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December 14, 2018

Title: Jesus and His Interactions with Women
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

We all know that women have had a rough time throughout history. But how did Jesus treat women? Mark Lanier has some terrific examples this week and also a bonus worship devotional he missed last week!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

JOHN 19:25-27
(Continued from Thursday)

Two Take Aways:
Honor Your Parents (Exodus 20:32)
Show love to those in your care

LUKE 20:45-47 and 21:1-4

What were the responsibilities of the scribes?

Three Take Aways:
Have substance over form
Tend to the weak and don’t take advantage
Be generous

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 13, 2018

Title: Jesus and His Interactions with Women
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

We all know that women have had a rough time throughout history. But how did Jesus treat women? Mark Lanier has some terrific examples this week and also a bonus worship devotional he missed last week!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(Continued from Wednesday)

What does “Hosanna” mean in Greek”? Is it derived from Aramaic?
What does worship really mean?
Have you ever asked God to save you through worship?

Take Away: Let God be God

JOHN 19:25-27

Who were the three Mary’s in these verses?
Were there really four women?
Did Jesus’s brothers believe he was the Christ before his death?
Did they believe when he was resurrected?

Two Take Aways:
Honor Your Parents (Exodus 20:32)

QUESTION: Is this just about respect? ANSWER: Nope. Listen as Mark explains…

Tune in tomorrow for the second take away from John 19:25-27

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 12, 2018

Title: Jesus and His Interactions with Women
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

We all know that women have had a rough time throughout history. But how did Jesus treat women? Mark Lanier has some terrific examples this week and also a bonus worship devotional he missed last week!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

LUKE 10:38-42
(continued from Tuesday)

What did Jesus want Martha to focus on?

Three Take Aways:
Follow Jesus
God wants us regardless of what society thinks
Show the respect that Jesus showed


Listen as Mark uses a square peg/round hole analogy to explain Matthew 21:14-16…
What does “Hosanna” mean in Greek”?
Tune in tomorrow for more on this BONUS Worship Devotional…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 11, 2018

Title: Jesus and His Interactions with Women
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

We all know that women have had a rough time throughout history. But how did Jesus treat women? Mark Lanier has some terrific examples this week and also a bonus worship devotional he missed last week!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

LUKE 10:38-42
How were the Rabbis treating women at this time?
Could women do many things or were they restricted?
Did the Rabbis really believe it was better to burn the Bible than let women have access to it?
Mark reminds us of Rosa Parks and Betty Williams… “They weren’t happy with the status quo. They changed their seats and changed the world.
Were women allowed in the synagogue?
Was Martha jealous of Mary?
What did Jesus want Martha to focus on?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 10, 2018

Title: Jesus and His Interactions with Women
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

We all know that women have had a rough time throughout history. But how did Jesus treat women? Mark Lanier has some terrific examples this week and also a bonus worship devotional he missed last week!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark Lanier shares a sweet story about two little girls who attend his class with their parents. You simply MUST go to the Biblical-Literacy website to check out the PowerPoint and/or video to see the terrific card they made for Mark. It’s absolutely precious.

Why is translating the Bible so difficult? Mark offers two reasons: language barriers and culture differences.

How has culture shifted over the centuries regarding women’s role in society?

LUKE 10:38-42 How were the Rabbis treating women at this time? Could women do many things or were they restricted? Tune in tomorrow for more…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 7, 2018

Title: Jesus and Worship
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

What does worship mean? What does worship mean to you? Can worship look different to different people/denominations? Must you worship in a church/building? Who, how, and why do we worship?

Worship is:
An Attitude of Gratitude
For God Only

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Why does God demand obedience? Must we all be like Monks and Nuns? HINT: Nope! Bottom line: Do what God says.

WORSHIP IS REALITY Revelation 5:11-14

How many people have given their lives for you? How many people WOULD give their lives for you? Would you give your life for someone? Think about what Jesus did for YOU. Think about the sacrifice God made for YOU. This is REALITY. Mark also uses Philippians 2:5-11 to explain the reality of worship…

In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. “We ascribe worth to God because only God is worthy.” – Mark Lanier

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 6, 2018

Title: Jesus and Worship
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

What does worship mean? What does worship mean to you? Can worship look different to different people/denominations? Must you worship in a church/building? Who, how, and why do we worship?

Worship is:
An Attitude of Gratitude
For God Only

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you complain too much about the songs sung during worship on Sunday morning? Do you complain about the singer/singers? Do you complain about…. Pick a problem… Just stop it! Worship the Lord in your own way. It WILL transform you.


Why did Jesus quote the Old Testament in response to the question in these verses? How does Satan sneak into our lives?


Are you a hypocrite? Do you accuse others of hypocrisy?

Tune in tomorrow for more on this and Mark’s conclusion…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 5, 2018

Title: Jesus and Worship
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

What does worship mean? What does worship mean to you? Can worship look different to different people/denominations? Must you worship in a church/building? Who, how, and why do we worship?

Worship is:
An Attitude of Gratitude
For God Only

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Final thoughts on Gratitude: Continually thank God for everything – good or bad.


Story of Jesus birth and the few years after.
What does Bethlehem mean? Why is this significant?
What is true worship?
Is all other worship false?
Matthew pointed out that the Wise Men and Herod both inquired about the new King. How and why were their inquiries different?
Is there a “right” way to worship?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 4, 2018

Title: Jesus and Worship
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

What does worship mean? What does worship mean to you? Can worship look different to different people/denominations? Must you worship in a church/building? Who, how, and why do we worship?

Worship is:
An Attitude of Gratitude
For God Only

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(Continued from Monday)

Why did the Jews “spit” at the Samaritans and the Samaritans “spit” at the Jews?
Did they both ignore/hate lepers more than each other?
What kind of laws were required of lepers?
How were the leper’s lives changed after Jesus healed them?
Which leper was most grateful?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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December 3, 2018

Title: Jesus and Worship
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

What does worship mean? What does worship mean to you? Can worship look different to different people/denominations? Must you worship in a church/building? Who, how, and why do we worship?

Worship is:
An Attitude of Gratitude
For God Only

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Story of the lepers who worshipped Jesus
What did Jesus tell them to do?
What did one of the lepers do? What did the others do?
What did worship look like at this time?
What was the land like where the lepers were? Listen as Mark describes the area in detail. A more detailed image can be found in the Biblical Literacy archives

Just as Luke left the readers wondering what happened next, Mark does the same thing in today’s segment. Want to find out what Jesus does next? Tune in tomorrow!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 30, 2018

Title: Jesus and Interruptions
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Life doesn’t always go like we expect it to. Little – and BIG – interruptions delay and distract us almost daily. How do you deal with those interruptions?

We can learn a great deal about how to handle interruptions from Jesus. This week, Mark offer examples and solutions from the Man Himself.

Jesus and Children
Jesus and a Teaching Moment
Jesus and Needy People
Jesus and Trouble Makers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #3: Jesus and Needy People (Matthew 9)

In this chapter, Jesus was presented with several interruptions: a paralytic, a dead daughter, a woman who couldn’t stop bleeding, a blind man, and a mute man who was possessed by a demon… Did Jesus have time for all of this? Of course not! But he made time because he had compassion for them.

ROAD MAP STOP #4: Jesus and Trouble Makers (Matthew 12:9-15)

Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus “Is it lawful to work on the Sabbath?” Were they trying to trick him? The answer Jesus gives is perfection!

Remember: Real life is never a straight road. But it’s not impossible, either.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 29, 2018

Title: Jesus and Interruptions
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Life doesn’t always go like we expect it to. Little – and BIG – interruptions delay and distract us almost daily. How do you deal with those interruptions?

We can learn a great deal about how to handle interruptions from Jesus. This week, Mark offer examples and solutions from the Man Himself.

Jesus and Children
Jesus and a Teaching Moment
Jesus and Needy People
Jesus and Trouble Makers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2: Jesus and a Teaching Moment (Luke 10:25)

Who do you consider your neighbor?

It’s almost Christmastime… How can you justify spending money on gifts for family and friends when so many people are in need?

Mark says: “If we don’t struggle with this one, then something ain’t right.”

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 28, 2018

Title: Jesus and Interruptions
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Life doesn’t always go like we expect it to. Little – and BIG – interruptions delay and distract us almost daily. How do you deal with those interruptions?

We can learn a great deal about how to handle interruptions from Jesus. This week, Mark offer examples and solutions from the Man Himself.

Jesus and Children
Jesus and a Teaching Moment
Jesus and Needy People
Jesus and Trouble Makers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2: Jesus and a Teaching Moment (Luke 10:25)

The Good Samaritan is a story we are all familiar with, but be honest… Would you have helped the man or passed on the other side of the road?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 27, 2018

Title: Jesus and Interruptions
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Life doesn’t always go like we expect it to. Little – and BIG – interruptions delay and distract us almost daily. How do you deal with those interruptions?

We can learn a great deal about how to handle interruptions from Jesus. This week, Mark offer examples and solutions from the Man Himself.

Jesus and Children
Jesus and a Teaching Moment
Jesus and Needy People
Jesus and Trouble Makers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #1: Jesus and Children (Matthew 19:10) (continued from Monday)

How is the Greek translation different than the English Standard Version (Mark’s translation choice)?
Listen close! This is very interesting!
Did Jesus see opportunities or problems?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 26, 2018

Title: Jesus and Interruptions
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Life doesn’t always go like we expect it to. Little – and BIG – interruptions delay and distract us almost daily. How do you deal with those interruptions?

We can learn a great deal about how to handle interruptions from Jesus. This week, Mark offer examples and solutions from the Man Himself.

Jesus and Children
Jesus and a Teaching Moment
Jesus and Needy People
Jesus and Trouble Makers

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #1: Jesus and Children (Matthew 19:10)

What did the disciples say to the kids and their parents who came to see Jesus?

Were the disciples nice?

What did Jesus say to them?

Tune in tomorrow for more about Jesus’ response to the children, the parents, and the disciples…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 23, 2018

Title: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

This week, Mark Lanier uses quite a few Scripture passages to reveal what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Mark examines references from the past and the future in each Scripture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

John 16:14; Acts 3:1-9; Luke 1:41

Points for Home

In the Holy Spirit, we can:
See Jesus
Learn of Jesus
Speak of Jesus
Glorify Jesus
Have hope in Jesus

Next week, Mark’s Devotional topic is “How did Jesus deal with interruptions?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 22, 2018

Title: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

This week, Mark Lanier uses quite a few Scripture passages to reveal what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Mark examines references from the past and the future in each Scripture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Acts 2:37; John 16:12-13; Acts 15:22-28; Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 4:7

Is God fair?

If God loves us, then why do bad things happen?

Are you asking God to help you stop the bad stuff?

Mark reminds us: “It’s not the magic of baptism that forgives your sins. It’s the cross of Christ that forgives you.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 21, 2018

Title: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

This week, Mark Lanier uses quite a few Scripture passages to reveal what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Mark examines references from the past and the future in each Scripture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

John 14:1-10; John 14:25-26; John 15:26-27; Matthew 3:16-17; John 16:7-8

Has the Holy Spirit been bearing witness to Jesus since the beginning of time?

Does the Holy Spirit still convict people?

Tune in tomorrow for more on this…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 20, 2018

Title: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

This week, Mark Lanier uses quite a few Scripture passages to reveal what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Mark examines references from the past and the future in each Scripture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Acts 1:4-5; Acts 1:12-14; Acts 2:1-4; John 14:20; Acts 2:2

What is the Kingdom of God?
Why did the people have such a hard time believing that the Kingdom of God was bigger than Israel?
Why was Jesus so confident that the people would understand?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 19, 2018

Title: Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

This week, Mark Lanier uses quite a few Scripture passages to reveal what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Mark examines references from the past and the future in each Scripture.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

John 14:15-17

Why is each word of this passage so important?
Who is the helper?
How do Muslims misinterpret this passage?
Did Jesus follow through with his promise?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here]

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November 2, 2018

Title: Jesus Outside the Gospel
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

The four Gospels are full of wise words that Jesus spoke to his disciples and the people he visited. Do other books of the Bible have record of his words, though? You bet!

Mark Lanier continues his series “Devotions from the Life of Christ” this week with three new Road Map Stops: Fear, Jesus, and the Heart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Why is it important to check the facts of what you learn about God, Jesus, and the Bible? Even the things Mark teaches? In Ephesians 2:8-10, what does Paul mean by the “cross of Christ”? Have you already been saved? Or are you still waiting to be saved?

Why did Jesus die on the cross? Was he just showing off? Was he hoping his Father, God, would change His mind?

Mark looks at John 15:7…

Final Thought: Choose love over fear

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 1, 2018

Title: Jesus Outside the Gospel
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

The four Gospels are full of wise words that Jesus spoke to his disciples and the people he visited. Do other books of the Bible have record of his words, though? You bet!

Mark Lanier continues his series “Devotions from the Life of Christ” this week with three new Road Map Stops: Fear, Jesus, and the Heart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Why is it important to check the facts of what you learn about God, Jesus, and the Bible?

Even the things Mark teaches?

The last part of Rev 2:4 says "You have abandoned the love you had at first".

What does this mean?

What is your "why"? Have you abandoned the love you first had for Jesus? Are you doing all the right things as a Christian? What is the difference between doing something out of “obligation” and “pleasure”?

Larry Norman, a Christian Rocker from the 1960’s, once said: “You can be a righteous rocker. You can be a holy roller. You can be most anything. You can be a Leon Russell or a super muscle. You can be a corporate king. You can be a wealthy man from Texas or a witch with heavy hexes. But without love you ain’t nothing, without love.” The song can be heard here

What did Paul say?

What did Jesus say?

Duet 6:5; John 13:34-35; and John 15:12-13

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 31, 2018

Title: Jesus Outside the Gospel
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

The four Gospels are full of wise words that Jesus spoke to his disciples and the people he visited. Do other books of the Bible have record of his words, though? You bet!

Mark Lanier continues his series “Devotions from the Life of Christ” this week with three new Road Map Stops: Fear, Jesus, and the Heart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What is The Trinity?
Who did God say He was to Moses thought the burning bush? This can be found in Exodus 3…

What does "I am who I am" mean in Greek?

What does the Isle of Patmos look like?

Why is this an important fact to know? Mark uses Isaiah 44:1-6 to explain…


Why is it important to check the facts of what you learn about God, Jesus, and the Bible? Even the things Mark teaches?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 30, 2018

Title: Jesus Outside the Gospel
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

The four Gospels are full of wise words that Jesus spoke to his disciples and the people he visited. Do other books of the Bible have record of his words, though? You bet!

Mark Lanier continues his series “Devotions from the Life of Christ” this week with three new Road Map Stops: Fear, Jesus, and the Heart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FIRST ROAD MAP STOP: FEAR NOT - Revelation 1:17-18

What do you fear?
What happened to John on the Island of Patmos?
Do you realize how much Jesus is fighting for you?

Point: Do not fear Him. Honor and worship Him.


What is The Trinity?
Join Mark and his class as CFBC member Bev Bowman leads us in the first verse of the hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Who did Jesus say he was?
Who did God say He was to Moses thought the burning bush?

Tune in tomorrow as Mark reads from Exodus 3...

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 29, 2018

Title: Jesus Outside the Gospel
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

The four Gospels are full of wise words that Jesus spoke to his disciples and the people he visited. Do other books of the Bible have record of his words, though? You bet!

Mark Lanier continues his series “Devotions from the Life of Christ” this week with three new Road Map Stops: Fear, Jesus, and the Heart.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the significance of the Island of Patmos?

FIRST ROAD MAP STOP: FEAR NOT - Revelation 1:17-18

What do you fear?
Did Jesus need to constantly remind his disciples to not fear and worry?
Why was John exiled to the Isle of Patmos?

Mark uses John 12:15 and Zachariah 9:9 as references… Listen as Mark shares an interesting fact about kings and kingdoms… What happened to John on the Island of Patmos? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 26, 2018

Title: Say What?!?!
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier has entitled this week’s lesson “Say What?!?!” looking at the words of Jesus. Did Jesus “really” say that?

The four vignettes this week are:

1. Getting Off Track
2. Real Authenticity
3. Stop Complaining
4. Funny Things Jesus Said

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Fourth Vignette: Funny Stuff Jesus Said! (various passages)
Puns and witty word play – Matthew 16:23
Sarcasm – Matthew 7:3-5
Irony – Matthew 21:31
Absurdity – Luke 8:44-45
Craziness – Matthew – 23:23-24

POINT: What is your commitment? Be surprised by your savior as you learn and walk with him.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 25, 2018

Title: Say What?!?!
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier has entitled this week’s lesson “Say What?!?!” looking at the words of Jesus. Did Jesus “really” say that?

The four vignettes this week are:

1. Getting Off Track
2. Real Authenticity
3. Stop Complaining
4. Funny Things Jesus Said

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Third Vignette: Stop Complaining! (Matthew 11:16-19)

Why were children in the market place?
Why would someone call Jesus a glutton and drunkard?

There are all kinds of children! Some are well behaved. Some are not. Some are happy all the time. Some are sad or angry. Some don't ever want to do anything. Are adults the same? Are you satisfied?

POINT: What is your commitment? Realize that God is not your concierge.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 24, 2018

Title: Say What?!?!
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier has entitled this week’s lesson “Say What?!?!” looking at the words of Jesus. Did Jesus “really” say that?

The four vignettes this week are:

1. Getting Off Track
2. Real Authenticity
3. Stop Complaining
4. Funny Things Jesus Said

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Second Vignette: Be Authentic (Matthew 12:33-34)

What does “brood of vipers” mean in the Greek? NOTE: This is really interesting! Pay close attention! Are you two-faced?

: What is your commitment? Let your words and life be from a good tree.

Third Vignette: Stop Complaining! (Matthew 11:16-19)

Why were children in the market place? Why would someone call Jesus a glutton and drunkard?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click a href="">[here].

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October 23, 2018

Title: Say What?!?!
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier has entitled this week’s lesson “Say What?!?!” looking at the words of Jesus. Did Jesus “really” say that?

The four vignettes this week are:

1. Getting Off Track
2. Real Authenticity
3. Stop Complaining
4. Funny Things Jesus Said

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First Vignette: Getting Off-Track (Mark 12:26-27)

Why did the Sadducees ask Jesus to explain the resurrection to them?
What was their opinion of the resurrection?
Did they believe Jesus?
How did the Sadducees get off-track? Luke 20:27-40
POINT: What is your commitment? Know the scriptures and know the power of God.

Second Vignette: Authenticity (Matthew 12:33-34)

What does “brood of vipers” mean? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 22, 2018

Title: Say What?!?!
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier has entitled this week’s lesson “Say What?!?!” looking at the words of Jesus. Did Jesus “really” say that?

The four vignettes this week are:

1. Getting Off Track
2. Real Authenticity
3. Stop Complaining
4. Funny Things Jesus Said

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First Vignette: Getting Off-Track (Mark 12:26-27)

Mark shares a story from his church youth group growing up. His friend thought what happened was hilarious!

Listen to find out what it was!

How does this Scripture translate in Greek?

What does “polu” mean?

Why did Jesus tell the Sadducees they were “quite wrong”?

Mark looks back at Mark 12:18-25…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 19, 2018

Title: Places Jesus Visited
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues with his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series with a look at the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…plus Ephesians. Do you see yourself in any of these stories?

The Road Map Stops are six places where Jesus visited: Bethlehem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Sea of Galilee, Gerasenes, and Jerusalem.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Road Map Stop #5: Gerasenes: Demons Within Us Mark 5:1-5 – Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Do you see yourself in this story? Why did the people ask Jesus to leave after he healed the man?

Road Map Stop #6: Jerusalem: The Cross of Christ Ephesians 2:1-10

By Grace Through Faith Paul used the word “grace” many times in his writings. What does it mean? What does it mean to YOU? What is the difference between grace and being gracious? Can you achieve salvation on your own? Obviously not! This is why we need Jesus!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 18, 2018

Title: Places Jesus Visited
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues with his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series with a look at the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…plus Ephesians. Do you see yourself in any of these stories?

The Road Map Stops are six places where Jesus visited: Bethlehem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Sea of Galilee, Gerasenes, and Jerusalem.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Road Map Stop #5: Gerasenes: Demons Within Us Mark 5:1-5 – Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Why was this man possessed?

How did people treat him?

Have you ever been as “sick as a dog”?

Song: Bob Bennett “Man of the Tombs

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 17, 2018

Title: Places Jesus Visited
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues with his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series with a look at the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…plus Ephesians. Do you see yourself in any of these stories?

The Road Map Stops are six places where Jesus visited: Bethlehem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Sea of Galilee, Gerasenes, and Jerusalem.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Road Map Stop #3: Caesarea Philippi: The Trinity Matthew 16:13-16 – Peter Confesses

Jesus as the Christ Why is it so hard to understand The Trinity?
How does the idea of The Trinity convince Mark Lanier that God is real?

NOTE: During the Biblical Literacy Class in a few weeks, Mark will be interviewing Fred Sanders from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Sanders teaches on the Trinity.

Road Map Stop #4: Sea of Galilee: Trusting and Obeying Matthew 14:28-31 – Jesus Walks on the Water

Do you trust God in the good AND bad times?
What did Jesus say to Peter during the storm?
Doesn’t he say the same thing to you?
Do you have enough faith?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 16, 2018

Title: Places Jesus Visited
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues with his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series with a look at the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…plus Ephesians. Do you see yourself in any of these stories?

The Road Map Stops are six places where Jesus visited: Bethlehem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Sea of Galilee, Gerasenes, and Jerusalem.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Road Map Stop #2: Capernaum: We are Unclean Matthew 8:5-8 – The Faith of a Centurion

What is his backstory?

Most Jews didn’t speak with non-Jews, let alone enter their home.

Why was Jesus willing to do that?

Mark reviews the statement Jesus made “I will come and heal him” in verse 7. Was this a question or a statement?

Why did the Centurion need Jesus?

How did the Centurion know he was unclean?

Are you like the Centurion?

Road Map Stop #3: Caesarea Philippi: The Trinity Matthew 16:13-16 – Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ

How does 1+1+1 = 1?

Who is Jesus?

Who did the people think Jesus was?

Who did the disciples think Jesus was? NOTE: During the Biblical Literacy Class in a few weeks, Mark will be interviewing Fred Sanders from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Sanders teaches on the Trinity. Why is it so hard to understand The Trinity? Mark will continue with this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 15, 2018

Title: Places Jesus Visited
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues with his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series with a look at the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John…plus Ephesians. Do you see yourself in any of these stories?

The Road Map Stops are six places where Jesus visited: Bethlehem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Sea of Galilee, Gerasenes, and Jerusalem.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Road Map Stop #1: Bethlehem: Peace with God Luke 2:15-16 – The Shepherds and the Angels

The Backstory/The birth of Jesus is found in Luke 1:8-14 Is the world today at peace?  HINT: Far from it!

Are YOU at peace with God? John 14:27 Peace I leave with you…do not be afraid.

Road Map Stop #2: Capernaum: We are Unclean Matthew 8:5-8 – The Faith of a Centurion /em>

What is his backstory? Tune in tomorrow for more…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 12, 2018

Title: The Woman at the Well
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This week, continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier retells the familiar story of the woman at the well, found in John Chapter 4:1-42 (ESV).

The “Road Map Stops” Mark has this week are:
1. The Back Story
2. Mini vignettes from the story from Jesus’ perspective
3. What is YOUR story?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2E: This Makes Me Smile (Devo from Jesus) John 4:16-19

Was this woman probably depressed and tired of life? Can you trick God with fancy words and phrases?

ROAD MAP STOP #2F: God Cares for You (Devo from Jesus) John 4:27

Why do we compare ourselves to others? Why are the rabbinical writings so important? Listen as Mark quotes a few… Was Jesus worried about the women’s past? Or was he worried about her future?

ROAD MAP STOP #3: What’s Your Story?

Are you weary? Are you engaging with God? Do you know Him? Or are you clueless? Are you trying to fool God?

Tune in next week as Mark continues his “Devotions from the Life of Christ” with a look at places and people Jesus visited.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click href="">[here].

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October 11, 2018

Title: The Woman at the Well
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week, continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier retells the familiar story of the woman at the well, found in John Chapter 4:1-42 (ESV).

The “Road Map Stops” Mark has this week are:
1. The Back Story
2. Mini vignettes from the story from Jesus’ perspective
3. What is YOUR story?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2C: Happy Early Birthday! (Devo from Jesus) John 4:10 (continued from Wednesday)

What is the difference between well water and living water? Mark uses Jeremiah 2:13 to explain… “Living water is a 24/7/365 birthday gift!” Mark says.

ROAD MAP STOP #2D: Don’t be Clueless (Devo from Jesus) John 4:10-12

Was the woman at the well clueless? Were the disciples just as clueless? Why does God desire a one-on-one relationship with us?

ROAD MAP STOP #2E: This Makes Me Smile (Devo from Jesus) John 4:16-19

Why does this story make Mark smile? Mark uses Rambo as an example… Did this Samaritan woman deserve Jesus’ living water?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 10, 2018

Title: The Woman at the Well
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week, continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier retells the familiar story of the woman at the well, found in John Chapter 4:1-42 (ESV).

The “Road Map Stops” Mark has this week are:
1. The Back Story
2. Mini vignettes from the story from Jesus’ perspective
3. What is YOUR story?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2B: Jesus, The Master Teacher (Devo from Jesus) John 4:7-10 (continued from Tuesday)

Why does God seek us? Does He need us? Does He need anything from us? Why did Jesus engage with the woman at the well? What can we learn from God when we seek Him?

ROAD MAP STOP #2C: Happy Early Birthday! (Devo from Jesus) John 4:10

Why are birthdays so awesome? (Mark apologizes if you had less-than-happy birthdays growing up…) What is the best gift of all? What does “gift” mean in this verse? Mark shares the Greek translation…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 9, 2018

Title: The Woman at the Well
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week, continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier retells the familiar story of the woman at the well, found in John Chapter 4:1-42 (ESV).

The “Road Map Stops” Mark has this week are:
1. The Back Story
2. Mini vignettes from the story from Jesus’ perspective
3. What is YOUR story?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #2A: The Weariness of Life (Devo from Jesus) John 4:6-7

Do you ever get weary and burned out? Did you know that even Jesus got weary?!? Does God know that we get weary? How does God help us when we are weary?

ROAD MAP STOP #2B: Jesus, The Master Teacher (Devo from Jesus) John 4:7-10

Why was the woman confused when Jesus asked a drink of water from her? Listen as Mark tells a story that includes Socrates, law school, and a not-so-good book that turned into a fabulous life resource.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 8, 2018

Title: The Woman at the Well
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week, continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier retells the familiar story of the woman at the well, found in John Chapter 4:1-42 (ESV).

The “Road Map Stops” Mark has this week are:
1. The Back Story
2. Mini vignettes from the story from Jesus’ perspective
3. What is YOUR story?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

ROAD MAP STOP #1: The Back Story

How did most people travel from Judea to Galilea?
Why not take the shortcut?
Why didn’t Samaritan women talk to men, especially Jewish men?
What kind of reputation did the woman at the well have?
What did Jesus say to the woman?
How did she respond?
How did the disciples react to Jesus talking to the woman?
Did many Samaritans believe in Jesus because of her testimony?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 28, 2018

Title: The Lordship of Jesus
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier brings lesson 8 “The Lordship of Jesus” this week. The “road map stops” he will visit this week are: vocabulary, which Lord or LORD, the difference between the two, and priorities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

THIRD ROAD STOP: What’s the Difference?

What are the implications of professing the Lord’s name, but never really knowing him? Mark uses Matthew 7:21-22…

FOURTH ROAD STOP: Where are your priorities?

Do you treat God like your boss because you don’t want to get fired? Look at John 13:13-14…

MMark concludes this week’s lesson with the familiar passage from Numbers 6:24-27 “24May the Lord bless you and keep you; 25May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. 27So they will put my name on the Israelites and I will bless them.”

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 27, 2018

Title: The Lordship of Jesus
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier brings lesson 8 “The Lordship of Jesus” this week. The “road map stops” he will visit this week are: vocabulary, which Lord or LORD, the difference between the two, and priorities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

SECOND ROAD STOP: Which is it: Lord or LORD?

Is Jesus/Lord an owner or a proper name?

Mark uses John the Baptist’s word from Matthew 3:3. What was John the Baptist’s answer? We find this in Isaiah 40:3-5.

Mark will conclude with the differences in tomorrow’s segment.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 26, 2018

Title: The Lordship of Jesus
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier brings lesson 8 “The Lordship of Jesus” this week. The “road map stops” he will visit this week are: vocabulary, which Lord or LORD, the difference between the two, and priorities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FIRST ROAD STOP: Vocabulary Conclusion : Hebrew

How do you read Hebrew writing? Why?
Why did/do Jews never say or write the name of God?
What did/do they say or write instead? Mark uses the Dead Sea Scrolls and Genesis 16:1 as an example…
How did the writers of the New Testament translate the words and phrases of the Old Testament from Hebrew? Tune in tomorrow for this explanation…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 25, 2018

Title: The Lordship of Jesus
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier brings lesson 8 “The Lordship of Jesus” this week. The “road map stops” he will visit this week are: vocabulary, which Lord or LORD, the difference between the two, and priorities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FIRST ROAD STOP: Vocabulary Part  2: Hebrew

What does Lord mean in Hebrew?
What is a “Greeker”? Actually, that’s not really a word. Mark just made it up…
What kind of Jew was Jesus and his family?
What does Adonai mean?
What does God mean in Hebrew?
What was the name God gave Moses when the burning bush appeared before him? What did this name mean?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 24, 2018

Title: The Lordship of Jesus
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Continuing in the “Devotions from the Life of Christ” series, Mark Lanier brings lesson 8 “The Lordship of Jesus” this week. The “road map stops” he will visit this week are: vocabulary, which Lord or LORD, the difference between the two, and priorities.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

FIRST ROAD STOP: Vocabulary Part 1: Greek

What does Lord mean in Greek?

How can we relate to classical Greek today?

What does “kurios” mean? No, it’s not curiosity!

What does God mean in Greek?

What does Theos mean?

Do we get “theology” from this?

What does “pan-theology” mean?

What kind of “gods” were there? Tune in tomorrow for more on this!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 21, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week during The What’s UP Radio Program, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Adult Pastor Brent Johnson will continue Mark Lanier’s Jesus Devotional on “Prayer”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can you meet someone at a gas station who needs Jesus? Pastor Brent did! Listen as he shares a funny/serious story…

Are you a “halfsy” or an “ifsy”?

Pastor Brent closes the lesson this week with Ephesians 2:1-10 “By grace through faith you have been saved…

Tune in next week as Mark Lanier presents the next lesson in the Devotions from the Life of Christ series: “The Lordship of Jesus”.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 20, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week during The What’s UP Radio Program, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Adult Pastor Brent Johnson will continue Mark Lanier’s Jesus Devotional on “Prayer”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


In Matthew 10, Jesus sent out the disciples to preach the Gospel.

Are you satisfied staying where you are? Or do you long for more? Get out and just do it! I love the hymn “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty”, which comes from Isaiah 6. Pastor Johnson details these verses…

What is God’s favorite prayer to answer?

Does God answer the prayers of people who are not saved?

When was the last time you really prayed?

When was the last time you randomly asked someone if they know Jesus?

When was the last time you invited someone to church? Tune in tomorrow to hear the conclusion of Pastor Johnson’s story…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 19, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week during The What’s UP Radio Program, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Adult Pastor Brent Johnson will continue Mark Lanier’s Jesus Devotional on “Prayer”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(continued from Tuesday)
PRAYER PLUS 2 Chronicles 7:14

What land does this verse refer to? Does God really hear our prayers?


Pastor Johnson offers some observations from Matthew 9:37-39

Did Jesus give a reason for his request?
Was Jesus earnest in his request?
Was Jesus sincere?
Did Jesus have conviction when he prayed?

Pastor Johnson uses the following Scriptures for further reference: James 5:6; Luke 1:13; Luke 2:37; and Romans 10:1

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 18, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week during The What’s UP Radio Program, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Adult Pastor Brent Johnson will continue Mark Lanier’s Jesus Devotional on “Prayer”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can you turn a physical prayer request into a spiritual one?

What did Jesus pray for?


What was the first prayer? Genesis 4:26
What is the lineage of Adam and Eve? Was their life happy or full of curses?
Who was Lamech?
Who was Enoch?
Who are Noah’s ancestors?

Pray Psalm 18:1-2 with Pastor Johnson…

PRAYER PLUS Another popular Scripture passage is 2 Chronicles 7:14… Listen as Pastor Johnson breaks this verse down and gives an explanation that you may not have heard before. He will continue with this vignette tomorrow, so make plans to tune in.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 17, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week during The What’s UP Radio Program, Champion Forest Baptist Church Senior Adult Pastor Brent Johnson will continue Mark Lanier’s Jesus Devotional on “Prayer”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When was the last time you prayed The Lord’s Prayer?

Do you close your eyes when you pray? Do you fold your hands? Do you bow your head or look up to the heavens? Are any of those “requirements”?

Listen a Pastor Johnson discusses the many, many prayer requests that CFBC receives each week. How does the staff handle these? What kind of requests do they receive?

How many prayers are in the Bible? Pastor Johnson divides the prayers in the Bible into categories: spiritual, physical, and combination of both.

Which kind of prayer request is more important: physical or spiritual?

What do you ask God for in your prayers? Are you thankful? Or just asking for things/help/guidance? Reference: Philippians 4:6

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 14, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark will be focusing on the importance of prayer this week. What is quiet time? Are you listening to God when you pray? Should we pray in privacy? What do your prayers mean? When was the last time you prayed the Lord’s Prayer?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus Prays with Meaning (Matthew 6:7-8)

The Gentiles worshiped many gods. They didn't really understand the one true God. Mark gets a little excited here about Zeus and chickens, so beware! Do we have to pray the prayers of the Bible in order to be heard by God? Answer: Absolutely Not!

Mark prays that we would remember to thank God when we pray…

The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-10

Why should we pray for God’s will?
Why should we ask for God’s will FRIST when we pray?
Why is The Lord’s Prayer short, sweet, and to the point?
Why are sins listed as debts?
Why did Jesus pray to “our Father”?
Why did Jesus ask God to lead us away from evil?

Mark closes with The Lord’s Prayer… Pastor Brent Johnson will continue with The Lord’s Prayer next week.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 13, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark will be focusing on the importance of prayer this week. What is quiet time? Are you listening to God when you pray? Should we pray in privacy? What do your prayers mean? When was the last time you prayed the Lord’s Prayer?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus Prays in Privacy (Matthew 6:5-6)

Why did Jesus instruct us to pray in privacy? Is it acceptable to pray in public?

Mark prays that people will be sincere in their prayers…

Jesus Prays with Meaning (Matthew 6:7-8)

Short Greek lesson on “empty phrases”… Are you purposeful in your prayers? Remember Seinfield’s “yada yada yada yada”? This is meaningless speak. Don’t do that!

Mark reveals a secret about himself… Listen in to find out what it is! He also references a book by William Strunk, Jr. and EB White, “The Elements of Style”. 

Tune in tomorrow as Mark describes the Gentiles, little gods, and explaining the Big God to unbelievers.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 12, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark will be focusing on the importance of prayer this week. What is quiet time? Are you listening to God when you pray? Should we pray in privacy? What do your prayers mean? When was the last time you prayed the Lord’s Prayer?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus Speaks (Luke 7:40)
(Continued from Tuesday…)
Mark says this passage is like a 3 layer cake:
1. Jesus Engages Us
2. Back story – The woman who washed Jesus’ feet and the 2  men who owed money…
3. The Road to Faith – What was Luke’s profession? Did the Pharisee become a Christian? Who was the Pharisee in this story?

Mark prays that people will hear Jesus through their prayers…

Jesus Prays in Privacy (Matthew 6:5-6)

Why did Jesus instruct us to pray in privacy? What is the difference between praying sincerely and praying so people notice you? ...

Mark tells a story about eating at a restaurant in Rochester, NY as a child… Did they pray aloud before their meal? Does Mark’s mom pray aloud now when in public? Does Mark pray in public?

Tune in tomorrow for Mark’s prayer and his next devotional…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 11, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark will be focusing on the importance of prayer this week. What is quiet time? Are you listening to God when you pray? Should we pray in privacy? What do your prayers mean? When was the last time you prayed the Lord’s Prayer?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus Prays and Rests (Mark 1:35)

Why should we imitate Jesus? Do you have time for God? Or are you “too busy”?

Mark prays that people will make time for Jesus daily…

Jesus Speaks (Luke 7:40) Mark says this passage is like a 3 layer cake:

1. Jesus Engages Us – While God will wait for us to come to him, He will often come to us. Are you looking for Him?

2. Backstory – Story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet…

Did Jesus know who she was?

Tune in tomorrow as Mark finishes this story and then reminds us of the 2 men who owed money – one a lot and one not as much….

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 10, 2018

Title: Jesus and Prayer
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark will be focusing on the importance of prayer this week. What is quiet time? Are you listening to God when you pray? Should we pray in privacy? What do your prayers mean? When was the last time you prayed the Lord’s Prayer?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus Prays and Rests (Mark 1:35)

Jesus was tired. He had a busy day. Yet, he arose early and secluded himself. To do what? PRAY! Do we need to do the same?

Why were the Scribes revered and respected? Did Jesus contradict them when he cast out a demon? Was he showing off or showing up? What did Jesus do after he left the synagogue?

Mark tells a story about Dr. Ellis (pediatrician and elder at his childhood church)… Dr. Ellis asked Mark to do something very important at a graduation party. Listen to find out his task! This leads into a sweet story about his granddaughter…

Why should we imitate Jesus?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 7, 2018

Title: Road Stops on the Way to the Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Fourth Road Stop: Persecution (Matthew 5:11-12)

Why doesn’t Mark like these verses? Listen as he shares two reasons…

How does persecution apply to you?

When was the last time you thanked the Lord?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 6, 2018

Title: Road Stops on the Way to the Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(continued from Wednesday)
Third Road Stop:
Worries (Matthew 6:25) What does “worry” mean?

What did Jesus say about worry?

What is cognitive dissidence?

What is more important: “things” or living in service to God?

Tune in tomorrow for the last road stop: persecution.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click a href="">[here].

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September 5, 2018

Title: Road Stops on the Way to the Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(continued from Tuesday…) Second Road Stop: Watch Your Eyes (Matthew 6:22) What are you looking at most frequently? What you see makes a difference in what you think and who you are. What is the McGurk Effect? Click here to watch the short video clip Mark played in class to get the full effect… Just as what we see effects our lives, what we hear can do the same thing. How have the words of Jesus effected your life? Will adding dirt to brownies make them taste better? After all, it’s all brown! Listen as Mark shares a story about his mom…

Third Road Stop: Worries (Matthew 6:25) What does “worry” mean? Tune in tomorrow for more on this road stop.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click a href="">[here].

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September 4, 2018

Title: Road Stops on the Way to the Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

(continued from Monday…) First Road Stop: Head and Heart (Matthew 6:19-21) What is your treasure?

Money. House. Car. Family. Time. Health. Clothes. Body. Beliefs. Minds. Talents. Football! Didn’t Jesus himself say something like: Our concern needs to be not laying up for ourselves treasures that are on earth, but treasures in heaven. Take your mind and heart and invest them wisely.

Second Road Stop: Watch Your Eyes (Matthew 6:22) We live in a visual age.

Teenagers are now referred to as “screenagers”.

Fact: Most teens will read only one book for every twenty-four movies they watch.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click a href="">[here].

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September 3, 2018

Title: Road Stops on the Way to the Sermon on the Mount
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier will be focusing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

While Mark will be focusing on The Sermon on the Mount in this week’s lesson, he will be taking some “road stops” on the way, looking at the following: head and heart, eyes, worries, and persecution.

First Road Stop: Guard Your Head and Heart (Matthew 6:19-21) Where your treasure is, there your heart is also…

Mark talks about a John Michael Talbot song about theses verses… Then he tells a story about two different couples he once met…

Class Discussion: What is your treasure? Money. House. Car. Family. Time. Health. Clothes. Body. Beliefs. Minds. Talents. Football!

Tune in tomorrow for more!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click a href="">[here].

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August 31, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World Part 2
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier continues Pastor Scott Riling’s lesson from last week “Jesus is the Light of World” with a special “appearance” by Bob Dylan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Special Vignettes:

1 John 2:8-10 Love your brother as yourself.

1 John 1:5-10 Walk in fellowship with one another.

Listen to The Bob one last time…

Have you asked Jesus to shine his light through you lately? Don’t hesitate! Do it NOW!

Final Thoughts: Paul “He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.”

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 30, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World Part 2
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier continues Pastor Scott Riling’s lesson from last week “Jesus is the Light of World” with a special “appearance” by Bob Dylan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Devotion #3: If you leave Jesus, will you leave the light?

John 13:21-30 The Betrayal

Did Judas have a choice in his betrayal? Mark shares a story about his recent Johnson & Johnson asbestos trial… Did they have a choice in warning the public about the dangers of their product? Why do we choose the darkness? Listen to Bob Dylan one more time!

Special Vignettes:

John 11:9-10 Make the most of the presence of Jesus.

1 John 2:8-10 Love your brother as yourself.

Mark will conclude tomorrow…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 29, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World Part 2
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier continues Pastor Scott Riling’s lesson from last week “Jesus is the Light of World” with a special “appearance” by Bob Dylan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Devotion #2: How is Jesus the Answer? John 3:1-3

Why did Nicodemus hide in the darkness? There are several theories…

Why should we turn to Jesus with all of our life questions?

Are we still free to make our decisions?

Mark reminds us: “God doesn’t want us to be spiritual infants; He wants us to grow up.”

Tune in tomorrow for  Devotion #3: If you leave Jesus, will you leave the light?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 28, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World Part 2
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier continues Pastor Scott Riling’s lesson from last week “Jesus is the Light of World” with a special “appearance” by Bob Dylan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Devotion #1: What is light and darkness?

Mark concludes his explanation and purpose of light and darkness… Can you have light without darkness? Bob Dylan produced a Christian album with a song “Precious Angel”. Enjoy the music!

Are some people too religious to enjoy the things the world has to offer? On the flip side… Are some people too worldly to enjoy the benefits of religion?

Devotion #2: How is Jesus the Answer?

John 3:1-3 The story of Nicodemus

This will be continued tomorrow…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 27, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World Part 2
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark Lanier continues Pastor Scott Riling’s lesson from last week “Jesus is the Light of World” with a special “appearance” by Bob Dylan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Tim Wilson was not a Christian when Mark first met him. What did Mark suggest he read when he was finally ready to learn more about Christ?

Devotion #1: What is light and darkness?

John 1:4-5: “4In him was life, and that life was the light of all men. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Greek Lesson: Anthropos – anthropology the study of people Listen as Mark uses boxes and “the wave” as examples to explain light and darkness….

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 24, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can you hear Jesus?

The Parable of the Sower: Luke 8:4-8

What is the purpose of this parable? What is the purpose of any of the parables?

Are too many people, including church leadership, changing the Word of God so they won’t offend anyone? (NOTE: This doesn’t apply to Champion Forest, obviously…)

Final devotional on “Jesus is the Light of the World” by Pastor Scott Riling: Ephesians 3:14-19:

May Christ dwell in your heart.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 23, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When you get up in the middle of the night, do you need a light to help guide the way? This is how Jesus is in the Christian life! People of the world are constantly doing things their own way, saying they don’t need a guideline. Oh, how wrong they are!

There is a unique dynamic about a personal relationship with Christ where we don’t just follow the things that he said and did. His spirit lives within [us] to guide [us],” Pastor Riling reminds us.

Do you remember what Jesus did for the 4,000 (not to be confused with the 5,000) in Mark 8:16-18? Will he not do the same for you? Why do you keep trying to do things on your own?

The Parable of the Sower: Luke 8:48. What is the purpose of this parable? In fact, what is the purpose of any of the parables? Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 22, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have you ever tried to fix your own problem? Doesn’t that just create more problems? Is this why we need to follow the light – Jesus?

Remember Plato’s allegory of “The Cave” from yesterday? Pastor Riling says this: “Don’t go back to the cave! He led you out of the cave…Why would you go back?

How can you explain the love, joy, and peace of God without knowing Him personally? HINT: You can’t!

Why was there only entrance into the tabernacle?

Moses was a good example of how God qualifies the called; He doesn’t call the qualified. Listen as Pastor Riling explains…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 21, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Plato was a student of Socrates. Pastor Riling uses Plato’s allegory of “The Cave” to explain how we desire to see the light, but sometimes it’s hard to see and comprehend in our human minds.

John 12:46 “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.

Do we have to been taught to be selfish? Nope – we are all born selfish!

Have you ever tried to fix your own problem? Doesn’t that just create more problems? Is this why we need to follow the light – Jesus?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 20, 2018

Title: Jesus is the Light of the World
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This summer, Mark Lanier has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Pastor Scott Riling will be presenting the lesson on “Devotionals from the Life of Christ”.

Pastor Riling is the Pastor of Discipleship at the Cypress Creek Campus of Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you appreciate it when someone tells you the truth?

Was Jesus politically incorrect?

Do all religions lead to God? Do all religions say the same things about Jesus?

Pastor Riling uses John 8:12 as one example of Jesus being the light: “Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'

What is the world looking for? Are they looking for a Savior or are they just looking for something that will make them feel good?

Do the people of the church need to be better at showing the love of Jesus? Pastor Riling reminds us of the time Jesus said “You without sin, cast the first stone…

Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Plato’s allegory of “The Cave”.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 10, 2018

Title: Jesus was a Truth Seeker
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Listen each day this week as Mark Lanier explains that being truthful is the same as being faithful.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Sin is extremely sticky,” Mark reminds us today. He then proceeds to tells us a story about Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit by Uncle Remus…

Philippians 3:19 “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.

Are you so busy that you can’t see God’s truth and faithfulness in everything? Don’t miss it! Keep your eyes open and don’t be like Pilot!

The generation coming behind us would rather have tolerance than truth. What are YOU doing to change this?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 9, 2018

Title: Jesus was a Truth Seeker
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Listen each day this week as Mark Lanier explains that being truthful is the same as being faithful.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where did the law come from – Moses, God, or both?

Without the law, we wouldn’t have truth. Without truth, we wouldn’t have the law…It’s a cycle that always leads back to Jesus!

Another Scripture about truth is from John 8:31-32 “31So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'” Listen as Mark Lanier breaks these verses down with another Greek lesson, this time with the English word “know”.

How can we see God’s truth and faithfulness in the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:1) and Joseph and Mary (Matthew 1:25)?

No Jesus. No Peace. Know Jesus. Know Peace.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 8, 2018

Title: Jesus was a Truth Seeker
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Listen each day this week as Mark Lanier explains that being truthful is the same as being faithful.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it easy for some to grasp that Jesus is the way and the life, but not the truth? It all goes back to the cross and Jesus keeping his promise to us.

Remember the awesome song by Bob Dillon that Mark played over and over and over again during one class a while back? Yep – it’s back! “God don’t make promises he don’t keep…

Another time John used the word truth/faithfulness was in John 1:17 “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

What is the law? How does it connect to Jesus and his faithfulness? Mark will continue this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 7, 2018

Title: Jesus was a Truth Seeker
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Listen each day this week as Mark Lanier explains that being truthful is the same as being faithful.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did John use the word truth differently than others?

How do languages changed from generation to generation? Does it effect both Greek and Hebrew?

“Amet” means “truth” in English, but it also means “faithfulness”. Listen as Mark explains…

What language did Paul usually use: Greek or Hebrew? How many languages did Jesus speak?

Luke 23:46, we read of Jesus’ last words: “Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, 'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!' And having said this he breathed his last.” This is very similar to Psalm 31:5 “Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 6, 2018

Title: Jesus was a Truth Seeker
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark has been digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Listen each day this week as Mark Lanier explains that being truthful is the same as being faithful.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we, as Christians, need to value the truth? Mark Lanier begins the lesson today by telling a story from his recent Johnson & Johnson trial... A witness had a very hard time telling the truth, under oath, even after the evidence proved she was lying!

Trick question: Did Jesus ever teach on telling the truth? John 14:6 “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” is just one of many examples…

What is the Greek word for “truth”? Aletheia Fun Fact: Matthew used this word one time. Mark used it three times. Luke used it three times. John used it twenty-five times in the Book of John, plus twenty times in 1, 2, and 3 John!

How did John use the word truth differently than others?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 20, 2018

Title: Jesus: The Teacher
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark Lanier is back this week with a look at five different devotionals from Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Fifth Devotional: “He’s God. Not a Genie.” Matthew 10:35

Mark Lanier has some pretty smart kids! Listen as Mark shares a funny story about his daughter, Sarah… Why did James and John think they would be allowed to sit at Jesus’ right hand? Why was their assumption about his earthly reign so wrong?

Bonus Story: Has Mark Lanier ever said a “bad word” while teaching his Biblical Literacy class at Champion Forest Baptist Church?

Bonus Book Recommendation:The Tao of Right and Wrong” by Dennis Danielson. This is a rewrite of the CS Lewis book “The Abolition of Man”. You can find the book here.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 19, 2018

Title: Jesus: The Teacher
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark Lanier is back this week with a look at five different devotionals from Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Fourth Devotional: “Jesus is an Interested Teacher” Luke 7:40-50

Is Jesus actually interested in YOU? Short Answer: You bet!

In these verses in Luke, Jesus knew what Simon was thinking about the “sinful woman”. How did Jesus rebuke him?

Fifth Devotional: “He’s God. Not a Genie.” Matthew 10:35

Mark shares a funny story about his youngest daughter, Sarah. Tune in tomorrow to hear the rest!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 18, 2018

Title: Jesus: The Teacher
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark Lanier is back this week with a look at five different devotionals from Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Third Devotional: “Jesus: A Worthy Teacher” Mark 12:28-34

Why was Jesus’ “Greatest Commandment” controversial? Why is it often difficult to love others always?

Fourth Devotional: “Jesus is an Interested Teacher” Luke 7:40-50

What makes a great teacher? Listen as Mark shares a personal story…

What if Jesus came to you and said “I have something I want to say to you”? What would you do? Would you listen intently? Do you feel the same when you read the Bible? Ouch – that one hurts!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 17, 2018

Title: Jesus: The Teacher
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark Lanier is back this week with a look at five different devotionals from Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Second Devotional: “Don’t Fake Flatter God” Matthew 22:15-18

Why were the Pharisees trying to butter Jesus up? Jesus’ response was classic – and awesome!

Remember: God knows the difference between flattery and praise!

Third Devotional: “Jesus: A Worthy Teacher” Mark 12:28-34

What is a scribe? Why did he ask Jesus: “What is the Greatest Commandment?” Was he being genuine in his inquiry or was he trying to trick Jesus? Tune in tomorrow for more…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 16, 2018

Title: Jesus: The Teacher
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

Mark Lanier is back this week with a look at five different devotionals from Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First Devotional: “Don’t Get it Backwards” John 13:13-14

Was Jesus just a “good teacher”? Why is it important to listen to the words Jesus spoke? Can you serve others better than you are currently?

Second Devotional: “Don’t Fake Flatter God” Matthew 22:15-18

Guess what? People didn’t like paying taxes back then just like we don’t now! Unfortunately, they didn’t have freedom of speech like we do.

Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story on King Harod, taxes, and Jesus’s response to the people…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 13, 2018

Title: The True Meaning and Purpose of Devotionals
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Champion Forest Associate Pastor Brent Johnson is subbing for Mark Lanier, continuing the series “Devotions from the Life of Christ”. Pastor Johnson will be focusing on the word “devotional” this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can you use the Word of God against Satan?

Do you remember “WWJD” – What Would Jesus Do? This is how we should approach everything! Brent closes out his lesson this week by reading from 2 Chronicles 30.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 12, 2018

Title: The True Meaning and Purpose of Devotionals
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Champion Forest Associate Pastor Brent Johnson is subbing for Mark Lanier, continuing the series “Devotions from the Life of Christ”. Pastor Johnson will be focusing on the word “devotional” this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Job successful? Why did God allow Job to be tempted?

What did Satan tempt Jesus with?

How should we respond to Satan when he tempts us?

Why should parents instill a love of devotions in their children?

Is Satan really real? You bet!

Is spiritual warfare really real! Most definitely!

Why is the Word of God such a powerful weapon against Satan?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 11, 2018

Title: The True Meaning and Purpose of Devotionals
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Champion Forest Associate Pastor Brent Johnson is subbing for Mark Lanier, continuing the series “Devotions from the Life of Christ”. Pastor Johnson will be focusing on the word “devotional” this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the many names of Satan? What do these names reveal about Satan’s character?

How do you imagine Satan? Are they helpful? Listen as Brent explains why we need to be careful in the way we depict and talk about Satan…

Why is it important to write your own devotionals?

Did Jesus really call Peter “Satan”?

What kind of schemes does Satan use to distract us from our devotions?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 10, 2018

Title: The True Meaning and Purpose of Devotionals
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Champion Forest Associate Pastor Brent Johnson is subbing for Mark Lanier, continuing the series “Devotions from the Life of Christ”. Pastor Johnson will be focusing on the word “devotional” this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why didn’t Jews use the name of God “YHWH”?

What was the message of John the Baptist? Did his message reflect the prophecy of Isaiah?

What does the word “repent” mean? Listen closely – it may be different than what you thought!

How can you apply devotions to your everyday life? Brent calls this “casting the vote…”

Why was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?

What are some of the many names of Satan? Tune in tomorrow for more on this!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 9, 2018

Title: The True Meaning and Purpose of Devotionals
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Champion Forest Associate Pastor Brent Johnson is subbing for Mark Lanier, continuing the series “Devotions from the Life of Christ”. Pastor Johnson will be focusing on the word “devotional” this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “devotional” mean? This is really, really interesting! Listen as Brent explains in detail…

Have you ever completely devoted yourself to something (besides Christ)?

How can you devote yourself more to Christ?

Although Jesus didn’t begin is ministry until he was 30 years old, his life until then was definitely a testimony to his Heavenly Father. How did his life model godly behavior? Brent looks at Matthew 3 and John the Baptist…

Why did Jesus begin his ministry to a small group of people? Did more people eventually come?

What does “make our paths straight” mean? What does “prepare the way of the Lord” mean? Brent looks at Isaiah…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 6, 2018

Title: When You See Jesus, You See God
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark examines a few of the many ways we see God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


3. God is a God of fulfillment.

Have you ever made a cup of coffee for someone and they didn’t like it? You were just trying to be nice! Yet, they weren’t satisfied with your attempt. What’s the point? Listen as Mark explains… “Jesus isn’t here 24/7. He’s here 25/8!” Jesus didn’t come to abolish the Law of the Prophets; he came to fulfill them!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 5, 2018

Title: When You See Jesus, You See God
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark examines a few of the many ways we see God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:


2. God is the God of righteousness.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good things happen to bad people. Mark looks at Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Are you ready for the second coming? Mark offers some truths about what will happen when Jesus comes again and God brings His people to eternity forever… br />
For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 4, 2018

Title: When You See Jesus, You See God
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark examines a few of the many ways we see God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

1. God is a God of comfort.

Newsflash: We live in a battle zone! Earth is not heaven! The enemy is infected with wickedness, but God offers comfort and encouragement for those who walk with Him.


2. God is the God of righteousness.

Are you hungry? Some of us get “hangry”. Do you ever get hungry for God? We should stay hungry!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 3, 2018

Title: When You See Jesus, You See God
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark examines a few of the many ways we see God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

God has created all kinds of people – we are different colors, practice different religions, like different foods, some are old and some are young… God will reveal Himself one day to us all. What will your answer be when He asks if you believe in His son, Jesus Christ?

Listen as Mark plays “Day by Day” from the Broadway Musical “Godpsell”

1. God is a God of comfort. What does “blessed” mean? How can someone be happy when they are mourning?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 2, 2018

Title: When You See Jesus, You See God
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark examines a few of the many ways we see God through His son, Jesus Christ.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Gospel is new every day. The Gospel is new every generation. How has it changed over the years?

Mark often likes to share cultural/educational clips or songs in his Biblical Literacy class. Today is no different! He will be sharing a special song today, and tomorrow, and the next day… He also gives a short history lesson about the workforce in the US and how it has affected us today…

How are the stories of Jesus different in the Old and New Testaments? Mark uses John 12:44-45 and a current case he is trying to explain…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 22, 2018

Title: The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark looks at The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. How and why are they significant?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Matthew 5:8
The last part of this verse is “for they will see God”… What does the word “see” mean here in this context? Mark also looks at Psalm 24:3-6…

Matthew 5:9
Do you pray for ALL the leaders in the world – even Kim Jong-Un? You should be! Music Time! Listen as Mark plays parts of three songs from “his time”. What do they have to do with the lesson? Are you known for your loving attitude or harsh, hateful opinions?

Bottom Line: Show love. Period.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 21, 2018

Title: The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark looks at The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. How and why are they significant?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you always “feel” like showing people mercy? Probably not! Who was Abraham Maslow? Why are his theories about “needs” so fascinating? Listen as Mark compares Psalm 119:156 to Proverbs 21:10…. How should you pray for help to show mercy to others? What is deliberate worship?

The last part of this verse is “for they will see God”… What does the word “see” mean here in this context?

Tune in tomorrow for some fun musical illustrations on love, peace, and kindness!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 20, 2018

Title: The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark looks at The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. How and why are they significant?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Skip and how did God use Scripture in his professional and personal life and relationships?

What does the word “meek” mean? Who were the two “meek men” – one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament?

Listen as Mark shares a story about a man who recently testified during a trial… How did he control his anger when the other attorney was questioning him?

What did Jesus say about being meek?

What is the significance of the “Fruit of the Spirit”?

Have you ever wondered why you can think about one thing, but then do another? Mark uses the example of food to explain… This is often how we view mercy! More tomorrow!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 19, 2018

Title: The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark looks at The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. How and why are they significant?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Skip and how did God use Scripture in his professional and personal life and relationships?

Are you actively looking for the blessings from God? Or are you too afraid of failing, therefore you never branch out to try new things?

This verse gives mixed messages! How can someone be poor and happy at the same time? Not-so-trick question: Will you be happy with worldly things? Or will you be happy knowing God will provide all your needs?

What does the word “meek” mean? Curious who the meek men were from the Bible? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Listen as Mark tells a story about a successful friend of his…Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Skip’s secret to success and how the Bible has pointed the way.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 18, 2018

Title: The Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
Topic: Devotions from the Life of Christ
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This summer, Mark will be digging deeper into the words spoken by Jesus. The goal and purpose of these devotions are to give us a better understanding about Jesus and draw us closer to him.

This week, Mark looks at The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. How and why are they significant?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If you have ever wondered how Mark’s brain works… this is your chance for some secrets! Mark begins the lesson this week talking about the TV show “Monk” and some of his own weird quirks.

In what ways did God speak about Jesus before his birth (Old Testament references)? How did Jesus show who God was in the New Testament?

What was Jesus trying to tell the people about the Old Testament in John 5:39-40 and John 12:44?

Matthew 5:1-2 This chapter in Matthew is, of course, the famous Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes. Why are the first two verse so important?

Listen as Mark tells a story about a successful friend of his…Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Skip’s secret to success and how the Bible has pointed the way.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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