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November 30, 2017

Title: Old Testament Road to Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 4

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series which will last through the end of the year: The Old Testament Road to Jesus. Starting in the book of Genesis, Mark will be discussing the various events which point to the truth about the prophet’s teachings on the coming of Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why wouldn’t God allow Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? God wasn’t trying to be mean; He was simply trying to protect them. Listen as Mark uses a personal story to explain…

Under God’s will, there is: life, peace, protection. When you rebel and live outside of God’s will, there is: death, disease, misery. Which one do you choose?

Why did the serpent, the devil, come into the Garden? Did he make Adam and Eve question God? Furthermore, did Eve actually stretch the truth regarding what God told her and Adam of the fruit?

FUN FACT: God used the Socratic Method by asking questions to gather information from Adam and Eve about their lies and disobedience.

When and why did God change to “Lord God”? What does YHWH mean? Why won’t Jews write His name?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 27, 2017

Title: Jesus on Generosity
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Pastor David Fleming will conclude the “Following Jesus” Sermon series with a topic many people choose to ignore: money.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Christians, we are to be more like the Sea of Galilee, not like the Dead Sea. We are called to pour into others, not destroy them. We are to spread what God has given to us, not keep it to ourselves.

Over the past few months, we have been encouraged by Pastor Fleming and others to “Follow Jesus” through discipleship, worship, service, and connection groups. In order to Follow Jesus, we must do so with our whole being, and that includes the money He has blessed us with.

It’s hard to imagine a true disciple of Jesus Christ who isn’t striving to grow in their generosity,” Pastor David Fleming says. As with all journeys, giving starts with a single, small step. We must also be consistent. And the third action step is: grow. Pastor Fleming does have one warning: don’t get comfortable in the amount you give. Listen in as he concludes this week’s sermon with more words of encouragement.

Next week: Pastor Fleming begins a new sermon series: “Getting Through What You’re Going Through”, focusing on the first stage of grief: Shock.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 26, 2017

Title: Jesus on Generosity
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Pastor David Fleming will conclude the “Following Jesus” Sermon series with a topic many people choose to ignore: money.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money and the importance we place upon money is the problem. So much of the Bible is about idols and the things people worshipped that were of this world. But God sent His son, Jesus, as a replacement for “things”.

Do we need anything more than Jesus? No and yes. Pastor Fleming warns that we do need to take care of ourselves and our family. There are certain basic needs we all must have. Don’t confuse needs and wants, though. God will supply your needs to you, so rely on Him.

Jesus spoke of money in the context of discipleship several times. One is found in Luke 18 (the Rich Young Ruler) and another is in the very next chapter (Zacchaeus the tax collector). Both started in the same place, wanting to please Jesus. But the end results were vastly different.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 25, 2017

Title: Jesus on Generosity
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Pastor David Fleming will conclude the “Following Jesus” Sermon series with a topic many people choose to ignore: money and finances.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FACT: Sixteen of the thirty-eight Parables discuss money and possessions.

FACT: Passages concerning money and possessions double the amount of passages concerning faith and prayer combined.

In Matthew 5, we find the famous “Sermon on the Mount” sermon from Jesus. This is also known as “The Beatitudes”. But how does this sermon discuss money? Pastor Fleming believes it goes hand-in-hand with Matthew 6. Listen in…

Is money the root of all evil? Pastor Fleming says this: “Our treasure is a measure of whether we treasure Christ in his Kingdom.” He also shares more Scripture passages that mention money.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 24, 2017

Title: Jesus on Generosity
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Pastor David Fleming will conclude the “Following Jesus” Sermon series with a topic many people choose to ignore: money and finances.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you have a personal financial testimony? Have you ever experienced the faithfulness of God in regards to your finances? Are you free or in financial bondage?

Pastor David Fleming assures the listening audience that this week’s sermon is not attempt to fundraise for Champion Forest Baptist Church or any other church. This week, Pastor Fleming simply wants you to know what Jesus longs for you. God knows the church’s needs; He just wants us to be faithful.

Listen as Pastor Fleming shares what God wants you to experience with your finances:
1. Faithfulness
2. Good stewardship
3. Complete trust

Pastor Fleming poses this question: “Is Jesus Lord at all if he is Lord of all?” Something to think about…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 23, 2017

Title: Jesus on Generosity
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Pastor David Fleming will conclude the “Following Jesus” Sermon series.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you have a personal testimony? Have you ever experienced the faithfulness of God.

Pastor David Fleming assures the listening audience that this week’s sermon is not attempt to fundraise for Champion Forest Baptist Church or any other church. This week, Pastor Fleming simply wants you to know what Jesus longs for you. God knows the church’s needs; He just wants us to be faithful.

Listen as Pastor Fleming shares what God wants you to experience:
1. Faithfulness
2. Good stewardship
3. Complete trust

Pastor Fleming poses this question: “Is Jesus Lord at all if he is Lord of all?” Something to think about…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 20, 2017

Title: Developing Disciples
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 5

This week, Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle delivers another fantastic sermon in the “Following Jesus” series. Using Matthew 28, Pastor Averri encourages us to constantly be “Developing Disciples” – even in our own lives. This passage is the last command of Christ and one we should all live by daily: The Great Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The third Determination in Discipleship is: Be determined to be selective in discipling. Don’t go overboard with trying to disciple every person you meet. Be intentional in your discipleship.

Pastor Averri encourages you to start today with two easy steps: get connected and live your life on mission.

Tune in next week as Senior Pastor David Fleming offers the last sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Jesus on Generosity”.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 19, 2017

Title: Developing Disciples
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 4

This week, Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle delivers another fantastic sermon in the “Following Jesus” series. Using Matthew 28, Pastor Averri encourages us to constantly be “Developing Disciples” – even in our own lives. This passage is the last command of Christ and one we should all live by daily: The Great Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We aren’t required to make disciples for ourselves. That would just be silly! We are required to make an eternal impact in the lives of others for Jesus Christ. Pastor Averri uses the original disciples as an example…

He also discusses the importance of intentional, spontaneous, and seasonal discipleship.

The third Determination in Discipleship is: Be determined to be selective in discipling. If you are on fire now and cannot wait to get out there and tell others about Jesus, that’s great! Way to go! However, Pastor Averri warns not to get overzealous.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 18, 2017

Title: Developing Disciples
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

This week, Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle delivers another fantastic sermon in the “Following Jesus” series. Using Matthew 28, Pastor Averri encourages us to constantly be “Developing Disciples” – even in our own lives. This passage is the last command of Christ and one we should all live by daily: The Great Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are you afraid you are not qualified to disciple someone? God says you are!

Are you “too busy” to disciple others? God doesn’t even want you to go there…

Listen as Pastor Averi LeMalle offers encouragement for those who are discipling others and those who are being discipled themselves.

The second Determination in Discipleship is: Be determined to make an eternal impact in every life that comes your way. Pastor Averri uses the movie “Dead Poet’s Society” to explain this point.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 17, 2017

Title: Developing Disciples
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 2

This week, Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle delivers another fantastic sermon in the “Following Jesus” series. Using Matthew 28, Pastor Averri encourages us to constantly be “Developing Disciples” – even in our own lives. This passage is the last command of Christ and one we should all live by daily: The Great Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who has made a difference in your Christian walk? Have you thanked them lately? Do it today! Even if it’s been years since you’ve spoken, let them know.

Is it hard for you to follow the instructions and directions from authority figures? Hopefully, not. So why don’t you follow this command from Jesus to disciple others?

Pastor Averri shares Three Determinations in Discipleship this week. The first Determination: Be determined to go in the authority of Jesus Christ. Don’t wait until you feel “qualified” to tell others about Jesus. God already gave you the qualification; you just have to use it.

Tune in tomorrow for more about “qualification” and for the second Determination in Discipleship.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 16, 2017

Title: Developing Disciples
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 1

This week, Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle delivers another fantastic sermon in the “Following Jesus” series. Using Matthew 28, Pastor Averri encourages us to constantly be “Developing Disciples” – even in our own lives. This passage is the last command of Christ and one we should all live by daily: The Great Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is discipling and influencing others so important to the life of a Christian?

Pastor Averri LeMalle recalls a time early in his life when someone took time to teach him about discipleship. Listen in as he shares that story.

Who are you pouring into?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 13, 2017

Title: Following the Master and Fishing for Men
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor David Fleming continues with his “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”, taken from the Scripture passage in Mark chapter 1, beginning in verse 16.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming challenges everyone to have one conversation today about Jesus with someone you don’t know. He has discussed the obstacles we face inwardly this week about why we don’t do this.

In this final segment, he offers Practical Steps to get started on “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”: Prepare to share. Practice. Pray. Prioritize. Pull the trigger.

Tune in next week as Teaching Pastor Averri LeMalle presents the next sermon in this series: “Developing Disciples”.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 12, 2017

Title: Old Testament Road to Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 4

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series which will last through the end of the year: The Old Testament Road to Jesus. Starting in the book of Genesis, Mark will be discussing the various events which point to the truth about the prophet’s teachings on the coming of Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why wouldn’t God allow Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? God wasn’t trying to be mean; He was simply trying to protect them. Listen as Mark uses a personal story to explain…

Under God’s will, there is: life, peace, protection. When you rebel and live outside of God’s will, there is: death, disease, misery. Which one do you choose?

Why did the serpent, the devil, come into the Garden? Did he make Adam and Eve question God? Furthermore, did Eve actually stretch the truth regarding what God told her and Adam of the fruit?

FUN FACT: God used the Socratic Method by asking questions to gather information from Adam and Eve about their lies and disobedience.

When and why did God change to “Lord God”? What does YHWH mean? Why won’t Jews write His name?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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Title: Following the Master and Fishing for Men
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor David Fleming continues with his “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”, taken from the Scripture passage in Mark chapter 1, beginning in verse 16.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why don’t we share our faith openly? Pastor Fleming has several observations:
1. We are afraid of rejection and failure. This is the devil’s number one tool to silence us: fear.

Pastor Fleming openly admits that his heart rates accelerates when he begins to share the Gospel with a stranger. You are not alone! You just have to do it! He does “get over it”, though; he says "to faith through it”. Listen in as he shares more.

2. We don’t know what to say. Your testimony is a good start. What has God done since then? What have you seen God do in other’s lives? That’s three minutes right there! 1-2-3 easy!

 3. We don’t share more because we aren’t intentional enough. Sometimes we are just oblivious; other times the opportunities never surface. Pastor Fleming says we should actively look and pursue opportunities to share our faith. Yes, it is that simple.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 11, 2017

Title: Following the Master and Fishing for Men
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor David Fleming continues with his “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”, taken from the Scripture passage in Mark chapter 1, beginning in verse 16.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you really believe what you say you believe? Do you still need some motivation to share your faith? Pastor Fleming has a third Motivations for Fishing for Men: We must have the combination of conviction and compassion.

What does the Bible say about eternity? Do you really believe in heaven and hell? If so, what are you doing to save people from an eternity in hell?

Every person you meet today will be going somewhere for eternity. Share what you know with them NOW – don’t wait or delay. You can make the difference in someone’s life today.

Why don’t we share our faith openly? Pastor Fleming has several observations: 1. We are afraid of rejection and failure. This is the devil’s number one tool to silence us: fear. Tune in tomorrow for more!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 10, 2017

Title: Following the Master and Fishing for Men
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor David Fleming continues with his “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”, taken from the Scripture passage in Mark chapter 1, beginning in verse 16.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are you excited to talk about Jesus and your salvation experience? If not, then you should be! Listen as Pastor Fleming shares a story about an enthusiastic church member who was so excited for Jesus he sometimes scared people!

Pastor Fleming continues with his Motivations for Fishing for Men:
The first: Share your faith genuinely from your own current experiences.
Secondly, have a heart of loving obedience to the Lord.

Is sharing our faith a commandment? You bet! Evangelism is NOT a spiritual gift. Everyone is called to evangelize. Matthew 28 (The Great Commission) and Acts 1:8 and just two of the many examples.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 9, 2017

Title: Following the Master and Fishing for Men
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor David Fleming continues with his “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”, taken from the Scripture passage in Mark chapter 1, beginning in verse 16.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming says this about the Scripture passage this week: “I will make you, as a promise, that as we follow Jesus, he will work on us and in us, through us, and around us to do something that we currently are not doing.

Why did Jesus choose fishermen to follow him?

Are you gonna fish or just talk?” Pastor Fleming tells a funny fishing story in this segment today. Listen in!

How do the evangelized become evangelists?

Are we truly following the Master if we are not fishing for men?

Motivations for Fishing for Men: Share your faith genuinely from your own current experiences. Tune in tomorrow for more motivation!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 6, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 5

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have you ever asked God for something and He didn’t fulfill that prayer? Well, actually, He did, but it might not have been the answer you wanted. This is one of the hardest concepts for non-believers to grasp. Listen in as Pastor Scott Riling explains…

Points for Home:
1. Christ should be our life. No exceptions. No questions asked.
2. A gift is a gift. You cannot earn salvation and it cannot be taken away.
3. Acknowledge that you are flawed. We all are.
4. Following Jesus is the best thing. Ever.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, please do not hesitate to call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800. A licensed counselor or pastor would love to talk with you.

Tune in next week as Mark Lanier brings the first lesson in his new series: “The Old Testament as the Road to Jesus”.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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Title: Grow Up Until I Go Up
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

How do you react when bad things happen? Pastor David Fleming starts off this week’s sermon with these words: “Follow Jesus. Walk with Jesus. Get real close with Jesus. Love Him. Serve Him. Honor Him. Know Him.” Great advice for every situation, especially during and after a storm.

Over the past few months, we have focused on discipleship, prayer, worship, service, small groups, and baptism. But what about spiritual growth? This week’s sermon, “Grow Up Until I Go Up”, is part of the “Following Jesus” series.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The fourth essential for spiritual growth: A determination to grow up until you go up. “Well that’s just the way I am…” Have you ever said that? Have you ever heard someone else say that? Pastor Fleming explains why this statement is a hard one to approach and how to respond…

Spiritual growth is not just a process – it is progress. There is also a price that must be paid when traveling that road. “God will test our faith, not to destroy us, but to improve us,” Pastor Fleming states.

God uses storms (literal and spiritual) to mature us. Although times may be tough right now, there is a rainbow after the storm. Your heart may still need time to heal – and that’s okay! Grieving is good for the soul, but don’t stay in that grieving place.

What does God want you to do next? We are never done doing what He calls us to do. Tune in next week as Pastor Fleming delivers a sermon everyone should hear: “Following the Master and Fishing for Men”.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 5, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 4

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What makes a relationship with Jesus Christ unique from other relationships? Pastor Riling says: “When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you…that makes all the difference in the world.” Other relationships can become distant, but the Holy Spirit will never leave you. Amen!

What is God’s will for your life? The Holy Spirit will reveal that to you. Look at John 14:17 “Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”

Pastor Scott goes on to say: “Don’t start with ‘Lord, what is your will?’ The starting point is: ‘Lord, enable me to follow You.’”

How did the Apostle Paul live his life and instruct others to live their lives? He said (paraphrased): watch God, not man. In Ephesians 3:14-19, Paul basically told the people they must decrease so God can increase. Is this how you live your life?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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Title: Grow Up Until I Go Up
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

How do you react when bad things happen? Pastor David Fleming starts off this week’s sermon with these words: “Follow Jesus. Walk with Jesus. Get real close with Jesus. Love Him. Serve Him. Honor Him. Know Him.” Great advice for every situation, especially during and after a storm.

Over the past few months, we have focused on discipleship, prayer, worship, service, small groups, and baptism. But what about spiritual growth? This week’s sermon, “Grow Up Until I Go Up”, is part of the “Following Jesus” series.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does your testimony have dust on it? If you have been a Christian for years, do you still get excited to share your testimony with others? No matter your salvation story, your life is a testimony to God’s work in you. Don’t hide it or put it on a shelf. Share it!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 4, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

On September 24, Pastor Scott Riling filled in for Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class. Scott Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

The series currently being taught during Sunday morning worship is: “Following Jesus”. Over the past few weeks, Pastor David Fleming and others have preached on the following topics: discipleship, prayer, worship, service, and small groups. This week, Pastor Riling rolls all of that information into one powerful lesson.

NOTE: Make sure you tune in to the next segment here on The What’s UP Radio Program to hear Pastor David Fleming offer the next sermon in the “Following Jesus” series: “Grow Up Until I Go Up”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There are Biblical Scholars in Universities who do not claim to even have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Seriously!

How about you? Do you spout of religious facts as knowledge but do not have the personal connection to Jesus? Keep listening each day this week as Pastor Scott reveals how you, too, can know the feeling of true salvation in Jesus Christ.

Why is it important for people within a church to believe the same about the Bible and Jesus?

Are traditions vital to being a Christian? Are they negotiable? Are they unnecessary now? Pastor uses what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, Matthew 15:6, and John 14:7 to explain…

What makes a relationship with Jesus Christ unique from other relationships? Pastor Riling will discuss this further tomorrow, so tune in!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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Title: Grow Up Until I Go Up
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

How do you react when bad things happen? Pastor David Fleming starts off this week’s sermon with these words: “Follow Jesus. Walk with Jesus. Get real close with Jesus. Love Him. Serve Him. Honor Him. Know Him.” Great advice for every situation, especially during and after a storm.

Over the past few months, we have focused on discipleship, prayer, worship, service, small groups, and baptism. But what about spiritual growth? This week’s sermon, “Grow Up Until I Go Up”, is part of the “Following Jesus” series.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Jesus love me just the way I am? Of course! But he wants so much more for you!

The second essential for spiritual growth: You must have an accurate assessment of yourself. Pastor Fleming admits that even he must work on this! He uses Paul again as an example of self-assessment.

The third essential for spiritual growth: The willingness to let go and to leave it ALL behind. Remember how Paul had Christians murdered? Yeah, he was a bad dude! When he finally surrendered and found Jesus, he could have secluded himself in shame. Why didn’t he?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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October 3, 2017

Title: Grow Up Until I Go Up
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

How do you react when bad things happen? Pastor David Fleming starts off this week’s sermon with these words: “Follow Jesus. Walk with Jesus. Get real close with Jesus. Love Him. Serve Him. Honor Him. Know Him.” Great advice for every situation, especially during and after a storm.

Over the past few months, we have focused on discipleship, prayer, worship, service, small groups, and baptism. But what about spiritual growth? This week’s sermon, “Grow Up Until I Go Up”, is part of the “Following Jesus” series.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Being a Christian is much more than a checklist. However, there are some essentials that will help you grow in your faith. The first: Have a clear vision of the goal of discipleship, which is Christ-likeness.

Paul was once a “list checker”, but that changed when he found Christ. In Philippians 3:7, for example, he wrote: “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” In other words, the list didn’t matter anymore. Pastor Fleming reads more from Philippians 3, where Paul urged the people to not be like him, but like Christ.

The second essential for spiritual growth: You must have an accurate assessment of yourself. Pastor Fleming admits that even he must work on this!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 29, 2017

Title: Jesus Had a Small Group
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor David Fleming uses Mark 3, beginning in verse 13, for this week’s sermon, “Jesus Had a Small Group”, part of the “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If you are not connected with a small group, how can people know if you have a need in your life? Who can call when a new grandbaby is born to celebrate with you? Who can you call to pray with you over a financial need or other issues? Single moms: You need help, love, and connection! A small group can offer respite or laughs when you need most!

It isn’t often that a person remembers a specific sermon that changed their life. Most often, their life changed because of connection with others in a Sunday School class or small group. So, when will you start? Let me help you: Start this Sunday.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 28, 2017

Title: Jesus Had a Small Group
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor David Fleming uses Mark 3, beginning in verse 13, for this week’s sermon, “Jesus Had a Small Group”, part of the “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming discusses the “Power of Association”. Just as we teach our children, we become like the people we associate with. Connecting and growing with others in a small group will affect our attitudes. You want your children to be part of a Sunday School class to learn more about Jesus. You should be, too!

The third reason Pastor Fleming believes you should be part of a small group is: Serve in ministry and on mission. It is much easier to serve the community together than on your own. Listen as Pastor Fleming explains how each person’s specific spiritual gift benefits the community when used together.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 27, 2017

Title: Jesus Had a Small Group
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor David Fleming uses Mark 3, beginning in verse 13, for this week’s sermon, “Jesus Had a Small Group”, part of the “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

There are quite a few verses in the Bible which highlight the importance of being connected. Pastor Fleming specifically mentions 1 Corinthians 12:27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

What if you woke up one day and your arm just decided to not be connected to the rest of your body? It was still there, but it just quit working. Would you notice? Would you miss it? Of course you would!

The second reason Pastor Fleming believes you should be part of a small group is: Grow in spiritual maturity. Hearing a great sermon is not enough. Even Pastor Fleming admits that! Don’t you feel like you need more than that? Just as a daily quite time is essential to spiritual maturity, weekly connection with others is important to dig deeper and grow.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 26, 2017

Title: Jesus Had a Small Group
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor David Fleming uses Mark 3, beginning in verse 13, for this week’s sermon, “Jesus Had a Small Group”, part of the “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming begins today segment with this fantastic quote: “God wants to see lost people come to Christ and be saved. The church is the missionary agency to see that possibility come to a reality.

So, why would someone even want to be part of a small group at their church? Glad you asked! Pastor Fleming has some reasons why!

Connect to an authentic community: No matter the size of your church, you can be part of something small. Some churches do not hold Sunday small group classes due to space, but most will have weekly meetings in homes. Some people attend large churches to stay anonymous. STOP doing that! Get connected. Make friends. Grow stronger in the Lord through a small group.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 25, 2017

Title: Jesus Had a Small Group
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor David Fleming uses Mark 3, beginning in verse 13, for this week’s sermon, “Jesus Had a Small Group”, part of the “Following Jesus” series at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The passage which Pastor Fleming uses this week from Mark 3 focuses on Jesus’ relationship with the twelve disciples.

Why did Jesus place so much emphasis on “small groups”?

Before going out into the world, Pastor Fleming believes we should be part of something smaller in order to receive training. Listen as he explains how joining a small group can help prepare you for witnessing to the world.

How can connecting with others help you in your walk with God? Attending “big church” is terrific, but having a connection with others in a personal setting is equally, if not more, important.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 15, 2017

Title: Service in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Last week, Pastor Fleming brought us a wonderful sermon on Worship in the Context of Discipleship. This week’s sermon is a continuation of that same thought: SERVICE in our community.

Although this sermon was presented on August 6, weeks before Hurricane Harvey ravaged Southeast Texas, it is very fitting for this week. Wild fires are spreading quickly in the Northwest. Our country is reeling from these tragedies and it will take months, if not years, of faithful service to rebuild homes, businesses, and lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you want to hear “Well done, my good and faithful servant” when you reach heaven’s gate? God isn’t worried about the mess-ups or the times you skipped church on a Sunday morning (although you shouldn’t do that!). God wants to know if you followed His command and served others.

No, works will not buy us a ticket into heaven – only salvation through His son, Jesus Christ, will reward that. But we are all directed to share His love with others. “It’s hard to grow in your faith if you are not serving,” Pastor Fleming states. What better way to honor that than to serve?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 14, 2017

Title: Service in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Last week, Pastor Fleming brought us a wonderful sermon on Worship in the Context of Discipleship. This week’s sermon is a continuation of that same thought: SERVICE in our community.

Although this sermon was presented on August 6, weeks before Hurricane Harvey ravaged Southeast Texas, it is very fitting for this week. Wild fires are spreading quickly in the Northwest. Our country is reeling from these tragedies and it will take months, if not years, of faithful service to rebuild homes, businesses, and lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ephesians 4:16 “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

1 Corinthians 4:2 “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.”

Romans 14:12 “So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

No matter the size of the church, everyone is needed to serve! Yesterday, Pastor Fleming encouraged everyone to take their online Spiritual Gift survey.  Today, he continues with his sermon points: We are saved to serve. We are gifted to serve. We are needed to serve. We are expected to serve.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 13, 2017

Title: Service in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Last week, Pastor Fleming brought us a wonderful sermon on Worship in the Context of Discipleship. This week’s sermon is a continuation of that same thought: SERVICE in our community.

Although this sermon was presented on August 6, weeks before Hurricane Harvey ravaged Southeast Texas, it is very fitting for this week. Wild fires are spreading quickly in the Northwest. Our country is reeling from these tragedies and it will take months, if not years, of faithful service to rebuild homes, businesses, and lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Reminder: Works do not save us. When we are saved, we do good works for others. They don’t do it for us. We ALL do it for them. Plain and simple.

Pastor Fleming says we are also gifted to serve. Yes, we are ALL gifted to serve – we just have different ways of expressing that gift. We encourage you to click here  and take the online Spiritual Gift survey. Even if you have done this in the past, it’s good to do it again. We all change over the years, after all, and you might be surprised by what you may learn!

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 12, 2017

Title: Service in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Last week, Pastor Fleming brought us a wonderful sermon on Worship in the Context of Discipleship. This week’s sermon is a continuation of that same thought: SERVICE in our community.

Although this sermon was presented on August 6, weeks before Hurricane Harvey ravaged Southeast Texas, it is very fitting for this week. Wild fires are spreading quickly in the Northwest. Our country is reeling from these tragedies and it will take months, if not years, of faithful service to rebuild homes, businesses, and lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

You are never closer to Jesus or more like Jesus than when you are serving and giving your life away to others in service,” Pastor Fleming states.

Do you aspire to be a servant – a slave? Jesus himself said he came to serve others! Even during the Last Supper, Jesus was serving others! At the cross, Jesus served us!

Even in churches across the nation, people have a “serve me attitude”. That’s our culture. But shouldn’t we be different than “them”? Shouldn’t we WANT something more?

Pastor Fleming offers five reasons this week why we should desire to serve others. First, we are saved to serve. Not saved “with” service; saved “to” serve. This is vital…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 11, 2017

Title: Service in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Last week, Pastor Fleming brought us a wonderful sermon on Worship in the Context of Discipleship. This week’s sermon is a continuation of that same thought: SERVICE in our community.

Although this sermon was presented on August 6, weeks before Hurricane Harvey ravaged Southeast Texas, it is very fitting for this week. Wild fires are spreading quickly in the Northwest. Our country is reeling from these tragedies and it will take months, if not years, of faithful service to rebuild homes, businesses, and lives.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming reminds us of a church with only four types of people: Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, and Anybody. (If you have listened to The What’s UP Radio Program for any length of time, we have played a similar story frequently.) Listen as Pastor Fleming offers his version…

What does a disciple of Jesus do? Pastor Fleming uses Matthew 20, beginning in verse 20, this week as the Scripture passage: A Mother’s Request.

What was Jesus’s response to the mother? Who holds the true authority? Who should be the real servants? Are we ALL slaves?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 8, 2017

Title: Worship in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? That is the focus of the new sermon series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Pastor Fleming will be encouraging us with “Worshipping in the Context of Discipleship”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming began reviewing ways to apply worship through discipleship yesterday: Commit to worship and focus on God. We do not attend church to be entertained; don’t fuss about the music or the lights or even the preaching. Focus on God!

Thirdly, Pastor Fleming says connection with other believers is vital. You are part of a community at church – join in and enjoy it! He continues with: engage your worship with others. This is different than community. Listen as he explains.

Finally, Pastor Fleming believes that obedience is just as important as the others. Psalm 115:8 “They became like the idols they made.” Don’t falter in your obedience and start worshipping celebrities or athletes or even things. Keep your focus and obedience on the Lord.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 7, 2017

Title: Worship in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? That is the focus of the new sermon series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Pastor Fleming will be encouraging us with “Worshipping in the Context of Discipleship”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Worship is a way of life. It’s more than songs and a sermon; worship is how you live your life outside of the church walls. “True worship actually begins when we leave a worship service,” Pastor Fleming says.

How is your worship every day? Is it a “daily discipline” for you? We don’t just follow Jesus on Sunday; we follow Jesus every day. Connecting with Jesus intentionally every day is vital in our walk with God.

Pastor Fleming reminds us that we do need a corporate worship experience. Why? Can’t we worship God at the mall or the golf course on a Sunday morning? NO, of course not. You will NOT be worshipping God if you miss that shot or someone else grabs that blouse before you do.

So, how can you apply worship through discipleship in your daily walk with God? First, commit to worship, both daily and corporately. Secondly, focus on God. Tune in tomorrow for Pastor Fleming’s conclusion…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 6, 2017

Title: Worship in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? That is the focus of the new sermon series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Pastor Fleming will be encouraging us with “Worshipping in the Context of Discipleship”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Fleming begins today’s segment by reminiscing a little about a trip he and his wife, Beverly, took to Costa Rica. He even shared some pictures with the congregation. He shared this story because the scenery that surrounded them there was absolutely stunning.

Have you ever looked at the sky and thought, “Wow! How did God do this?” Amazing, isn’t it? To think that God, who made the heavens and the earth, is most glorified when we are satisfied in Him! Every time we choose to worship God and His creation, we honor Him. Our worship completes us.

How do we worship through discipleship? First, Pastor Fleming believes we must understand what worship is. Listen as he explains…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 5, 2017

Title: Worship in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? That is the focus of the new sermon series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Pastor Fleming will be encouraging us with “Worshipping in the Context of Discipleship”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we only serve God?

We were made in the image of God so we could worship Him and Him alone. We were made for His glory. When we worship something other than God, we may be pacified, but we will never be satisfied. At some point, those things will cease to even pacify us. Why not just go straight to the source of satisfaction?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 4, 2017

Title: Worship in the Context of Discipleship
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? That is the focus of the new sermon series at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Pastor Fleming will be encouraging us with “Worshipping in the Context of Discipleship”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We were made to be worshippers. The question is: What do you worship? “No one, or no thing other than the God who made us in His image, is worthy of our worship,” Pastor Fleming states.

Satan tempted Jesus three times in the wilderness. He was tempted with food, authority, and power. What was Jesus’ response all three times?

In Luke 4:8, Jesus said: “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’” This is the primary focus of Pastor Fleming’s sermon this week. Jesus is actually quoting Scripture here. Why does God want us to worship only Him? Tune in tomorrow for some answers…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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September 1, 2017

Title: Time to Pray
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 5

Averri LeMalle is the Teaching Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church. As the Teaching Pastor, he preaches and teaches in worship venues on Sundays and Wednesdays, rotationally serving all campuses and ministering to the entire congregation.

Continuing in the sermon series, “Following Jesus”, Pastor Averri LeMalle is presenting the sermon, “Time to Pray”, using the Scripture from Mark 1 beginning in verse 35.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ruth Graham: “Pray when you feel like it, for it’s a sin to neglect such an opportunity. Pray when you don’t feel like it, for it’s dangerous to remain in such a condition.

Do you struggle to find the words to pray? You’re not alone! Even the disciples asked Jesus to help them to know how to pray. Pastor Averri uses two different acronyms to help those who struggle with knowing how to pray.

Thanksgiving, and

Request, and

Pastor Averri has a warning, though: Don’t make prayer a ritual. Listen in as he concludes this week’s sermon…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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August 31, 2017

Title: Time to Pray
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 4

Averri LeMalle is the Teaching Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church. As the Teaching Pastor, he preaches and teaches in worship venues on Sundays and Wednesdays, rotationally serving all campuses and ministering to the entire congregation.

Continuing in the sermon series, “Following Jesus”, Pastor Averri LeMalle is presenting the sermon, “Time to Pray”, using the Scripture from Mark 1 beginning in verse 35.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does prayer change things? Nope, it doesn’t. It touched the heart of God and God changes things!

Scheduling time to pray to God is something we should look forward to! It’s not something we should dread or want to rush through. Never pass an opportunity to converse with God. Pastor Averri LeMalle says: “We should be in a hurry to pray to Him, and not hurry up when we pray to Him.

Pastor Averri tells a story in today’s segment of the shortest prayer he every prayed, which happened to be before a meal. Listen in as he shares this funny, but convicting, story…

You can prioritize prayer and prepare to pray all day long, but if you don’t actually pray, what good does it do?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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August 30, 2017

Title: Time to Pray
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 3

Averri LeMalle is the Teaching Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church. As the Teaching Pastor, he preaches and teaches in worship venues on Sundays and Wednesdays, rotationally serving all campuses and ministering to the entire congregation.

Continuing in the sermon series, “Following Jesus”, Pastor Averri LeMalle is presenting the sermon, “Time to Pray”, using the Scripture from Mark 1 beginning in verse 35.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ladies: Do you schedule hair appointments?
Men: Do you schedule time to take care of your car?
ALL: Are you scheduling time to pray with God each day?

Think about it… We all schedule activities on our calendars every day. Does prayer with God have a prominent place on your schedule?

Do you have a “prayer closet”? Pastor Averri LeMalle also stresses the importance of “preparing for prayer”. Listen as he explains what this meant to Jesus…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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August 29, 2017

Title: Time to Pray
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 2

Averri LeMalle is the Teaching Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church. As the Teaching Pastor, he preaches and teaches in worship venues on Sundays and Wednesdays, rotationally serving all campuses and ministering to the entire congregation.

Continuing in the sermon series, “Following Jesus”, Pastor Averri LeMalle is presenting the sermon, “Time to Pray”, using the Scripture from Mark 1 beginning in verse 35.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we prioritize prayer? Is scheduling time with God on our calendar okay or sacrilegious?

Yesterday, we concluded Pastor Averri LeMalle’s segment with Jesus healing all the sick and demon-possessed people in the town – all in ONE DAY! Did Jesus go to bed exhausted without praying? NOPE! He still found time to pray! Listen as Pastor Averri continues to discuss the importance of this passage in our prayer walk with God…

Did Jesus pray before he chose the disciples? Did he pray when he was tired and hungry? Did Jesus pray before the cross? Did he pray when he was on the cross? Does Jesus even pray in heaven on our behalf?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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August 28, 2017

Title: Time to Pray
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Pastor Averri LeMalle
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Part 1

Averri LeMalle is the Teaching Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church. As the Teaching Pastor, he preaches and teaches in worship venues on Sundays and Wednesdays, rotationally serving all campuses and ministering to the entire congregation.

Continuing in the sermon series, “Following Jesus”, Pastor Averri LeMalle is presenting the sermon, “Time to Pray”, using the Scripture from Mark 1 beginning in verse 35.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How important was prayer to Jesus? Did Jesus take time out of his day each day to pray to his Heavenly Father?

Is being busy a bad thing? NO! Pastor Averri LeMalle says: “The problem arises when our busyness outshines our commitment to God”.

Earlier in Mark Chapter 1, in verses 29-34, we read of how Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon and Andrew’s house. There, he healed Simon’s mother. What happened next? Listen as Pastor Averri reads more…

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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August 25, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Stephen Trammel is presenting the sermon this week. Pastor Trammel is the lead pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church North Klein Campus. He is opening up a NEW sermon series, Following Jesus, which we will be following for the next few months. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Discipleship 101: From Faith to Following” using Mark 1: 16-20, when Jesus called the first disciples.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does the word “disciple” mean to you?

Habit Number One: when moving from “faith to following”: Practice daily spiritual disciples.

Habit Number Two: Embrace moment by moment surrender to his Lordship. Listen as Pastor Trammel explains by using the analogy of Netflix and Chromecast.

Habit Number Three: Continue his ministry on Earth. You are pursued by God because you are important. You matter. You are unique. You are special. He chooses to love you. Will you love Him back?

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, please don’t hesitate. You never know when your time will be to stand before God. Call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800 and speak to a licensed Christian counselor or pastor to make that decision today!

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August 24, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Stephen Trammel is presenting the sermon this week. Pastor Trammel is the lead pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church North Klein Campus. He is opening up a NEW sermon series, Following Jesus, which we will be following for the next few months. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Discipleship 101: From Faith to Following” using Mark 1: 16-20, when Jesus called the first disciples.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Trammel tells a story from his youth that still resonates with him today. He was challenged to start having a daily quiet time and offers some helpful tips on how to implement that in our lives.

First, select a time; it doesn’t need to be in the morning.
Secondly, find a place a solitude where you can have uninterrupted time with God.
Thirdly, select a plan.

You will retain so much more information from God when you have a plan rather than just randomly selecting a Scripture passage from the Bible. Along with having a reading plan, Pastor Trammel recommends using a daily devotion.

Finally, Pastor Trammel offers two more suggestions: engage your walk with God through prayer and journal your journey.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, please don’t hesitate. You never know when your time will be to stand before God. Call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800 and speak to a licensed Christian counselor or pastor to make that decision today!

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August 23, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Stephen Trammel is presenting the sermon this week. Pastor Trammel is the lead pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church North Klein Campus. He is opening up a NEW sermon series, Following Jesus, which we will be following for the next few months. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Discipleship 101: From Faith to Following” using Mark 1: 16-20, when Jesus called the first disciples.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Decisions to move from “Faith to Following”:
1) Place your faith in Jesus alone for salvation
2) Identify with Christ through baptism by immersion

Why do Baptists baptize by immersion? Was Jesus baptized the same way? What does it represent? Does baptism “save” you?

The final decision Christian must make to fulfill their calling “from faith to following” is to become a fully devoted follower of Christ. This does not mean attending church on Sunday morning. It requires spiritual growth and discipleship.

How can you employ these decisions in your life? Pastor Trammel has three HABITS to help you. The first: Practice daily spiritual disciplines.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, please don’t hesitate. You never know when your time will be to stand before God. Call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800 and speak to a licensed Christian counselor or pastor to make that decision today!

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August 22, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Stephen Trammel is presenting the sermon this week. Pastor Trammel is the lead pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church North Klein Campus. He is opening up a NEW sermon series, Following Jesus, which we will be following for the next few months. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Discipleship 101: From Faith to Following” using Mark 1: 16-20, when Jesus called the first disciples.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Trammel concluded his segment yesterday by discussing the first of three decisions that will help you move from “faith to following”. The first decision is to place your faith in Jesus alone for salvation.

What happened in that moment – a divine transaction – when you realized your need for a Savior? Whatever you’ve done, or will do, Jesus has already conquered it! But, what does that mean? Listen as Pastor Trammel passionately explains by using his own personal salvation testimony.

The second decision that Pastor Trammel believes benefits Christians in their “faith to following” walk is: identify with Christ through baptism by immersion. This is a controversial topic among the different Christian denominations. Tune in tomorrow for more!

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, please don’t hesitate. You never know when your time will be to stand before God. Call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800 and speak to a licensed Christian counselor or pastor to make that decision today!

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August 21, 2017

Title: Following Jesus
Topic: Series: Following Jesus
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Trammell
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Stephen Trammel is presenting the sermon this week. Pastor Trammel is the lead pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church North Klein Campus. He is opening up a NEW sermon series, Following Jesus, which we will be following for the next few months. This week’s sermon is entitled: “Discipleship 101: From Faith to Following” using Mark 1: 16-20, when Jesus called the first disciples.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you remember the moment you decided to follow Jesus? Are you still as excited today as you were then? Are you willing to leave everything behind in order to follow Jesus?

Pastor Trammel has three decisions that will help you move from “faith to following”. The first: Place your faith in Jesus alone for salvation. This one seems like a no-brainer, but many people still struggle with this. Pastor Trammel discusses this further tomorrow, so tune in!

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, please don’t hesitate. You never know when your time will be to stand before God. Call Champion Forest Baptist Church at 281.440.3800 and speak to a licensed Christian counselor or pastor to make that decision today!

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