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May 25, 2021

Title: Secular Democrats of America Targets Christianity
Topic: Christian Discrimination and Persecution
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The Secular Democrats of America organization has released its blueprints for transforming our nation. In reality, their plan will bulldoze 240 years of religious freedom to the ground.

Ken Blackwell is a Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. He is also the former Mayor of Cincinnati, Treasurer and Secretary of State for Ohio, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Secular Democrats for America organization ramping up their anti-Christian campaign with what appears to be a welcoming seat at the table of the Biden-Harris administration?

Are their goals similar to the goals of Black Lives Matter?

Ken says: “Utopia promises hardly ever breed more freedom and liberty for the people. They only breed liberty and privilege for the governing elite.”

If we do nothing, will they succeed?

Is the Left perfecting their “gas lighting” game?

Is there a battle going on in America between the Left and the Right?

How does the Secular Democrats for America organization plan to “transform” America? What is their blueprint? Ken says: “They know that for them to conquer they must divide.”

Do they want to outlaw Christianity and replace it with a national religion called “Secular Humanism”?

Are they working to ban pastors from speaking on cultural issues? Do they want to silence the church?

Is “Secular Humanism” a religion? Will this worldview destroy America?

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April 20, 2021

Title: Secular Democrats of America Targets Christianity
Topic: Christian Discrimination and Persecution
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The Secular Democrats of America organization has released its blueprints for transforming our nation. In reality, their plan will bulldoze 240 years of religious freedom to the ground.

Ken Blackwell is a Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. He is also the former Mayor of Cincinnati, Treasurer and Secretary of State for Ohio, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Secular Democrats for America organization ramping up their anti-Christian campaign with what appears to be a welcoming seat at the table of the Biden-Harris administration?

Are their goals similar to the goals of Black Lives Matter?

Ken says: “Utopia promises hardly ever breed more freedom and liberty for the people. They only breed liberty and privilege for the governing elite.”

If we do nothing, will they succeed?

Is the Left perfecting their “gas lighting” game?

Is there a battle going on in America between the Left and the Right?

How does the Secular Democrats for America organization plan to “transform” America? What is their blueprint? Ken says: “They know that for them to conquer they must divide.”

Do they want to outlaw Christianity and replace it with a national religion called “Secular Humanism”?

Are they working to ban pastors from speaking on cultural issues? Do they want to silence the church?

Is “Secular Humanism” a religion? Will this worldview destroy America?

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March 17, 2021

Title: What if Christians Stop Voting?
Topic: What if Christians Stop Voting?
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The 2020 Election saw widespread allegations of voting irregularities, mistakes, fraud, and constitutional violations. As a result, many Americans have lost faith in our democratic process.

Today, FRC Action’s Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance Ken Blackwell discusses some of the bad election laws being proposed in WDC and across the nation.

For more from the Family Research Council’s ACTION group, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What would be the outcome if Christian Conservatives become so disillusioned with Election Integrity that they stop voting entirely?

Should all voters be required to prove US citizenship? Ken reminds us that Americans are accustomed to showing their ID for practically everything they do. Why is it not required for voting?

Can American citizens travel to Canada or Mexico and vote?

Are voter rolls horribly outdated? Has it been PROVEN that many people vote in two (or more!) states?

Ken says: “We, as Christians, cannot put our light under a bushel. We must put it on a candlestick and rush the darkness.”

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February 9, 2021

Title: A Family Crisis in America
Topic: Families Under Attack
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Has the Federal Government contributed to the breakup of the nuclear family? Today, Ken Blackwell answers this question and offers insight on how to move forward. Ken is a Senior Fellow for the Human Rights and Constitutional Governance with the Family Research Council.

Click here for more on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we have a family crisis in America today? Ken says that they (bureaucrats) “don’t give two shakes of a dog’s tail for our children or neighborhoods.”

What did Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1965 report show concerning the importance of the family?

Was he castigated for his findings and recommendations?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - A Family Crisis in America
Topic: Families Under Attack
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are children raised by both a mother and a father in the same home more prepared for life than those raised by a single parent? Ken discusses proven statistics…

How can Christians and the Church help families who need our help?

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January 18, 2021

Title: Censorship at the Highest Level
Topic: Censorship
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Question: "What is the motivation for silencing your opponents and not having an open marketplace of lawful ideas?"

Answer: The far Left can't compete with those ideas, so they want their opponents cowed, humiliated, and muted.

Ken Blackwell discusses the events of Jan 6 and how we can move forward as a nation. Ken is a Senior Fellow for the Human Rights and Constitutional Governance division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the rioters and agitators that stormed the Capitol recently speak for and represent the Conservative, Christian movement in America?

Have Christian Conservatives been marked as the enemy because we oppose the idea that the state is superior to God?

Are the Left’s powerful leaders focused on silencing and destroying their opposition? “They want to imprison the free exercise of thought of those who understand that the most fundamental right is the freedom of human conscience and that is rooted in the freedom of religion,” Ken Blackwell states.

The next two years will not be easy. What should all Christians be doing NOW to prepare for the future?

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July 17, 2020

Title: Democrats Have Failed the Black Community
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

What did the Washington Post database show regarding systemic racial discrimination in America’s police departments? The database indicates that 1,003 people were shot and killed by the police in 2019. This occurred in a country of 328 million people, in a year during which police had approximately 30 million contacts with members of the public, and made approximately 10 million arrests — 600,000 of which were for violent crimes.

What is the racial breakdown of the people who were killed by police in 2019? Of the 1,003 people killed by police last year:
 405 were white,
 250 were black,
163 were Hispanic, and
185 were recorded as other/unknown ethnicity.

Only 55 of those 1,003 individuals were unarmed — 25 white suspects, 14 black suspects, 11 Hispanic suspects, and five others.

How many people have been killed during the most recent 24-hour period (at the time of this taping)?
18 people were shot and killed in Chicago.
21 people were shot and killed in St. Louis.
Recently, (not in the same time frame) 7 people were shot and killed in a matter of 10 minutes in Brooklyn.

Where is the media outrage? Where is the outage from black community leaders?

Have every single one of these cities being discussed today been run by Democrats, in some cases for as long as 40 years?

Is there hope that black voters will wake up and understand that Democrat politicians and policies are not best for the black community?

In 2016, President Trump only received 8% of the black vote. Has this percentage actually increased over the past 20 years?

Do blacks have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting for a Republican for ANY office? Absolutely!

Is BLM really a Communist/Marxist organization, founded by self-proclaiming Communists/Marxists?

In closing, Ken states: “I think there is going to be a clear choice this November between those who believe that our human rights are gifts from God not grants from government.”

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August 8, 2019

Title: Democrats Didn’t Fix the Cities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Nobody goes to the playgrounds anymore. They're abandoned – except for the gangs. Away from Twitter and the national limelight, their stories were all the same. One after another, people admitted they were scared to raise a family in Baltimore – even though it was home.

Ken Blackwell is the former Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is currently a Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. Click here  to read more about this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Baltimore really like today?

How did LBJ’s War on Poverty exasperate the problem?

Did the jobs created by LBJ benefit small businesses or the government?

Were there more successful, intact black families in the 1950’s than there are today?

What were some of the ridiculous “incentives” that influenced the downward spiral of the successful, intact black family?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Democrats Didn’t Fix the Cities
Topic: Democrats Historically Oppressed Blacks
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does every major city in America have an area where people live in deplorable conditions? Ken Blackwell says increased safety, better education including school choice, and improving infrastructures are just a start in restoring a better quality of life.

What we need to do is create an opportunity society where people have a stake in their own upliftment,” Ken states.

Are Democrat organizations like the NAACP trying to fix the problems found in Baltimore and other areas across the country?

Have people become addicted to big government?

Can America only be saved by the grace of God?

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July 31, 2019

Title: Liberal Politics a Risky Business for CEO’s
Topic: Liberal Politics
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Do CEO’s risk profits by supporting unamerican, anti-faith/anti-family politics? Or do they fear the wrath of the LGBTQ movement even more?

Kenneth Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. You can read Mr. Blackwell’s editorial on this issue here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the latest Pew Research poll depict the public’s trust in elected officials and CEO’s is tanking?

Is the liberal activism of companies like Amazon, Google, Nike, Netflix, and others rubbing consumers the wrong way? Is their activism pushing consumers away from the products and/or services they sell?

Is American’s faith in the corporate world so low that even journalists rate higher?

Do CEO’s fear the LGBTQ community more than Christian Americans?

Is it time Pro-life/Pro-family consumers stood together and said, “Enough is Enough”?

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March 21, 2019

Title: What’s UP with Trump’s Budget?
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

One of the biggest selling points of Donald Trump’s candidacy was his business experience. Now, as head of the largest company he’s ever managed -- the federal government -- the longtime executive is trying to make America financially solvent again. But, is Trump’s budget merely symbolic?

Kenneth Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. Listen as he explains Trump’s latest budget proposal…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With his vast business experience, should President’s Trump budget proposal be taken seriously?

Is President Trump calling for five percent cuts from the current budget for nearly every agency?

Why is President Trump calling for even deeper cuts for other agencies, such as the EPA?

Is living within Congress’s means a popular thing to say -- and a not-so-popular thing to do?

Is Congress too addicted to spending and not interested in cutting? Is this true for BOTH parties?

Should President Trump veto the first spending bill of the cycle, not the last one?

You can find Kenneth’s latest article on this issue here

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January 21, 2019

Title: Socialism Explained
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Socialism is an economic disease born of envy and ignorance. Thanks to the liberal takeover of public education, most of our children are taught to be ashamed of American systems and values.

Kenneth Blackwell is the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council. Today he will be discussing his article, “The Socialist Media Generation”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Socialism?

Do Republicans or Democrats give more money to charity? HINT: It’s NOT Democrats. Listen as Kenneth Blackwell offers more detailed information.

What is the difference between Communism and Socialism?

Prior to shifting to Socialism, did Venezuela have a strong, vibrant economy?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Socialism Explained
Topic: Socialism Explained
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the policies being pushed by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez resemble the policies of the UK, Norway, and Sweden? Or do the policies practiced by the governments of Cuba and Venezuela?

Listen as Terry reveals the following startling statistics and Kenneth Blackwell responds…

One third of millennials believe President George W. Bush killed more people than Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

Over 40% of millennials have never heard of Mao Zedong and how many people he killed within five years.

40% are unfamiliar with Vladimir Lenin

30% are unfamiliar Che Guevara

Two-thirds of millennials cannot identify Auschwitz, Germany

22% have never heard of the Holocaust

What is white privilege? Kenneth calls this a “cheap, cowardly excuse”. What does he mean by that?

Is there hope for America?

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February 24, 2017

Title: Can We Save Healthcare in America?
Topic: Health of our Children
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Kenneth Blackwell is a Senior Fellow at the American Civil Rights Union and the Family Research Council. He was also a Senior Domestic Policy Adviser to the Trump transition team.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should we repeal and replace Obamacare with Trumpcare? Would a better name be Republicancare? Or should we allow states to decide and open the healthcare system back up to those who desire it?

Are business owners having a difficult time finding affordable health insurance for themselves and their employees?

Should everyone be allowed to purchase a-la-carte health insurance instead of a one-size-fits-all policy?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can We Save Healthcare in America?
Topic: Healthcare Changes
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we best to serve patients (payers) with affordable and reliable healthcare, while at the same time assuring providers with adequate payment?

Should we encourage more people to arrange health savings accounts for medical emergencies?

Is it time for statesmen to stand up and speak out for a free market healthcare system?

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July 15, 2015

Title: Politicians. Elections. Lies. And Votes.
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Will the next presidential election be won by a lie? Better Question: How many presidential elections have been won by the side that told the biggest and most lies? Kenneth Blackwell says, “Political operatives are more interested in creating a compelling narrative than they are in advancing the truth.” Mr. Blackwell continues with this thought by explaining how the left is pushing God out and lies in.

Why are politicians allowed to lie? Yes, this is an actual law! Politicians can lie to us and the public just accepts the lie as truth – even when they know it’s a lie! Kenneth Blackwell recently wrote an opinion piece for The American Civil Rights Union (The ACRU). Kenneth believes that the police-bashing by the left is conducive to chaos; they are just fueling the flames. “They are not calling for peaceful demonstrations…they are talking about inflicting physical pain on individuals!” And why not? Their lies get them more ratings and shares on social media!

But, wait! It gets better! Listen in as host Terry Lowry reads some of the crazy statements made by environmentalists in 1970 about what the state of the earth should be today! The Bible warns us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)

Kenneth Blackwell’s editorials can be found [here].

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May 8, 2015

Title: Politicians. Elections. Lies. And Votes.
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Will the next presidential election be won by a lie? Better Question: How many presidential elections have been won by the side that told the biggest and most lies? Kenneth Blackwell says, “Political operatives are more interested in creating a compelling narrative than they are in advancing the truth.” Mr. Blackwell continues with this thought by explaining how the left is pushing God out and lies in.

Why are politicians allowed to lie? Yes, this is an actual law! Politicians can lie to us and the public just accepts the lie as truth – even when they know it’s a lie! Kenneth Blackwell recently wrote an opinion piece for The American Civil Rights Union (The ACRU). Kenneth believes that the police-bashing by the left is conducive to chaos; they are just fueling the flames. “They are not calling for peaceful demonstrations…they are talking about inflicting physical pain on individuals!” And why not? Their lies get them more ratings and shares on social media!

But, wait! It gets better! Listen in as host Terry Lowry reads some of the crazy statements made by environmentalists in 1970 about what the state of the earth should be today! The Bible warns us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)

Kenneth Blackwell’s editorials can be found [here].

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December 17, 2013

Title: Republican Infighting Must Stop After the Primaries!
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Primaries are for disagreements between the various factions of any party.

Too often, two or more conservative, pro-life candidates run against one moderate, or RINO. And, too often, the moderate wins in the run-off because the various factions have not learned to put away their disagreements and work together.

But it is a two-way street. When the true conservative, pro-life candidates wins a primary, the moderates have to learn to be team players, also.

Ken Blackwell, with the FRC, says after the primaries all the bickering and feuding among Republicans must end or there will be no hope for the future.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Too many voters stay home during a run-off election if their “favorite” candidate doesn’t win in the Primary. We must all support each other – both in the voting booth and financially.

It is not too early to being looking towards 2016 – and even 2018. The Democrats are already working. We must do the same!

Log on to  to learn more.

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August 15, 2013

Title: Christ-a-phobic Behavior Exhibited by Staffers
Topic: Christ-a-phobic Behavior
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Is there a single country in the world over the past 15 years where the U.S. State Department’s religious freedom policy has helped reduce religious persecution or increase religious freedom?

What’s wrong with the staffers working at the State Department? Will they all be left behind should the trumpet sound soon?

Does the U.S. State Department hammer down Christian religious freedom around the world? Is this the exact opposite of what it is supposed to do?

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Title: Perverted View of Religious Freedom Exhibit by Staffers
Topic: Christ-a-phobic Behavior
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 2 of 2

Do State Department officials have a perverted view of the First Amendment to our U. S. Constitution?

Is Religious Freedom actually the “First Freedom” upon which all other freedoms are built?

It was God, then the Founding Fathers, then the new doctrine of Separation of Church and State. Must ‘we the people’ reclaim and secure for our children and grandchildren our God-given religious rights?

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February 15, 2013

Title: The Bloodiest Story Gets the Lead.
Topic: Media Bias
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Tragedies abound. Banks are robbed. Businesses fail. People die. Bombs explode. Gunmen attack innocent people. In short, this is life. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.

So who picks the lead story? Who decides what Americans want to know about?

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December 11, 2012

Title: Who’s Fault Is It?
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

The Conservatives up north think Southern Conservatives are too radical. Southern Conservatives think those up north are too liberal.

Each side is blaming the other for Romney’s loss. Shouldn’t we be working together? Kenneth Blackwell warns that we are falling into the trap that the left has set up for us. How can we avoid the claws?

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December 3, 2012

Title: No More Mrs. Nice Mommy or Mr. Nice Daddy
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

“Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” sounds like nice a get together, but it’s not - and Harry Reid and the Democrats are hoping you won’t notice.

Even if you do notice, they’re hoping you won’t put up a fight. But we did notice. And those of us, who have children with a disability, are not going to play nice anymore. Call your Senator today at 202-224-3121 and tell them that they better not dare try to take away your rights as a parent!

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August 14, 2012

Title: Stung By The Romney Campaign's Reaction To The Chick-fil-A Battle, What Should Social Conservatives Expect At The GOP Convention?
Topic: Romney & Chick-fil-A
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Will the Democrat support of homosexual marriage drive that remaining three percent to the Romney campaign?

If Republicans across the map stay focused on just beating Obama, can we win?

Why is "voter intensity" so important?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Romney & Chick-fil-A
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Should Romney and his politicos invite Mike Huckabee and/or Sarah Palin to speak primetime, even if it is only for five minutes?

Does anyone excite the base like Sarah Palin?

Why would it be a mistake not to invite New Gingrich?

Must EVERY faction of the Republican party unite to be victorious?

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May 21, 2009

Topic: Fairness Doctrine
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

What is the Fairness Doctrine? Will Obama and the Dems use the “fairness doctrine” to silence his opposition? Is all free speech threatened - not just on the airwaves? Guest Ken Blackwell is a Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research Council. Log on to for more information on this and other issues.

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March 25, 2008

Title: What is “Liberation Theology”?
Topic: Liberation Theology
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

Barak Obama gave an eloquent speech, but one that did not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama’s beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but Mr. Obama reminded everyone yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism.

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