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June 1, 2015

Title: Where’s the Beef? And the Chicken? And Even the Veggies?
Topic: GMO's
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Animal Rights Activists are at it again. Jeff Stier, Director of Risk Analysis for the National Center for Public Policy Research, says in a recently published article in the San Diego Union Tribute, “Animal ‘rights’ activists scored a victory earlier this year – not in court, but through political tactics….These cases are part of a broader campaign in which radical activists purposefully seek to blur the important distinction between ‘animal welfare’ and “animal rights.”

Simply put, animal welfare is the notion shared by all decent humans that we should take good care of animals. Animal rights, on the other hand, is a system where whales can be considered slaves and research chimpanzees have personhood. In fact, they want all animals, domesticated or not, to be protected under the 13th Amendment.

Animal welfare is important. We must protect and care for all God’s creatures. Jeff says, however, that these activists are doing more harm than good. He urges people to support your local animal shelters, but be wary of PETA and Human Society groups. Listen in as he explains how well-known animal rights groups actually spend donation money.

SHOCKING FACT: PETA actually has a program called “Holocaust on a Plate” which compares the killing of animals to the killing of millions of people at the hands of evil men. This is becoming the centralized issue in their agenda and, unfortunately, it is working.

Jeff’s article on this issue can be found [here].

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May 29, 2015

Title: The Truth about GMO’s
Topic: GMO's
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The European Union spent ten years and hundreds of millions of Euros to exhaustively examine GMOs, determining: "The main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research, and involving more than 500 independent research groups, is that biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are not per se more risky than conventional plant breeding technologies." Read that again… Basically the UN is admitting they’ve been LYING to the entire world when they claim that GMO’s and DDT’s kill, harm, or poison people and animals.

Justin Danhof understands that people may have a difficult time grasping this new information. We’ve been lied to so often about GMO’s that it will take a lot of convincing for some people to change their thought process. Rich Hollywood celebrities and others spread fear through TV shows, blogs, and 140-character Twitter tirades which millions of people read and accept as fact.

Justin explains how the “Genetic Literacy Project has compiled over 2,500 independent studies that have all verified that GMO’s are perfectly safe for human consumption.” In fact, NO ONE has ever gotten sick from GMO’s in their food. It is a proven, scientific fact.

Justin’s biggest problem with the lies about GMO’s is the harm caused to low-income people and those in third-world countries. People in India, for example, are suffering blindness, serious illness, and even death due to a lack of Vitamin A deficiency because environmentalists won’t allow the government to use GMO’s in the food! Their entire thought process on the matter is just insane. In fact, Justin says “they have blood on their hands.” Click [here]  for more on this and other issues.

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