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June 23, 2020

Title: FIRED for Political Beliefs
Topic: Discrimination Against Conservatives
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Does discrimination in the workforce against Conservatives really exist? You bet it does!

Justin Danhof, General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, discusses the newest political antics of Salesforce Reserve head Marc Benioff, perhaps the most liberal CEO in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “Viewpoint Discrimination”?

Who is ALPHABET? Did they recently end a years-long lawsuit for firing a Conservative engineer?

What is Salesforce Reserve? Is the CEO, Mark Benioff, one of the “good guys” or a “bad guy”?

Is Salesforce Reserve practicing viewpoint discrimination? What proof does Justin have?

Have left-leaning organizations bullied corporations through share-holder meetings for decades?

Is Conservative Viewpoint Discrimination rampant across corporate America?

Is Conservative Viewpoint Discrimination rampant in American colleges and universities?

When asked if he would amend the EEO policy to explicitly protect against discrimination based on viewpoint and ideology, what was Salesforce Reserve CEO Mark Benioff’s response? NOTE: HIS RESPONSE WILL MAKE YOUR BLOOD BOIL!!

Click here for more on this issue from the NCPPR.

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May 29, 2018

Title: Boycotts: Effective or Not?
Topic: Boycotts
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Are boycotts and/or threats of boycotts effective in changing corporate policy or giving?

Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center’s Free Enterprise Project. Justin will be discussing the recent announcement by United Airlines to break ties with the NRA and if boycotting businesses for similar decisions are effective.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are boycotts and/or threats of boycotts effective in changing corporate policy and or giving?

How and why did United Airlines slap NRA supporters?

Why did Justin Danhoff confront the CEO of United Airlines? How did the NRA backstabbing corporate leader of United Airlines respond?

What is corporate America’s response to the carnage that occurs week after week in Chicago?

Should we boycott United Airlines? Justin answers with this amazing comment: “Part of the free market is free will.” Yes! Exactly! #boycottUnitedAirlines

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February 1, 2018

Title: Does Walgreens Support Sanctuary Cities?
Topic: Sanctuary Cities
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Pharmacy giant Walgreens is coming under fire for recent comments made in support of sanctuary cities. However, now that the cat is out of the bag, they are back-peddling – and fast.

Justin Danhoff is General Counsel and FEP Director at the National Center for Public Policy Research. Listen in as he gives more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most big corporations, like Walgreens or Starbucks, donate money only to left-leaning charitable donations?

Is UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza) an organization that believes in reuniting California, Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Texas with Mexico?

Do most Americans believe in open borders, allowing anyone a chance to live here – no questions asked? Listen as Mark Tooley explains the law regarding this hot topic…

Does Walgreens support the League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC) which supports sanctuary cities and amnesty for illegal immigrants?

A 2017 Harvard-Harris poll found 80% of American voters oppose sanctuary city policies. When presented with the facts, how did the executives with Walgreens react? What did they promise to do?

Find more information on this issue here.

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January 24, 2018

Title: Does Walgreens Support Sanctuary Cities?
Topic: Sanctuary Cities
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Pharmacy giant Walgreens is coming under fire for recent comments made in support of sanctuary cities. However, now that the cat is out of the bag, they are back-peddling – and fast.

Justin Danhoff is General Counsel and FEP Director at the National Center for Public Policy Research. Listen in as he gives more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most big corporations, like Walgreens or Starbucks, donate money only to left-leaning charitable donations?

Is UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza) an organization that believes in reuniting California, Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Texas with Mexico?

Do most Americans believe in open borders, allowing anyone a chance to live here – no questions asked? Listen as Mark Tooley explains the law regarding this hot topic…

Does Walgreens support the League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC) which supports sanctuary cities and amnesty for illegal immigrants?

A 2017 Harvard-Harris poll found 80% of American voters oppose sanctuary city policies. When presented with the facts, how did the executives with Walgreens react? What did they promise to do?

Find more information on this issue here.

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May 23, 2017

Title: Gap, Inc. and the Homosexual Agenda
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center's Free Enterprise Project. Listen in as he explains why Gap, Inc. supports the homosexual agenda in America, yet they are silent in other countries.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why doesn’t Gap, Inc. – with retail chains including, Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, and others – take an active stand against the horrific treatment of homosexuals and women in foreign countries where they do business?

Is Gap, Inc. active in pushing the homosexual agenda in America?

Did Gap, Inc. sign on to a legal brief opposing North Carolina’s HB2 law?

Is this hypocritical?

Should Americans add Gap, Inc. and its affiliates to their list of stores to boycott?

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October 3, 2016

Title: Freedom After Work
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

It is a sad reality when employees must abandon their personal beliefs at the workplace. But, is it a basic freedom to reclaim those same beliefs in order to participate in non-work related activities, without the fear of retribution from their employer?

Justin Danhof is with the National Center for Public Policy Research. His division oversees their "Employee Conscience Protection Project". Justin has been going into shareholder meetings across the country to ask CEOs, upper management, and shareholders to allow certain freedoms to their workforce.

Currently, only about half of American workers live in a jurisdiction that provides statutory protection against employer retaliation for engaging in First Amendment activities. Some of these laws are weaker than others, and many corporations do not offer this protection as a condition of employment.

In other words, the activities which employees participate in on their own time should be left alone. Justin Danhof discusses the incident that brought to light the seriousness of this issue. “The CEO of a company was ousted from his job because liberal activists uncovered that he had donated to the Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment in California…with his own money.”

Listen in as Justin discusses the National Center’s efforts to convince major corporations across the country to offer protections to the employees regarding “off the clock” activities, including political activism. Most corporations they have approached, such as Walmart, GE, Pfizer, Merck, Visa, PepsiCo, and Home Depot, have accepted their proposal, protecting over 5 million people with new corporate policies.

WARNING: All Starbucks and Costco lovers will NOT like the following information, but it needs to be revealed. Both companies were founded and currently directed by extreme, far-left leaning people. When Justin and the National Center approached Starbucks and Costco with the very same proposal which the above companies and others have already agreed to, their response was… Listen in to hear more!

From college campuses to the board room, free speech, primarily for Christians, is under attack. “It’s a totalitarian mindset,” Justin believes. “And it’s only coming from liberal folks!” Don’t be afraid to speak out and stand up on your own time. If you have questions or concerns about protections for you at your job, click here to learn more.

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June 16, 2016

Title: Target CEO has no Regrets
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Target has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Justin Danhof is the Director of the Free Enterprise Project within the National Center for Public Policy. Today, Justin will be discussing details of the recent Target shareholders meeting where members of the National Center asked company executives point-blank if they had regrets over their approval of all-sex bathrooms and dressing rooms.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

First, why are members of the Free Enterprise Project attending various shareholder meetings for different companies across the country?

What was Target's response to the National Center’s request to reverse their decision on their bathroom policy?

The media has envisioned and portrayed tens of thousands of transgendered individuals clamoring to use ‘the other facility’ at various businesses. Is this true?

A while back, Target made the announcement that they would no longer be separating boys and girls clothing or toys department. This angered a few people. However, when Target made the decision to offer “free-range” bathrooms and dressing rooms, they angered millions. Has this caused Target’s stock price to drop? Have sales dropped as well?

Will Target’s decision place lives at risk?

Justin also discusses a specific question that he asked the CEO of Target concerning his comparison of 1960’s racism to people who do not like the new bathroom policy. The two are obviously not even comparable, but the left just doesn’t see the difference.

Is the boycott of Target fading away? Where will you choose to back-to-school-shop in August?

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May 25, 2016

Title: Religious Freedom Hangs in the Balance
Topic: Religious Freedom
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Some corporations are being used as front groups by left-wing anti-religion coalitions. But, are they simple pawns or willing accomplices?

Justin Danhof is the Director of the Free Enterprise Project with the National Center for Public Policy Research. He recently asked Home Depot point blank if they oppose religious freedom because they belong to the Georgia Prospers, a corporate coalition that lobbied extensively - and dishonestly - against Georgia's religious freedom bill titled "The Free Exercise Protection Act”.

When it comes to political involvement, most corporations – big and small – tend to lean toward the left. Justin believes there are several very good reasons for this: First, the left is very in-your-face concerning the social issues. Second, there is a massive amount of hypocrisy in the media, as we all know.

Listen in as Justin discusses more about corporation’s involvement in political matters and why it absolutely matters for all Americans. “Over the last year and a half, it’s become very clear that this is where the left is taking the next major fight in this country,” he says. “But, when you poll the public, they are with the ‘common-sense movement’.”

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April 5, 2016

Title: Freedom After Work
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

It is a sad reality when employees must abandon their personal beliefs at the workplace. But, is it a basic freedom to reclaim those same beliefs in order to participate in non-work related activities, without the fear of retribution from their employer?

Justin Danhof is with the National Center for Public Policy Research. His division oversees their "Employee Conscience Protection Project". Justin has been going into shareholder meetings across the country to ask CEOs, upper management, and shareholders to allow certain freedoms to their workforce.

Currently, only about half of American workers live in a jurisdiction that provides statutory protection against employer retaliation for engaging in First Amendment activities. Some of these laws are weaker than others, and many corporations do not offer this protection as a condition of employment.

In other words, the activities which employees participate in on their own time should be left alone. Justin Danhof discusses the incident that brought to light the seriousness of this issue. “The CEO of a company was ousted from his job because liberal activists uncovered that he had donated to the Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment in California…with his own money.”

Listen in as Justin discusses the National Center’s efforts to convince major corporations across the country to offer protections to the employees regarding “off the clock” activities, including political activism. Most corporations they have approached, such as Walmart, GE, Pfizer, Merck, Visa, PepsiCo, and Home Depot, have accepted their proposal, protecting over 5 million people with new corporate policies.

WARNING: All Starbucks and Costco lovers will NOT like the following information, but it needs to be revealed. Both companies were founded and currently directed by extreme, far-left leaning people. When Justin and the National Center approached Starbucks and Costco with the very same proposal which the above companies and others have already agreed to, their response was… Listen in to hear more!

From college campuses to the board room, free speech, primarily for Christians, is under attack. “It’s a totalitarian mindset,” Justin believes. “And it’s only coming from liberal folks!” Don’t be afraid to speak out and stand up on your own time. If you have questions or concerns about protections for you at your job, click here to learn more.

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May 29, 2015

Title: The Truth about GMO’s
Topic: GMO's
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The European Union spent ten years and hundreds of millions of Euros to exhaustively examine GMOs, determining: "The main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research, and involving more than 500 independent research groups, is that biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are not per se more risky than conventional plant breeding technologies." Read that again… Basically the UN is admitting they’ve been LYING to the entire world when they claim that GMO’s and DDT’s kill, harm, or poison people and animals.

Justin Danhof understands that people may have a difficult time grasping this new information. We’ve been lied to so often about GMO’s that it will take a lot of convincing for some people to change their thought process. Rich Hollywood celebrities and others spread fear through TV shows, blogs, and 140-character Twitter tirades which millions of people read and accept as fact.

Justin explains how the “Genetic Literacy Project has compiled over 2,500 independent studies that have all verified that GMO’s are perfectly safe for human consumption.” In fact, NO ONE has ever gotten sick from GMO’s in their food. It is a proven, scientific fact.

Justin’s biggest problem with the lies about GMO’s is the harm caused to low-income people and those in third-world countries. People in India, for example, are suffering blindness, serious illness, and even death due to a lack of Vitamin A deficiency because environmentalists won’t allow the government to use GMO’s in the food! Their entire thought process on the matter is just insane. In fact, Justin says “they have blood on their hands.” Click [here]  for more on this and other issues.

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April 27, 2015

Title: GE, The Clinton Foundation, and Algeria
Topic: Government Contract
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

GE donated money to The Clinton Foundation. Is it just a coincidence that GE then received a $1.9 Billion contract from Algeria? Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for The National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center's Free Enterprise Project. Justin and others are buying stock in big corporations in order to attend their annual stockholder’s meetings. Why?

The American people always seem to be the loser when big government and big companies work together. “We’re there to drive a wedge between them,” Justin says.

Most of you have heard by now that Hillary Clinton deleted thousands upon thousands of emails and erased her computer hard drive. Liberals see nothing wrong with this. Conservatives, however, know this is bad, bad news for our entire county.

American corporations are going to foreign countries and bribing them with cash in exchange for lucrative contracts. Is this even legal? Technically, no. However, big corporations get around this negative practice in other ways. Technically, still illegal, but they do it anyway.

Justin Danhof has given GE an ultimatum: Let us see your emails. Listen in as he discusses “honest services fraud” and why it is so important for the emails to become public.

For more on this and other issues affecting America, click [here]. 

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March 27, 2015

Title: Fighting Crony Capitalism
Topic: Crony Capitalism
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Apple President Tim Cook stated: “Apple is more interested in green energy than green profits.” But what he is really saying, according to Justin Danhof is: “Essentially, if you were to believe everything that comes out of Tim’s mouth, you’d believe that they (Apple) were running a humanitarian non-profit venture.” Listen in as Justin explains what is going on with Apple.

Another company that has been in the news recently is Costco for discriminating against employees who disagree with their “politics” on their own time. Justin discusses the “Employee Conscious Protection Project” (ECPP), which would allow workers the freedom to participate in politics on their own time, with their own money, without fear of retribution from the employer. GE, Pepsi, and Walmart are just a few of the big-name corporations that have already added the ECPP to their employees’ contracts. Why won’t Costco?

Justin says it all boils down to money. Listen in as he clarifies his opinion. “Free markets are worth fighting for and we’re going to be on the front lines continuing that battle.”

Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center's Free Enterprise Project. They can be found [here]. 

Justin’s article on this issue is [here].

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February 11, 2015

Title: Do you work for a 'Partisan Purity Shop'?
Topic: Workplace Political Discrimination
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

In today’s society, technology is at our fingertips 24/7 with smart phones, iPads, and laptops. On average, people check their cell phones over 100 times every day. We are constantly opening Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see if someone liked a post or commented on something. And let’s face it: you like pictures of cute little animals just as much as I do.

For those of us who are politically active, we use social media to repost articles that interest us. We “follow” pages of our favorite political candidates. We share memes of Brian Williams’ “accomplishments”. Did I just type that out loud?

Workplace discipline” is a very real thing. Texas is a “right to work” state, which means an employer can fire an employee for any – or no – reason whatsoever, including political beliefs. But shouldn’t a person’s private life be “private”? Does an employer have the right to pry into employee’s social media accounts?

A common misconception people have is that the First Amendment protects their right to free speech, no matter where, no matter what. Shockingly, only half of all Americans are protected under a law which allows their private life to actually stay “private”.

Listen in as Justin Danhof explains the battle they have initiated to help protect employees from discrimination based on their political beliefs. The project is called the “Employee Conscience Protection Project”. More can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do you work for a 'Partisan Purity Shop'?
Topic: Workplace Political Discrimination
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

In the first segment, Justin Danhof explains how employers in Texas can hire and fire anyone at any given time. If your employer is a flaming Liberal and doesn’t like your Dan Patrick bumper sticker, you can be fired! If you are still a die-hard Obama-lover and your boss is descendent of the Bush clan, he can kick you to the curb! It doesn’t matter which side of the political realm you side with; your political opinions are “your” political opinions. You should never be pressured to keep silent for fear of losing your job.

Are there any good companies out there who allow their employees private lives to stay “private”? Are there some bad apples? Over the past few months, Justin and others with the “Employee Conscience Protection Project” have asked some of the biggest corporations to allow specific protections to their employees regarding political opinions and private matters, including information on social media.

Listen in as Justin gives the juicy details about the good companies and those you might want to steer clear of. HINT: Do you shop at Costco? Are you employed by Coca-Cola? Do you have a Visa credit card? Who is good and who is baaaaaaaaaaad to the bone?

To learn more about the National Center for Public Policy Research click [here]. 

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March 17, 2014

Title: Do Not Buy Apple Stock
Topic: Political Correctness
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

At a recent shareholder meeting, the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, lost it. Why?

Listen in as Justin Danhoff with the National Center for Public Policy Research explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Political Correctness
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Apple, obviously, is a very wealthy company. They could do a lot of good – or harm – to the American economy without much effort.

Justin Danhof discusses whether or not Apple should continue to invest in certain activities without tax payer subsidies.
Log on to  to learn more on this and other issues.

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July 12, 2013

Title: Did Dem’s In DC Force $4 Million in Payoffs From Wal-Mart?
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 3

Some members serving on the Washington DC City Council should be investigated for forcing Wal-Mart to pay over $4 million to non-profits in the city in exchange for favorable votes. This should be headline news.

Wal-Mart bent over backwards to accommodate the District’s requirements concerning location, staffing, minority contracting, transportation, non-profit support, and many other onerous demands from the city’s leaders just to have the opportunity to bring jobs and prosperity to areas suffering 17.8 % unemployment.

Exempting union shops, the City’s leaders passed a Super-Minimum Wage targeting Wal-Mart and other non-union big box retailers. Listen in…

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Title: Wal-Mart Did Not Bend Over Far Enough!
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 2 of 3

Wal-Mart has been bending over backwards for DC officials for over eleven years. Wal-Mart has even given over $4 million to the city’s non-profit organizations. Wal-Mart even agreed to build stores in the worst areas of town – where few would travel, park, or walk inside to shop.

Face the facts: City officials receive paybacks from union officials to keep non-unions out of the city. Face more facts: DC unemployment rate is at 8.5% which is one percent higher than the national average. However, the African-American unemployment rate is 17.8%.

DC officials made their union bosses happy. Some non-profits must be crying, “Where is our money? Squeeze them some more.” Listen in…

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Title: Nearly Two Thousand Jobs Axed Because of Union Bosses.
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 3 of 3

Nearly two thousand jobs axed because union bosses did not want the non-union Wal-Mart in town. DC officials showed disregard for minorities, seniors, and all who are without jobs.

Wal-Mart bent over backwards to accommodate the District’s requirements concerning location, staffing, minority contracting, transportation, non-profit support, and many other onerous demands from the city’s leaders just to have the opportunity to bring jobs and prosperity to areas suffering 17.8 % unemployment.

Our guest, Justin Danhof, demands an investigation into political contributions received by DC officials. This is a clear case of ‘Political Payback’. Listen in…

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May 17, 2013

Title: Watch our Violent TV Shows, Drive Up our Ratings, But DON’T Buy Guns or Ammo!
Topic: Hypocrisy in the Lime Light
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Most Americans are under the false impression that gun violence is on the rise.  This is mostly due to the left shifting news stories and twisting public opinion toward anti-gun legislation.

Back in March 2013, Comcast announced that they would no longer air commercials for guns or ammunitions during breaks for their TV programs, which are often filled with violence, guns, and murder.

What hypocrites!

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November 29, 2012

Title: Eric Holder. Voter ID. And the Truth.
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Voter ID is oppressive. Voter ID is against the law. Voter ID is discriminatory. Voter ID hurts my feelings. All lame excuses by the left to block Voter ID laws in America.

Justin Danhof joins us today for 2 quick segments on Eric Holder’s obsession with Voter ID laws. Why is Holder so dead set against Voter ID laws and protection from voter fraud? And just how is the Voter ID law supposed to work?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Voter ID Laws
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The Department of Justice sat on a request from the National Center for Public Policy Research for over 6 months concerning Eric Holder’s reasons to challenge the Voter ID Laws. What was the DOJ’s response? Did Eric Holder lie? Has the President lied?? You don’t want to miss this segment with Justin Danhof!

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October 23, 2012

Title: Slimy Green Anti-American Activities!
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Would working against the keystone pipeline, against oil and gas drilling, against fracking, and against opening up a new mine in Alaska be classified as anti-American activity?

What is Earthworks all about? Tell us more about Earthworks' funding! Has any environmental group in America done scientific studies that show
    A.) fracking pollutes ground water or
    B.) Environmental damages that would be caused by laying down the pipeline?

What is GroupSnoop all about? Tell our listeners about the Pebble Mine in Alaska and how much is might be worth. What could the mine do for the U.S metal reserves? Where are we getting our rare earth minerals right now?

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August 1, 2012

Topic: GroupSnoop
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

If you get sick, who would you go to for a cure? A carpenter? A plumber? Or an expert in the field of medicine? Why?

What are the chances of George Soros funding Terry Lowry and the conservative What's UP radio program? Please explain to our listeners who George Soros is!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: GroupSnoop
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Is there evidence for voter fraud in America? OR has there NEVER EVER been a recorded case of voter fraud?

Has voter fraud ever flipped an election one way or another? What do you and your group, found at have to say?

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October 19, 2011

Title: Launches to Provide Background Data on Nation’s Most Influential Public Policy Non-Profits.
Topic: GroupSnoop
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

From Greenpeace to the Ford Foundation, non-profits often have unseen influence in the day-to-day lives of average Americans.

Non-profits influence everything from labor laws, to the price of electricity, to the cars we drive and everything in between. fills a void by offering critical analysis and frank assessment” said our guest, Justin Danhof. launched with nearly two-dozen documented entries with many more to follow in the coming weeks. Who funds the American Civil Liberties Union, Greenpeace, MoveOn…

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