followed God’s calling to expand their mission.

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Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Technology is an amazing gift to our society. Social media is a wonderful tool to use for sharing articles and memes about our faith. Christian television shows and movies are great. Leaving Christian tracks and bibles in hotel rooms is still another way to spread the Gospel. But nothing beats a good old fashioned conversation. Get out there and talk to people.

Pastor Riling concludes this week’s lesson with this reminder from Acts 17: God created the world, God created man, and man’s attempts to represent God with idols is foolishness. God is intimately involved in our lives. He gives us life and breath and He can take it away. Yet, He is never far away from us. He is always near. He unlike anyone or anything you will ever encounter in your life.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 20, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the Jews react negatively towards Paul and the others? In verse 17, Paul is now in Athens where news had spread of his preaching. He was not only frustrated with their behavior, but he was also disturbed because the people would not listen to him! Do you ever feel the same way when you examine the world today?

Pastor Riling encourages us, as believers, to seek out the lost and the hurting. We must beware that unbelievers do not corrupt us, but it is important to have influence over those who do not share our faith. How will they ever come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ if we don’t show them personally? Listen as Pastor Riling uses the passage in Acts to offer encouragement.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Scott Riling digs into Acts 17. He points out that verse 2 specifically mentions how Paul “reasoned with them” (the Jews). Why is it important for us to explain our beliefs to others who may believe in Jesus Christ, but not the truth from the Bible? Pastor Riling uses the Mormons as an example…

Further in Acts 17, the mobs grew unruly, demanding Paul and the others stop spreading “lies”. We see the same anger towards Christianity today. Will you stand up and fight or hide in the shadows?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Henry Fonda produced a movie in 1954, “Twelve Angry Men”, about a young man who killed his father. How on earth does this movie connect to Paul? Listen as Pastor Riling explains…

Doubting does not mean you are not a Christian. Doubting is natural; it is growing past that doubt which makes us stronger. We blame God for the problems we create ourselves. Furthermore, God cannot take away the “bad things” because then we wouldn’t have free will; we wouldn’t “need” Him anymore.

Pastor Riling brings up this acronym: PAD: “Prophecies, Archeology, and Documents”. This is what sets Christianity apart from every other religion in the world.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 17, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling begins the lesson this week with a controversial statement: “Evangelism is not a spiritual gift.” Listen as he explains using 2 Corinthians 5:17-1817Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”

We live in a world very similar to Paul’s time. Jesus is not popular. God is not a high priority for many people. We can expect the same reaction now from people when we share our faith that Paul experienced. We will be mocked and called fools. Some will be imprisoned.

Tomorrow, Pastor Riling offers encouragement as we live our lives to glorify God, spreading His Truth to the nations. It is not our responsibility to convert anyone. That is the Holy Spirit’s job. We are to simply be witnesses and plant the seeds.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 5, 2017

Title: A Glimpse of Glory
Topic: Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 5

Today is the conclusion of Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon “A Glimpse of Glory” from the series “The Gospel of Matthew”. Tune in next week as Pastor Stephen Trammell brings a powerful word from Matthew 18 on “Conflict Resolution”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you have faith like the woman in Mark Chapter 5? She simply wanted to touch the hem of Jesus' garment; she trusted in that one touch to heal her completely.

The final point Pastor Riling makes concerning Matthew 17 is this: Mountain top experiences are wonderful, but life is lived in the valley. Pastor Riling poses this question: “Why would he [Jesus] give them [the disciples] good news if he was going to die?

Romans 12: 2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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May 4, 2017

Title: A Glimpse of Glory
Topic: Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

This week’s “The Gospel of Matthew” sermon is from Pastor Scott Riling, the Discipleship Pastor at the Cypress Creek Campus for Champion Forest Baptist Church. The sermon is entitled “A Glimpse of Glory” and focuses on Matthew Chapter 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Be joyful that YOU are chosen by God. Jesus was in a league of his own. And Jesus alone is enough. These are Pastor Riling’s observations from Matthew Chapter 17.

What did the disciples do when they knew Jesus was alive? What would YOU do?

What did Jesus do when he saw the disciple’s reaction to his resurrection? What did he say?

Is God approachable? Pastor Riling reminds us of the story from Mark 5 when the woman simply wanted to touch Jesus’s robe. Jesus response was one of love and kindness, not condemnation. He is still the same today with you and me.

Why did Thomas not believe it was really Jesus? What did he do when the realization became clear?

When you are going through difficult times, and all you can see is Jesus…Jesus is enough,” Pastor Riling says.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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May 3, 2017

Title: A Glimpse of Glory
Topic: Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

This week’s “The Gospel of Matthew” sermon is from Pastor Scott Riling, the Discipleship Pastor at the Cypress Creek Campus for Champion Forest Baptist Church. The sermon is entitled “A Glimpse of Glory” and focuses on Matthew Chapter 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The disciples weren’t the only ones chosen by God. We ALL are. We can take JOY in that! This is Pastor Riling’s first point for his sermon. He continues with his sermon today with Romans 12:2 where Paul warns us to not be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Pastor Riling’s second observation from Matthew 17: Jesus is in a league all his own. No one compares to Jesus. In verse 4, Peter tries to compare Jesus to Moses and Elijah. Then, in verse 5, Peter is interrupted by a TALKING CLOUD! What happened next?

The third reflection Pastor Riling shares of these verses is this: Jesus alone is enough. Do we really need anything other than Jesus? Can our earthly relationships truly satisfy us? Tune in tomorrow for more!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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May 2, 2017

Title: A Glimpse of Glory
Topic: Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 2

This week’s “The Gospel of Matthew” sermon is from Pastor Scott Riling, the Discipleship Pastor at the Cypress Creek Campus for Champion Forest Baptist Church. The sermon is entitled “A Glimpse of Glory” and focuses on Matthew Chapter 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Pastor Scott Riling looks at Matthew Chapter 17, he wants to encourage us with several observations. The first: The joy of being chosen by God. The disciples weren’t the only ones chosen to follow Jesus – we ALL are!

Why does the transfiguration of Jesus still confuse people to this day?

How would seeing Jesus walk into a room after he died affect you?

Why were Peter, James, and John chosen by God to see Jesus?

Does God prepare us for heaven while we live life here on earth?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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May 1, 2017

Title: A Glimpse of Glory
Topic: Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 1

This week’s “The Gospel of Matthew” sermon is from Pastor Scott Riling, the Discipleship Pastor at the Cypress Creek Campus for Champion Forest Baptist Church. The sermon is entitled “A Glimpse of Glory” and focuses on Matthew Chapter 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In a worldly sense, we are told that buying the right things, eating the right foods, and attending the latest “fad” seminar will transform our lives. But what does transfiguration mean spiritually?

Listen as Pastor Scott Riling reads from Matthew 17. Pastor Scott poses this question: “Are you ever overwhelmed by the joy of being chosen by God”?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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April 6, 2010

Title: THE GREAT COMMISSION Lesson 3 Day 5
Topic: The Great Commission
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Look for a brand new lesson from Mark Lanier tomorrow! Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy website has been updated! Check it out today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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April 1, 2010

Title: THE GREAT COMMISSION Lesson 3 Day 4
Topic: The Great Commission
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy website has been updated! Check it out today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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March 31, 2010

Title: THE GREAT COMMISSION Lesson 3 Day 3
Topic: The Great Commission
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy website has been updated! Check it out today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 1:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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March 30, 2010

Title: THE GREAT COMMISSION Lesson 3 Day 2
Topic: The Great Commission
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy website has been updated! Check it out today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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September 28, 2009

Title: BIBLICAL LITERACY Paul and Spiritual Warfare Lesson 42 Part 5
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Dr. Scott Riling fills in for Mark again this week, discussing “Paul and Spiritual Warfare”. Dr. Riling is the Minister of Missions and Ministry at CFBC. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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September 23, 2009

Title: BIBLICAL LITERACY Paul and Spiritual Warfare Lesson 42 Part 2
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Dr. Scott Riling fills in for Mark again this week, discussing “Paul and Spiritual Warfare”. Dr. Riling is the Minister of Missions and Ministry at CFBC. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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August 4, 2009

Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling, Pastor of Missions and Ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, was a guest leader last week for Mark Lanier while Mark and his family were on vacation. This week Pastor Riling is back to teach on Paul and Prayer. Dr. Riling concludes his lesson on PAUL AND SUFFERING today. Tune in to The What’s UP Radio Program tomorrow as Mark Lanier continues his lesson on ETHICS with Part #3. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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August 3, 2009

Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling, Pastor of Missions and Ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, was a guest leader last week for Mark Lanier while Mark and his family were on vacation. This week Pastor Riling is back to teach on Paul and Prayer. Today, Dr. Riling looks further into the passage from Ephesians 1 that Paul wrote while in prison. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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July 31, 2009

Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling, Pastor of Missions and Ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, was a guest leader last week for Mark Lanier while Mark and his family were on vacation. This week Pastor Riling is back to teach on Paul and Prayer. Today, Dr. Riling looks further into the passage from Ephesians 1 that Paul wrote while in prison. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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July 30, 2009

Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling, Pastor of Missions and Ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, was a guest leader last week for Mark Lanier while Mark and his family were on vacation. This week Pastor Riling is back to teach on Paul and Prayer. When Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians, he was under house arrest. That could not have been a very good experience in his life. However, he was able to write the letter to the Ephesians “Praising God for them” and he is also very specific in his prayers for them. Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center.

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July 29, 2009

Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Pastor Scott Riling, Pastor of Missions and Ministry at Champion Forest Baptist Church, was a guest leader last week for Mark Lanier while Mark and his family were on vacation. This week Pastor Riling is back to teach on Paul and Prayer. Today’s lesson focuses on why God’s House was meant to be a House of Prayer, not a House of Preaching. Also, if someone asks you to pray for them, what is your response? Do you automatically respond with: “Sure, no problem”? Or, do you ask if there is something specific you can be praying for? Study guides and the complete audio of all lessons can be found at under the new THEOLOGY quick link. Come visit Mark Lanier at Champion Forest Baptist Church. His class starts each Sunday at 11:00 AM in the Family Life Center. 090729EML361.mp3

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