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April 27, 2015

Title: GE, The Clinton Foundation, and Algeria
Topic: Government Contract
Discussed by Justin Danhof
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

GE donated money to The Clinton Foundation. Is it just a coincidence that GE then received a $1.9 Billion contract from Algeria? Justin Danhof is the General Counsel for The National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center's Free Enterprise Project. Justin and others are buying stock in big corporations in order to attend their annual stockholder’s meetings. Why?

The American people always seem to be the loser when big government and big companies work together. “We’re there to drive a wedge between them,” Justin says.

Most of you have heard by now that Hillary Clinton deleted thousands upon thousands of emails and erased her computer hard drive. Liberals see nothing wrong with this. Conservatives, however, know this is bad, bad news for our entire county.

American corporations are going to foreign countries and bribing them with cash in exchange for lucrative contracts. Is this even legal? Technically, no. However, big corporations get around this negative practice in other ways. Technically, still illegal, but they do it anyway.

Justin Danhof has given GE an ultimatum: Let us see your emails. Listen in as he discusses “honest services fraud” and why it is so important for the emails to become public.

For more on this and other issues affecting America, click [here]. 

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