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June 23, 2020

Title: FIRED for Political Beliefs
Topic: Discrimination Against Conservatives
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Does discrimination in the workforce against Conservatives really exist? You bet it does!

Justin Danhof, General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, discusses the newest political antics of Salesforce Reserve head Marc Benioff, perhaps the most liberal CEO in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “Viewpoint Discrimination”?

Who is ALPHABET? Did they recently end a years-long lawsuit for firing a Conservative engineer?

What is Salesforce Reserve? Is the CEO, Mark Benioff, one of the “good guys” or a “bad guy”?

Is Salesforce Reserve practicing viewpoint discrimination? What proof does Justin have?

Have left-leaning organizations bullied corporations through share-holder meetings for decades?

Is Conservative Viewpoint Discrimination rampant across corporate America?

Is Conservative Viewpoint Discrimination rampant in American colleges and universities?

When asked if he would amend the EEO policy to explicitly protect against discrimination based on viewpoint and ideology, what was Salesforce Reserve CEO Mark Benioff’s response? NOTE: HIS RESPONSE WILL MAKE YOUR BLOOD BOIL!!

Click here for more on this issue from the NCPPR.

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December 6, 2019

Title: Apple Fights to Maintain Anti-Conservative Status Quo
Topic: Discrimination Against Conservatives
Discussed by Scott Shepard
with Free Enterprise Project (

Part 1 of 3

The discrimination against Conservatives in America is just getting ridiculous. We all know that the Apple Corporation is extremely left-leaning, but their recent activities have gone too far.

Scott Shepard is the Program Coordinator for the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, the Conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program.

His article on this topic can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have LGBTQ activists focused on share-holder meetings FOR DECADES? Is their activism affective?

Can their tactics be considered bullying? Scott believes that Conservatives need to step up their game because the LGBTQ activists have “out-organized us”.

Are more and more companies and organizations giving in to the LGBTQ activists?

Are too many Conservatives just too busy working, raising a family, and going to church to pay attention to what is happening in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Apple Fights to Maintain Anti-Conservative Status Quo
Topic: Discrimination Against Conservatives
Discussed by Scott Shepard
with Free Enterprise Project (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can a person be fired for their political affiliation/viewpoint? HINT: Yes they can! Scott explains how this can be traced back all the way to WWII.

How long has the Communist infiltration been happening in America?

Tune in to the next segment as Scott continues to discuss how Conservatives are being absolutely discriminated against in the workplace…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Apple Fights to Maintain Anti-Conservative Status Quo
Topic: Discrimination Against Conservatives
Discussed by Scott Shepard
with Free Enterprise Project (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Recently, the National Center attended the Apple Corporation shareholder meeting. Scott discusses how they simply wanted Apple to form a study group concerning conservative-focused discrimination within their company.

How did Apple respond? Did they agree to the study? [ Hint: nope]

Terry closes this segment today with this reminder: “God can do more in a moment than we can do in a lifetime.” BUT we still must do our part. Click here  to support the National Center.

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