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March 27, 2015

Title: Fighting Crony Capitalism
Topic: Crony Capitalism
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Apple President Tim Cook stated: “Apple is more interested in green energy than green profits.” But what he is really saying, according to Justin Danhof is: “Essentially, if you were to believe everything that comes out of Tim’s mouth, you’d believe that they (Apple) were running a humanitarian non-profit venture.” Listen in as Justin explains what is going on with Apple.

Another company that has been in the news recently is Costco for discriminating against employees who disagree with their “politics” on their own time. Justin discusses the “Employee Conscious Protection Project” (ECPP), which would allow workers the freedom to participate in politics on their own time, with their own money, without fear of retribution from the employer. GE, Pepsi, and Walmart are just a few of the big-name corporations that have already added the ECPP to their employees’ contracts. Why won’t Costco?

Justin says it all boils down to money. Listen in as he clarifies his opinion. “Free markets are worth fighting for and we’re going to be on the front lines continuing that battle.”

Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center's Free Enterprise Project. They can be found [here]. 

Justin’s article on this issue is [here].

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