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July 9, 2015

Title: Have Republicans in WDC been Bought?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Part 1 of 2

The Republicans won big in 2014, but now they are losing more than before. They made so many promises to the America people and we thought things would get better, but in many ways, things are far worse. Have the Republicans been duped or blackmailed – or are they just liars?

Wayne Allyn Root is the best-selling author of “The Murder of the Middle Class”. He is very passionate about issues which are threatening the freedom of American people. Listen in as he discusses one in particular: banks reporting your cash withdrawals to the NSA.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Have Republicans in WDC been Bought?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

We need to get rid of the establishment, moderate RINO Republicans. Just stop voting for them! Wayne Allyn Root is convinced that many RINO’s in WDC have been bought by the Obama Crime Family. Wayne also says that we need to stop attacking each other. Enough with the mini wars within our own brotherhood. He cites the recent attacks on Donald Trump for speaking his mind as a perfect example.

Click here  for more from Wayne Allyn Root.

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January 13, 2015

Title: Hip Hip Hooray for Obama!!!
Topic: Obama
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Part 1 of 2

Who will give a shout-out to Obama? Who just loooooves Obama? Who is singing his praises from the rooftops? Well, definitely NOT Wayne Allen Root, author of the New York Times best-selling book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide”, and the “Murder of the Middle Class”.

Wayne Allen Root was a classmate of Obama’s at Columbia University, although he doesn’t remember ever seeing the would-be President in any of his classes (they had the same major and should have bumped into each other at least once or twice.) He does remember, however, when President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981. His classmates erupted in joyous applause, hollering: “Yes! Reagan is dead! They got him!” That is the inspiration, if you will, behind Wayne’s newest column piece, “Celebrating Obama for the New Year”, which can be found [here].

Listen in as Wayne explains how Obama has been a walking billboard for God, guns, and gold. Does someone know something that the average person doesn’t know?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Hip Hip Hooray for Obama!!!
Topic: Obama
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Every time Obama opens his mouth, gun shop owners and gold companies rejoice! But who else is happy that Obama is still in power for another two years? Print shop owners – those who print “going out of business” and “home for sale” and “we protest this or that” signs! Only just kidding, people! It is a very sad situation we are in today with all the people losing their businesses and jobs, therefore losing their dream homes. I don’t want to offend anyone who has been in this tough predicament.

Wayne discusses yet another group of workers who are rejoicing over Obama: bilingual workers! English as a second language teachers, for example. Why?

Listen in Wayne explains how Muslims, Russians, and Cubans love, love, love Obama, too! Click [here] to learn more from Wayne Allen Root.

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November 6, 2014

Title: Obama is More Toxic than Ebola
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root, author of the national bestseller “The Murder of the Middle Class”, is back to discuss the difference between Obama and Ebola. Wayne says, “Ebola is bad, but Obama is fatal!” Wayne sure doesn’t beat around the bush!

There has only been one death in the US from Ebola and a handful of other cases. Thousands of people die from the flu every year, so why should we fear Ebola? Wayne poses this question: “What if Latin or Central America gets hit with an Ebola pandemic? They will be running for our OPEN borders to seek medical care!” People should not live in fear, but should still be vigilant and be cautious, especially the President and our leaders. Listen in as Wayne talks about why a speech he was supposed to give in Dallas got canceled!

So, why does Wayne think Obama is so much worse than Ebola? The cost for treating, containing, and decontaminating Ebola is expensive, but Obama has cost us so much more! Nearly $4 TRILLION dollars has been spent keeping 103 MILLION people in America on welfare and 50 MILLION on food stamps over the last FIVE years. Not fifty years. Not 25 years. Not 10 years. FIVE YEARS and $4 TRILLION DOLLARS.

And don’t even get Wayne started on the rising cost of healthcare! He is outraged that his monthly insurance coverage for his family has TRIPLED since the implementation of Obamacare. Wayne says that Ebola isn’t the real threat. Obamacare is!

Wayne even goes as far as to claim Americans will all be killed if Obama is not stopped and removed from office quickly. He says Congress must stand up and finally tell Obama “We aren’t going to fund your special projects until you fix the border and deal with Ebola.” Can this happen? Will the new Republican Congress be able to stop Obama in his tracks? Should Americans start a civil disobedience revolution?

Listen in to hear the rest of the story and then share this segment with your friends. Log on to  to order Wayne’s new bestseller “The Murder of the Middle Class”.

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August 18, 2014

Title: The Murder of the Middle Class
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Obama’s economy is an utter joke. It’s embarrassing. So many men and women are out of work and can’t find a full-time job. And a part-time job (or even two or three) simply cannot sustain a family. It can barely sustain a college kid just wanting to make a few extra bucks.

Some wonder if Obama and his left wing pals tanked the economy on purpose. That’s a questions posed to author Wayne Allen Root in this interview.

For centuries – millennia – there has always been some group crying for equality – in land ownership, possessions, even retirement. But why should I give my hard-earned money to you? Would you give me your money if the situation were reversed? Do you want to share your land with me – for free?

Listen in as Wayne Allen Root, author of The Murder of the Middle Class, talks about his college experience with Barack Obama (yes – he went to Columbia with Obama!) and how he believes Obama and his socialist cronies are purposefully destroying the middle class.

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August 14, 2012

Title: What Are The Skeletons in Obama's Closet?
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Part 1 of 2

How many interviews did you conduct yesterday?

What is the big skeleton that you believe is lurking in Obama's closet?

What is the Obama administration doing to keep the focus off of him and the American public finding out about this skeleton?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Nation
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

What does Romney need to do?

What do you believe Obama is hiding in his college records?

Why is the media not trying harder to uncover Obama's college records?

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February 4, 2010

Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT Part 1 of 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Former Vice Presidential Candidate, Wayne Allyn Root, has written a great book: “THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERTARIAN”. Log on to

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT Part 2 of 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Who is Wayne Allyn Root? What does he believe? What is his opinion of Obama? Log on to

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT Part 3 of 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root is considered by some to be the “Ross Perot of the 2012 Election”. A home schooled dad for President? That’s crazy! Log on to

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT Part 4 of 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

You shop before you buy a car. Shop before you elect the President! Log on to

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August 6, 2009

Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT part 1 OF 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Former Vice Presidential Candidate, Wayne Allyn Root, is the guest today. He has written a great book: “THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERTARIAN”. Log on to

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT part 2 OF 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Who is Wayne Allyn Root? What does he believe? What is his opinion of Obama?

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT part 3 OF 4
Topic: Libertarian Platform
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root is considered by some to be the “Ross Perot of the 2012 Election”. A home schooled dad for President? That’s crazy!

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Title: THIS IS W.A.R. - WAYNE ALLYN ROOT part 4 OF 4
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Wayne Allyn Root
with Wayne Allyn Root

You shop before you buy a car. Shop before you elect the President!

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