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July 29, 2016

Title: Recap of the RNC
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Bergundi Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Bergundi Cain is the wife of HD 128 Republican Candidate Briscoe Cain. She was honored to attend the recent Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH, and is here today to give us her perspective on the event.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Just an elected few are able to attend a National Convention. Why was Bergundi chosen to attend?

With so many conservative Republican bloggers and talkers against Trump, what was the mood of the attendees prior to Donald Trump’s nomination? Did the mood change once Donald Trump was nominated?

What happened after Ted Cruz gave his speech? How did the Texas delegates react?

If too many Conservative, Evangelicals stay home because they don’t like their choices for President, what happens to Bergundi’s husband’s chances?

Texas is a Red State. In 2000 and 2004, the Bush Campaign did not spend any dollars in Texas to turn out the vote. Neither did McCain in 2008 nor Romney in 2012. While voting their faith and their conscience, what can each listener do to make sure down ballot Republican candidates, like Briscoe Cain, win in November?

Too many voters get worked up about one specific issue or candidate, yet they don’t become active. Bergundi believes that, yes, voting is of vital importance, but it is equally important to become involved in the process. Become involved and vote – but don’t vote alone. And, above all, pray, pray, and pray some more.

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