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February 11, 2015

Title: Do you work for a 'Partisan Purity Shop'?
Topic: Workplace Political Discrimination
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

In today’s society, technology is at our fingertips 24/7 with smart phones, iPads, and laptops. On average, people check their cell phones over 100 times every day. We are constantly opening Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to see if someone liked a post or commented on something. And let’s face it: you like pictures of cute little animals just as much as I do.

For those of us who are politically active, we use social media to repost articles that interest us. We “follow” pages of our favorite political candidates. We share memes of Brian Williams’ “accomplishments”. Did I just type that out loud?

Workplace discipline” is a very real thing. Texas is a “right to work” state, which means an employer can fire an employee for any – or no – reason whatsoever, including political beliefs. But shouldn’t a person’s private life be “private”? Does an employer have the right to pry into employee’s social media accounts?

A common misconception people have is that the First Amendment protects their right to free speech, no matter where, no matter what. Shockingly, only half of all Americans are protected under a law which allows their private life to actually stay “private”.

Listen in as Justin Danhof explains the battle they have initiated to help protect employees from discrimination based on their political beliefs. The project is called the “Employee Conscience Protection Project”. More can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do you work for a 'Partisan Purity Shop'?
Topic: Workplace Political Discrimination
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

In the first segment, Justin Danhof explains how employers in Texas can hire and fire anyone at any given time. If your employer is a flaming Liberal and doesn’t like your Dan Patrick bumper sticker, you can be fired! If you are still a die-hard Obama-lover and your boss is descendent of the Bush clan, he can kick you to the curb! It doesn’t matter which side of the political realm you side with; your political opinions are “your” political opinions. You should never be pressured to keep silent for fear of losing your job.

Are there any good companies out there who allow their employees private lives to stay “private”? Are there some bad apples? Over the past few months, Justin and others with the “Employee Conscience Protection Project” have asked some of the biggest corporations to allow specific protections to their employees regarding political opinions and private matters, including information on social media.

Listen in as Justin gives the juicy details about the good companies and those you might want to steer clear of. HINT: Do you shop at Costco? Are you employed by Coca-Cola? Do you have a Visa credit card? Who is good and who is baaaaaaaaaaad to the bone?

To learn more about the National Center for Public Policy Research click [here]. 

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