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December 30, 2022

Title: Jesus as King
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jarrett Stephens completes his three-sermon mini-series on Christmas within “The Thread” sermon series. This week, he preaches on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus, what happened when Jesus was born, and how the world will react to his second coming.

NOTE: On Monday, December 26, we aired part two of this mini-series in its entirety.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


What were the Wise Men looking for? Did they know Jesus was the one true King? (Matthew 2:1-2)
What is the significance of the gifts the Wise Men brought to Mary and Joseph for Jesus?

When Jesus came to earth as a baby, there was no fanfare or big celebration. When he comes again, what will happen? (Philippians 3:20; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; Hebrews 9:28; Revelations 19)

Campus Crusade for Christ Four Spiritual Laws:
Is your life self-directed or Christ-directed?

Ponder this word for the week: Peace

Scripture References: Hebrews 4:25; Ephesian 2

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 29, 2022

Title: Jesus as King
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jarrett Stephens completes his three-sermon mini-series on Christmas within “The Thread” sermon series. This week, he preaches on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus, what happened when Jesus was born, and how the world will react to his second coming.

NOTE: On Monday, December 26, we aired part two of this mini-series in its entirety.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When did God deliver on His promise to His people? (Isaiah 9:6-7; Jeremiah 23:5)
How do we know that Jesus is the promised King? (Matthew 1; Luke 3)
The people were expecting a new king to come. But why didn’t many people realize that Jesus was even born? Pastor Jarrett says: “When things don’t fit our expectations… it doesn’t mean that God’s not working. Don’t miss God because what He’s doing doesn’t fit your… preconceived notions.”
What were the Wise Men looking for? Did they know Jesus was the one true King? (Matthew 2:1-2)
What is the significance of the gifts the Wise Men brought to Mary and Joseph for Jesus?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 28, 2022

Title: Jesus as King
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jarrett Stephens completes his three-sermon mini-series on Christmas within “The Thread” sermon series. This week, he preaches on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus, what happened when Jesus was born, and how the world will react to his second coming.

NOTE: On Monday, December 26, we aired part two of this mini-series in its entirety.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Israel’s king set apart from all other kings? (Deuteronomy 17:14-20)
What happened when Israel disobeyed and rebelled against God? Were they offered warning after warning? (1 Samuel 8:4-9)
Why is David considered Israel’s greatest “human” king? (2 Samuel 7:12-13, 16)

When did God deliver on His promise to His people? (Isaiah 9:6-7; Jeremiah 23:5)
How do we know that Jesus is the promised King? (Matthew 1; Luke 3)
The people were expecting a new king to come. But why didn’t many people realize that Jesus was even born?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 27, 2022

Title: Jesus as King
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jarrett Stephens completes his three-sermon mini-series on Christmas within “The Thread” sermon series. This week, he preaches on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus, what happened when Jesus was born, and how the world will react to his second coming.

NOTE: On Monday, December 26, we aired part two of this mini-series in its entirety.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the first “hope of the Gospel”? (Genesis 3:15)
What was God’s promise to Abraham? How does this point the way to Jesus? (Genesis 17:5-7)
What is the significance of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, specifically Judah? (Genesis 49:8-10)
Why was Israel’s king set apart from all other kings? (Deuteronomy 17:14-20)
What happened when Israel disobeyed and rebelled against God? Were they offered warning after warning? (1 Samuel 8:4-9)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 26, 2022

Title: Jesus as Priest (Sermon 7)
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Today, we are airing part two of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ special Christmas mini-series from “The Thread” sermon series. His focus in this sermon is examining the characteristics of a priest.

Please Note: This sermon is being played in its entirety. Part three of this mini-series will also be played this week, December 26-30, at the end of the WURP in its normal spot in five short segments.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who were priests?
What did priests do?
How were priests set apart from others?
How were priests “chosen”?
What is the difference between a priest and a high priest?
Did priests offer sacrifices?
Did priests teach Scripture?
How did priests intercede between people and God?
Why did priests pronounce blessings upon people?
Why were priests terrific mediators?
Which book of the Bible outlines Jesus’ role as a priest?
How can we come to an agreement with God as people full of sin?
Bottom Line: Does Jesus fulfill the role as High Priest?

Word for the Week: JOY

Scripture References: Exodus 28:1-5; Numbers 3:5-13; Hebrews 7:3a; Genesis 14:18-20; Hebrews 9:22; Leviticus 16:1-7; John 1:29; 1 John 2:2; Numbers 6:24-26; Luke 1:67-79; Hebrews 4:14-15; Hebrews 5:1-6; Hebrews 7:26-28; Hebrews 9:11-12; Hebrews 10:11-14

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Title: Jesus as King
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jarrett Stephens completes his three-sermon mini-series on Christmas within “The Thread” sermon series. This week, he preaches on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus, what happened when Jesus was born, and how the world will react to his second coming.

NOTE: On Monday, December 26, we aired part two of this mini-series in its entirety.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the role of a prophet?
Does Jesus fulfill the role of THE prophet?
What is the role of a priest?
Does Jesus fulfill the role of THE High Priest?

What can we learn from Christmas Carols? Pastor Jarrett mentions “Angels We Have Heard on High”, “What Child is This”, “O Come O Come, Emmanuel”, and “Joy to the World” (Psalm 98:4-6).

What does man have dominion over? (Genesis 1:26-28)
Was Adam considered a “king”? Did he have king-like authority?
When are we given the first “hope of the Gospel”? (Genesis 3:15)
What was God’s promise to Abraham? How does this point the way to Jesus? (Genesis 17:5-7)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 23, 2022

Title: Jesus as Prophet
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Tony Evans: “If you miss Jesus, you miss everything.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a three-sermon mini-series on Christmas. This week, he preaches on the characteristics of a prophet, asking the question: “Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet?”

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who did the disciples say Jesus was? Pastor Jarrett reminds us of Peter’s confession from Matthew 16:13-19.

Was Jesus MORE than a prophet? (Matthew 17:1-13)

Ponder this word this week: WONDER
WONDER that Jesus is mighty in word.
WONDER that Jesus is mighty in deed.
WONDER that Jesus is mighty in suffering.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 22, 2022

Title: Jesus as Prophet
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Tony Evans: “If you miss Jesus, you miss everything.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a three-sermon mini-series on Christmas. This week, he preaches on the characteristics of a prophet, asking the question: “Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet?”

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet? (Deuteronomy 18:15; Exodus 33)

Is Jesus mighty in word, deed, and suffering? (Luke 24:19; Luke 7:16; Matthew 21:11)

Is there any doubt that Jesus was a prophet? (Acts 3:17-26; John 1:1,14)

What were some of the miracles Jesus performed?

Was Jesus’ death on the cross the ultimate show of suffering?

Who did the disciples say Jesus was? Pastor Jarrett reminds us of Peter’s confession from Matthew 16:13-19.

Book Reference: “Jesus the Messiah: Tracing the Promises, Expectations, and Coming of Israel’s King

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 21, 2022

Title: Jesus as Prophet
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Tony Evans: “If you miss Jesus, you miss everything.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a three-sermon mini-series on Christmas. This week, he preaches on the characteristics of a prophet, asking the question: “Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet?”

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What did some of the prophets do to prove that God was real? Pastor Jarrett mentions Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Hosea, and Isaiah.

How did the prophets communicate the Word of God? Commentator Warren Wiersbe: “And when God’s seers prophesied, they utilized nearly every method to communicate their message… It was never hackneyed, never boring, never inscrutable, never irrelevant… It was always progressive, revealing more of God and His ways.” Click here and fast-forward to the 1-hour and 6-minute mark for the full quote.

WHAT DID PROPHETS DO? Mighty in Suffering

Why were prophets’ lives filled with so much suffering? Pastor Jarrett reminds us of God taking Ezekial’s wife from him. He also discusses Jeremiah and Isaiah. (Matthew 23:37)

Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet? (Deuteronomy 18:15; Exodus 33; Luke 24:19)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 20, 2022

Title: Jesus as Prophet
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Tony Evans: “If you miss Jesus, you miss everything.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a three-sermon mini-series on Christmas. This week, he preaches on the characteristics of a prophet, asking the question: “Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet?”

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Richard Belcher: “The prophet was God’s authorized spokesman.”


How many times does “the Word of the LORD” appear in the Old Testament?

How did people know a person was a true prophet?

Were prophets always truthful? (Deuteronomy 18:20-22; Deuteronomy 13)

How do we know that Jesus is a prophet? (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Jeremiah 23:5; Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 1; Luke 3; Micah 5:2; Luke 2:1-5)

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Jarrett preaches on how prophets were “Mighty in Deed”.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 19, 2022

Title: Jesus as Prophet
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Tony Evans: “If you miss Jesus, you miss everything.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a three-sermon mini-series on Christmas. This week, he preaches on the characteristics of a prophet, asking the question: “Does Jesus fulfill the role of prophet?”

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the Books of Prophecy?
Why are there major and minor prophets?
How many prophets are named in the Bible?
How did a person “become” a prophet? (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
What happens when someone “claims” to be a prophet but really isn’t?
Why were prophets anointed with oil? Pastor Jarrett reminds us that the Holy Spirit did not live in people in the Old Testament…

How many times does “the Word of the LORD” appear in the Old Testament? (Hebrews 1:1)
Richard Belcher: “The prophet was God’s authorized spokesman.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on what prophets did.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here:

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December 16, 2022

Title: The Fifth Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon on Isaiah 53 entitled “Man of Sorrows”. He wrote in that sermon: “This is one of the chapters that lie at the very heart of the Scriptures. It is the very Holy of holies of Divine Writ. Let us, therefore put off our shoes from our feet, for the place whereon we stand is specially holy ground. The fifty-third of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature. It is the condensed essence of the gospel.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a powerful message about the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the prophecy of Isaiah 53, known as the “Fifth Gospel”.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THE RESURRECTION (Isaiah 53:10-12)
There are seven “hints” in theses verses:
Hint #1: People will trust in him and he will see them.
Hint #2: Death can’t defeat him.
Hint #3: All authority on heaven and earth is his.
Hint #4: His work is complete.
Hint #5: Christ rising from the dead proves his death was an acceptable sacrifice.
Hint #6: He shares his victory with us.
Hint #7: Only a living, risen Savior can make intercession for us.

How do we know that Jesus is the only intercession? (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25)

Pastor Jarrett reminds us of Philipp’s encounter with a spiritual seeker from Ethiopia, found in Acts 8:30-35.

John 1:12 “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” ALL of the Bible points to Jesus.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 15, 2022

Title: The Fifth Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon on Isaiah 53 entitled “Man of Sorrows”. He wrote in that sermon: “This is one of the chapters that lie at the very heart of the Scriptures. It is the very Holy of holies of Divine Writ. Let us, therefore put off our shoes from our feet, for the place whereon we stand is specially holy ground. The fifty-third of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature. It is the condensed essence of the gospel.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a powerful message about the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the prophecy of Isaiah 53, known as the “Fifth Gospel”.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THE CRUCIFIXION (Isaiah 53:3-9)
What is the true heart of the Gospel? Why did Jesus come to earth when we did nothing to deserve it – when, in fact, we deserve death and not life?
What does the cross represent? What does the cross mean to you?
What is the “Great Exchange”? (2 Corinthians 5:21)
How do we know that Jesus is the Promised Messiah from Isaiah’s prophecy? (John 1:11; Matthew 26:62-63; Matthew 27:11-14)
What happened when Jesus was tempted? (1 Peter 2:22-23)
When and how was Isaiah’s prophecy fulfilled? (Matthew 27:57-60)

THE RESURRECTION (Isaiah 53:10-12)
There are seven “hints” in theses verses:
Hint #1: People will trust in him and he will see them.
Hint #2: Death can’t defeat him.
Hint #3: All authority on heaven and earth is his.
Hint #4: His work is complete.
Hint #5: Christ rising from the dead proves his death was an acceptable sacrifice.
Hint #6: He shares his victory with us.
Hint #7: Only a living, risen Savior can make intercession for us.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 14, 2022

Title: The Fifth Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon on Isaiah 53 entitled “Man of Sorrows”. He wrote in that sermon: “This is one of the chapters that lie at the very heart of the Scriptures. It is the very Holy of holies of Divine Writ. Let us, therefore put off our shoes from our feet, for the place whereon we stand is specially holy ground. The fifty-third of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature. It is the condensed essence of the gospel.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a powerful message about the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the prophecy of Isaiah 53, known as the “Fifth Gospel”.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Change is hard. COVID changed a lot for many people – including churches. Pastor Jarrett says: “Nobody likes change except a baby with a wet diaper.” How did Jesus change everything?

THE CRUCIFIXION (Isaiah 53:3-9)
Will salvation every change?
Can we change what salvation is?
How was Jesus a substitution for us when he died?
What is Penal Substitutionary Atonement? Wayne Grudem in “Systematic Theology”: “Christ’s death was “penal” in that he bore a penalty when he died. His death was also a “substitution” in that he was a substitute for us when he died.”
Are there other times that God has provided a substitution for us? (Genesis 3; Genesis 22; Exodus 12; Psalm 23)
What is the true heart of the Gospel? Why did Jesus come to earth when we did nothing to deserve it – when, in fact, we deserve death and not life?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 13, 2022

Title: The Fifth Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon on Isaiah 53 entitled “Man of Sorrows”. He wrote in that sermon: “This is one of the chapters that lie at the very heart of the Scriptures. It is the very Holy of holies of Divine Writ. Let us, therefore put off our shoes from our feet, for the place whereon we stand is specially holy ground. The fifty-third of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature. It is the condensed essence of the gospel.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a powerful message about the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the prophecy of Isaiah 53, known as the “Fifth Gospel”.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THE INCARNATION (Isaiah 53:1-2)
What is the incarnation?
What was Isaiah’s prophecy? (Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 11:1-5)
How did Isaiah know that Jesus would suffer greatly? (Isaiah 52:13-14)
What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus?
What was the purpose of Isaiah writing: “For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground”?
Most kings show-off their riches and grandeur. What was different about Jesus? Why didn’t he impress people with spectacular things?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 12, 2022

Title: The Fifth Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon on Isaiah 53 entitled “Man of Sorrows”. He wrote in that sermon: “This is one of the chapters that lie at the very heart of the Scriptures. It is the very Holy of holies of Divine Writ. Let us, therefore put off our shoes from our feet, for the place whereon we stand is specially holy ground. The fifty-third of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature. It is the condensed essence of the gospel.”

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues “The Thread” sermon series with a powerful message about the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ found in the prophecy of Isaiah 53, known as the “Fifth Gospel”.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has anything ever happened to you that was out of your control? Pastor Jarrett shares how this sermon almost didn’t happen…

What does Gospel mean? (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) Why is Isaiah 53 considered the “Fifth Gospel”?

THE INCARNATION (Isaiah 53:1-2)
What is Advent? What is the purpose? Pastor Jarrett encourages everyone to do daily Bible readings about Advent.
What is the incarnation? CS Lewis writes of the incarnation which he calls “The Grand Miracle”: “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation…Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this…It was the central event in the history of the Earth—the very thing that the whole story has been about.”
What was Isaiah’s prophecy? (Isaiah 9:6-7)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 9, 2022

Title: The Good Shepherd
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues the sermon series “The Thread”, revealing more about how the Old Testament can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week, he uses Psalm 23 to show us how God provides, directs, and protects us.

Scripture Psalm 23 and Luke 24:13-49

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does God protect us?
What does He protect us from?
What happened when the Israelites rejected God’s protection? (Ezekiel 34:1-23)
What did God promise about a coming shepherd?
How did Jesus use Psalm 23 and Ezekiel 34 to explain who he was? (John 10:11-18)


The Good Shepherd died so that the sheep can live.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 8, 2022

Title: The Good Shepherd
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues the sermon series “The Thread”, revealing more about how the Old Testament can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week, he uses Psalm 23 to show us how God provides, directs, and protects us.

Scripture Psalm 23 and Luke 24:13-49

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does God protect us?
What does He protect us from?
What happened when the Israelites rejected God’s protection? (Ezekiel 34:1-23)

Tune in tomorrow as Pastor Jarrett reads more from Ezekiel.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 7, 2022

Title: The Good Shepherd
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues the sermon series “The Thread”, revealing more about how the Old Testament can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week, he uses Psalm 23 to show us how God provides, directs, and protects us.

Scripture Psalm 23 and Luke 24:13-49

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Will God ever lead us astray?

Will our path sometimes look dark and gray? Pastor Jarrett reminds us of the darkness that David experienced and shares about a close friend who recently lost a long battle with cancer.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 6, 2022

Title: The Good Shepherd
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues the sermon series “The Thread”, revealing more about how the Old Testament can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week, he uses Psalm 23 to show us how God provides, directs, and protects us.

Scripture Psalm 23 and Luke 24:13-49

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Psalm 23 such a popular psalm? Why did David write these words? Did he have experience as a shepherd?

What are some qualities (responsibilities) of a good shepherd?


How does God provide for us?

Why do we need God’s provision? (Luke 15:1-7) Click here and fast-forward to the 12-minute mark to view the videos of sheep doing weird things that Pastor Jarrett shares during this segment.

Tune in tomorrow for more about God’s direction for our lives.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 5, 2022

Title: The Good Shepherd
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jarrett Stephens continues the sermon series “The Thread”, revealing more about how the Old Testament can be found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week, he uses Psalm 23 to show us how God provides, directs, and protects us.

Scripture Psalm 23 and Luke 24:13-49

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who were the two people traveling to Emmaus from Jerusalem? Why didn’t they recognize Jesus? What did Jesus say to them about his death? Did Jesus tell his disciples something similar later on? (Genesis 3; Genesis 22; Exodus 12)

Why is Psalm 23 such a popular psalm? Tune in tomorrow for more on this Psalm, why David wrote it, and how God provides for our needs like a good shepherd does for his sheep.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 2, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW FREEDOM: Exodus 12:33-51

How long had the Israelites been in captivity?
Did God provide financial support for the Israelites for their journey to freedom?
When and how were the Israelites freed? Was this a true miracle?
How does the Israelites’ freedom represent our freedom in Christ? (Romans 6:22)
What did Jesus say about salvation – about the Truth? (John 8:32; John 8:36)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 1, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After their initial obedience and trust in God, did the Israelites keep their faith in God alone? Where are you right now? Where is your trust? Do you have sin in your life that you need to confess to God?

Does God really love and treat every single person the same? Pastor Scott reminds us that God is the God of ALL people, not just one particular group. (Joshua 24:14; Zechariah 2:11; Genesis 22; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:29; John 1:29)

What is the purpose of salvation in Jesus Christ? How can one be saved in Jesus Christ? What is required for salvation in Jesus Christ? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 24:44)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 30, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we stress out during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter? Why do we think everything has to be perfect? Pastor Scott urges us to remember what each of those holidays actually represents: God and His son, Jesus Christ.

NEW FORGIVENESS: Exodus 12:7-13
What were God’s instructions for the blood of the lamb?
How does the blood of the lamb represent the blood of Jesus Christ?
What can we learn from the Apostles in the New Testament about the blood sacrifice of The Lamb?
What were the plagues that God told Moses to warn the people about? What was the purpose of each plague? How did God show that He was better than the other gods?
How did the blood of the lamb on the doorposts prove the people’s trust in God?
How does baptism show our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 29, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:3-6; 24-27
Fun Fact: This is the first time the people of Israel were called a “congregation”.
What was the new required sacrifice?
What were God’s specific instructions about the lamb as a sacrifice?
Why did God want the sacrifice to be personal?
Why did God instruct the people to pass this tradition down to their children?
How does the lamb sacrifice represent Jesus?

NOTE: During this segment, Pastor Scott tells what he and others witnessed during a mission trip to Cairo, Egypt, when it came time for the people of the city to prepare the meat for the festival meal. The details of this might be a little upsetting to some listeners.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 28, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did God give specific instructions for The Passover? What were those instructions? Was He trying to teach the people a lesson or was He preparing them for something new and special? Was He also mending His relationship with the people through The Passover?

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:1-2

Why did God give Moses and Aaron a new calendar? Did God also give them a new set of rules – laws? Why did God give specific instructions for the new Tabernacle? How does this point to Jesus Christ? More on the New Beginning tomorrow…

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 25, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW FREEDOM: Exodus 12:33-51

How long had the Israelites been in captivity?
Did God provide financial support for the Israelites for their journey to freedom?
When and how were the Israelites freed? Was this a true miracle?
How does the Israelites’ freedom represent our freedom in Christ? (Romans 6:22)
What did Jesus say about salvation – about the Truth? (John 8:32; John 8:36)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 24, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After their initial obedience and trust in God, did the Israelites keep their faith in God alone? Where are you right now? Where is your trust? Do you have sin in your life that you need to confess to God?

Does God really love and treat every single person the same? Pastor Scott reminds us that God is the God of ALL people, not just one particular group. (Joshua 24:14; Zechariah 2:11; Genesis 22; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:29; John 1:29)

What is the purpose of salvation in Jesus Christ? How can one be saved in Jesus Christ? What is required for salvation in Jesus Christ? (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 24:44)

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 23, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we stress out during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter? Why do we think everything has to be perfect? Pastor Scott urges us to remember what each of those holidays actually represents: God and His son, Jesus Christ.

NEW FORGIVENESS: Exodus 12:7-13
What were God’s instructions for the blood of the lamb?
How does the blood of the lamb represent the blood of Jesus Christ?
What can we learn from the Apostles in the New Testament about the blood sacrifice of The Lamb?
What were the plagues that God told Moses to warn the people about? What was the purpose of each plague? How did God show that He was better than the other gods?
How did the blood of the lamb on the doorposts prove the people’s trust in God?
How does baptism show our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 22, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:3-6; 24-27
Fun Fact: This is the first time the people of Israel were called a “congregation”.
What was the new required sacrifice?
What were God’s specific instructions about the lamb as a sacrifice?
Why did God want the sacrifice to be personal?
Why did God instruct the people to pass this tradition down to their children?
How does the lamb sacrifice represent Jesus?

NOTE: During this segment, Pastor Scott tells what he and others witnessed during a mission trip to Cairo, Egypt, when it came time for the people of the city to prepare the meat for the festival meal. The details of this might be a little upsetting to some listeners.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 21, 2022

Title: The Passover
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling continues “The Thread” sermon series with a message on how Christ can be found in the story of The Passover from Exodus 12.

Pastor Scott Riling is the Biblical Counseling Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church – Champions Campus.

Find Pastor Scott Riling’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did God give specific instructions for The Passover? What were those instructions? Was He trying to teach the people a lesson or was He preparing them for something new and special? Was He also mending His relationship with the people through The Passover?

NEW BEGINNING: Exodus 12:1-2

Why did God give Moses and Aaron a new calendar? Did God also give them a new set of rules – laws? Why did God give specific instructions for the new Tabernacle? How does this point to Jesus Christ? More on the New Beginning tomorrow…

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 18, 2022

Title: The Thread
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Last week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens began a new sermon series entitled: “The Thread”. This week, Mark Lanier, the teacher for the Biblical Literacy Lesson at Champion Forest, continues the series with a sermon on Abraham and Isaac.

Find Mark Lanier’s special sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the story of Abraham and Isaac prove God’s love to us?

God is just – always.
We have victory in Jesus – no matter what.
Jesus makes us better – every day.
God has an answer for every problem – even the hard ones.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 17, 2022

Title: The Thread
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Last week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens began a new sermon series entitled: “The Thread”. This week, Mark Lanier, the teacher for the Biblical Literacy Lesson at Champion Forest, continues the series with a sermon on Abraham and Isaac.

Find Mark Lanier’s special sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the story of Abraham and Isaac prove God’s love to us?
Only son
Three days
The wood
The Lamb (ram)
Total faith
Life – not death

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 16, 2022

Title: The Thread
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Last week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens began a new sermon series entitled: “The Thread”. This week, Mark Lanier, the teacher for the Biblical Literacy Lesson at Champion Forest, continues the series with a sermon on Abraham and Isaac.

Find Mark Lanier’s special sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THE STORY: Genesis 22
What did God tell Abraham to do with his son, Isaac?
Did Abraham obey?
Did Isaac question his dad?
What does Jehovah Jireh mean?
Why should this story bother us? Does this story portray God as “mean”?
How did Abraham test God? Did God fulfill His promise to Abraham concerning his other son, Ishmael?
Mark explains what happened before Abraham took Isaac up the mountain to be sacrificed.

How can Isaac be compared to Jesus? (John 3:16)
Tune in tomorrow for more comparisons…

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 15, 2022

Title: The Thread
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Last week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens began a new sermon series entitled: “The Thread”. This week, Mark Lanier, the teacher for the Biblical Literacy Lesson at Champion Forest, continues the series with a sermon on Abraham and Isaac.

Find Mark Lanier’s special sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THE SETTING: John 8:48-59
How did Jesus “know” Abraham?
Was this perplexing to the people?
Why is there so much death in this passage?
How does this passage affect us?
Why did Jesus refer to Abraham as “Father”?
How did Abraham “see the day of Jesus and rejoice”?

THE STORY: Genesis 22
Mark uses a song from Bob Dylan to explain the story…
What did God tell Abraham to do with his son, Isaac?
Did Abraham obey?
Did Isaac question his dad?

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 14, 2022

Title: The Thread
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Last week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens began a new sermon series entitled: “The Thread”. This week, Mark Lanier, the teacher for the Biblical Literacy Lesson at Champion Forest, continues the series with a sermon on Abraham and Isaac.

Find Mark Lanier’s special sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark Lanier uses this segment to explain how Jesus is found in every story of the Bible. He also reads from John 8:48-59.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 11, 2022

Title: The First Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Jarrett Stephens begins a new series entitled: “The Thread”. His goal during this series is to bring to light the foreshadowing of the Gospel message found in the Old Testament.

This week, Pastor Jarrett shows how we see Jesus in Genesis 3, reminding us that God is always – always – faithful and keeps His promises.

Find Pastor Jarrett’s sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Notes on Genesis 3:15 from the NIV Study Bible: “The antagonism between people and snakes is used to symbolize the outcome of the titanic struggle between God and the evil one, a struggle played out in the hearts and history of mankind. The offspring of the woman would eventually crush the serpent’s head, a promise fulfilled in Christ’s victory over Satan – a victory in which all believers will share.

JESUS IN GENESIS: Satan is Defeated (Genesis 3:15b)
What is the significance of “bruise your heel and bruise your head”?
How did Jesus suffer for our sins, defeating Satan? (Hebrews 2:14-15)
Why is Jesus referred to as the “second Adam”? (1 Corinthians 5:21-22; Romans 5:12-19)

JESUS IN GENESIS: Salvation is Secured (Genesis 3:22-24)
How do we know that God keeps His promises?
How did God show mercy and grace to Adam and Eve?
Why does the Bible start and end in a Garden? (Revelation 22:1-7a)

Our future salvation was secured in a Genesis 3 promise. Jesus is the thread throughout Scripture. He is on every single page of the Bible.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 10, 2022

Title: The First Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Jarrett Stephens begins a new series entitled: “The Thread”. His goal during this series is to bring to light the foreshadowing of the Gospel message found in the Old Testament.

This week, Pastor Jarrett shows how we see Jesus in Genesis 3, reminding us that God is always – always – faithful and keeps His promises.

Find Pastor Jarrett’s sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where do we find the first signs of hope in the Bible – the first sign of the Gospel? (Genesis 3:15) Pastor Jarrett says: “God’s holiness demands that sin be judged…but in this pronouncement we see His incredible mercy.”

JESUS IN GENESIS: Sin is Covered (Genesis 3:21)

Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves after they sinned. What did God provide for them?

Do you ever try to cover your sin?

Why do many pictures of the cross depict the blood of Jesus? Why do we sing songs about the blood of Jesus? Why do preachers preach about the blood of Jesus? (Hebrews 9:22)

Pastor Jarrett shares about an upcoming trip he is taking with other pastors to the Amazon…

JESUS IN GENESIS: Satan is Defeated (Genesis 3:15b)

What is the significance of “bruise your heel and bruise your head”?

How did Jesus suffer for our sins, defeating Satan? (Hebrews 2:14-15)

Notes on Genesis 3:15 from the NIV Study Bible: “The antagonism between people and snakes is used to symbolize the outcome of the titanic struggle between God and the evil one, a struggle played out in the hearts and history of mankind. The offspring of the woman would eventually crush the serpent’s head, a promise fulfilled in Christ’s victory over Satan – a victory in which all believers will share.”

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 9, 2022

Title: The First Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Jarrett Stephens begins a new series entitled: “The Thread”. His goal during this series is to bring to light the foreshadowing of the Gospel message found in the Old Testament.

This week, Pastor Jarrett shows how we see Jesus in Genesis 3, reminding us that God is always – always – faithful and keeps His promises.

Find Pastor Jarrett’s sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the consequences of sin?
Shame (Genesis 3:7; Genesis 2:25)
Guilt (Genesis 3:8)
Fear (Genesis 3:9-10)

Does choosing sin EVER deliver what it promises?
It promises pleasure, but brings pain.
It promises freedom, but brings bondage.
It promises life, but brings death.

Does Satan only seek to destroy and deceive us? (John 10:10)

What was the curse placed on Eve? (Genesis 3:16) What was the curse placed on Adam? (Genesis 3:17-19)

What is the MAJOR consequence of sin? (Romans 5:12; Romans 6:23a)

Where do we find the first sign of hope in the Bible – the first sign of the Gospel? (Genesis 3:15) Pastor Jarrett says: “God’s holiness demands that sin be judged…but in this pronouncement we see His incredible mercy.”

What did Paul write about the first Gospel? (Galatians 4:4)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 8, 2022

Title: The First Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Jarrett Stephens begins a new series entitled: “The Thread”. His goal during this series is to bring to light the foreshadowing of the Gospel message found in the Old Testament.

This week, Pastor Jarrett shows how we see Jesus in Genesis 3, reminding us that God is always – always – faithful and keeps His promises.

Find Pastor Jarrett’s sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and where was the first coming of Jesus Christ predicted? What is “protoevangelium”? (Genesis 1:27)

Why did God create man and woman in His image? (Genesis 1:29-30; Genesis 2:8-9)

What was the one stipulation that God gave Adam and Eve about the fruit in the Garden? (Genesis 2:16-17)

How did Satan tempt Eve in the Garden? (Genesis 3:1-6) Pastor Jarrett says this about sin: “It always starts with putting a question mark where God put a period.” He also says: “Sin makes you stupid!”

What are the consequences of sin?
Shame (Genesis 3:7; Genesis 2:25)
Guilt (Genesis 3:8)
Fear (Genesis 3:9-10)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 7, 2022

Title: The First Gospel
Topic: The Thread
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Jarrett Stephens begins a new series entitled: “The Thread”. His goal during this series is to bring to light the foreshadowing of the Gospel message found in the Old Testament.

This week, Pastor Jarrett shows how we see Jesus in Genesis 3, reminding us that God is always – always – faithful and keeps His promises.

Find Pastor Jarrett’s sermon here.

Check out his sermon notes here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Jarrett begins the sermon segment today by explaining why he loves everything about church, including using some great visuals. (Click the link above and fast-forward to the 46-minute mark.)

Why is Pastor Jarrett calling this series: “The Thread: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament”? He quotes Pastor AW Criswell, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas: “When we preach the cross, when we preach the blood, when we preach the sacrificial death of Christ, we are preaching the meaning of his coming into the world. The sacrifice of Christ consummated the great redemptive plan and purpose of God in the earth. This is the scarlet thread through the ages.”

When and where was the first coming of Jesus Christ predicted? What is “protoevangelium”? (Genesis 1:27)

Why did God create man and woman in His image? (Genesis 1:29-30; Genesis 2:8-9)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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