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December 17, 2015

Title: Current Issues with the Texas Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill is with us today to discuss the details surrounding the upcoming Texas Republican Party Convention and other issues affecting our great state. For example, some activists want to place a resolution on the ballot which would allow Texas to ability to secede from the union. What has motivated this desire? “The Federal Government is continuing to trample on our state laws, principles, and beliefs,” Jared says. While he believes this is absolutely true, he does not necessarily believe seceding is the answer. Listen in as he expands on his opinion and what is happening within the Republican Party concerning this issue.

In addition, many Republicans wish to move the upcoming Texas Republican Party Convention from Dallas to Houston. Shortly after the voters of Houston rejected HERO, the Dallas city council unanimously voted in favor of a similar law allowing men into women’s restrooms. “We had an opportunity to embrace our principles and move the convention to Houston and we let that opportunity pass us by. In fact, there was no attempt to move the convention at all,” Jared says.

There are many other issues which deserve our immediate attention. Don’t stay silent and sit this next election out. Vote in the upcoming Republican Primary and attend your precinct meeting that evening. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. “We need people who will fight for us. That is what our Party needs,” Jared says.

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October 29, 2015

Title: The Big, Bad, Mean Bullies on the Left
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Bully: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. (from

When all else fails, use hateful, ugly, horrible words to berate, demean, and otherwise humiliate your opponent. That’s the left’s tactic, anyway. I’m sure many of us have felt letdown and completely crushed on social media after innocently commenting on a news website about something we are passionate about, specifically homosexuality. It is very difficult to have an adult conversation with many people on the left. As soon as you state your opinion, they attack.

Jared Woodfill is back today to give one final plea to Houston voters about the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance that Mayor Parker and her cronies are trying to force upon the good citizens of Houston. The radio and TV ads the Mayor and others are running are extremely deceitful and some are downright lies!

First, Jared wants to set the record straight about the fine which business owners face if they refuse to allow a man – transgender or not – into the women’s bathroom, changing facility, or locker room. It’s NOT a mere $500 as the Mayor wants you to believe; it is up to $5,000 AND for a year the Office of The Inspector General will investigate your business, you, and your employees. So you need an attorney. THEN the City of Houston can decide to file a lawsuit against you and your business, so you need yet another attorney. And on and on and on.

TThe homosexuals who are jamming their agenda down American’s throats are literally bullying every single person, celebrity, business, and even entire states who dare to stand up to them. They preach “tolerance for all”, yet they are the most intolerant of everyone else! “The reality is,” Jared says, “any time someone stands against their agenda, they will be targeted. And it will be very calculated and intentional.

We lose when we stay silent. We lose when we don’t fight back. We lose when we stay home and don’t vote. Please, if you are a registered voter, vote NO on Proposition 1 for the City of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance. And, remember, every registered voter in the state of Texas has the opportunity to vote on seven Constitutional Amendments which affect every single Texan. Go vote early through Friday, October 30, and take someone with you!!

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October 21, 2015

Title: The Democrats are Livid!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 2

Texas Democrats, especially those who reside in Houston, are livid with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick for his outspoken criticism of HERO (the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance). In fact, Patrick even made a financial contribution to those fighting the ordinance! This is very important because the eyes of the nation are focused on Houston and the outcome of the November 3 vote concerning this issue.

Jared Woodfill discusses how every issue in HERO is already protected under Federal and State law – except for the “bathroom ordinance”. This is merely the homosexual mafia’s attempt to strip the majority’s rights away for that of a few. Many people across the city are confused about the intentions of this particular section of the ordinance.

Here are the facts: A business owner who refuses to allow a man (whether or not that man is dressed as a man or a woman) into a woman’s restroom could be investigated for up to a year by the Inspector General’s Office and they could subpoena the business owner’s records. If a business owner still refuses to comply, the District Attorney could then prosecute them in municipal court.

Jared believes that the left’s goal is to silence all opposition to their cause. And he’s right! Our religious liberties are being trampled upon everywhere. That is exactly what they are attempting – but it won’t work! Not this time. Too much is at stake.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Democrats are Livid!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Executive Director for the Texas Democrat Party, Crystal Perkins, stated this: “It is repugnant that Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is spending thousands of dollars to push a hateful Tea Party agenda. There is no place for hate in Texas.” We do not hate anyone, Ms. Perkins. We simply want to protect our women and children to the best of our ability. This includes defeating HERO and every other LGBT piece of Legislation that is presented to us.

But what about their backers? Where does their money come from? Jared reveals how people and organizations all across the country are sending big bucks to help HERO pass in Houston. A LGBT billionaire from New York contributed $100,000. A group from WDC sent over $200,000. A political organization in Colorado gave $100,000. In fact, less than twenty percent of the funds raised for the HERO campaign has come from Texas!

You can go to any issue that we’re passionate about,” Jared says. “If you believe that life is sacred from conception to death, you’re anti-woman. If you believe in securing the border, you’re a racist. If you believe marriage is between a man and a woman, you’re homophobic.” Throughout the history of our country, Democrats have repeatedly attempted to suppress minorities and growth in this county. It has been the Republicans who show compassion and acceptance to others.

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October 19, 2015

Title: The Democrats are Livid!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 2

Texas Democrats, especially those who reside in Houston, are livid with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick for his outspoken criticism of HERO (the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance). In fact, Patrick even made a financial contribution to those fighting the ordinance! This is very important because the eyes of the nation are focused on Houston and the outcome of the November 3 vote concerning this issue.

Jared Woodfill discusses how every issue in HERO is already protected under Federal and State law – except for the “bathroom ordinance”. This is merely the homosexual mafia’s attempt to strip the majority’s rights away for that of a few. Many people across the city are confused about the intentions of this particular section of the ordinance.

Here are the facts: A business owner who refuses to allow a man (whether or not that man is dressed as a man or a woman) into a woman’s restroom could be investigated for up to a year by the Inspector General’s Office and they could subpoena the business owner’s records. If a business owner still refuses to comply, the District Attorney could then prosecute them in municipal court.

Jared believes that the left’s goal is to silence all opposition to their cause. And he’s right! Our religious liberties are being trampled upon everywhere. That is exactly what they are attempting – but it won’t work! Not this time. Too much is at stake.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Democrats are Livid!
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Executive Director for the Texas Democrat Party, Crystal Perkins, stated this: “It is repugnant that Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is spending thousands of dollars to push a hateful Tea Party agenda. There is no place for hate in Texas.” We do not hate anyone, Ms. Perkins. We simply want to protect our women and children to the best of our ability. This includes defeating HERO and every other LGBT piece of Legislation that is presented to us.

But what about their backers? Where does their money come from? Jared reveals how people and organizations all across the country are sending big bucks to help HERO pass in Houston. A LGBT billionaire from New York contributed $100,000. A group from WDC sent over $200,000. A political organization in Colorado gave $100,000. In fact, less than twenty percent of the funds raised for the HERO campaign has come from Texas!

You can go to any issue that we’re passionate about,” Jared says. “If you believe that life is sacred from conception to death, you’re anti-woman. If you believe in securing the border, you’re a racist. If you believe marriage is between a man and a woman, you’re homophobic.” Throughout the history of our country, Democrats have repeatedly attempted to suppress minorities and growth in this county. It has been the Republicans who show compassion and acceptance to others.

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October 14, 2015

Title: Homosexual Mafia Attacks on the Messenger
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The left cries and whines and belly-aches because “we” aren’t tolerant of them and their wishes. In reality, it’s “them” who are not tolerant of us! Mayor Annise Parker has stated that it is her “personal agenda” to pass HERO (The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance) before she must leave office this year. Mayor Parker recently attacked Houston Astros legend Lance Berkman and his family during a Twitter temper-tantrum tirade concerning his outspoken opinion on the issue, which would give boys in middle and high school and men who want to cause trouble the opportunity to play Peeping Tom.

Jared Woodfill, the former Harris County Republican Party Chairman, is another outspoken activist fighting Mayor Parker and her homosexual mafia friends. Jared discusses how Mayor Parker personally attacks anyone who dares to stand in the way of HERO. She has attacked pastors who have publicly spoken out against men in women’s bathrooms. She has attacked Jared and other political activists working against her. And now she is attacking Lance Berkman, his wife, and his daughters.

Jared believes that Mayor Parker’s attacks on Lance are purposeful and intentional. “We can have a debate about this all day long,” Jared says. “But when you go after someone personally, as she did Lance, that’s just crossing the line….There is something wrong when we as a society cannot say that it is wrong for men to go into female restrooms.”

If you are tired of Mayor Parker’s constant attacks on Christianity and anyone who disagrees with her, then do something about it! “The eyes of the nation are on Houston,” Jared says. Even if you don’t live within the Houston City Limits, I venture to guess you know at least one person who does. Encourage them to vote NO on HERO Proposition 1 on the Houston ballot.

Remember: Everyone in the state of Texas will be voting on Constitutional Amendments on November 3. Don’t sit this one out just because we aren’t voting for a new President! These Constitutional Amendments affect everyone in the State of Texas.

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September 24, 2015

Title: The Truth About the HERO Law
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Other cities around the state of Texas have adopted ordinances similar to Proposition 1 in Houston, otherwise known as HERO. The ordinances in Ft. Worth, Plano, and San Antonio, however, NEVER authorized men to use the women’s restroom, dressing room, or locker room. In fact, these cities make it unlawful! So what’s the big fuss over the Houston ordinance?

Former Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, says, “If a private business owner refuses to allow a biological male to enter a female restroom, that owner will be prosecuted by the City of Houston to the fullest extent of the law.” Just like they did with the cake baker, photographer, and wedding venue holder, the LGBTQ crowd will go from business to business searching for that one owner who refuses to follow the ordinance, pouncing with claws open. They will tear that owner to pieces, bankrupting and ruining them so the next business owner stays silent.

The ultimate goal is to criminalize your faith,” Jared believes. Too many people have stayed silent, but we can’t anymore. “The eyes of the nation are on Houston right now; they are watching us,” Jared continues. “We need to be ready for the battle.”

Listen as the exact wording from Proposition 1 is read. It is not only confusing, but deceitful! Many people are being duped into believing this ordinance is all about protection against racial discrimination, ethnicity, and sex. They believe it just protects nursing moms, the disabled, and veterans. These are all rights already protected by current laws! There are over 20 pages to Proposition 1. What average citizen is going to read that? There is only one tiny section which addresses the transgender issue. And that, my friends, is the problem.

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July 28, 2015

Title: What’s Next on the LGBT Agenda?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The American Psychiatric Association has recently labeled “pedophilia” as a sexual orientation. This is sickening. Absolutely sickening. No gene expert or scientist or therapist or doctor has ever proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that there is a “gay gene”. No one is born gay. Period. Why can’t the LGBT crowd just accept that?

Jared Woodfill is the former Harris County Republican Party Chairman. He has been a vocal advocate for pastors and all Christians concerning the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) that caused such an uproar last year. If you don’t recall, the HERO law allowed any person who identified as a transsexual to use whichever restroom, locker room, changing room, etc. they wanted to within the Houston City Limits. In other words, if a man wakes up one day and decides to dress as a female, he could be standing next to your wife or daughter in the bathroom or gym locker room. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the HERO law must either be repealed completely or allow the voters to decide in November 2016. As of right now, the ordinance is suspended and is no longer allowed to be recognized in Houston. This is a huge victory against the homosexual agenda. NOTE: There are several others cities in Texas that have a similar ordinance. Do not let the bullies win.

Jared was one of the attorneys on the HERO case. He is here today to discuss the details of the case and what comes next. He says, “What happens in Houston will impact the entire nation…People of faith need to continue to stand up and speak up and refuse to shut up. When we stay silent, we lose.”

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July 2, 2015

Title: SCOTUS has Opinions. It Doesn’t Make Laws.
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Tom DeLay
with Conservative Activist

Congressman Tom “The Hammer” DeLay is on the show today to discuss the recent “rulings” by the Supreme Court of the United States. I say “rulings” because that is what they are – mere opinions, not set-in-stone law like the left is screaming. Wait a minute – that’s not right, is it? What is the purpose of SCOTUS? I thought what they say is the law of the land! Nope!

Marriage and the right to marry is not even in the Constitution, therefore SCOTUS should not have even heard the case to begin with! DeLay says, “We’re in a Constitutional crisis. Our President doesn’t believe in the Constitution. Our Supreme Court Justices are out of control. Our Congress has no backbone; they don’t even understand the Constitution!” He goes on to further explain how Article III, Section II of the Constitution does not give the Supreme Court the authority to make laws. They offer opinions, which individual states then have the discretion to enforce or not.

As for Ken Paxton and his lack of a backbone against SCOTUS…Tom DeLay says Paxton should have told the county clerks not to issue same-sex marriage licenses – period. Instead, he told them “if it violates their religious beliefs, they don’t have to.” There is a big difference, Mr. Paxton. A big difference, indeed.

So, what’s next? What should voters do in 2016? First, Tom DeLay believes that every candidate should be asked how they will uphold the Constitution. They must all have a clear and unquestionable knowledge about the Constitution. Secondly, Congress must step up and stop President Obama from signing this “opinion” into law. They can stop it – and they must.

You can hear excerpts from Tom’s interview with Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly here.

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July 1, 2015

Title: SCOTUS has Opinions. It Doesn’t Make Laws.
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Tom DeLay
with Conservative Activist

Congressman Tom “The Hammer” DeLay is on the show today to discuss the recent “rulings” by the Supreme Court of the United States. I say “rulings” because that is what they are – mere opinions, not set-in-stone law like the left is screaming. Wait a minute – that’s not right, is it? What is the purpose of SCOTUS? I thought what they say is the law of the land! Nope!

Marriage and the right to marry is not even in the Constitution, therefore SCOTUS should not have even heard the case to begin with! DeLay says, “We’re in a Constitutional crisis. Our President doesn’t believe in the Constitution. Our Supreme Court Justices are out of control. Our Congress has no backbone; they don’t even understand the Constitution!” He goes on to further explain how Article III, Section II of the Constitution does not give the Supreme Court the authority to make laws. They offer opinions, which individual states then have the discretion to enforce or not.

As for Ken Paxton and his lack of a backbone against SCOTUS…Tom DeLay says Paxton should have told the county clerks not to issue same-sex marriage licenses – period. Instead, he told them “if it violates their religious beliefs, they don’t have to.” There is a big difference, Mr. Paxton. A big difference, indeed.

So, what’s next? What should voters do in 2016? First, Tom DeLay believes that every candidate should be asked how they will uphold the Constitution. They must all have a clear and unquestionable knowledge about the Constitution. Secondly, Congress must step up and stop President Obama from signing this “opinion” into law. They can stop it – and they must.

You can hear excerpts from Tom’s interview with Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly here.

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June 16, 2015

Title: The Debate Concerning Traditional Marriage is Far from Over
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Gay Mafia has invaded our churches and even convinced some denominations to celebrate their lifestyle. The Gay Mafia has converted school boards across the country to allow their perversion in the classroom. The Gay Mafia has completely taken control of the MSM and most broadcast television.

Jared Woodfill, former Harris County Republican Party Chairman, says, “The battle far from over. In fact, the battle has just begun.” Several years ago, Texans voted with overwhelming support in support of traditional marriage. However, this past Legislative Session the Democrats chubbed (or filibustered) and stopped the Republicans from passing any additional laws confirming traditional marriage in Texas.

Listen in as Jared Woodfill discusses the horrific consequences businesses in Canada are experiencing if they do not endorse and condone homosexual marriage. It’s coming to America, folks! You have been blinded by the lies of the devil if you don’t think it’ll come here, too! Jared also cites the recent fight against Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s equality law as a perfect example of the discrimination Christians are feeling. It will only get worse if SCOTUS confirms homosexual marriage.

Our elected officials will be getting a big shock in 2016 if they do not act quickly in a Special Session, should Governor Abbott call for one. They cannot continue making campaign promises to uphold traditional, Christian moral values and then flub out when it comes down to the wire. Jared says, “They don’t have the will to actually put the muscle behind the resolution.” They are all talk and no action.

Please call Governor Greg Abbott at 512.463.2000 You can also send Governor Abbott an email by clicking [here].

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June 9, 2015

Title: The Debate Concerning Traditional Marriage is Far from Over
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Gay Mafia has invaded our churches and even convinced some denominations to celebrate their lifestyle. The Gay Mafia has converted school boards across the country to allow their perversion in the classroom. The Gay Mafia has completely taken control of the MSM and most broadcast television.

Jared Woodfill, former Harris County Republican Party Chairman, says, “The battle far from over. In fact, the battle has just begun.” Several years ago, Texans voted with overwhelming support in support of traditional marriage. However, this past Legislative Session the Democrats chubbed (or filibustered) and stopped the Republicans from passing any additional laws confirming traditional marriage in Texas.

Listen in as Jared Woodfill discusses the horrific consequences businesses in Canada are experiencing if they do not endorse and condone homosexual marriage. It’s coming to America, folks! You have been blinded by the lies of the devil if you don’t think it’ll come here, too! Jared also cites the recent fight against Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s equality law as a perfect example of the discrimination Christians are feeling. It will only get worse if SCOTUS confirms homosexual marriage.

Our elected officials will be getting a big shock in 2016 if they do not act quickly in a Special Session, should Governor Abbott call for one. They cannot continue making campaign promises to uphold traditional, Christian moral values and then flub out when it comes down to the wire. Jared says, “They don’t have the will to actually put the muscle behind the resolution.” They are all talk and no action.

Please call Governor Greg Abbott at 512.463.2000 You can also send Governor Abbott an email by clicking [here].

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April 17, 2015

Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The homosexuals want to legitimize their perverted lifestyle. They want to teach our children that being a homosexual is the preferred way of life. Back in the 60’s, the Church was silent during the sexual revolution. Now, we are here – allowing homosexuals to marry, have kids (both artificially and through adoption), and teach children in public school about sex as young as five years old.

On Tuesday, April 29, 2015, the nine Supreme Court Justices will hear oral arguments for and against same-sex marriage. Jared Woodfill, former Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, explains how the court process works. What happens if a Justice votes one way and then flip-flops at the last minute?

If SCOTUS votes to legalize gay marriage across America, do we stop praying? Do we stop fighting? Do we tuck tail and whimper away? Jared says, “NO! The Lord can still change the hearts and minds of those who might be on the wrong side of this issue. Definitely keep praying.”

Jared also discusses how important it is for people to send letters and emails to the Texas Supreme Court Justices, urging a vote on this issue before April 28. If the homosexuals win Texas, they win the country. We cannot allow them to win in Texas. It cannot happen. There will be no going back.

Back in 2013, a Judge Kennedy ruled that homosexual marriage is a “state issue”, not a federal issue. What has changed in the last two years? Listen in as Jared explains the case that SCOTUS is debating and why he believes it has taken over four years to make a decision.

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April 16, 2015

Title: Don't Stop Fighting
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The homosexuals want to legitimize their perverted lifestyle. They want to teach our children that being a homosexual is the preferred way of life. Back in the 60’s, the Church was silent during the sexual revolution. Now, we are here – allowing homosexuals to marry, have kids (both artificially and through adoption), and teach children in public school about sex as young as five years old.

On Tuesday, April 29, 2015, the nine Supreme Court Justices will hear oral arguments for and against same-sex marriage. Jared Woodfill, former Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, explains how the court process works. What happens if a Justice votes one way and then flip-flops at the last minute?

If SCOTUS votes to legalize gay marriage across America, do we stop praying? Do we stop fighting? Do we tuck tail and whimper away? Jared says, “NO! The Lord can still change the hearts and minds of those who might be on the wrong side of this issue. Definitely keep praying.”

Jared also discusses how important it is for people to send letters and emails to the Texas Supreme Court Justices, urging a vote on this issue before April 28. If the homosexuals win Texas, they win the country. We cannot allow them to win in Texas. It cannot happen. There will be no going back.

Back in 2013, a Judge Kennedy ruled that homosexual marriage is a “state issue”, not a federal issue. What has changed in the last two years? Listen in as Jared explains the case that SCOTUS is debating and why he believes it has taken over four years to make a decision.

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October 7, 2014

Title: The Big Engine Blew a Gasket
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Northeast, once the nation’s political engine that produced presidents, House speakers, and Senate giants including the late Edward M. Kennedy, is losing clout. The Census Bureau reports that population growth has shifted to the South. As a result, the eleven states that make up the Northeast are being bled dry of representation in Washington.

Jared Woodfill discusses why he thinks people in the Northeast are moving to Southern states, like Texas, and what the means for the future of our country. Jared says we must continue with the Republican way of thinking, however, that limited government is best for our state or else we could wind up broke like others.

Liberals from the Northeast who move to Texas looking for a better job and a more prosperous future must realize that the reason we are better is because we do not allow our elected officials to take advantage of us. Northern states are failing because their elected officials are taxing businesses to death, raising prices for everything from gas to milk to electricity, and paying outrageous pension rates funded by taxpayers. We cannot allow the Northerners to ruin Texas, too.

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May 5, 2014

Title: Peeping Tom Ordinance
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Houston Mayor Annise Parker is pushing the homosexual agenda on us once more.

What is the proposed ordinance? Who will be affected? What will it mean for you and your children?

Listen in as Jared Woodfill explains.

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February 7, 2014

Title: Will Texas Turn Blue in 2014?
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 4

There is a growing movement to remove the social planks from the Republican Party platform. We MUST keep Conservative, social principles alive in the Republican Party. If we do not, we will lose.

Large counties throughout Texas have slowly been turning blue over the past few elections. Jared Woodfill, the HCRP Chairman, discusses why he thinks this trend is happening and what must be done to keep other counties, secifically Harris County, from doing the same.

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Title: Log Cabins Push Gay Agenda. Is That What You Want?
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 2 of 4

The Houston Log Cabin Republicans has one purpose: to implement the gay agenda within the Republican Party. They have raised a significant amount of money in Harris County to recruit gay precinct chairs and to register voters in the gay community on the Republican ticket.

Jared is concerned. He has been to nearly 50 Republican Party meetings over the past year and is not aware of any unified effort by any group to actively seek and recruit Conservative, Christian voters or precinct chairs who agree with the social issues facing our society today. There are several individuals who have been working very hard, but not in large masses.

Listen in as Jared explains his apprehension.

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Title: Volunteers vs 2,500 Paid Workers. Who Wins?
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 3 of 4

The Democrats have 2,500 paid workers who are actively registering voters and recruiting precinct chairs in Texas. If Texas turns blue, the country is doomed. We might not ever return to the traditional values that once held our country together.

What can be done? Jared Woodfill has some ideas

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Title: What Does Advertising Cost?
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 4 of 4

Call the Houston Chronicle or the Dallas Morning News or the Austin American-Statesman and ask what the going rate is for an advertisement. The LINK Letter is a for-profit newspaper, just like these newspapers are. Many people accuse “pay-to-play” newspapers such as the LINK Letter of selling endorsements.

Ask Jared Woodfill his opinion of the LINK Letter. He has been working in the Republican Party for a long time. He has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows who the good guys are and who the not-so-good-guys are. Should Harris County Republican voters elect leaders who favor killing babies and teaching your children to embrace the gay lifestyle.?

Learn more about Jared and his bid for reelection at

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January 7, 2014

Title: A Historical Election in March
Topic: Vote Ten Times
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

This March in the Primary, the entire top of the Republican Slate has the possibility of complete turnover.

Jared Woodfill, the Harris County Republican Party Chairman encourages everyone to make sure you are registered
to vote and then take ten of your friends to vote on March 4th.

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December 6, 2013

Title: Where do Christians Force their Morality on Others?
Topic: Christian Discrimination
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 3

By now, we all know that Obamacare is a train wreck. The law is bad. The website is worse. Doctors are mad. Employers are furious. And employees are the hardest hit of all.

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, discusses Obamacare and what Christians are being forced to pay for under the law, and why it is just plain discrimination against Christians.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Discrimination
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Many businesses have signs posted which state: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”.

But when an owner refuses services to a gay couple, they are sued in public court and their name is smeared in the media.

Should Christians be allowed to refuse service to someone whom they disagree with?

Jared discusses his opinion.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Discrimination
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Houston Mayor, Annise Parker, is gay. She recently announced that the City of Houston will now be offering its city employees same-sex benefits.

This is just another slap in the face of Christians, who are once again being forced to pay for something they completely disagree with.

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September 20, 2013

Title: Non-Discriminative Ordnances
Topic: Non-Discriminative Ordnances
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Why should we allow trans-gender-confused to use different public bathrooms based upon how the feel that day?

Has there been a history of discrimination against the trans-gender-confused in Texas?

Christians, it is time to stand up and shout out “This Is Wrong!”

Please listen in.

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August 12, 2013

Title: Houston Mayor Annise Parker Demands More Languages
Topic: Multiple Languages Instead of More Police
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 2

Be prepared to answer questions in six different languages as now dictated by Houston Mayor Annise Parker.

Houston does not have enough money for police and fireman pensions but lesbian Mayor Annise Parker signed an executive order requiring departments to hire employees able to answer questions in six different languages.

Language Access Coordinators will oversee the development of this edict ordered by Dictatorial Mayor Parker. Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Multiple Languages Instead of More Police
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

There is not enough money for pensions, but Parker signs an executive order dictating more languages to be spoken by City Employees.

Move to France, Germany, Mexico or Quebec and demand that their government employees speak English so they can answer your questions. Will they just laugh at you, or hold up their arm and say, “Speak to the Hand”?

Where did the Mayor acquire the power to sign “Executive Orders”? Listen in.

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August 5, 2013

Title: Some Blame Woodfill for Republican Loses in Harris County
Topic: What Went Wrong: The Inside Story of the 2012 GOP Debacle
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 1 of 2

Obama now espouses a new spin: The Republicans are talking about Phony Scandals.

Republican State Representative Sara Davis scolds Republicans for supporting Pro-Life legislation.

What are you doing to save one more baby? Too many Christians simply go to church, listen as the preacher preaches, and then they go just go h.o.m.e. What about you? Listen in.

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Title: I do not support every plank of the Texas Republican Platform
Topic: RINO
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Part 2 of 2

What makes a Republican a R.I.N.O? What makes someone a Republican In Name Only?

Is it a ‘litmus test’ for a Republican candidate to support life from the moment of conception to natural death? Is it a ‘litmus test’ that a Republican candidate to support marriage between one natural man and one natural woman?

What are you doing to save one more baby? What are you doing to promote the conservative, Pro-Life/Pro-Family ideology? Too many Christians simply go to church, listen as the preacher preaches, and then they go just go h.o.m.e. What about you? Listen in.

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May 30, 2013

Title: Gay Rights and the GOP
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Are we losing votes because the GOP is not inclusive enough? Can the GOP embrace gay members without changing its platform? Jared Woodfill, chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, discusses the political process.

Remember: It’s one thing to run for office and win the majority vote. It is quite another thing to seek an appointed position.

What criteria should those who are making the appointment use? I, as a member of the Vacancy Committee, compared a recent applicant’s activism up against the Republican Party Platform and voted to reject his application. Therefore, some say I am antisocial and exhibit ignorant behavior. Use the contact link and send us your comments. 

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March 6, 2013

Title: The Big Bad Hand of the RNC
Topic: Political Threats
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, the Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, is back with an update on the bill presented by Senator Dan Patrick which addresses the need for Texas to move its primary election date to February.

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February 28, 2013

Title: Senator Patrick Wants to Move the Primary Election Date in Texas
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

In case you didn’t know, Texas is BIG. Big hats. Big buildings. Big trucks. Big football. Big baseball. Just kidding about that last one.

But when it comes to one of the most important aspects of Texas - politics - we are nearly last in line. Senator Dan Patrick and HC Republican Party Chairman Jared Woodfill, along with many other prominent leaders - including Democrats! - want that to change.

Listen in as Jared explains what YOU can do to help Texas become first!

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July 14, 2011

Title: The Continuing Saga of the Red Light Cameras: On then Off…then On Again!
Topic: Red Light Cameras
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Attorney Jared Woodfill explains how the Texas legislature allowed cities to install Red Light Cameras. He further explains how owners of the Red Light Cameras took the City of Houston to Court and won a favorable ruling overturning the vote (the voice) of the people.

But will the ruling of the Federal District Court Judge stand or will it be overruled by the Appellate Court?

Until then, approach intersections cautiously.

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June 1, 2011

Title: Our First Amendment Right Recently Protected By our Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury
Topic: Seventh Amendment Protects Our First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

To pray to Allah in public is OK. To pray to other g-o-d-s in public, likewise, is OK. But to pray in the name of Jesus, well, that’s a different story. The Director of the Houston National Cemetery told Christian Pastor not to pray in the name of Jesus. When contacted, the VA refused to rescind the decision. A Federal Judge, though, issued a TRO lifting the ban, only after a lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Christian Pastor. It took invoking our Seventh Amendment Right to a trial by jury to assure our First Amendment Right! Find more information on this and other topics at

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December 6, 2010

Title: Wish List For Upcoming Legislative Session. Do You Agree
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Texas Legislative Issues
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Should the upcoming Texas Legislature pass new laws covering:
1. Voter Photo ID
2. Balance the Texas budget with NO NEW TAXES
3. Enact a “Sonogram Bill
4. Eliminate the blocking “Manure Bill
5. Enact a redistricting plan favoring conservatives

Use our contact link to send us your comments. Jared can be found at

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March 30, 2010

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Don’t miss your opportunity to hear Karl Rove LIVE in H-Town on Thursday April 1. Log on to for all the details.

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March 25, 2010

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Don’t miss your opportunity to hear Karl Rove LIVE in H-Town on Thursday April 1. Log on to for all the details.

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February 26, 2010

Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, current Harris County Republican Party Chairman, urges everyone to get out the vote! Election Day is Tuesday, March 2. Don’t’ vote alone! Take people with you! Learn more about Jared at

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Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, current Harris County Republican Party Chairman, urges everyone to get out the vote! Election Day is Tuesday, March 2. Don’t’ vote alone! Take people with you! Learn more about Jared at

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February 18, 2010

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

How many people will you commit to take with you to vote? One? Tow? Ten? Are you even going to vote? If you would like more information on the candidates, use the “CONTACT” link at the top of the Home Page. Log on to for more on Jared Woodfill and his tenure with the Harris County Republican Party.

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February 17, 2010

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

How many people will you commit to take with you to vote? One? Tow? Ten? Are you even going to vote? If you would like more information on the candidates, use the “CONTACT” link at the top of the Home Page. Log on to for more on Jared Woodfill and his tenure with the Harris County Republican Party.

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February 3, 2010

Title: MEET JARED WOODFILL Part 1 of 3
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill is the current Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party. What has he done for the party since being elected in 2002? Log on to for more details.

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Title: MEET JARED WOODFILL Part 2 of 3
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill has utilized the growing popularity of Facebook, as well as video-blogging and other technologies, to further enhance the Republican Party in Harris County. Become a fan today! Log on to FB and search for “Harris County Republican Party”. For more information on Jared Woodfill and his campaign for re-election, log on to

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Title: MEET JARED WOODFILL Part 3 of 3
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Nothing is more valuable to a candidate than volunteers. If you believe in Jared Woodfill and want to help him continue to expand the Republican Party in Harris County, please consider volunteering or contributing financially to his campaign at

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November 19, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill and the Republican Party are hosting another Health Care Town Hall Meeting tonight, November 19 at 6 PM at the Houston Community College Auditorium on the West Loop Campus at 5601 West Loop South in Houston. For more, log on to

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November 18, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill and the Republican Party are hosting another Health Care Town Hall Meeting on Thursday night November 19 at 6 PM at the Houston Community College Auditorium on the West Loop Campus at 5601 West Loop South in Houston.

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November 6, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, is back to stress once again the importance of voting. Don’t just talk about the problems in the economy, high taxes, and education - do something about it!

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Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Log on to to learn how you can become an active participant in making a difference in Harris County, Texas, and America.

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October 20, 2009

Topic: Elections
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Early voting has already begun for the November 3 Joint Election. Log on to for early voting times, dates, and locations.

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October 9, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Show your support for Harris County Judges and Candidates by attending the Judicial Petition Signing Party this Wednesday, October 14 from 6-9 pm at the Westin Galleria Hotel at 5060 West Alabama. To register and for more info, log on to

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September 28, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Back by popular demand, there will be another Town Hall Meeting TONIGHT in Pasadena at Faith Assembly of God at 3940 Vista 77504 beginning at 6:30 pm. The focus of this THM will be Obama Care and what it will mean to your family. Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Everyone knows that the Republicans took a beating last November - not only in HC but the Nation as a whole. But, let’s focus on us right now. What needs to be done to insure that Republicans don’t get pushed further down the ladder in 2010? HC Republican Chairman Jared Woodfill shares his ideas on how we can be victorious once again!

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September 18, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the HC Rep Party, gives an update on recent Town Hall Meetings and what HC is doing to insure Obama Care is not passed.

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September 14, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Harris County Republican Party is hosting another Town Hall meeting on Monday, September 14 at 6:30 PM at Copperfield Church 8350 Highway 6 N in Houston 77095. Log on to for information.

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September 11, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Harris County Republican Party is hosting another Town Hall meeting on Monday, September 14 at 6:30 PM at Copperfield Church 8350 Highway 6 N in Houston 77095. Log on to for information.

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May 20, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

How can you and I affect the Harris County Republican Party? Does it really make a difference? Yes it does! Log on to to see how you can help!

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April 20, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Now is the time to become educated on the ins and outs of the Harris County Republican Party. Don’t wait until right before election time. Join the Harris County Republican Party on Saturday, April 25 as The Leadership Institute (from Arlington, VA) presents a Grassroots Candidate Training School. Log on to for more.

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March 26, 2009

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Now is the time to become educated on the ins and outs of the Harris County Republican Party. Don’t wait until right before election time. Join the Harris County Republican Party on Saturday, April 25 as The Leadership Institute (from Arlington, VA) presents a Grassroots Candidate Training School. Log on to for more.

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March 11, 2009

Topic: Why I Am a Conservative
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Are you an activist and volunteer for causes you believe in? Click on the “Contact” link above and email me why! Guest Jared Woodfill is the Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party. For more information about how you can become in involved in spreading the Conservative movement, log onto

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January 28, 2009

Title: CONTRACT WITH TEXAS Part 1 of 2
Topic: Contract With Texas
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, discusses the “Contract With Texas” and its importance. Log onto for more information.

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Title: CONTRACT WITH TEXAS Part 2 of 2
Topic: Contract With Texas
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, discusses the “Contract With Texas” and its importance. Log onto for more information.

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January 27, 2009

Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, has started a great video log on the web to help keep us in the loop on issues. Log onto to see this month’s video and stay informed.

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January 16, 2009

Topic: Blocker Bill
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Guest Jared Woodfill, Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, praises the listeners of the What’s UP Radio Program and other Conservative Radio Talk Shows for their phone calls and emails to their State Senators on the Blocker Bill. You made a difference! Log onto for more.

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January 13, 2009

Topic: Building the Conservative Movement
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, urges all Republican to stay active, especially now that the left has taken over so many races. The Democrats need to know that we will not sit down for the next few years and let them run Texas and the US into the dirt. Log onto for information on how you can become involved.

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Topic: Building the Conservative Movement
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, urges all Republican to stay active, especially now that the left has taken over so many races. The Democrats need to know that we will not sit down for the next few years and let them run Texas and the US into the dirt. Log onto for information on how you can become involved.

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January 12, 2009

Topic: Blocker Bill
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

We must say NO to the Blocker Bill! Make your calls today to your Texas State Senator! Log onto for more information on how to contact your Texas State Senator.

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December 31, 2008

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, discusses the recent General Election results and the future of the GOP in Harris County.

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December 15, 2008

Topic: Harris County Republican Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

The Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, discusses the recent General Election results and the future of the GOP in Harris County.

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April 5, 2006

Topic: Election Process
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Four individuals will be selecting the replacement for Tom DeLay. Who are these four individuals? Who are the replacement choices? Will it be Robert Eckels, Paul Bettencourt, Robert Talton, Sheila Sekula Gibbs, Michael Berry, Charlie Howard, or someone else? Harris County Republican Party Chairman, Jared Woodfill, details the particulars.

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February 27, 2006

Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Who is Jared Woodfill?

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January 4, 2006

Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

In the November General Election, will Strayhorn win? Also, Terry Lowry, host of the What's UP Radio Program, discusses his future in politics!

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August 30, 2005

Title: Patriot Day 2005
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Is Perry the man? Will Tom Delay be defeated? And an invitation to the Patriot Day 2005.

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August 25, 2005

Title: Patriot Day 2005 Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Is Perry the man? Will Tom Delay be defeated? And an invitaton to the Patriot Day 2005.

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Title: Jared Woodfill exposed
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Who is Jared Woodfill?

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February 3, 2005

Title: Congressman Tom DeLay comments on the President's State of the Union Speech.
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by Tom DeLay
with Conservative Activist

Congressman Tom DeLay comments on the President's State of the Union Speech.

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