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September 22, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul - Conclusion
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul this week with a thorough look at the end of Paul’s prison sentence, Felix’s deal with the Jews, and Emperor Festus’s compassion. He will begin a new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark is finally done with his series on the Apostle Paul. I know – you’re so sad! I am, too! We have learned a lot of Paul and his life before, during, and after his trial. We have also gained more knowledge about the people involved, the economy, the countries, kings and princes, and life in general. It’s been a great run!

Next week, Mark interviews an Old Testament Biblical Scholar, Dr. Tremper Longman, who will open up his new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 21, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul - Conclusion
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul this week with a thorough look at the end of Paul’s prison sentence, Felix’s deal with the Jews, and Emperor Festus’s compassion. He will begin a new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the goal of the Jewish leaders? Why were they so against Paul preaching the truth? Mark uses Acts 24:27 to begin the explanation: “When two years had elapsed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And desiring to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul in prison.” Wait…why was this man of authority doing the Jews a favor? Mark continues with Acts 25 to explain why Paul’s imprisonment and death are so important to the Jews.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 20, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul - Conclusion
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul this week with a thorough look at the end of Paul’s prison sentence, Felix’s deal with the Jews, and Emperor Festus’s compassion. He will begin a new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When it comes to history, especially Biblical history, Mark Lanier knows his stuff! Listen in as he continues to discuss the timeline of events from 45-60 AD. He uses quite a few visual points in today’s segment, so make sure you check out the video at the link for his class.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul - Conclusion
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul this week with a thorough look at the end of Paul’s prison sentence, Felix’s deal with the Jews, and Emperor Festus’s compassion. He will begin a new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Paul a bigot and sexist? Did he endorse slavery? Many people believe Paul was all three, but Mark explains why he definitely was NOT. In fact, Paul was ahead of his time concerning these issues.

Mark goes on to discuss the timeline of events from 45-60 AD… The people who ruled during these dates we very important, as well as the location of the events.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul - Conclusion
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul this week with a thorough look at the end of Paul’s prison sentence, Felix’s deal with the Jews, and Emperor Festus’s compassion. He will begin a new series on the Old Testament as the road to Jesus next week. You won’t want to miss it!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Mark Lanier discusses his new series starting next week! He believes it will be a great series for long-time Christians, new Christians, and even non-Christians.

Mark has a “special guest” on stage during this first segment: Max Bowman, former college football coach and former line coach of the Buffalo Bills. Max has two questions he asks everyone: “What is your motivation?” and “Who is in charge?” This even applies to our Christian life. Max uses Matthew 16 as an example….

Mark also offers a short review of the Roman prison system and Paul’s motivation.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 15, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This week’s Biblical Literacy Lesson on the life and trial of Paul was presented one week after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Southeast Texas. Mark Lanier offers his condolences to families who lost a loved one and prayers to those whose homes flooded.

Mark believes we can all learn a great deal on trust following Harvey’s destruction. God did not send Harvey to punish us, but to strengthen us, just as Paul’s ordeal in prison strengthened and encouraged him.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday, Mark Lanier discussed how Paul witnessed to the Epicureans and Stoics. Do you stand by his words, as well? Do you live your life the same way? Are you constantly looking for opportunities to witness to others – to share the gospel and Christ’s love for us?

Mark reads a letter from one of the first church historians, Eusebius of Caesarea. This letter is from around 300 AD, and explains why Paul stayed in prison.

Points for Home:
1. Paul’s suffering advanced the Gospel.
2. Know Jesus. Find Jesus. Serve Jesus.

Join us next week as Mark Lanier completes his series on the life and trial of the Apostle Paul – and to hear information about his next series!!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 14, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week’s Biblical Literacy Lesson on the life and trial of Paul was presented one week after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Southeast Texas. Mark Lanier offers his condolences to families who lost a loved one and prayers to those whose homes flooded.

Mark believes we can all learn a great deal on trust following Harvey’s destruction. God did not send Harvey to punish us, but to strengthen us, just as Paul’s ordeal in prison strengthened and encouraged him.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who were the Stoics? Mark explains that a man named Xeno was responsible for the Stoics and many people changed their name to Xeno as a result. There was even a Stoic, or Xeno, in Paul’s home town, Tarsus. The Stoics believed in a living being, or god, who was father of all and ruler of the universe. Was this the Christian God, though? Listen to find out!

How did Paul witness to the Epicureans and Stoics? He broke it to them gently. He didn’t scold them. He did tell them the truth, though – that they were wrong. How did they react? Tune in tomorrow to hear the conclusion of Mark’s lesson this week.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 13, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week’s Biblical Literacy Lesson on the life and trial of Paul was presented one week after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Southeast Texas. Mark Lanier offers his condolences to families who lost a loved one and prayers to those whose homes flooded.

Mark believes we can all learn a great deal on trust following Harvey’s destruction. God did not send Harvey to punish us, but to strengthen us, just as Paul’s ordeal in prison strengthened and encouraged him.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul’s motivation for staying in prison was to save souls. He knew he had an opportunity to witness to the Number Two man in Rome and he wanted to seize that opportunity head on. Mark reminds us of Paul’s time in Athens, using Acts 17, which was another motivation for Paul…

Mark uses the bulk of today’s segment, continuing tomorrow, explaining the beliefs of the Epicureans. Epicureans were very materialistic. The founder, Epicurious, believed one finds truth through logic; he also did not believe in life after death. Listen as Mark reads more of his beliefs and teachings…

Tune in tomorrow as Mark discusses the Stoics…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 12, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week’s Biblical Literacy Lesson on the life and trial of Paul was presented one week after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Southeast Texas. Mark Lanier offers his condolences to families who lost a loved one and prayers to those whose homes flooded.

Mark believes we can all learn a great deal on trust following Harvey’s destruction. God did not send Harvey to punish us, but to strengthen us, just as Paul’s ordeal in prison strengthened and encouraged him.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Prison was not a fun place during Roman rule. It was gross and dirty and punishment was usually swift. No sitting around with three square meals a day and a walk around the yard.

Paul could have easily cooperated with the Emperor and been released from prison. He could have denied Christ. He could have paid off the judge with a fine (or bribe). He could have set his allegiance elsewhere. But he didn’t. Why? Because he had a higher calling and he believed in Jesus Christ and his mission on Earth.

If you had the chance to talk to famous leaders about anything, would you choose to share the gospel? That’s what Paul wanted – that was his motivation for staying in prison! Listen as Mark reviews the line of rulers in Rome and why each ruler is significant.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 11, 2017

Title: The Legal Case Study for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week’s Biblical Literacy Lesson on the life and trial of Paul was presented one week after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Southeast Texas. Mark Lanier offers his condolences to families who lost a loved one and prayers to those whose homes flooded.

Mark believes we can all learn a great deal on trust following Harvey’s destruction. God did not send Harvey to punish us, but to strengthen us, just as Paul’s ordeal in prison strengthened and encouraged him.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Reminder: Paul was arrested in 57 AD in Jerusalem at the temple, and he did not have a lawyer. Over the past few months, Mark has explained various reasons why and what he would do if he had been Paul’s lawyer.

Today, Mark tells a story of a dear friend and minister from Champion Forest Baptist Church, Steven Miori, who offered his help day after day to flood victims. Mark explains how, just as thousands of volunteers have helped “mud-out” people’s homes, God wants to “mud-out” our hearts. What a terrific illustration!

Mark asks each client the same question: What is your motivation? So, what was Paul’s motivation? Mark began this inquiry several weeks ago and continues this week with a more in-depth look…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 8, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Felix offered Paul a get-out-of-jail-free-card. Paul could have simply paid a fine and been set free. But Paul was given opportunity after opportunity to witness to Felix and those in his court, so he didn’t pay the fine! Would you have done the same as Paul?

As a result of Paul’s persistence, Felix gave him some “liberties”. Listen as Mark discusses those freedoms and what happened a few years later…

Points for home:
1. Paul understood the importance of relationships.
2. Paul offered Felix something money cannot buy.
3. Paul didn’t lower his expectations.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 7, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are Marcus Antonius Felix? What was his “accomplishment”? Who were his wives? Was one of them Jewish?

In Acts 24, Paul is given the chance to speak to Felix. Listen as Mark Lanier reads from this passage where Paul speaks to Felix…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 6, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

So, where did Mark’s daughter, Sarah, want to go for her special senior trip with her dad? Listen in to find out! It’s not a place more high school senior girls would want to go…

In prison, Paul had the opportunity to speak with many people in authority about Jesus. And you better believe he used those opportunities to his advantage!

Mark also offers some historical context to explain what the world was like when Paul was in prison. Who was the ruler? Was he a nice man?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 5, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is your motivation? What was Paul’s motivation? Mark continues to discuss what he would ask Paul about his motivation before and during his trial…

Did Paul enjoy being in jail? Was he happy there? Mark says, “probably not!” Roman jails were not fun places. Mark offers details about a prisoner’s life in a Roman prison.

What discovery did Paul make when he was imprisoned?

Tune in tomorrow to hear the rest of Mark’s story about the trip he took with his youngest daughter, Sarah.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 4, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark is back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark begins the lesson this week with a story of a reporter who wanted a comment from him concerning the events that unfolded recently in Charlottesville, Virginia… Well, the reporter had no idea what he was in for when Mark replied: “Let’s win them to Jesus.”

One of the most difficult things in any court case is figuring out what a person wants. What would Paul have wanted? Would he want freedom? Would he want fame? Would he want money? Would he want his old life back? Tune in tomorrow as Mark digs deeper into Paul’s motivation.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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September 1, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Felix offered Paul a get-out-of-jail-free-card. Paul could have simply paid a fine and been set free. But Paul was given opportunity after opportunity to witness to Felix and those in his court, so he didn’t pay the fine! Would you have done the same as Paul?

As a result of Paul’s persistence, Felix gave him some “liberties”. Listen as Mark discusses those freedoms and what happened a few years later…

Points for home:
1. Paul understood the importance of relationships.
2. Paul offered Felix something money cannot buy.
3. Paul didn’t lower his expectations.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 31, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are Marcus Antonius Felix? What was his “accomplishment”? Who were his wives? Was one of them Jewish?

In Acts 24, Paul is given the chance to speak to Felix. Listen as Mark Lanier reads from this passage where Paul speaks to Felix…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 30, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

So, where did Mark’s daughter, Sarah, want to go for her special senior trip with her dad? Listen in to find out! It’s not a place more high school senior girls would want to go…

In prison, Paul had the opportunity to speak with many people in authority about Jesus. And you better believe he used those opportunities to his advantage!

Mark also offers some historical context to explain what the world was like when Paul was in prison. Who was the ruler? Was he a nice man?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 29, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark’s back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is your motivation? What was Paul’s motivation? Mark continues to discuss what he would ask Paul about his motivation before and during his trial…

Did Paul enjoy being in jail? Was he happy there? Mark says, “probably not!” Roman jails were not fun places. Mark offers details about a prisoner’s life in a Roman prison.

What discovery did Paul make when he was imprisoned?

Tune in tomorrow to hear the rest of Mark’s story about the trip he took with his youngest daughter, Sarah.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 28, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - Part 15
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

We have been missing Mark Lanier’s current lesson the past few weeks due to some technical difficulties.

But, Mark is back this week with another powerful lesson on the life of Paul. Please join us each day this week around this same time as Mark offers magnificent insight into the events leading up to and surrounding Paul’s arrest and trial.

This week’s theme: What motivates you? What gets you going? Where do you get your inspiration?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark begins the lesson this week with a story of a reporter who wanted a comment from him concerning the events that unfolded recently in Charlottesville, Virginia… Well, the reporter had no idea what he was in for when Mark replied: “Let’s win them to Jesus.”

One of the most difficult things in any court case is figuring out what a person wants. What would Paul have wanted? Would he want freedom? Would he want fame? Would he want money? Would he want his old life back? Tune in tomorrow as Mark digs deeper into Paul’s motivation.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 14
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This week Mark Lanier is continuing his series on the life of the Apostle Paul this week, focusing on the prosecutor, the Judge, and the historical context regarding the Nazarenes and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If you missed the beginning of the story from Josephus about a fight between the Jews and the Romans soldiers from yesterday, go back and listen to it! Mark continues today…

Another event which preceded Felix’s time as Judge was a fight between the Galileans (including the Nazarenes) and the Samaritans. Goodness, there were a lot of fights and needless death…

Felix was afraid to lose his job, so he immediately began crucifying Jews daily. When Tertullus approached Felix about Paul’s “antics”, the result was sure to be awful. Tune in next week for more!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 17, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 14
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week Mark Lanier is continuing his series on the life of the Apostle Paul this week, focusing on the prosecutor, the Judge, and the historical context regarding the Nazarenes and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Emperor from 41-54 AD was Claudius, who was supposedly poisoned by his wife. His great-nephew, Nero, took his place. To put it nicely, Nero wasn’t quite as nice… This is where Felix came into the picture, the Judge in Paul’s case.

Listen as Mark Lanier uses the writings of Josephus to reveal more information about Felix, Tertullus, and the case against Paul. There is one story in particular which would be hilarious if the outcome wasn’t so horrible. Note: This story includes “mooning” and flatulence, so be forewarned.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 16, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 14
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week Mark Lanier is continuing his series on the life of the Apostle Paul this week, focusing on the prosecutor, the Judge, and the historical context regarding the Nazarenes and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who were the Nazarenes? Where did they live, in relation to other countries in Europe? Listen in for not only a geography lesson, but also a Hebrew lesson, too!

Did you know that calling someone a Nazarene was actually an insult?!? Listen in tomorrow for more!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 15, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 14
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week Mark Lanier is continuing his series on the life of the Apostle Paul this week, focusing on the prosecutor, the Judge, and the historical context regarding the Nazarenes and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does a defendant deserve to know what charges are being brought against him/her? YES! Even the Romans, two thousand years ago, believed this to be true. Listen as Mark explains the process Paul probably experienced using Acts 24.

Who was Tertullus? No, he wasn’t a slow man, but he did impact Paul’s case!

Why is it important to know who the Judge is?

Mark also has a fun surprise in this segment, using several class members, and discusses a case he tried – twice – with the same outcome both times. He continues tomorrow, so tune in!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 14, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 14
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week Mark Lanier is continuing his series on the life of the Apostle Paul, focusing on the prosecutor, the Judge, and the historical context regarding the Nazarenes and others.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark does a little review work in this first segment since it has been several weeks since he had a lesson on the life of Paul. Listen in as he gets us caught back up to the Nazarenes…

Why is Paul’s past important to his case? Mark uses his own experience as a trial lawyer to explain why it is important to look back at the events in a person’s life to truly know who the person is.

Many books have been written about Paul; some of the best resources were even written while he was still alive. Tomorrow, Mark discusses the significance of this…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 11, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier started a new series this week on the life of Paul. Tune in next week as he continues this series with more details and insight.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Mark concludes his opening lesson in his new series on the life of Paul.

What was a flogging? Was it illegal to flog a Roman a citizen? What would happen to a Roman soldier if a Roman citizen was flogged? NOTE: Mark will be somewhat graphic in the beginning of this segment, so be careful listening around young children…

Did he just want to preach the Gospel at his trial? Is this why he represented himself?

Points for Home:
1. God wants us to know His will so we can hear Him.
2. Bad things happen to good people.
3. Listen in to find out!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 10, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the people in the Temple turn on Paul? They saw him do something which they though suspicious, but, in reality, he was just being nice!

Why is the amount of people in the Temple significant?

What is a Centurion? How many were called to arrest Paul?

Why was Paul so insistent in his request to speak to the crowd?

Listen as Mark Lanier discusses the Tribune, the crowd, Jesus, Ananias, the languages spoken by the members of the crowd, and floggings. Tomorrow is the final day of this lesson; make sure you tune in! Remember, Mark will continue this series next week, so there’s more to learn about Paul!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 9, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why had the temple become something other than a place of worship? Today, Mark expands on this subject, explaining what Paul was attempting to do with the temple, the tax, and the law.

In addition, what were Jesus’ thoughts concerning the Temple?

Where could the Jews go in the Temple? Where could the Gentiles go? Where could the Romans go?

How many people lived in Jerusalem at this time? Is this why the money kept in the Temple was so heavily guarded?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 8, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During this series, Mark Lanier believes that you will learn new things about Paul that you have never realized before and will even make you more confident in your faith.

Why is Paul so significant in the life of Jesus? More importantly, why is his background so important? Mark first goes all the way back to 57 AD, ten years before Rome destroys the temple and the Jewish rebellion.

The temple was more than a place of worship; it was also used as a sort of bank. Listen as Mark explains why this fact carries so much importance. He will continue tomorrow on this subject, so tune in!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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August 7, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 1
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark uses an example of a case from a few years ago to set up the lesson this week. A friend had been arrested for driving under the influence. The man exhibited all the signs of being intoxicated, but the man claimed he was simply having a diabetic shock episode. But was he? Listen as Mark shares the story…

BONUS: Listeners today will enjoy a Phil Keggy parody song: “Back in the Saddle Again”.

SECOND BONUS: Phil Keggy should be visiting the class the first part of May! Join the Biblical Literacy email list by clicking the link below for more details.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 28, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 13
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This week, Mark Lanier will be teaching on Paul and his time in Ephesus. This is where the accusations began to fly and the case against him began to build.

Did Paul really start the riots? Or was he simply preaching a truth the people did not want to hear?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The people in Ephesus didn’t even know why they were rioting in the city! Just like today, people were following one mislead person and causing a ruckus.

Demetrius was the real culprit of inciting the riots. This is why the first charge against Paul “stirring up riots around world” is so outrageous and should have been dismissed! Who was Demetrius and why did the people listen to him?

Points for Home:
1. Find and follow God’s will in your life. Don’t get comfortable. Be willing to shake things up a bit.
2. Take the time to teach others the Truth, even if they think they are already know what it is!
3. From death comes triumph.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 27, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 13
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week, Mark Lanier will be teaching on Paul and his time in Ephesus. This is where the accusations began to fly and the case against him began to build.

Did Paul really start the riots? Or was he simply preaching a truth the people did not want to hear?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark continues to read from Acts 19, where Paul traveled from Ephesus to Antioch and the introduction of Apollos. Who was Apollos and why was he so important to Paul’s arrest? FUN FACT: Martin Luther opined that Apollos wrote the book of Hebrews.

In this segment today, Mark shares some powerful pictures of the ruin of Ephesus. Mark describes the slides in great detail. The information discussed is quite interesting…

Also in this segment, Mark outlines the different manuscripts of the Book of Acts. In one version, for instance, we are told what hours of the day Paul usually preached. In addition, we learn where Paul was preaching in Asia and why his words caused such an uproar.

Tune in tomorrow, Friday, for the conclusion of Mark’s lesson on Paul and Ephesus.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 26, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 13
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week, Mark Lanier will be teaching on Paul and his time in Ephesus. This is where the accusations began to fly and the case against him began to build.

Did Paul really start the riots? Or was he simply preaching a truth the people did not want to hear?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What were the charges against Paul?
1. Stirring up riots around the world
2. Ringleader of the Nazarenes
3. Tried to profane the temple

Was Paul “really” stirring up riots around the “world”? Was it “really” the world or just Rome?

Mark believes the biggest “riot” being referred to in this trial was in Ephesus. What happened there? Did Paul’s actions there really warrant being arrested? Mark looks at Acts 18 to set the background story for Paul being in Ephesus. Tune in tomorrow for more from Acts 19.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 25, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 13
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week, Mark Lanier will be teaching on Paul and his time in Ephesus. This is where the accusations began to fly and the case against him began to build.

Did Paul really start the riots? Or was he simply preaching a truth the people did not want to hear?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

It is believed that the Romans were the first to bring charges against the accused before a trial could start and a sentence could be carried out. We see evidence of this in Acts 24. Listen as Mark reads this passage and explains the procedure…

What were the charges against Paul?
1. Stirring up riots around the world
2. Ringleader of the Nazarenes
3. Tried to profane the temple

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 24, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 13
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week, Mark Lanier will be teaching on Paul and his time in Ephesus. This is where the accusations began to fly and the case against him began to build.

Did Paul really start the riots? Or was he simply preaching a truth the people did not want to hear?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark begins the class by discussing one of the most famous court cases in history: The Nuremberg Trials.  One of the key questions that had to be answered before the trial even started: What are the charges? You would think the answer would be obvious, but everything had to be examined first.

Many people thought the same about Paul and the charges against him. Listen as Mark reviews some of the background of the Romans and the Greeks to set the stage for Paul’s trial…He continues with this tomorrow.

BONUS: Mark is approaching his 1,000 Biblical Literacy class at Champion Forest Baptist Church! Congratulations, Mark!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 21, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Technology is an amazing gift to our society. Social media is a wonderful tool to use for sharing articles and memes about our faith. Christian television shows and movies are great. Leaving Christian tracks and bibles in hotel rooms is still another way to spread the Gospel. But nothing beats a good old fashioned conversation. Get out there and talk to people.

Pastor Riling concludes this week’s lesson with this reminder from Acts 17: God created the world, God created man, and man’s attempts to represent God with idols is foolishness. God is intimately involved in our lives. He gives us life and breath and He can take it away. Yet, He is never far away from us. He is always near. He unlike anyone or anything you will ever encounter in your life.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 20, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the Jews react negatively towards Paul and the others? In verse 17, Paul is now in Athens where news had spread of his preaching. He was not only frustrated with their behavior, but he was also disturbed because the people would not listen to him! Do you ever feel the same way when you examine the world today?

Pastor Riling encourages us, as believers, to seek out the lost and the hurting. We must beware that unbelievers do not corrupt us, but it is important to have influence over those who do not share our faith. How will they ever come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ if we don’t show them personally? Listen as Pastor Riling uses the passage in Acts to offer encouragement.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Pastor Scott Riling digs into Acts 17. He points out that verse 2 specifically mentions how Paul “reasoned with them” (the Jews). Why is it important for us to explain our beliefs to others who may believe in Jesus Christ, but not the truth from the Bible? Pastor Riling uses the Mormons as an example…

Further in Acts 17, the mobs grew unruly, demanding Paul and the others stop spreading “lies”. We see the same anger towards Christianity today. Will you stand up and fight or hide in the shadows?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Henry Fonda produced a movie in 1954, “Twelve Angry Men”, about a young man who killed his father. How on earth does this movie connect to Paul? Listen as Pastor Riling explains…

Doubting does not mean you are not a Christian. Doubting is natural; it is growing past that doubt which makes us stronger. We blame God for the problems we create ourselves. Furthermore, God cannot take away the “bad things” because then we wouldn’t have free will; we wouldn’t “need” Him anymore.

Pastor Riling brings up this acronym: PAD: “Prophecies, Archeology, and Documents”. This is what sets Christianity apart from every other religion in the world.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 17, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 12
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Scott Riling
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

This week, Pastor Scott Riling is stepping in for Mark Lanier during his Biblical Literacy class. Pastor Riling will be teaching on Acts 17.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pastor Riling begins the lesson this week with a controversial statement: “Evangelism is not a spiritual gift.” Listen as he explains using 2 Corinthians 5:17-1817Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”

We live in a world very similar to Paul’s time. Jesus is not popular. God is not a high priority for many people. We can expect the same reaction now from people when we share our faith that Paul experienced. We will be mocked and called fools. Some will be imprisoned.

Tomorrow, Pastor Riling offers encouragement as we live our lives to glorify God, spreading His Truth to the nations. It is not our responsibility to convert anyone. That is the Holy Spirit’s job. We are to simply be witnesses and plant the seeds.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 14, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 11
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier has been teaching on the Apostle Paul, his arrest, and trial for the past few months during his Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Mark is focusing on the circumstances surrounding Paul’s arrest.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Peter had every reason to dislike Paul. At first, Peter supported and loved Paul, but then something happened to cause strain. Listen as Mark explains…

Points for Home:
1. Good does not outweigh bad. Your heart must be in the right place.
2. Thank God daily for the blessings He has bestowed on you.
3. We are all “sons” of God.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 13, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 11
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

What took place during a stoning? Was a person actually stoned every time? It’s kind of gruesome…beware.

Mark continues to discuss John Mark, Barnabas’s cousin, and his connection to Paul. Why were John Mark, Barnabas, and Ananias – and even Silas – important to the events which happened before Paul’s arrest? Mark uses the end of Acts 15 and several other Scripture passages to explain the relationship between these men.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 12, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 11
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier has been teaching on the Apostle Paul, his arrest, and trial for the past few months during his Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Mark is focusing on the circumstances surrounding Paul’s arrest.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Paul tried for anyway? Who were the “prosecutors”? Who were the “accusers”? Was he tried under Jewish or Roman law? How important is credibility? Is the Bible a credible source for Paul’s case?

Listen as Mark Lanier tells a real-life lawyer story about the importance of credibility… Mark also reviews why and how Ananias and Barnabas would be good witnesses.

There is a third witness, however, that you may have forgotten about: John Mark. He was a Jew who traveled with Ananias, Barnabas, and Paul. But, then, John Mark suddenly abandoned them! Why? Tune in tomorrow for more!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 11, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 11
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier has been teaching on the Apostle Paul, his arrest, and trial for the past few months during his Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Mark is focusing on the circumstances surrounding Paul’s arrest.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark Lanier concludes his short special interview with Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell today. If you missed the first part, search our archives. Tomorrow, Mark will be back on track with his lesson on the Apostle Paul.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 10, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 11
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier has been teaching on the Apostle Paul, his arrest, and trial for the past few months during his Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church. This week, Mark is focusing on the circumstances surrounding Paul’s arrest.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today and Tuesday, enjoy a special interview with Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 7, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”. Tune in next week as Mark Lanier interviews a Houston Rabbi, Michael Vowel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Greek mythology important to Paul’s legal case?

What happened when Paul and Barnabas went to Lystra? Why did the people start calling them Zeus and Hermes?

Points for Home:
1. God touches people for Eternity.
2. Stay on mission.
3. All things work together for good.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 6, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul told the Corinthians some crazy things about Jesus. He was raised from the dead! He was walking around talking to people! What?!?! How was this possible? The people (mostly Jews) thought Paul was nuts!

There were some, however, that believed Paul and Barnabas were telling the truth and began following them around. Did this fact help or hinder Paul’s legal case?

Paul didn’t quit though. He traveled to Iconium and Lystra and preached some more. What happened there? Listen as Mark Lanier gives a history lesson about these cities and Greek mythology. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 5, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are prayers like in a Synagogue?

What is the Torah? Why is a portion read in each Jewish service?

Why would Mark Lanier put Barnabas on the stand to ask him questions about a Synagogue? Remember: Paul studied under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel. This was a big deal!

Listen as Mark Lanier reads from Acts 13, explaining more about Barnabas and Paul’s experience at a Synagogue service and how it correlates to Paul’s legal case.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 4, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does a Synagogue service differ from a modern church service? Why were Synagogues near water? Were the seating arrangements carefully planned? How strict was a Synagogue service? How many prayers were recited by the congregation or the leaders?

Listen as Mark describes the inner workings and architecture of a biblical Synagogue.

Why would Mark Lanier put Barnabas on the stand to ask him questions about a Synagogue? Listen tomorrow for more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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July 3, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Last week, Mark discussed how Ananias and Barnabas would have been the perfect witnesses in Paul’s class.

But hold on! Mark wasn’t finished his lesson on Barnabas and mission trips: Why were mission trips so rare in Paul’s day? Why did Barnabas go in search on Paul? Was his journey considered a mission trip?

When someone wanted to preach or teach in Paul’s day, they usually had to have at least two, if not three or more, teach together. Why?

Where did Paul and Barnabas travel on their mission trip?

How does a Synagogue differ from a modern church? Tune in tomorrow to hear more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 30, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier concludes his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”. Tune in next week as Mark Lanier interviews a Houston Rabbi, Michael Vowel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Greek mythology important to Paul’s legal case?

What happened when Paul and Barnabas went to Lystra? Why did the people start calling them Zeus and Hermes?

Points for Home:
1. God touches people for Eternity.
2. Stay on mission.
3. All things work together for good.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 29, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul told the Corinthians some crazy things about Jesus. He was raised from the dead! He was walking around talking to people! What?!?! How was this possible? The people (mostly Jews) thought Paul was nuts!

There were some, however, that believed Paul and Barnabas were telling the truth and began following them around. Did this fact help or hinder Paul’s legal case?

Paul didn’t quit though. He traveled to Iconium and Lystra and preached some more. What happened there? Listen as Mark Lanier gives a history lesson about these cities and Greek mythology. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 28, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are prayers like in a Synagogue?

What is the Torah? Why is a portion read in each Jewish service?

Why would Mark Lanier put Barnabas on the stand to ask him questions about a Synagogue? Remember: Paul studied under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel. This was a big deal!

Listen as Mark Lanier reads from Acts 13, explaining more about Barnabas and Paul’s experience at a Synagogue service and how it correlates to Paul’s legal case.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 27, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does a Synagogue service differ from a modern church service? Why were Synagogues near water? Were the seating arrangements carefully planned? How strict was a Synagogue service? How many prayers were recited by the congregation or the leaders?

Listen as Mark describes the inner workings and architecture of a biblical Synagogue.

Why would Mark Lanier put Barnabas on the stand to ask him questions about a Synagogue? Listen tomorrow for more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 26, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 10
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the Apostle Paul with another look at “eye witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Last week, Mark discussed how Ananias and Barnabas would have been the perfect witnesses in Paul’s class.

But hold on! Mark wasn’t finished his lesson on Barnabas and mission trips: Why were mission trips so rare in Paul’s day? Why did Barnabas go in search on Paul? Was his journey considered a mission trip?

When someone wanted to preach or teach in Paul’s day, they usually had to have at least two, if not three or more, teach together. Why?

Where did Paul and Barnabas travel on their mission trip?

How does a Synagogue differ from a modern church? Tune in tomorrow to hear more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 23, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 9
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Join us next week as Mark Lanier continues his lesson on the Apostle Paul, offering more “witness testimony”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Synagogue services are very different than evangelical services. Listen as Mark Lanier describes an experience he and his wife, Becky, recently had.

Bonus: If you are interested in attending a traditional Jewish service, use the link below to get more information about a possible “field trip” to Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston.

Points for Home:
1. Be an encourager.
2. Remember we are on mission every day.
3. Thank God for every gift.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 22, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 9
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Tune in each day as Mark Lanier discusses the importance of witnesses to Paul’s legal case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Barnabas ask Paul to travel to Antioch? Then why did they go to Jerusalem? Why did they go then to the Island of Cypress?

If Mark Lanier was Paul’s attorney, how long would he expect Barnabas to be on the witness stand?

Were many people missionaries in Paul’s day?

What happened when Paul was being chastised in public? What did he do to the person? NOTE: It was a little crazy!

Tune in tomorrow to hear what happened when Paul and Barnabas attended a Synagogue service…

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 21, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 9
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Tune in each day as Mark Lanier discusses the importance of witnesses to Paul’s legal case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ananias…who was he? Was he a nice guy? Was he trustworthy? Did even non-Jews like Ananias?

Why did the apostles think Paul was trying to trick them (after his conversion)?

Switching witnesses… Who was Barnabas? Why was he called “the encourager”? What was his “real” name? Did Barnabas trust Paul?

At one point, Paul was sent away for his own safety. Who helped him?

BONUS: Mark talks about “jandles”…Don’t know what that is? Listen in to find out!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 20, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 9
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Tune in each day as Mark Lanier discusses the importance of witnesses to Paul’s legal case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Ananias was a key witness to Paul’s case. Why was he willing to go see Paul, even though Paul was set out to arrest and kill Christ-followers?

What happened when Ananias finally met Paul?

What happened immediately AFTER Paul met Ananias?

Listen as Mark Lanier reads from Acts 9:22-25 and Acts 22:12…

Paul went back to Jerusalem after his experience with Ananias. Tune in tomorrow for more…

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 9
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Can I get a witness? I said: “Can I get a witness???

Mark Lanier wants to know if he can get a witness! Witnesses make or break a court case. This was true for Paul – even though he had God on his side and didn’t even need a witness!

Tune in each day as Mark Lanier discusses the importance of witnesses to Paul’s legal case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Enjoy a new song from Mark Lanier’s friend Phil Keggy about witnesses!

Did Paul need witnesses? Did he even need a lawyer?

Is the credibility of a witness important?

Mark reviews some of the story line leading up to Paul’s arrest… Who was Ananias? Were all the witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection from Jerusalem? How long did Paul walk to get to Jerusalem?

Tune in tomorrow to hear more about Ananias, a key witness to Paul’s case…

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 16, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 8
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Brent Johnson, an Associate Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, will be teaching this week on Paul’s Mission Trip. Brent Johnson has been on many mission trips himself – all over the world. Just like Paul, Brent has a desire to share the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What can a Christian learn in a Buddhist temple about God and being on mission?

Can a Buddhist, Mormon, or Muslim be a missionary, with a testimony? This answer may surprise you! Listen in as Pastor Brent Johnson explains…

Brent concludes his lesson on Paul’s mission trip by reviewing Isaiah 40. We are encouraged by these verses to not be shy about spreading the Gospel to others. We are also reminded that every place we visit and every person we meet are opportunities to share the love of Jesus. The verses in Isaiah go on to tell the rest of the story about God’s glory and the second coming of Jesus.

Tune in next as Mark Lanier is back with another lesson on the Apostle Paul.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 15, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 8
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Brent Johnson, an Associate Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, will be teaching this week on Paul’s Mission Trip. Brent Johnson has been on many mission trips himself – all over the world. Just like Paul, Brent has a desire to share the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Brent continues to discuss some details from their mission trip to Shri Lanka. But, don’t worry! He will get back to Paul’s mission trip and offers this reminder: “To share the Gospel, you must always be on Mission. Paul lived in mission mode.” Tune in tomorrow for his conclusion.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 14, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 8
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Brent Johnson, an Associate Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, will be teaching this week on Paul’s Mission Trip. Brent Johnson has been on many mission trips himself – all over the world. Just like Paul, Brent has a desire to share the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, several members of Champion Forest Baptist Church share a short testimony of their mission trip to Shri Lanka. NOTE: This particular lesson is not available online, but listen carefully as the guests describe in detail the incredible slideshow that was offered in class.

Remember: You don’t have to travel halfway across the world to be on mission; there are plenty of opportunities in your own backyard!

Tune in tomorrow as Brent continues with the lesson on Paul’s Mission Trip and the importance of staying on mission in our own walk with Christ.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 13, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 8
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Brent Johnson, an Associate Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, will be teaching this week on Paul’s Mission Trip. Brent Johnson has been on many mission trips himself – all over the world. Just like Paul, Brent has a desire to share the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where does the word Gospel originate? What about “good news” and “godspell”?

The Gospel is more than just good news; it is a step-by-step guide.

How did Jesus use the Gospel? Brent explains using Luke 4:43…

How did Paul use the Gospel? Brent explains using 1 Corinthians 15…

Tune in tomorrow as a few people who went on mission trip to Shri Lanka share their testimonies.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 12, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 8
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Pastor Brent Johnson
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Brent Johnson, an Associate Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, will be teaching this week on Paul’s Mission Trip. Brent Johnson has been on many mission trips himself – all over the world. Just like Paul, Brent has a desire to share the Gospel to as many people as possible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, Brent Johnson reviews some of Mark Lanier’s lesson from last week: Paul’s Occupation. What Paul did for a living was very important to his life as a missionary. Remember, Paul refused to accept money for his teaching and preaching, so he had to do “something” to earn a living.

How does Paul describe the “Gospel”? What does it actually mean? Where did it originate?

Are angels God’s messengers?

Brent will continue his explanation tomorrow… He also offers a great lesson on Greek and Latin.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 9, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 7
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier will continue his discussion on the Apostle Paul’s occupation and why it matters next week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After Paul started following Jesus, he was completely different. He once was rich; he gave up everything. He also helped the poor. This was NOT the norm back then. The poor were usually just left to fend for themselves. So, the fact that Paul was so intent on helping others was extremely significant.

Mark also discusses the importance of Paul’s teaching to others. The Jews did not believe that going out of your way to teach was a worthy cause. Yet, here was Paul…traveling everywhere to spread the Good News. Listen as Mark discusses what both the Jews and Gentiles thought about Paul teaching and NOT accepting money for it.

Paul is an inspiration to us all. He worked hard so he could teach for free. He truly believed in the cause of Christ. Do you believe the same?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 8, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 7
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is back this week with a new lesson on the Apostle Paul, focusing on Paul’s occupation before he became a follower of Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are there so many different references to the word “apostle” in the Bible? And, why are there various meanings for the word as well? Paul has a very good explanation, which can be found in Galatians 1:1 and 1:17.

Why does this even matter? Mark believes it changes how we pay attention to what Paul said. It also affects what the church foundation is. Listen as he explains…

Mark mentioned in the beginning of the lesson (from Monday) that many people thought Paul followed Jesus for the money. What a hilarious notion that was! Mark looks back at Galatians 1…

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 7, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 7
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is back this week with a new lesson on the Apostle Paul, focusing on Paul’s occupation before he became a follower of Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Don’t let the beginning of today’s segment scare you! Mark is only discussing the transitive theory of mathematics to prove a point! It’s a short discussion, so keep listening!

One word may have several different meanings for different situations. This is especially true in the Bible concerning the word “apostle”. Why?

Where does the “apostle” originate? Enjoy the Latin and Greek lesson!

Who is Jerome from the 4th Century?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 6, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 7
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is back this week with a new lesson on the Apostle Paul, focusing on Paul’s occupation before he became a follower of Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Mark continues his story from yesterday about an incident which happened during his college law school days. It’s really and truly an amazing story!

This experience causes Mark to be curious about a person’s occupation. Which, in turn, gives Mark reason to ask this question: “Was Paul really an apostle?” Mark uses several Scripture references to explain this…

Also, how does math tie into today’s segment?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 5, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 7
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is back this week with a new lesson on the Apostle Paul, focusing on Paul’s occupation before he became a follower of Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are we so fascinated in knowing what people do for a living?

Why was Paul’s occupation so important?

Was Paul a follower of Jesus for the money? (Obviously this is a trick question.)

Before Mark dives into the lesson this week, listen as he tells a story from his college law school days. It’s a doozy – something out of a movie! He will conclude the story tomorrow, so make plans to tune in!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 26, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 6
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Hopefully you have learned some new information about Paul from Mark Lanier’s lesson on The Road to Damascus. Prepare to learn even more next week with guest speaker, Dr. David Capes. Dr. Capes has been an award-winning Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for over 25 years and has authored, co-authored, or co-edited many books. Dr. Capes will be discussing his newest book: “Rediscovering Paul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Acts 9, 22, and 26 are all given different forums for different reasons. Listen as Mark Lanier explains why during the majority of this final segment for this week’s lesson.

Could the experience Paul had on the Road to Damascus have really occurred? It was hard for the people to imagine that something so amazing and miraculous was true; it’s hard for us to imagine today! Hopefully the information in this week’s lesson has convinced you that Paul was authentic and legitimate.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 25, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 6
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Most of us have heard of Paul’s journey on the Road to Damascus. This week, Mark Lanier brings a whole new light to the passages from Acts. This event is key in the timeline of the arrest and trial of Paul.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul encountered many dangers on his journey. Why would God place him in harm’s way, only to save him at the last minute? Was he telling the truth about his journey? Or was he just crazy?

Acts 9:26… Philippians 3:4-6… This is who Paul was. Paul was straightforward, even before he became a Christian. Listen as Mark Lanier describes Paul’s life before The Road to Damascus and what happened after Paul’s experience.

Why are there various Scripture passages that tell the same story, but with different information? There is a great explanation! Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Mark’s lesson this week.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 24, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 6
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Most of us have heard of Paul’s journey on the Road to Damascus. This week, Mark Lanier brings a whole new light to the passages from Acts. This event is key in the timeline of the arrest and trial of Paul.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

WARNING: Mark Lanier describes the horrific pain a person suffered during a lashing in this segment. Listen with caution.

Christianity is the natural end – it is the completion – of Judaism.” Did Paul really convert from Judaism to Christianity? Mark believes Paul would unequivocally say “No!”

We still connect through the promises from the Old and New Testaments. Never lose faith in that. Listen as Mark reminds us of what Paul writes in his letter to the Romans and also to the Galatians.

Five times Paul suffered lashes from the Synagogue leaders. Why did they do this to him?

Was Paul crazy or lying about his experience on the Road to Damascus?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 23, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 6
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Most of us have heard of Paul’s journey on the Road to Damascus. This week, Mark Lanier brings a whole new light to the passages from Acts. This event is key in the timeline of the arrest and trial of Paul.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Mark Lanier explains why it took so long for Paul to travel to Damascus and the encounter he had with a “voice”. When “the voice” told Paul “you are persecuting me”, to whom was he referring?

Why was Ananias hesitant to visit Paul?

Paul originally went to Damascus to find and arrest more Christians. When his sight was restored, he stayed for a different reason. Why?

How was Paul received in Jerusalem? Were the disciples afraid of him?

Did Paul really convert from Judaism to Christianity?

“Christianity is the natural end – it is the completion – of Judaism.” Tune in tomorrow to hear Mark explain this statement.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 22, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 6
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Most of us have heard of Paul’s journey on the Road to Damascus. This week, Mark Lanier brings a whole new light to the passages from Acts. This event is key in the timeline of the arrest and trial of Paul.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Deposition is extremely important when defending and representing a client. Mark tells a story of a time when he was called to offer deposition in a case.

Last week, Mark asked the following questions: Was Paul a good guy? Does his personality really matter? How did Paul react to the stoning of Stephen?

What happened on Paul’s journey on the Road to Damascus to transform him?

Luke accompanied Paul on his journey as his health advisor and friend. Listen as Mark Lanier offers more details…

What did Isaiah predict? Was he correct?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 5
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Next week, Mark Lanier will be looking at the Road to Damascus. But first, listen in as he concludes his lesson on the events surrounding Paul’s arrest and the stoning of Stephen.

DISCLAIMER: A stoning is obviously not very pleasant, so use CAUTION when listening with little ears around.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happened BEFORE and AFTER the stoning?

What happened DURING a stoning of a person?

There was one phrase an accused person could utter to escape death by stoning. What was that phrase?

Was Paul a zealot?

Listen as Mark Lanier offers his points for home and a prays over you today.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 5
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week, Mark answers one question that has bothered him since the beginning of his study on Paul: Was Paul really responsible for killing people? Listen in each day this week to hear more!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We continue today with Mark Lanier’s explanation of Hellenized Jews, Hebrewized Jews, when the Pharisees appeared, Moses’s intervention, Paul’s interference, and Hanukkah.

So what did Stephen say that was so bad that the people wanted to stone him? Was he a Hellenized Jew?

What is the significance of the oil burning for eight days?

How did Jesus respond to the Jews who asked him to reveal who he really was?

Why did Jesus call himself the “dedicated one”? Why didn’t Paul understand that Jesus was cursed?

Are the pictures and paintings we have of the stoning of Stephen accurate depictions of what really occurred?

Tomorrow Mark will explain what happened during a stoning. It’s not pretty!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 17, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 5
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week, Mark answers one question that has bothered him since the beginning of his study on Paul: Was Paul really responsible for killing people? Listen in each day this week to hear more!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday, Mark Lanier gave a quick review of the events leading up to the stoning of Stephen. We will play the tail-end of that discussion today, along with how and why Saul (Paul) was an important figure during that horrific event.

Did you know Hanukah is the celebration of the rededication of the temple? Mark explains more about Hanukkah and why it’s not simply a “Jewish holiday around Christmastime”.

Next, Mark travels back to the Middle East: Egypt, pyramids, Israel, Syria, Alexander the Great, the Temple, wars, idol statues, murder, and rebellion.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 16, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 5
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week, Mark answers one question that has bothered him since the beginning of his study on Paul: Was Paul really responsible for killing people? Listen in each day this week to hear more!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where was the stoning of Stephen?

Happy Hanukkah! Why do Jews celebrate this holiday? What does it mean? Mark Lanier uses Acts 6 to give more information on this special celebration.

What (or who) is a Hellenist?

What part did Paul (Saul) play in the stoning of Stephen?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 15, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 5
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week, Mark answers one question that has bothered him since the beginning of his study on Paul: Was Paul really responsible for killing people? Listen in each day this week to hear more!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark offers some legal background today. How does the movie “Legally Blonde” tie into today’s segment?

Did Paul’s state of mind matter to his case? Paul made some pretty crazy and bold statements that did NOT help his case. Mark uses Paul’s speech in Acts 22:4-5 as a reference.

Mark also discusses the stoning of Stephen. He will continue on this topic tomorrow, so tune in for more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 12, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 4
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Tune in next week as Mark Lanier continues his series on the life, arrest, and trial of the Apostle Paul. Mark answers one question that has bothered him since the beginning of this study: Was Paul really responsible for killing people?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Paul began speaking in Hebrew to the crowd, the Tribune was not happy! What was Paul saying? Was he blaspheming the Roman Emperor? He needed to get to the bottom of it, so he ordered the guards to start torturing Paul. Listen as Mark Lanier explains what they did to Paul. WARNING: It’s not pleasant!!!

Why was the Centurion important?

Had Paul been condemned by the Emperor? Or was the Tribune taking matters into his own hand?

Mark Lanier believes the social status of each of the characters involved in Paul’s arrest and trial is essential to understanding what happened to Paul.

Is our social status still important to this day? Or rather, “should” it matter?

Why should our main focus be solely on the Lord and pointing others to Christ?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 11, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 4
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week, we continue with Mark Lanier’s fourth lesson on Paul. He will review how social status has always been a dividing issue and why the city of Tarsus was important during the life of Jesus. What were some requirements of Roman citizens? Was Caesar Augustus a nice guy? Where did Paul fall on the social status ladder? What are Centurions and Tribunes?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How were the social structures divided into categories?

Were Roman citizens also divided into social classes? BONUS: Only Roman citizens could wear togas.

Listen as Mark uses several passages in Acts to explain the different social classes.

Why was Paul so insistent in ensuring that the magistrate knew he was a Roman citizen?

Why did Paul speak to the crowd in Hebrew? Was he tortured for this?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 10, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 4
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week, we continue with Mark Lanier’s fourth lesson on Paul. He will review how social status has always been a dividing issue and why the city of Tarsus was important during the life of Jesus. What were some requirements of Roman citizens? Was Caesar Augustus a nice guy? Where did Paul fall on the social status ladder? What are Centurions and Tribunes?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Roman citizenship such a big deal?

Caesar Augustus was the Roman Emperor when Paul was born. He did not allow just anyone to become a Roman citizen. Listen as Mark Lanier discusses Augustus and Roman Emperors in general.

People were divided into social categories in Biblical times. Not just little distinctions, but HUGE class differences. What were they and why? Was there punishment if you stepped out of your social class?

Mark continues to discuss this topic tomorrow, so tune in!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 9, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 4
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week, we continue with Mark Lanier’s fourth lesson on Paul. He will review how social status has always been a dividing issue and why the city of Tarsus was important during the life of Jesus. What were some requirements of Roman citizens? Was Caesar Augustus a nice guy? Where did Paul fall on the social status ladder? What are Centurions and Tribunes?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was the city of Tarsus so important? Were people impressed that Paul was from Tarsus?

How much did it cost to become a citizen of Tarsus? NOTE: It was a LOT of money.

What was expected of Tarsian citizens?

Was Paul a Roman citizen? Did this fact help Paul when he was about the flogged?

Listen as Mark explains the difference between being a Roman citizen and a citizen of Tarsus. One didn’t automatically make you a citizen of the other… This was also important to Paul’s case.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 8, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 4
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week, we continue with Mark Lanier’s fourth lesson on Paul. He will review how social status has always been a dividing issue and why the city of Tarsus was important during the life of Jesus. What were some requirements of Roman citizens? Was Caesar Augustus a nice guy? Where did Paul fall on the social status ladder? What are Centurions and Tribunes?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark begins the lesson by reviewing Paul’s two names, his appearance, and his family history.

Was Paul an only child? Did Paul have Hebrew lineage? Was Paul born around the same time as Jesus?

Paul was born in Tarsus, a major city. Where was this? Was there water around the city? Why is this important?

Was Tarsus also famous for sports, music, and philosophy?

The major export from Tarsus was “intellectual power”. What does this mean?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 5, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 3
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Today, Mark Lanier concludes Part 3 of his Legal Case Study on Paul. He’s not finished just yet! He will continue next week with more, so tune in each day.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Paul a member of the Sanhedrin? There are several pieces of evidence which point to this. Listen as Mark Lanier explains using Acts 26:1-11.

In the above verses, did Paul have a chance to defend himself? What did he say?

Why is the phrase “I cast my vote against them” significant?

GREEK LESSON: psephos means “pebble

As a Sanhedrin, did Paul cast a black stone when Stephen was on trial?

God’s best covers all our worst. Even with Paul’s horrible past, he was still chosen by God. And so are you.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 4, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 3
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

We are back this week with more from Mark Lanier on the life, arrest, and trial of Paul. Did God have a purpose for Paul’s tribulation?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The President of the Sanhedrin was an important figure. There were three different Presidents while Jesus was alive. Listen as Mark Lanier discusses these three Presidents and their significance in the life of Christ.

Paul was President Gamaliel’s star pupil. The people at that time knew this was a big deal. But would they listen to Paul, a Christian, when they were angry with Jesus?

Did Paul retain many of Gamaliel’s habits, such as letter writing and his love of the Greek language? How old was Paul? Was he married? Tune in tomorrow as Mark concludes this third lesson on Defending Paul.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 3, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 3
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

We are back this week with more from Mark Lanier on the life, arrest, and trial of Paul. Did God have a purpose for Paul’s tribulation?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark continues to discuss the importance of Gamaliel. What was his background? Who was his father? What was his connection to Paul?

There were two main religious “sects” at the time of Jesus; Mark calls them “schools of thought”: The School of Hillel and The School of Shammai. Why did the Rabbis of each of the religious groups disagree so much? Listen as Mark offers some examples of how they differed in their beliefs and how it correlates to Paul.

Which of these religious sects did Jesus identify with more?

The Sanhedrin, comprised of Sadducees and Pharisees, were the ruling class in Israel at this time. There was a President who ruled over them. Tune in tomorrow as Mark Lanier discusses this President, Gamaliel, and the connection to Paul.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 2, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 3
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

We are back this week with more from Mark Lanier on the life, arrest, and trial of Paul. Did God have a purpose for Paul’s tribulation?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were the Pharisees and Sadducees extremely strict about holiness before God? Did Paul believe this as well?

What language did Paul prefer?

What is the Jewish tradition of “Mishnah”?

Why was Gamaliel important in the life of Paul? NOTE: This is vital to the trial of Paul! Listen as Mark Lanier discusses Gamaliel and Paul’s relationship over the next few days…

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 1, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 3
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

We are back this week with more from Mark Lanier on the life, arrest, and trial of Paul. Did God have a purpose for Paul’s tribulation?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does studying the life, arrest, and trial of Paul help us to better understand God? Mark Lanier reviews some of the main points from his first two lessons in this series.

Is research so important in discerning the truth?

Why did God use normal people to write his truth?

What did Paul value above all else?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 21, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 2
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Today is the final segment in this week’s lesson on Paul. But it’s not over yet! Mark will be back in two weeks with more on the life of Paul. In the meantime, please join us next week as we air a fantastic sermon from Champion Forest Baptist Church’s North Klein Lead Pastor, Stephen Trammel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Paul’s family wealthy?

Was Paul a Pharisee?

What was Paul’s occupation?

BONUS: How did Hanukah become a tradition?

How does Nicodemus play a role in the life of Paul?

Points for Home:
1. God still works through us today. You have a specific set of skills. Use them!
2. Be holy like God. This is how we know what God wants us to do.
3. Test false prophets. Study the Word so you can know the truth.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 20, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 2
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Last week, Mark Lanier reviewed the events which took place leading up to the arrest of Paul. This week, he digs deeper into the Word to teach us about what happened during the trial.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark Lanier reviews all the references to Paul in Acts that reveal Paul’s family history. These passages also indicate his intelligence and how he forfeited the “good life” to follow Jesus.

How does this information effect Paul’s arrest and trial?

Why is the fact that Paul is from Tarsus such an important fact? Why would Mark Lanier use this information during Paul’s trial? Mark discusses this for the majority of this segment, so you know it’s super important! Listen in tomorrow for the conclusion!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 19, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 2
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Last week, Mark Lanier reviewed the events which took place leading up to the arrest of Paul. This week, he digs deeper into the Word to teach us about what happened during the trial.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Bonus: How does the movie “The Princess Bride” tie into today’s lesson?

Truth in advertising is important, especially when it comes to describing something like one’s appearance. Since the Bible does not describe how Paul looked, how can we know for certain? Listen as Mark explains!

The Bible does, however, offer a few references to Paul’s personality. Mark uses 2 Corinthians as one example.

What was Paul’s family history? Again, Mark looks at several verses in answer to this question.

Why are these issues important to Paul’s arrest and trial? Keep tuning in this week as Mark continues this lesson!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 18, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 2
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Last week, Mark Lanier reviewed the events which took place leading up to the arrest of Paul. This week, he digs deeper into the Word to teach us about what happened during the trial.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What weird requirement was placed upon all Roman citizens?

There is a very common mistake many people make concerning his name change! Mark Lanier explains more about Paul’s name change in the beginning of today’s segment.

Was Paul a Christian Jew?

In addition to knowing Paul’s name and why he changed it, Mark would also be curious about Paul’s physical appearance. First impressions last a long time, after all. NOTE: We do not know exactly what Paul looked like. Mark offers some more detailed information in his PowerPoint presentation, which can be found at the link below.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 17, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul - PART 2
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Last week, Mark Lanier reviewed the events which took place leading up to the arrest of Paul. This week, he digs deeper into the Word to teach us about what happened during the trial.

Why did Paul want to defend himself? Why did Paul change his name when he became a Christian? Why is Paul’s personality important? Was Paul a smart man? Regarding Paul’s arrest, why was the law perceived as unchangeable? And finally, why do the decisions we make have such a lasting impact on our lives?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark Lanier begins today’s segment by telling of a recent trip he took to Zagreb, Croatia. He also thanks all the internet and media teams who make it possible for his class to air via the internet and right here on The What’s UP Radio Program so people across the globe can enjoy his class and learn more about God.

What is the first thing Mark would do if he was representing Paul?

Why was Paul’s past important?

What was his personality?

How did Paul handle crisis and stress?

Mark also explains the difference between Saul and Paul. Why did Paul change his name to Saul?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 14, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier started a new series this week on the life of Paul. Tune in next week as he continues this series with more details and insight.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, Mark concludes his opening lesson in his new series on the life of Paul.

What was a flogging? Was it illegal to flog a Roman a citizen? What would happen to a Roman soldier if a Roman citizen was flogged? NOTE: Mark will be somewhat graphic in the beginning of this segment, so be careful listening around young children…

Did he just want to preach the Gospel at his trial? Is this why he represented himself?

Points for Home:
1. God wants us to know His will so we can hear Him.
2. Bad things happen to good people.
3. Listen in to find out!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 13, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the people in the Temple turn on Paul? They saw him do something which they though suspicious, but, in reality, he was just being nice!

Why is the amount of people in the Temple significant?

What is a Centurion? How many were called to arrest Paul?

Why was Paul so insistent in his request to speak to the crowd?

Listen as Mark Lanier discusses the Tribune, the crowd, Jesus, Ananias, the languages spoken by the members of the crowd, and floggings. Tomorrow is the final day of this lesson; make sure you tune in! Remember, Mark will continue this series next week, so there’s more to learn about Paul!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 12, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why had the temple become something other than a place of worship? Today, Mark expands on this subject, explaining what Paul was attempting to do with the temple, the tax, and the law.

In addition, what were Jesus’ thoughts concerning the Temple?

Where could the Jews go in the Temple? Where could the Gentiles go? Where could the Romans go?

How many people lived in Jerusalem at this time? Is this why the money kept in the Temple was so heavily guarded?

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 11, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During this series, Mark Lanier believes that you will learn new things about Paul that you have never realized before and will even make you more confident in your faith.

Why is Paul so significant in the life of Jesus? More importantly, why is his background so important? Mark first goes all the way back to 57 AD, ten years before Rome destroys the temple and the Jewish rebellion.

The temple was more than a place of worship; it was also used as a sort of bank. Listen as Mark explains why this fact carries so much importance. He will continue tomorrow on this subject, so tune in!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 10, 2017

Title: The Legal Case for Paul
Topic: The Legal Case for Paul
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is beginning a new series on the Apostle Paul. As a lawyer, how would Mark have handled the accusations against Paul? Were the accusations fair? Was the punishment just? How did the people influence the decision to prosecute Paul? These questions, and more, will be answered this week.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mark uses an example of a case from a few years ago to set up the lesson this week. A friend had been arrested for driving under the influence. The man exhibited all the signs of being intoxicated, but the man claimed he was simply having a diabetic shock episode. But was he? Listen as Mark shares the story…

BONUS: Listeners today will enjoy a Phil Keggy parody song: “Back in the Saddle Again”.

SECOND BONUS: Phil Keggy should be visiting the class the first part of May! Join the Biblical Literacy email list by clicking the link below for more details.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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