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July 12, 2013

Title: Did Dem’s In DC Force $4 Million in Payoffs From Wal-Mart?
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 3

Some members serving on the Washington DC City Council should be investigated for forcing Wal-Mart to pay over $4 million to non-profits in the city in exchange for favorable votes. This should be headline news.

Wal-Mart bent over backwards to accommodate the District’s requirements concerning location, staffing, minority contracting, transportation, non-profit support, and many other onerous demands from the city’s leaders just to have the opportunity to bring jobs and prosperity to areas suffering 17.8 % unemployment.

Exempting union shops, the City’s leaders passed a Super-Minimum Wage targeting Wal-Mart and other non-union big box retailers. Listen in…

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Title: Wal-Mart Did Not Bend Over Far Enough!
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 2 of 3

Wal-Mart has been bending over backwards for DC officials for over eleven years. Wal-Mart has even given over $4 million to the city’s non-profit organizations. Wal-Mart even agreed to build stores in the worst areas of town – where few would travel, park, or walk inside to shop.

Face the facts: City officials receive paybacks from union officials to keep non-unions out of the city. Face more facts: DC unemployment rate is at 8.5% which is one percent higher than the national average. However, the African-American unemployment rate is 17.8%.

DC officials made their union bosses happy. Some non-profits must be crying, “Where is our money? Squeeze them some more.” Listen in…

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Title: Nearly Two Thousand Jobs Axed Because of Union Bosses.
Topic: Political Bribes Forced From Wal-Mart
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 3 of 3

Nearly two thousand jobs axed because union bosses did not want the non-union Wal-Mart in town. DC officials showed disregard for minorities, seniors, and all who are without jobs.

Wal-Mart bent over backwards to accommodate the District’s requirements concerning location, staffing, minority contracting, transportation, non-profit support, and many other onerous demands from the city’s leaders just to have the opportunity to bring jobs and prosperity to areas suffering 17.8 % unemployment.

Our guest, Justin Danhof, demands an investigation into political contributions received by DC officials. This is a clear case of ‘Political Payback’. Listen in…

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